Grandmaster Tr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Grandmaster Tr


What is the Do in Taekwon-Do? What are the benefits of teaching the Do? ... Politeness. Kindness. Honesty. Positive attitude. Commitment. Benefits. Benefits. Benefits ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Grandmaster Tr

Learning and Teaching the Do
  • What is the Do in Taekwon-Do?
  • What are the benefits of teaching the Do?
  • A program for teaching the Do
  • Grandmaster Trân Triêu Quân
  • PresidentInternational Taekwon-Do Federation

revised January 2009
Learning and Teaching the Do
1. Why practice the Do?
2. The Circle of Taekwon-Do Activities
3. What is the Do?
4. Developing the Program History Process
5. Taekwon-Do Values the Tenets 6. Why Teach the Do?
Learning and Teaching the Do
CONTENTS (cont'd)
7. Benefits of Teaching the Do 8. Teaching the
Do 9. The Program to Teach the Do Concept 1 A
Happy Life Concept 2 Using a Project Management
Approach The Tree Conclusion
  • Why practice the Do?

Why practice the Do?
Three Main Goals
The three main goals of practicing Taekwon-Do are
1. improve physical fitness and mental health
through training Taekwon-Do as a sport 2.
develop self-defense abilities Taekwon-Do as
a martial art 3. live according to basic
universal values Taekwon-Do as a way of life
ITF Taekwon-Do can help us to livea healthier,
safer, and more principled life.
  • The Circle of Taekwon-Do Activities

The Circle of Taekwon-Do Activities
The Circle
The Circle of Taekwon-Do Activities
The Circle
The Circle of Taekwon-Do Activities illustrates
the full scope of ITF Taekwon-Do teaching. The Do
is the heart of the circle because it affects
every aspect of ITF Taekwon-Do. Taekwon-Do is a
way of life. Therefore, we should apply the Do
not only in the dojang but in every aspect of our
  • What is the Do?

What is the Do?
Origin Meaning of the Word
Chinese character for Dao
Korean character for Do
What is the Do?
How "Tae Kwon Do" evolved into "Taekwon-Do"
Tae Kwon Do General Choi explained that his
newly-designed martial art was not well known at
the beginning (1955). To ensure the correct
pronunciation of the name, he wrote it as three
separate words "Tae", "Kwon", and
"Do". Taekwon-Do With the publication of his
first book in English, titled simply
"Taekwon-Do", he changed the spelling to
"Taekwon-Do." General Choi explained that the
change was designed to highlight the need for
balance between the physical training (the tae
and the kwon) and the mental training (the do).
What is the Do?
The Philosophy of the Martial Arts
The fundamental purpose of the Martial Arts is to
produce good citizens who have
  • good basic values,
  • a strong mind and a strong body,
  • and most importantly,
  • who are productive members of society.

What is the Do?
The Philosophy of Taekwon-Do
In order to become a productive member of
society, one must
  • be at peace with himself or herself,
  • feel good in one's own skin.

To reach this state one must learn about the Do
and apply it in our lives.
When we are happy, we are able to reach out and
help others.
What is the Do?
The Philosophy of Taekwon-Do
General Choi summed up the Taekwon-Do philosophy
in the last sentences of the Student Oath
  • I shall be a champion of justice and freedom,
  • I shall build a better and peaceful world.

It is only by cultivating values like peace,
freedom, and justice that we can fulfill Our
Founder's wish that all his students become
productive citizens.
What is the Do?
The Philosophy of Taekwon-Do
For all ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners, the
ultimate goal is to contribute actively to
building a better world with peace, freedom, and
Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
  • Confucius
  • Lao Tzu
  • The Buddha
  • The Dalai Lama (modern Buddhism)

Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
A Chinese philosopher, born 551 BC.
        TO LEAD Work with wisdom and devotion to bring peace to the world 4
      TO DO TO DO Use your know-how and hard work to bring order to the society you live in 3
    TO BEHAVE TO BEHAVE TO BEHAVE Develop a harmonious family life through application of moral culture 2
start here ? TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE Know yourself and improve yourself by self-evaluation and continuous education ( training) 1

Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
Lao Tzu
A Chinese philosopher, said to be a contemporary
of Confucius.
  • Lao Tzu emphasized
  • respect for the natural world,
  • the balance of ying and yang.
  • We need to
  • work to protect the environment,
  • achieve balance in our lives.

Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
The Buddha
Siddhartha Gautama, born in 563 BC.founder of
Buddhism revered as the first Buddha.
  • The Buddha taught
  • We must show respect for all living things.
  • Problems are often caused by egotism.
  • Humans are never satisfied.
  • Unquenchable desire lack of self-control
    ignorance suffering.

Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
The Buddha
  • To stop the suffering, we must learn to
  • abandon the ego,
  • practise self-control,
  • recognize universal values,
  • develop our knowledge and judgement.

Influences on the Taekwon-Do Philosophy
What is the Do?
The Dalai Lama Modern Buddhism
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatzo,
born in 1935, the spiritual leader of Tibetan
  • Teachings
  • The key to creating a better and more peaceful
    world is to develop love and compassion for
  • Individuals can make a difference in society, and
    we have a responsibility to do so.
  • ?Note the similarities to the Taekwon-Do

The Dalai Lama's best known books "The Art of
Happiness" and "Ancient Wisdom, Modern World".
  • Developing the Program

Developing the Program
  • General Choi spent a lot of time and effort
    developing the techniques and teaching them
    around the world. While he felt there were many
    Masters who were qualified to teach these
    techniques, he regretted that none were qualified
    to teach the Do.
  • From General Choi's last book "Moral Guide Book",
    a collection of maxims and teachings of ancient
    wise men
  • ...the only way one can truly achieve the status
    as a man of Taekwon-Do is to go beyond the
    technical aspect and establish a lifestyle based
    on a solid code of morality.

Our Founder left us a valuable resourceThe
Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do.
Developing the Program
  • When the members of the current ITF team were
    first elected in 2003, one of the top priorities
    was to teach the whole Taekwon-Do, the Do as well
    as the techniques.
  • We wanted to test the IIC participants' interest
    in learning and teaching the Do, so that same
    year a session about the Do was offered at the
    IIC in Cologne (Germany).
  • Since that time, sessions about the Do have been
    integrated into each IIC.

Developing the Program
  • In 2003, Dr. Janel Gauthier (4th degree a
    professor of psychology) and Joliette Trân (5th
    degree an occupational therapist) accepted to
    work with me on this file. The goal of this
    working group was to assess the state of the
    teaching the Do in the ITF.
  • Our analysis showed that
  • A few instructors were teaching the Do on their
    own initiative, but in many parts of the world it
    was not taught at all.
  • Many International Instructors did not have a
    thorough knowledge of the Do.

The good news Our research confirmed that many
ITF members were interested in learning about the
The Process
Developing the Program
  • Recognizing that Our Founder had left us a
    valuable philosophy, we needed to emphasize the
    importance of the Do and develop a program to
    teach it.
  • In 2004 a feasibility study was conducted.
  • In 2005 a working group was formed with the
    mandate to develop the concept of the program.
  • The program is based on the Taekwon-Do philosophy
    developed by Our Founder and is structured around
    the five tenets, which he described as "a guide
    for all serious students of the art".

The Process
Developing the Program
  • A single module workshop on Self-Control was
    prepared and presented in Benidorm (Spain) in
  • After that experience, the module was reviewed
    and improved. We decided to offer a three-level
  • Now, at the beginning of 2009, the basic program
    for teaching the Do Level 1 is ready Levels
    2 and 3 are under development.

The Process
Developing the Program
  • The FutureThe goal is to have Level 1 of the
    Teaching the Do program fully integrated into the
    teaching of ITF Taekwon-Do worldwide by 2012.

The Process
Developing the Program
  • The members of the working group discussed
    whether it is really possible to change the
    factors that influence the way we act and, as a
    result, learn to make better decisions.
  • We found scientific studies showing that it is
  • This scientific support encouraged us to continue
    our efforts.

Factors that Influence the Way I Act
Developing the Program
Factors that Influence the Way I Act
Developing the Program
  • Can I control the factors that influence the way
    I act?
  • Can I control the effects of
  • - my values?
  • - my conscience?
  • - my thoughts?
  • - my experiences?
  • Yes. Research has proven that it is possible.
  • We can learn to develop and use personal "thought
    filters" that will help guide our decisions and
    our actions.

Factors that Influence the Way We Act
Developing the Program
  • Scientists have identified the parts of the human
    brain that control our thoughts. With discipline
    and enough practice we can learn to control our
    thoughts sufficiently to make better decisions.

  • Taekwon-Do Values

The Tenets
Taekwon-Do Values
  • Courtesy
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance
  • Self-Control
  • Indomitable Spirit

Courtesy Ye Ui
Taekwon-Do Values
We express Courtesy by showing
  • Respect
  • Good manners
  • Protocol
  • Kindness
  • Helpfulness
  • Loyalty
  • Empathy
  • Tolerance
  • Compassion
  • Concern about our environment

Examples - When attending Taekwon-Do classes, we
follow the dress code and the rules about
behavior. - We do not litter.
Integrity Yom Chi
Taekwon-Do Values
We express Integrity by demonstrating
  • Honesty
  • Accuracy
  • Transparency
  • Straightforwardness
  • Openness
  • and by
  • being unbiased, and
  • recognizing potential conflicts of interest.
  • It is essential that we avoid even the appearance
    of impropriety.

Examples - We tell the truth. - We would never
use tricked boards for a breaking demonstration.
Perseverance In Nae
Taekwon-Do Values
Perseverance is a process that requires
  • A positive attitude
  • Commitment
  • Staying focused on a goal
  • Overcoming difficulties
  • "Bouncing back" after a failure

Examples - After failing a test or grading, we
continue to work hard to prepare for the next
try. - We set reasonable goals, prepare action
plans, adjust them when necessary, and continue
to work until we are successful.
Self-Control Guk Gi
Taekwon-Do Values
We demonstrate Self-Control by
We demonstrate Self-Control by
  • not being a slave to our emotions, desires, and
  • analysing our thoughts,
  • acting according to our principles.

Without Self-Control, it would be impossible to
demonstrate the other four tenets.
Examples - We always think about the
consequences before acting. - In a conflict
situation, we remain calm.
Indomitable Spirit Baekjul Boolgool
Taekwon-Do Values
We demonstrate Indomitable Spirit by
  • refusing to compromise our principles,
  • standing up for justice,
  • overcoming our fears,
  • being courageous,
  • taking reasonable risks.

Examples - We make the right decision, even if
it is unpopular. - We meditate on the lives of
those who have shown indomitable spirit and try
to imitate them.
  • Why Teach the Do?

The Taekwon-Do Tradition
Why teach the Do?
The Korean military heritage is still strong in
  • the respect for authority,
  • the emphasis on loyalty to the masters,
  • the importance given to rules of protocol.

Does Protocol the Do?
Why teach the Do?
Some instructors believe that teaching the Do
means simply teaching the rules of protocol. But
ITF students need to be taught more than the
actions and the words required by the protocol.
They need to learn the meaning of protocol and
why we follow protocol. Taekwon-Do protocol is
thoroughly explained in Level 1. It is essential
that all ITF students everywhere understand the
relationship between the Do and protocol.
How to Improve
Why teach the Do?
With a better comprehension of the Do and how it
should be applied, both instructors and students
will become more aware and vigilant. As all our
members become better educated about the Do, the
ITF will continue to evolve as a democratic
The Do Common Sense
Why teach the Do?
The Do is not just an Oriental concept. It
teaches universal values. The Do is the law of
common sense. Our goals for teaching the Do and
for introducing democracy in the ITF are the same
  • Everyone will show respect for one another
  • Everyone will be treated fairly and with justice.

  • Benefits of Teaching the Do

Benefits for Our Students
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • Our students will become strong both physically
    and mentally.
  • They will develop good basic values and those
    values will guide them to make wise decisions.
  • Applying the Do will help students to be
    successful and have a happy life.
  • Learning about the Do will prepare them to become
    good leaders.

Benefits for Our Students
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • For example
  • Without an understanding of the Do, a student who
    reaches a high-level black belt degree or who
    wins frequently in competitions could develop a
    big ego, becoming arrogant or disrespectful to
  • By applying the Do, the student will understand
    the importance of remaining modest and humble.
  • The student will start to develop wisdom and
    become a good role model for his or her fellow

Benefits for Our Instructors
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • By learning and teaching the Do, Instructors will
    better understand the complete Taekwon-Do, not
    just the "Taekwon".
  • They will set a better example for their
  • Instructors will be justly proud of being able to
    guide their students on the right way to a
    happier life.
  • Other martial arts organizations may not teach
    the Do in a structured way, so teaching all
    facets of Taekwon-Do can give ITF Instructors a
    marketing advantage.

Benefits for Our Instructors
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • For example
  • If they do not apply the Do, some high-ranking
    Instructors and Masters could become
    overconfident and misuse their position.
  • The principles of the Do require showing respect
    for everyone, regardless of age or rank.
  • Instructors who apply the Do are more likely to
    use their position to have a positive influence
    on their juniors who will become better
    Taekwon-Do students, better citizens, and be able
    to reach their goal of having a happier life.

Benefits for the ITF
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • By teaching the Do, the ITF sets itself apart
    from the martial arts that teach only techniques.
  • Members who apply the Do will become loyal to the
  • In the long term, teaching the Do will help to
    develop potential leaders at the various levels
    within the ITF and of its affiliated

Benefits for Society
Benefits of teaching the Do
  • There are many serious social problems today.
    Many people, even those who are very wealthy, are
    not happy.
  • By teaching the Do, we help people to have a
    happier life.
  • In many countries citizenship is no longer taught
    in the education system. By teaching the Do, the
    ITF can fill this need.
  • We will be producing good productive citizens and
    future leaders who will have a positive influence
    on others.

  • Teaching the Do

How We Have Been Teaching the Do
Teaching the Do
  • We have been using the official ITF Website to
    introduce and teach the Do because it is
    accessible and can be updated frequently. The
    sections of the Website we are using to teach the
    Do include
  • The Way of Life new quotations, sayings, and
    proverbs (every two months)
  • The Do You Know? contests (three times a year)
  • The President's Messages (every three months in
  • Plus the recently-added Kid Kicks (every two
    months) for our younger students.

Also on the ITF Website Information about Our
Founder, the history of Taekwon-Do, the
Taekwon-Do philosophy, and much more.
How We Will Teach the Do in the Future
Teaching the Do
  • Levels 1 and 2 will be offered to all
  • The structure of the program is based on the five
  • Students will learn how to have a happier life by
    following the ITF Taekwon-Do way of life.
  • The Do is like a roadmap. Someone else can trace
    the right route on the map for you, but you still
    have make the efforts necessary to reach your
  • To teach the Do successfully, Instructors must
    have a positive attitude, an excellent knowledge
    of the Do, and be highly motivated to help their
    students progress.

The goal is to offer Level 1 worldwide by 2012.
  • The Program to Teach the Do

Three Levels
The Program
Level 1 What is the Do?

Level 2 Self-improvement Applying the Do in our lives

Level 3 Leadership Development
Level 1 What is the Do?
The Program
For Level 1, the goal is to help participants to
learn how to teach the Do.
This Workshop is for red and black belt
holders. It takes place over two days, for a
total of 12 hours
  • 2 hours about the history of the Do and the
    benefits of applying its principles in our lives,
  • 7.5 hours about the tenets (1.5 hours for each),
  • 2 hours about the rules of protocol.

All students are encouraged to ask questions and
participate in the discussion periods, practical
demonstrations, and role-playing situations.
Level 2 Self-improvement Applying the Do
The Program
This Workshop is offered to Instructors who have
taken Level 1. The Workshop lasts one week (five
full days). Participants will learn how to
cultivate the five Taekwon-Do tenets in their
lives and how to teach the Do to their
students. Teaching methods will be explained and
teaching tools provided to the participants for
use with their students.
Level 1 Teaching Program for White Yellow
The Program
What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not
PolitenessKindness Honesty Positive attitudeCommitment
Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits
Application Application Application Application Application
dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others
Level 1 Teaching Program for Red Black Belts
The Program
What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not
Helpfulness Accuracy Goal-setting Emotionalcontrol
Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits
Application Application Application Application Application
dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others
Level 2 Self-Improvement by Applying the Do
The Program
What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not What it isWhat it is not
GratitudeThankfulnessLoyalty StraightforwardnessOpenness Action plans Cognitivecontrol Assertiveness
Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits
Application Application Application Application Application
dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others dojang home school others
Level 2 Cultivating the Tenets
The Program
Determinants Determinants Determinants Determinants Determinants
Strategies to develop courtesy using empathy, self-observation, etc. Strategies to develop integrity considering the consequences, etc. Strategies to develop perseverance positive attitude, commitments, goal-setting, action plans, etc. Strategies to develop self-control considering the consequences, focusing attention, overcoming emotions, employing critical thinking, etc. Strategies to develop indomitable spirit through exposure to models, considering the consequences, assertiveness. resisting peer or social pressure, etc.
Level 3 Leadership Development
The Program
Level 3 will consist of Leadership Camps designed
to develop future leaders for the ITF and its
affiliated organizations. These sessions will be
adapted to meet local needs. Participants must
have completed Levels 1 and 2 and be able to show
that they are striving to apply the Do in their
lives. The goal of Level 3 is to prepare
participants for a management career in ITF
In addition, there will be "How to Teach
Leadership" seminars for Instructors who want to
teach basic leadership skills to their young
Tools for Teaching the Do
The Program
  • the Tenets
  • the Student's Oath
  • written anecdotes, vignettes
  • illustrated stories
  • interactive stories
  • crossword and other puzzles
  • sentence completion exercises
  • problem solving activities
  • drawings to color or complete
  • readings
  • others

Teaching Methods Strategies
The Program
  • Use a wide variety of methods,
  • Learn as much as possible about the tools listed
    on the previous slide,
  • Work to apply the tenets in your own life,
  • Work hard to become good models for your
  • Praise your students when they make wise
    decisions and whenever you see they are making
    progress in applying the Do.

Method of Evaluation
The Program
  • The method of evaluation for this program is
    still being developed. It will be based on
    specific criteria.
  • The student's knowledge of the Do will be tested.
  • The student will be expected to explain how the
    Do should apply in a specific situation.
  • The student will have to give practical examples
    of how he applies the Taekwon-Do philosophy in
    his life.
  • This evaluation will be an important factor for
    promotion to higher rank.

Research will be done to assess the effects of
teaching the Do on our members and the
communities in which they live.
Three Recommended Books
  • Character Strengths and Virtuespublished by
    Oxford University Press and the American
    Psychological Association
  • Why Good Things Happen to Good Peopleby Stephen
    Post, Ph.D. and Jill Neimark"Doing good is good
    for you."
  • True North Discover Your Authentic Leadershipby
    Bill George and Peter Sims"There is no single
    right way to become an ideal leader, but you need
    a leadership plan."

Moving Forward
The Program
  • In our research we identified many interesting
    books about various philosophies and how to
    become authentic leaders.
  • Not surprisingly, there are many similarities
    between the characteristics they describe as
    essential for a leader and the values we teach
    based on the Taekwon-Do tenets.
  • The working group has received numerous positive
    reactions to this initiative, particularly from
    our Instructors. We are gratified by the interest
    and support expressed.
  • The pertinence and value of a program to teach
    the Do have been established, and we are now
    moving forward with the implementation of the

  • Concept 1
  • How to define a happy life
  • How to achieve a happy life

Defining Achieving a Happy Life
Concept 1
  • One definition of happiness is a long-term
    state of mind based upon an accurate perception
    of reality.
  • Does your definition of a happy life include
  • a balanced life work study family
    friends leisure rest
  • a healthy mind in a healthy body good
    nutrition, physical activity, having fun
  • meaningful work
  • a healthy environment
  • living in harmony and enjoying time with family
    and friends?

Remember Your definition of a happy life
depends on your individual circumstances. It will
evolve as you grow older.
Defining Achieving a Happy Life
Concept 1
  • Understand the difference between pleasure and
  • Pleasure is instant gratification.
  • Pleasure is caused by certain sensations and a
    specific situation.
  • Pleasure is generally short-lived.
  • Pleasure can be deceptive.

ExampleTaking certain drugs may deliver a
powerful sensation of pleasure for a short time,
but this is deceptive. The reality is that
taking drugs will never make you truly happy.
Achieving a Happy Life
Concept 1
  • To achieve happiness, we need to
  • Respect the fundamental human values of peace,
    freedom, and justice,
  • Develop a strong, authentic personality,
  • Adopt a positive attitude,
  • Develop competency in many areas,
  • Find a good balance between work, family,
    leisure, and rest.

  • Concept 2
  • How to use a Project Management approach to
    become a successful and happy person

Using a Project Management Approach
Concept 2
The Tree
Concept 2
  • The Tree illustrates how to apply a Project
    Management approach to develop your life project.
  • By adopting a healthy lifestyle and working on
    each of the elements, you will increase the
    likelihood of finding success and happiness.
  • The roots and trunk represent who you are.
  • The leaves represent the actions you take to
    achieve your life project.
  • The star represents success and happiness.

The Roots Your Way of Life
Concept 2 The Tree
  • your physical and mental health,
  • your philosophy,
  • the environment you live in,
  • your competencies and experience,
  • a balanced life.

The Trunk Your Spirit
Concept 2 The Tree
  • your goals,
  • the ethical rules you follow (human values),
  • team spirit,
  • your vision,
  • wisdom.

The Branches Working for Success
Concept 2 The Tree
  • your attitude,
  • your strategy,
  • your life development project,
  • your personal and financial resources,
  • the timing.

The Star A Successful Happy Person
Concept 2 The Tree
  • ITF students are interested in learning about the
  • We have developed the concept and the program for
    teaching the Do.
  • We are very pleased with the progress so far.
  • The teaching of Level 1 will continue to spread.
  • Our teachers will be consulted for their comments
    and suggestions about the program, which will be
    adapted as necessary.
  • Teaching the Do will continue to be a priority
    for the ITF.

We have a responsibility to ensure that the
teaching of the Do takes its rightful place
alongside the physical training of Taekwon-Do.
  • Thank you for your interest and attention.

Grandmaster Trân Triêu QuânPresident of the
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