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    Global Cordless Power Tools Market Growth Forecast and trends 2016-2024 PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Global Cordless Power Tools Market Growth Forecast and trends 2016-2024 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: In past few years, power tool market witnessed the shift from corded to cordless power tools. While corded tools still acquire considerable market, the shift of cordless tools is significant. Cordless power tools include wide range of battery-powered tools such as hammer drills, impact wrenches, nailers & staplers, circular saws and many others.  The desire for more mobile and compact tools is driving the shift to cordless tools. The major power tool manufacturers witnessed 5% increase in power tools sales owing to the introduction of cordless power tools. With the growing popularity of cordless power tools, advanced batteries for longer run time of power tools is one of the major qualities that complement these devices. Hence, lithium-ion batteries replacing the conventional nickel-Cd (Nickel Cadmium) and nickel-metal hydride powered tools. Lithium-ion batteries provide higher energy density and longer running hours, making them more efficient. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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