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    best woven sacks machinery PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: best woven sacks machinery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Perforated stainless steel is typically produced using two popular production methods. The first, and more popular, is an all-across perforating press, which perforates a row or pattern of holes across the material. The material is fed through the press in a precisely controlled fashion to produce a repetitive pattern. The finished material is automatically sheared or cut into specific lengths to create individual sheets. The perforated stainless material can also be left intact as a single length of material and wrapped into a coil. A sectional or two axis perforating press is another method of producing a perforated stainless steel sheet. In this case, the machinery moves the raw material beneath a stationary punching head in various patterns using two horizontal axes to guide the sheet. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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