Screen%20Layout%20and%20Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Components of a WIMP user interface. Putting these components together. Presenting information ... Text entry fields should be aligned: Not jagged due to labels! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Screen%20Layout%20and%20Design

Screen Layout and Design
  • CS2352 Lecture 10
  • Robert Stevens
  • http//

  • Components of a WIMP user interface
  • Putting these components together
  • Presenting information
  • Screen layout and design
  • Look feel
  • Principles guidelines

Screen Design
  • The way widgets are put together
  • Ergonomics, cognition via graphical design
  • Presents tasks and promotes correct dialogue with
  • Kinds of information Text, numbers, maps,
    pictures, etc.
  • Technology Characters, graphical displays, size,
  • Purpose File displays by name, type, date,
    thumbnails, etc.
  • Much knowledge from graphic design for static
    material transfers well
  • Interactive systems choice of presentation is
    possible Windows view menu arranges file

Information Presentation
  • Colour used to reinforce information
  • Aligned colums
  • Text aligned left
  • Integers aligned right
  • Reals aligned on decimal point
  • Shape of column then gives indication of size
  • Data emtry layout as important as data
  • Text entry fields should be aligned Not jagged
    due to labels!
  • Remember task analysis for order, dependencies
    and values
  • Cultural dependence of viewing order for labels

Aligning Data
An Address Form on the Web
Christian Name
Zip Code
Beauty and Aesthetics
  • Aesthetics are important
  • But beauty is not the same as usability
  • Usability Efficiency, effectiveness
  • Clean, simple UI is often the more usable
  • Utilitarian aesthetic
  • Matching task with familiarity and ease is a
    better way to beauty and an aesthetically plesing

Look Feel
  • Many GUI on diffeering platforms use the same
  • Their layout and presentation gives OS specific
    look feel
  • Buttons in windows 2000 XP are different
  • Widget library should do most of the work
  • All buttons in any OS end up looking the same
  • Still need to design content, chse labels, icons,
    grouping and make descisions on composition

Buttons in 2000 XP
Raised button
Pressed button
Windows 2000
Windows XP
  • UI components should afford their usage
  • Users should apprehend their use
  • Buttons should be pushable
  • When selected, they should look selected
  • When pushed they should look pushed
  • Checkboxes should be checkable
  • Menus should be choosable and disabled options

Layout Managers
  • Layout managers determine
  • how components are arranged on a Container
  • Layout managers determine look feel
  • Java provides Windows and Solaris layout
    managers as well as a set of its own styles

Interactive Interface Style Guides
  • It is important to provide an interface that
    users will find internally consistent (and, thus,
  • Visual design and aesthetics affect user
    confidence in and comfort with an application
  • The use of simple clear conventions can greatly
    aid usability of an application
  • Thus interface standards and guidelines have been
    devised for interactive interfaces such as GUIs
  • This is an entire subject in its own right - see
    for example
  • Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
  • Microsoft Windows XP Interface Guidelines
  • Java look feel design guidelines

Interactive Interface Style Guides
  • Ideally all applications should adhere to the
    same conventions Gives internal consistency
  • Conventions need to be defined in great detail,
    cater for people with disabilities, and be
    followed to the letter
  • e.g. The chapter on Menus in Macintosh Interface
    Guide book contains 69 pages, and 89
  • However, merely following the conventions does
    not guarantee a usable application
  • Need an incremental design and implementation and
    careful experimentation involving typical users
    (and disabled ones)
  • Interactive interface design should use creative
    plagiarism, not inventiveness!
  • If task models, control grouping and mapping from
    task language to input language are good then
    your chances of success are high

Apples rules regarding Menus
  • The menu bar should always be visible and
    available for use
  • It must always contain the standard menus (Apple,
    File, Edit, Help and Application), in the
    standard sequence and layout
  • Application-dependent menu items come after the
    Edit menu
  • Unavailable menus (and menu items) have their
    names greyed
  • The order of common menu items, the typographic
    conventions used for them, and the keyboard
    short cuts assigned to them are all defined in
    detail, as is the way in which divider lines can
    be used to group them
  • Menu items that act as commands must use verbs or
    verb phrases, those that change the attribute of
    a selected object must use adjectives or
    adjectival phrases
  • etc. etc. etc.

Some Human Interface Design Principles
  • - Take advantage of
    peoples knowledge of the world by using
    metaphors to convey concepts and features (e.g.
    computer files are represented as documents in
    paper folders that are placed on a desktop
    choices are made from menus )
  • - allows people to
    feel that they are directly controlling the
    objects represented by the computer
  • - allows users to
    perform actions by choosing from alternatives
    presented on screen
  • - in the interface
    allows users to transfer their knowledge and
    skill from one application to another
  • - users should be
    able to see what they need when they need it

Direct manipulation
Some Human Interface Design Principles
  • User control - allow the user, not the computer,
    to initiate and control actions
  • Feedback and dialog - keep users informed about
    whats happening
  • Forgiveness - encourage users to explore your
    application by building in forgiveness, i.e.
    making their actions on the computer generally
  • Perceived Stability - an interface that is
    understandable, familiar and predictable
  • Aesthetic integrity - ensures that information is
    well-organised and consistent with principles of
    visual design, so that the screen is pleasant to
    look at
  • Modelessness - allows users to do whatever they
    want when they want in your application

  • Modelessness is an ideal property of a user
    interface i.e. the user should be able to do what
    they want whenever
  • Modelessness means the computer interface should
    not have distinct modes that restrict the user's
    actions depending on the mode (s)he is in.
  • Not separate modes for drawing, writing, tables,
  • Dialogue boxes give mini modes
  • Ideally the use of modes is to be avoided,
    because a mode typically restricts the operations
    that the user can perform

Mini Modes
  • However one problem presented by modelessness is
    that the user cannot cope with everything at
  • Some use of modes is therefore acceptable
  • Long-term modes modes, e.g. doing word processing
    as opposed to graphics editing
  • Short term spring-loaded modes - which
    continue while the user does something
    continuously, e.g. while the mouse button is held
  • Alert modes modes - require user to rectify an
    unusual situation before proceeding
  • Modes that emulate a real-life situation that is
    itself modal - e.g. use of different graphics

More mini Modes
  • Modes that change the attributes of something
    rather than its behaviour - e.g. boldface and
    underline modes of text entry
  • Modes that block most other normal operation of
    the computer to emphasize the modality, as in
    error conditions
  • There should be a clear indicator of the current
    mode, such as a pointer whose appearance changes
    according to the mode
  • It should be easy to change modes, e.g. graphics
    pointer and palette

Some Rules for Human Interface Design
  • from Dr. Ben Shneiderman, http//
  • Strive for consistency
  • Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
  • Offer informative feedback
  • Design dialogs to yield closure - sequences of
    actions should provide clear feedback upon
  • Offer error prevention and simple error handling
  • Permit easy reversal of actions
  • Support internal locus of control - make users
    the initiators of actions rather than the
    responders to actions
  • Reduce short-term memory load avoid the user
    having to remember large numbers event sequences

Dialogue Box
Simple UI Checklist
  • Direct manipulation
  • Seamless feedback at all levels
  • Modelessness
  • Reachability
  • Familiarity
  • Task consistency
  • Internal consistency
  • Control grouping
  • Opposition
  • Frequency
  • Sequence
  • Importance

Simple UI checklist
  • Easy to succeed escape
  • Labels all from same genre
  • Symmetric commands have symmetric lables home
  • Easy mapping from task language to input language
  • Easy mapping from output language to task
  • Match human limitations capabilities in
    sensory, motor cofnitive subsystems

  • HCI design mix of craft and engineering
  • Principles and guidelines, but no one truth
  • Must be based in task user requirements
  • Limitations capabilities of the human model
    information processor
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