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If you cannot fill two entire pages, you should condense it to one page. ... Use white space, but also spread out your information in an aesthetically pleasing way. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • A resume is a marketing piece, an advertisement,
    for your unique set of skills, abilities and
    experience. It is a tool that you use to gain an
    interview. Employers today want to know What can
    you do for me? It is up to you to do the
    research and discover what employers in your
    field seek in a prospective employee.
  • Think of your résumé as a billboard.

What Will a Resume Do For Me?
  • Enable you to assess your strengths, skills,
    abilities and experience - thereby preparing you
    for the interview process
  • Act as a reminder of you to the
    employer/interviewer after you're done
  • Be a basis for the interviewer to justify your
  • The ultimate goal of a resume is to gain you an

Are There Any Absolute Rules of Resume Writing?
  • Yes, but only a few!
  • No typing errors
  • No errors in spelling
  • No lying or embellishments

Are There Any Absolute Rules of Resume Writing?
  • No negative information should be included
  • Include only relevant information
  • One page

What Are the Other (Sometimes Breakable) Rules of
Resume Writing?
  • While most resumes are one page, this is not an
    absolute rule.
  • IF you have the right combination of experience
    and education it can be over one page.
  • Your resume must be long enough to detail what
    you have to offer a potential employer, BUT short
    enough to entice that employer to want to know
    more (that is, invite you for an interview.) 
  • As a general guideline, you should keep your
    resume to one page until you have 5-10 years of
    experience, then go to two.
  • If you cannot fill two entire pages, you should
    condense it to one page.

Will I Have More Than One Version of My Resume?
  • YES!
  • Employers today want to know what you can do for
    them, so it is imperative that you create a
    targeted resume each time you apply for an

Types of Resume
  • Types of Resume
  • Chronological
  • Functional
  • Targeted

How Do I Get Started? 
  • Get a job announcement or description for the
    job, or type of job, you are seeking, if
  • Make a list of all co-curricular activities you
    are involved in (clubs, organizations, honor
    organizations, intramurals, etc.)
  • Compile a list of all community activities of
    which you are a part (church committees, social
    clubs, volunteer work, etc.)
  • Gather together job descriptions from your past
    positions. If you havent saved copies of these,
    you should from now on!
  • List what things friends/relatives/peers come to
    you for help with. This may assist you in
    identifying strengths you would not otherwise
    recognize in yourself.

What Must I Have on My
  • Name
  •  Address
  •  Phone number
  •  Objective
  •  Education
  •  Profile or Summary of Qualifications
  •  Experience

What Else Can Be Included on My Resume?
  • Licenses/Certifications
  • Accomplishments/Achievements
  • Affiliations/Memberships
  • Activities and Honors

What Should Never Be on My Resume? 
  • Height, weight, age, date of birth, place of
    birth, marital status, sex, race, health (some of
    these items may be necessary on an International
    Resume) or social security number (NEVER!) 
  • The word "Resume" at the top! 
  • Any statement that begins with "I" or "My" 
  • Reasons for leaving previous job(s) 
  • Picture of yourself 
  • Salary Information for previous positions or
    Salary Expectations 
  • Reference names
  • Religion, church affiliations, political

How Do I List My Name?
  • Use your "go-by" name. That is, if everyone knows
    you by a nickname or your middle name, use it.
  • For example, Katherine Elaine Johnson if
    everyone calls you Kate just put KATE JOHNSON
    on the top of your resume, if everyone calls you

What About Phone Numbers or Email addresses? 
  • By all means, list your current phone get an
    answering machine hooked up to it and make sure
    you have a professional sounding message on it!
    Think about who is going to be calling and what
    image you are trying to project.
  • We dont recommend including any mobile phone s,
    mainly because you want to be as prepared as you
    can for a phone call from a prospective employer.
    You dont want to be caught at the gym or putting
    gas in your car. With your home phone and an
    answering machine you can check remotely, you
    will be in touch.

What About Phone Numbers or Email addresses? 
  • If you must use your cellular phone - be sure
    not to answer it every time it rings. If you are
    not in a position to have a professional
    conversation and consult your calendar to make an
    appointment - DON'T answer rather, let your
    voicemail pick it up and you can return the call
    when you are ready.
  • Email is a great way to communicate. However,
    only include yours if you check it on a regular
    basis (everyday!) Employers who use this method
    will expect to hear back from you soon. Also, be
    sure your email address projects your
    professional image as well addresses like or
    would not be appropriate! Use common sense.

Do I need an OBJECTIVE? 
  • YES, it tells the reader why you are sending the
    resume, i.e., what position or type of position
    you are seeking.
  • It should be very brief, does not need to be a
    complete sentence.
  • An objective is like the thesis statement of your
    resume. Everything you include after it should
    support it!
  • Ideally target your objective to include job
    title desired, position level, field, industry,
    and/or company name. If you are sending this
    resume for a specific position at a specific
    company - SAY IT HERE!

Should I put my GPA on my resume?  
  • Yes, if it is 3.0 or higher
  • If your overall GPA is lower than 3.0, but your
    GPA within your major is 3.0 or above, you can
    isolate your major GPA.
  • If you list your GPA for one degree, you must
    list it for all.
  • Licenses and Certifications
    Do I include them?  
  • Yes, if they are relevant to the job you are
    seeking. Otherwise, no.

Does Coursework Belong on my Resume? 
  • Typically you use this section only if you are
    seeking a co-op or intern position, in which
    case, you will have a section under Education
    where you list your Related Courses. However,
    some disciplines utilize a relevant coursework
    section. When in doubt, check with our office or
    ask a trusted professor.
  • If you took a course that is one which other
    students with your major would not take and it
    would be advantageous for a particular position,
    list it (probably under your qualifications area.)

Where do I list Academic Awards, Honors, and
  • We suggest using the Honors and Activities
    section at the end of the resume.

Summary of Qualifications / Profile / Skills
  • This is where you showcase for the employer what
    you have to offer - keeping in mind what the job
  • You won't put every single skill, experience, or
    attribute you possess here, focus on what you can
    do to successfully perform the job.
  • Tailor this section to reflect what the employer
    is seeking, different positions will warrant that
    you create different qualifications sections.
  • These are brief statements of your experience,
    training and/or personal abilities which
    summarize your skills, abilities and experience.
  • Qualifications are more experience-based whereas
    Profiles are more personal attributes
  • Complete a Job Duty/Task Analysis worksheet for
    each job you've held and activity you are
    involved with. Refer to the lists you prepared
    earlier in the workshop from past jobs and

Developing a Summary of Qualifications / Skills /
Profile - STEP ONE
  • Begin by identifying your strengths, skills,
    abilities gained through past employment or
    campus organization or classroom experience. 
  • List job duties, one at a time, from past jobs
    and from campus involvement, etc. using the Job
    Duty/Task Analysis Form like this, if you've
    already done so. Are you getting the idea that
    this is an important step?
  • From these duties, identify what transferable
    skills you developed and write these in the
    middle column of the worksheet. Remember,
    typically an employer doesn't want to know what
    you did for someone else. S/he wants to know what
    you can do for his/her organization.
  • If there was a result (an accomplishment) related
    to the job duty, put it in. This information may
    or may not be included in the Summary area, but
    would probably be used under the specific job to
    illustrate your on-the-job success in the Work
    History section of the resume.

Developing a Summary of Qualifications / Skills /
Profile - STEP TWO
  • Now that you know what you can do, it is time to
    identify what the employer needs
  • This can typically be determined by thoroughly
    reading the job description and/or position
    vacancy announcement. Look at job duties,
    position requirements and preferences, desired
    traits, knowledge/skills/abilities (also called
    KSAs on governmental announcements), etc.
  • If you are developing your resume for a database
    or a class, not for a specific job, this step can
    be accomplished by gathering job
    descriptions/vacancy notices from various
    websites. Get 5-10 different notices or job
    descriptions and note the common traits and
    experiences sought. Don't worry about where these
    jobs are located. You're not really applying for
    them - you're just trying to get a feel for what
    employers are looking for in a successful

Developing a Summary of Qualifications / Skills /
Profile - STEP THREE
  • Employer Skills Match - develop your
    Qualifications or Skills section by matching up
    what the employer needs with what you can
    provide. Sounds simple enough!
  • These are brief statements of your experience,
    training and/or personal abilities.
  • They should highlight what you have to offer an
    employer (based on what the position requires.)
  • Begin each with an action verb or number, being
    sure to choose different words to begin each
    statement - click for sample verb lists.
  • Subheadings can be used, if appropriate, i.e.,
    computer skills, customer service skills, etc.
  • Note that "Qualifications" or "Skills" are more
    experience-based or quantifiable whereas "Profile
    statements" are more personal attributes.

How Do I List Jobs Within the Experience Section?
  • Job listing should be in reverse chronological
    order (that is, your most recent job is listed
  • Listing must include name of company, city and
    state. Do not list street addresses, supervisors,
    telephone numbers or reason for leaving.
  •  Dates of employment are required. Be sure to
    include month (or term) and year, i.e., Fall 2004
    or June 2003-present.
  •  There is no rule about which jobs you must
    include. Use your discretion and include
    everything needed for the employer to make a good
    decision about whether or not to interview you.
    You might list every job you've ever held or you
    might just list your last 3 positions.
  • Another approach might be to only include the
    relevant positions you've had and name the
    section Related Experience or Relevant Work
    History or something similar.

How Do I List Jobs Within the Experience Section?
  • Another option is to isolate the related
    experience (including internships) in one section
    (titled Related Experience or Internships or ??)
    then follow with the unrelated (but still
    valuable) experience in a Work History section.
  • List a job title so the employer has an idea of
    the work you performed. If you didnt have an
    official title, choose one that best describes
    what you actually did at this job.
  • Typically job duties should not be included here
    unless they are highly
  • Relevant to your objective. Even then do not
    include duties which are
  • Implied by your job title or alluded to in the
    Summary of Qualifications or a Profile section.
    However, job accomplishments SHOULD be listed as
    bullet statements under each position as
    applicable. This is where
  • you get to use the information identified as
    "results" from the

Where Do I Put My Activities and Honors?
  • We recommend that you put this section after your
    Employment History.
  • Include scholarships, honors, organizations, and
  • Community work, volunteer work, is also
    appropriate to list here.
  • You don't have to include everything you've been
    involved with if it is overwhelming. Keep your
    goal in mind (getting that interview) and give
    enough information to allow the reader (i.e.,
    potential employer) what s/he needs to make that
  • Remember, dont include anything from before
    college unless it is truly an exceptional feat. 
  • Rank these items from 'most impressive' or 'most
    relevant' to 'least impressive' or 'least
    relevant' as it relates to your job target.
  • Name this section what it is. If it is all
    community work Community Involvement would be
    a good name if it is all clubs and organizations
    call it Activities if it is all honors call
    it Honors.

Are There Activities That I Shouldnt List?
  • Some activities we are involved in may be
    controversial. For example political affiliated
    groups or volunteer work or church activities. We
    call these "hot buttons" and our advice is
  • IF that activity or membership is SO important to
    you that you would not want to work somewhere
    that it wasnt ok then include it on the
    resume, but
  • IF you are more interested in the opportunity and
    would just as soon wait to let them know that you
    are a Democrat or a Baptist, leave it off or list
    it generically, for example Sunday School

What About Hobbies and Interests? 
  • As a general rule, we dont recommend that you
    list hobbies or interests unless they are
  • (1) organized, i.e., you belong to a club or
  • (2) relevant to the type of position you are
  • Who Can I Use As a Reference and How Do I Format
    the Reference Page? 
  • As stated earlier, reference names dont go on
    the resume itself. They are a separate document,
    using the same header you did on your resume.
    Then list the reference names and contact
    information in block (envelope) style. Do not
    send to employer unless they request it.

What About Hobbies and Interests?
  • We recommend between 3 and 5 references.
    They should all be individuals who have direct
    knowledge of your job abilities (supervisor,
    etc.) or a professor who teaches a major-related
  • They should all be individuals who have direct
    knowledge of your job abilities (supervisor,
    etc.) or a professor who teaches a major-related
  • Ask the references permission before you use
    them. Also ask them if they will give you a good
    reference. You dont want to list folks who wont
    sing your praises! Make sure to ask where they
    would like to be contacted, i.e., home or work
    and get the correct contact information for each
    person. Afterward, follow up with your references
    by sending them a copy of your completed resume.
    This will help them if/when they get a call on
  • Be sure to take copies of your references to all
    interviews. Most employers will request them at
    that time.

When Why Do I Need a Cover Letter?
  • Any time you send your resume to an employer it
    should be accompanied by a cover letter.
  • A cover letter acts as an introduction for your
  • A cover letter also stands as a sample of your
    writing skills, so be sure to make it the best
    possible sample you can.
  • If you are sending your resume via email - the
    cover letter is the email message itself. Then
    attach the resume following the employer's
    instructions (i.e., MSWord document, text
    document, etc.)

I Need My Resume to Distinguish Me From Everyone
Else, How Do I Do That?
  • Spend some time up front to determine what you
    have to offer and what you are worth to an
  • DON'T use the resume wizard or template from your
    word processing software or copy the samples from
    this workshop! This document needs to be uniquely
    you - you don't want to look like anyone else's.
  • Answer the question, "Why am I more qualified
    than the next guy?" Then develop your resume to
    reflect that.
  • DONT try to distinguish yourself by fancy fonts,
    clipart or non-traditional papers. That is not
    the interest you want to capture!

What Is Focus In a Resume and Why Should Mine Be
  • It is imperative that you catch a prospective
    employers attention within the first few seconds
    of reading your resume.
  • People today are busy and often dont spend more
    than a minute or two scanning resumes, so you
    have to sell yourself quickly and concisely.
  • Be sure when you are crafting your Summary of
    Qualifications / Profile area to highlight those
    skills that apply to your job objective.
  • Remember that your objective is your "thesis
    statement" proceed from there.

What Are the Type/Design Details I Most Need to
Know and Follow? 
  • Make use of your word-processor's style elements.
    Use bold, italics, different font sizes,
    upper-case and small capitals lettering for
    emphasis and to direct the reader's eye.
  • Type should be between 10 12 pt. We suggest
    using a professional, readily-available font such
    as Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, Trebuchet,
    Lucida Sans, Garamond, Verdana or Courier.  You
    can use a different font for the headers of your
    resume as well as your contact information but
    don't use more than 2 types.  As noted above,
    however, you can vary the size, style, etc.
  • Make sure your resume looks good! Dont have all
    the text on the left side of the page and lots of
    blank space on the right. Use white space, but
    also spread out your information in an
    aesthetically pleasing way.
  • Use bullets to draw the readers eye. But dont
    bullet everything! Use them to highlight the
    strong points of your resume such as the
    Qualifications or Profile statements.
  • Be consistent with headings (size, boldness,
    etc.) and body text (indented, not indented, tabs
    right-justified, tabs left-justified, etc.)

What About Paper? 
  • Use resume paper. This can be purchased by the
    sheet at a print shop or by the box at any office
    supply or discount store.
  • Dont get fancy plain white or off-white
    (cream, ecru, etc.) is your best bet.
  • As noted earlier, dont go with any bordered or
    themed paper. You want the attention on your
    resume content not on its vehicle!

What About Mailing? 
  • Dont fold and stuff your resume in an envelope
    (even the nice ones you can buy to match your
    resume paper!)
  • Buy envelopes that are the same size as your
    resume and slip your cover letter on top, then
    your resume. Type an address label and return
    address label (or stamp if you have it) and mail
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