Teaching at Wuhan University / HOPE School of Nursing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teaching at Wuhan University / HOPE School of Nursing


... this period by installing the first Emperor and starting the Great Wall of China. ... such as the building of the Great Wall as it stands today and the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Teaching at Wuhan University / HOPE School of Nursing

Teaching at Wuhan University / HOPE School of
  • This presentation was prepared to provide
    background information on the cultural and
    educational nuances American faculty may
    encounter when teaching in China. Incoming
    faculty members of the Wuhan University, HOPE
    School of Nursing should be prepared to offer
    students the best learning environment in which
    they can maximize their potential. By
    familiarizing oneself with the learning styles
    prevalent in China and becoming educated in basic
    Chinese culture, faculty will be better prepared
    to teach/mentor their students.

Wuhan, China
  • Wuhan is a city of more than 8 million people, in
    central China on the Yangtze River, about 600
    miles west of Shanghai.

Background Information
  • To better relate to your Chinese students it is
    important to begin by gaining an understanding of
    Chinas history and its culture.

Ancient Chinese Civilization (2200 221 BC)
  • The Xia Dynasty (2200 1750 BC)
  • Considered to be the beginning of known dynastic
    history in China. The writing system developed by
    the Xia heralded the system of the succeeding
    Shang Dynasty.

Ancient Chinese Civilization (2200 221 BC)
  • The Shang Dynasty (1750 - 1040 BC)
  • Was characterized by its system of writing on
    oracle bones, advanced bronze-working, ancestor
    worship, highly organized armies, and political
    or religious human sacrifices.

Ancient Chinese Civilization (2200 221 BC)
  • The Chou (Zhou) Dynasty (1040 221 BC)
  • Seen as a time of great advancement and the
    beginning of the consolidation of the Chinese
    Empire. During the Zhou Dynasty, the term the
    Middle Kingdom vs. the outer lying barbarians
    arose as the Chinese way to refer to China.
    Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism, a middle class
    and scholars as a popular social group, developed
    during this period. The Zhou maintained control
    over the multiple principalities for a number of
    centuries, but began to decline between 771 and
    221 BC.

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • The next two thousand years of Chinese history
    was characterized by a consolidation and
    unification of the Chinese Empire into the China
    we know today. The Qin Dynasty began this period
    by installing the first Emperor and starting the
    Great Wall of China.

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • The Han Dynasty (20 BC 221 AD)
  • Boasts the development of the administrative
    imperial bureaucracy that was used systematically
    by all succeeding dynasties. This administrative
    model was based on Confucianism principles that
    gave bureaucrats an ideological reference point
    for proper behavior. This period also gave rise
    to the first systematic recording of Chinese
    history, achievements in art, sculpture,
    astronomy, and inventions such as compasses,
    sundials and the wheelbarrow. Nevertheless,
    barbarian raiders from the north and population
    growth from the south led to its downfall.

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • In the succeeding Three Kingdoms dynasty,
    Buddhism spread as a new religion that competed
    with Confucianism and incorporated aspects of

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • The Tang Dynasty (618AD 907AD)
  • China extended its borders, the political system
    maintained that the Emperor was the supreme
    ruler, and government officials were elected to
    their posts on merit and education. Under the
    Tangs, China enjoyed commercial and cosmopolitan
    cities, strong Buddhist influence in art, and
    inventions of printing and papermaking,
    shipbuilding, and firearms.
  • Unfortunately, because of an internal rebellion
    and peasant uprising due to unfair taxation, the
    Tang declined

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • The Sung period (960 1279)
  • Landscape painting was popular, porcelain was the
    trading item of choice, improvements were made in
    agricultural technology urbanites romanticized
    nature, and Confucianism gained greater force as
    the state doctrine in various forms.
  • Under the Sung, the status of women declined
    because of the concentration of people in the
    cities where womens work became less crucial to
    familial survival. This era is characterized by
    the practices of concubinage and of binding
    girls' feet to make them smaller. These
    practices were finally banned in 20th century.

Consolidation of the Chinese Empire (221 BC
1644 AD)
  • The Mongol (Yuan) Era (1279 1368)
  • China was ruled by the invading Mongols who had
    conquered everything from Austria to Manchuria
    and was also dominated by Neo Confucianism. By
    the mid 1300s, the Ming period had begun and was
    also characterized by Neo Confucianism,
    achievements in architecture such as the building
    of the Great Wall as it stands today and the
    Forbidden City, and increasing isolationism.

Modern China (1644 present)
  • From the mid 1600s to about 1911, the Chinese
    Empire was ruled by the Manchus who founded the
    Qing dynasty. Under the Qing, literature, art,
    philosophy, and culture blossomed. Politically,
    China tried to retain its isolationist
    tendencies however, the development and
    industrialization in Europe challenged that at
    every turn over these three centuries.
  • The latter end of the dynasty was plagued with
    various rebellions (Taiping and Boxer),
    encroaching western powers with the thirst for
    economic dominance, the Opium Wars with Britain
    and unequal treaties from losing these and other

Modern China (1644 present)
  • By 1911, a significant shift in ideology was
    fomenting and would become modern Chinas
    political and cultural legacy to her people.
    During World War I and World War II, China was
    for the most part in disorder and ripe for the
    rise of Communism as the political doctrine of
    the state.
  • Between 1912 and 1949, a republican system of
    government was established and ruled mostly by
    Sat Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-shek, but was
    unsuccessful because of the disillusionment of
    the populace with the Nationalists deficient
    strategy for fighting the Japanese in World War
  • By 1949, the Nationalists had fled to Taiwan and
    Mao Zedong declared the creation of the Peoples
    Republic of China.

  • Population and Life Expectancy
  • 1.3 Billion.
  • There are no zoning
  • regulations
  • People live in both highly populated and
    congested urban areas, as well as less populated
    rural areas.

  • Due to Chinas massive population, a governmental
    policy of one child per family has been imposed.

  • Exceptions to the one child per family policy
    exists for families of the 56 minority groups,
    farmers and families whose first born is

  • The average estimated life expectancy is 71.96
  • Women 73.7 years
  • Men 70.4 years

  • Major Languages
  • Mandarin official language
  • Cantonese
  • Local Dialects

  • Ethnic Groups in the Country
  • Han 92
  • Chinese ethnic groups 8
  • From an anthropological point of view, several
    hundred identifiable minority groups exist, of
    which only 56 have been officially recognized by
    the government.

  • Major Religions
  • Atheist (Official religion) 94-96
  • Taoist, Buddhist, Islam 1-2
  • Christianity 3-4
  • In order for a religion or place of worship to
    exist within China, it requires governmental


  • Dominance Patterns
  • Family is more important than the individual.
  • Marked role differences are based on generation,
    age, birth order, gender and social status.
  • When making decisions, the young defer to the
    old, and both parents make decisions about
  • Older adults are not segregated from others and
    have a high status in the family and society.

  • Older Chinese parents take pride in being
    supported and cared for by their children.
  • Devotion to parents includes caring for them
    physically, psychologically and socially.

  • Communication Patterns
  • Direct eye contact is common, but staring is
  • Nodding or smiling by many Chinese may simply
    reflect their cultural value for interpersonal
    harmony, not agreement with or an understanding
    of what you have said.
  • Introductions involve a nod or a slight bow.

  • Dietary Practices
  • The Chinese food that Americans traditionally eat
    in the USA is NOT like Chinese food in mainland
  • Americanized Chinese food is more Cantonese than
  • A typical meal consists of rice with meat, fish
    and vegetables.
  • The style of food varies
    depending upon the location
    within China.

  • Work and Time Issues
  • Chinese have a concept of time that is inexact
    and broad, and involves patience.

  • Chinese are highly motivated and energetic and
    spend long hours at work, but sleep from 12 noon
    to 2 (winter) or 230 (summer) pm.

Cultural Dimensions/Differences
  • Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner have
    studied cultural differences around the world and
    determined that there are dimensions that can
    better explain the differences between cultures.
  • There are fours dimensions that are of particular
    interest when looking at Chinese learning.

Trompenaars Dimensions
  • Communitarianism (China) vs Individualism
  • The idea of a communitarian society is to leave
    a legacy to their community, and for members to
    have a larger purpose than individual selves.
  • Cultures that are communitarian tend to have
    high levels of productivity and people are likely
    to bind together for common goals that are better
    for overall society.
  • Chinese students expect professors to achieve
    harmony on which long-term relationships are
    built on. What a professor says to the student
    is less important than how it is said
    (context-based). Relationships are very highly

Trompenaars Dimensions
  • Ascription (China) vs. Achievement (USA)
  • The educational structure in China has its
    roots in cultural and historical emphasis on
    examinations as a precursor for any promotion or
  • Chinese students traditionally concentrate on
    memorizing material without asking questions or
    discussing the content.
  • There is utmost respect for age and hierarchy,
    which is based on the Confucian concept of li.
    Everyone in society has a specific position in
    society. Elders, hierarchy within society and
    the government are traditionally respected.
  • The ideal educator can be seen as a benevolent
    autocrat. Chinese students expect to be told
    what to do, and it is not rare for a Chinese
    professor to lecture right out of the textbook.

Trompenaars Dimensions
  • Diffuse (China) vs. Specific (USA)
  • Chinese people are detached except when
    outsiders enter their private lives, and then
    they are open.
  • The dimension of specific vs. diffuse refers to
    the degree of intimacy people feel comfortable
    with when dealing with others.
  • There is an important distinction between the
    public and private person in regards to the
    amount of space that is allowed. Those in a
    specific culture are outgoing and allow a lot of
    public space but guard their private space.

Trompenaars Dimensions
  • Affective (China) vs. Neutral (USA)
  • Chinese students will be more likely to express
    their emotions naturally. Reactions are
    immediate through the use of mimic and body
  • Affective cultures usually do not avoid physical
  • Chinese may use more intuition compared to
    those in neutral cultures. Those that are
    classified as affective may have the tendency to
    overreact to certain issues.

American vs Chinese Educational System
  • In addition to understanding the dimensions of
    Chinese culture you need to be aware of Chinese
    learning styles in order to better convey content
    to your students.

Chinese Learning Styles
  • Chinese students display 5 characteristics which
    can be taken to summarize Chinese thinking and
  • Emphasis on perception of the concrete
  • Non-development of abstract thought
  • Emphasis on particulars not universals
  • Practicality as a central focus
  • Concern for reconciliation, harmony, balance

American vs Chinese Education
  • The differences between American and Chinese
    education can be found in three core areas of the
    educational system
  • Main Purpose
  • Instruction Mode
  • Curricular Orientation

American vs Chinese EducationMain Purpose
  • American
  • Focus in individual
  • Develop individuals full potential
  • Transmitter of cultural heritage
  • Chinese
  • Focus on loyal citizenry
  • Develop literate citizenry
  • Transmitter of past cultural heritage
  • Helps select future leaders

American vs Chinese EducationInstruction Mode
  • American
  • Learner centered
  • Stresses understanding, application and ability
  • Use of educational psychology
  • Learner active
  • Chinese
  • Teacher centered
  • Stresses recall of facts
  • Use of rote learning
  • Examinations as motivator
  • Learner passive

American vs Chinese EducationCurricular
  • American
  • Present-future oriented
  • Development of whole person
  • Social interaction promoted
  • Chinese
  • Past-present oriented
  • Strict exams to develop academic knowledge
  • Concepts first then skills

Teaching Recommendations
  • In order to account for the differences between
    Eastern and Western teaching/learning styles you
    should take into consideration the following when
    preparing your course materials

Teaching Recommendations
  • Group Discussion
  • Issues of status, saving face and shame may limit
    the openness of discussion thus faculty should be
    aware of the hidden messages behind what is
    disclosed by students and be sensitive to such
    constraints on Chinese behavior.

Teaching Recommendations
  • Ideas to encourage class participation
  • Offer extra credit points to students who ask
    questions in class
  • Have students form groups and ask questions as a
    group rather than an individual
  • Encourage group discussions outside of the
    classroom. Assign questions for the students to
    discuss outside of class and have them report
    back as groups to the rest of the class.

Teaching Recommendations
  • Use of case studies, role-play games, etc
  • Such approaches are heavily reliant on abstract
    thinking and could pose hazards for students not
    used to open discussions and opinion expressions.
    To be effective, such methods have to be
    introduced slowly with clear instructions and
    guidelines as well as adequate preparation time.

Teaching Recommendations
  • Student participation in classroom
  • To facilitate participation, it is important to
    allow the students the opportunity to define
    their roles at the outset, provide unambiguous
    instructions as well as allow students more time
    to think about the topics under discussion. Long
    silences in the classroom may not simply be
    indications that students are refusing to
    participate, but that they may be thinking about
    the answers and require more probing and

Teaching Recommendations
  • The applicability of Western concepts to China
  • Care must be taken in producing supporting
    materials with Chinese examples instead of
    western ones. Also care should be taken when
    translating English into Chinese as the mere
    translation may not have the same cultural
    reference as it does in America.

  • Chinese students are very eager to learn and
    motivated to do well. Take this opportunity to
    teach/mentor them and give them the best arena in
    which to maximize their potential.

For further information on the topics covered in
this guide, please consult these references
  • Adamus, Rebecca. IRCC Leads the Way in
    Innovative Teaching Methods. Community College
    Week. November 21, 2005.
  • Author unknown. Affective Versus Neutral
    Cultures. Via-Web.De. Last accessed March 26,
    2006, available online at http//www.via-web.de/
  • Bing, John W. The Use of a Cultural Inventory in
    Global Leadership Training. ITAP International.
    Last accessed March 26, 2006, available online
    at http//www.itapintl.com/culturalinventory.htm.
  • Chan, S. The Chinese Learner a question of
    style. Education and Training. Vol. 41, 6/7,
  • Handy, Charles. The Handy Guide to Gurus of
    Management Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden
    Turner. BBC.
  • Huijser, Mijnd. Cross-Cultural Management
    Education in China. CMC/Global Associates/AER.
    2002. Last accessed March 26, 2006, available
    online at http//www.cmc-net.org/marx-markets.doc
  • Kennedy, Peter. Learning Cultures and Learning
    Styles Myth-understandings About Adult (Hong
    Kong) Chinese Learners. International Journal of
    Lifelong Education. Vol. 21, No. 5 (Sept-Oct)
  • Luthans, Fred. Doing Business in Central and
    Easter Europe political, economic, and cultural
    diversity. Business Horizons. Sept-Oct 1995
  • Ouellette, Dr. Robert. Learning Styles in Adult
    Education. http//polariz.umuc.edu/rouellet/lear
    nstyle/learnstyle.htm. Printed February 27, 2006.
  • Pierik, Rebecca Pollard. Learning in China
    Free Market Style. HGSE News. Last accessed
    March 25, 2006, available online at
  • Ross, Douglas. Culture as a context for
    multinational business a framework for assessing
    the strategy-culture fit. Multinational
    Business Review. Spring 1999.
  • Trompenaars, Fons and Hampden-Turner, Charles.
    Riding the Waves of Culture Understanding
    Cultural Diversity in Global Business. McGraw
    Hill New York. 1998.
  • Williamson, Dermot. Managing the key cultural
    dimensions of control and risk. European
    Business Forum. Last accessed March 26, 2006,
    available online at http//www.ebfonline.com/main
  • Zhenhui, Rao. Matching Teaching Styles with
    Learning Styles in East Asian Contexts. The
    Internet TESL Journal. Vol. VII, No. 7, July
    2001. Last accessed March 25, 2006, available
    online at http//iteslj.org/Techniques/Zhenui-Tea
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