Digital Media - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digital Media


the magazine market is one of the most 'segmented' markets that exists, with ... of a Stephen King novel, the digital version has somehow not fully materialized, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Digital Media

Digital Media
  • Print

  • Hypertext was originally envisioned as a way to
    enliven printed text.
  • idea of a hyperlink is to dynamically link a
    reference to its source.

  • If an author mentions a name in a book or
    article, the casual reader can digress from the
    main text and follow the link to learn a little
    more about that persons life and contextual
    significance. In the same manner, a historical
    event or cultural reference can be linked, such
    that the original text flows as intended and any
    digression is done at the whim or need of the

  • The newspaper format is arguably one of the
    greatest beneficiaries of a digital presence in
    print media. The advantages are numerous, but
    amongst the most significant are the following.

  • Articles can be posted at any time the on-line
    version of a newspaper can avoid the usual news
    cycle deadlines required for a print version, and
    can therefore get the story up faster than
    before, and do so for the record deeper and
    more comprehensive than television coverage.

  • Corrections or updates can also be posted as they
    are noted or reported, thus minimizing potential
    damage if caught early, and correcting the record
    either directly or with a link after the fact.

  • The prior editions of the on-line paper are
    available, and are readily indexed for rapid
    search and retrieval of key information. An
    interested reader can, on a good site, follow a
    series of articles over time to see how the issue

  • It is necessary in most articles to provide some
    context and explanatory text for readers
    unfamiliar with the topic often this text can
    take up much of the space for the article, as the
    writer cannot assume that the reader has seen the
    preceding, topically related articles.

  • The on-line version of a newspaper can provide
    links to the preceding articles, which may, over
    time, enable a certain encapsulation of the
    antecedent information and possibly change the
    style of writing.

  • On-line articles can provide richer content as
    the textual references to people, places, and
    events are hyperlinked.

  • The presentation of a story on tornados can
    include background links to articles on how
    tornados are formed, stories of other tornados,
    and their seasonal propensity to strike narrow
    regions of the country.

  • Stories on foreign leaders or cultural events can
    benefit in the same manner from the inclusion of
    more substantial background references. And this
    work can complement the work of other sources,
    rather than duplicating the effort, pointing
    readers towards particularly relevant material.

  • Then there are routine but useful features such
    as the capacity to search various sections, such
    as the personal ads, the want ads, and the
    classified ads, for particular products or

  • An on-line newspaper does contain advertisements,
    and, even better, the paper can report how many
    people see the ads and how many click through
    to follow up on the ad, so these numbers are more
    reliable than the traditional print ad.

  • And there are advantages to the on-line process.
    Printing and distributing newspapers is quite
    expensive the paper itself, the newsprint, the
    printing press, the packaging and delivery of
    papers, the recovery of extra papersevery step
    costs time, money, and labor. NOT printing papers
    can actually save money.

  • There is also the observation that with a printed
    paper the company never really knows how many
    people are reading the different sections, or
    following specific story lines or topic areas.

  • The on-line version can compute exactly how
    many, or what percentage, of its clients are
    reading any given part of the paper. This
    information can, for better or worse, influence
    coverage and content of the paper.

  • The application of usage-data mining techniques
    will provide tremendous insight into how people
    are reading the paper, or, more precisely, how
    they are reading the on-line paper. This kind of
    information has never before been available, and
    it remains to be seen just how it will be used.

  • Ideally, there will still be room for coverage of
    topics other than celebrities and scandals.

  • The data could be used to mount a degree of
    personalization for individual readers, such that
    the weather forecast is localized, and the sports
    coverage lists local teams first, etc. In this
    way, the paper begins to cater to the natural
    interests of the reader.

  • . But there is a danger in this trend, in that
    if the paper changes many times a day, and it
    changes depending on who is reading it, then can
    it really stand as a paper of record? There
    are benefits to having some universal reference
    points, and excessive personalization can remove
    that communal experience.

  • All periodicals share to a greater or lesser
    extent the potential and problems associated with
    digital publication of newspapers.

  • One key difference is the length of the
    publishing cycle. Where a newspaper has a daily
    cycle for the main sections, and a weekly cycle
    for its features, magazines publish on a weekly
    or monthly basis.

  • The longer cycle influences the type of coverage
    that can be offered, though an important
    distinction should be made here between pop
    culture and celebrity-oriented magazines, and
    those that have a more thematic focus.

  • The former category tends to have short pieces
    that are more oriented to opinion or impression,
    while the latter tends towards more serious and
    longer pieces, with an emphasis on research and
    assimilation of a wider range of sources than is
    typical or possible for a daily publication.

  • the magazine market is one of the most
    segmented markets that exists, with thousands
    of entries, many targeted to an extremely narrow
    demographic profile outdoors males between 18
    and 25 female runners between 18 and 30,
    middle-aged retired male golfers and, in a
    slightly mocking reference from a comic strip,
    young chewing gum enthusiasts1.
  • 1 A recurring plot theme from the Calvin
    Hobbes strip, by Bill Watterson

  • The market segmentation of magazines would then
    seem quite suitable to the web, as the web caters
    to this sort of specialization. Yet, in an
    observation not lost on many pundits, the most
    popular magazine about the emerging digital
    culture, Wired magazine, is primarily known for
    its print version.

  • And one of the more popular on-line magazines,, doesnt have a traditional print
    presence. So the uneasy cohabitation that exists
    in the context of newspapers hasnt emerged to
    the same extent with magazines

  • One of the objectives of good web design is that
    the site retain key branding elements and
    consistent navigational tools, but that the
    content change on a regular basisdaily is good,
    multiple times a day even better in the view of
    some sites.

  • The human eye is trained to detect motion, and
    changewe pay more attention to a changed
    environment than one with which we are already
    familiar. Thus, if there is nothing new on a web
    site, the user gets bored, and moves on.

  • A simple port of the print version of the
    magazine to the web wont draw as many visitors
    as a version whose contents change more often.
    Thus, if fresh material is necessary to attract
    and retain web visitors, then an on-line magazine
    requires a change in its production process.

  • For example, the following changes might be
  •          Make the cover page dynamic. There
    should be elements that change routine a
    featured graphic should change with each fresh
    load, such that each page is slightly different
    on each viewing.

  •          The featured articles might rotate in
    their relative priority or prominence on the
    page, with the freshest material getting the
    highest ranking.

  •          Similarly, based upon usage-data mining
    results, the hottest topics for that particular
    issue would rise in their prominence on the front

  •          Readers might receive the magazine, or
    at least see selected articles and sections, for
    free, but in return should register so as to
    provide feedback on who is visiting the site and
    what they are reading.

  •          The usage-data mining results that help
    determine user interest in articles and features
    could also be used to provide customized links to
    related topics in the current or prior issues,
    and to promote upcoming features so as to
    encourage a return visit.

  •          More controversially, the data mining
    can be used to selectively promote the products
    of sponsors or advertisersa reader who seems to
    respond to ads for childrens products will see
    more childrens ads, while a reader clicking on
    arthritis ads might be targeted for something on
    vitamin supplements.

  • Introduce rolling publication dates, such that
    rather than having the entire magazine come out
    all on the same day, features emerge at scheduled
    intervals, so that each week there is substantial
    new content available. Certain features, such as
    letters to the editor or special reports and
    updates, could be posted more frequently.

  •          The down side of using rolling
    feature publication dates is that there might not
    be a definitive September issue, or perhaps for
    only a short time would the on-line version more
    or less match the print version.

  •          Serialization of books or special
    reports that span several issues can be readily
    linked, such that new readers can easily catch up
    with the earlier material.

  • There are a variety of web-friendly features
    becoming more common, such as puzzles and games,
    and regular reader polls as to their opinions on
    the latest hot topic, but these should be used
    with some discretion!

  • There are larger issues pertaining to the
    economic model of the magazine how much is given
    away, and how much is sold? The paid
    subscription model has not worked so well
    on-line, as users are accustomed to getting
    content for free, and in the haste to build
    on-line readership most sites have quietly
    shelved the idea of collecting money directly
    from the readers.

  • One common model is for a magazines current
    issue to be free, but access to archived material
    comes at a price. Or, a two-tier model is
    established, where parts of the publication are
    free to anyone who cares to visit, but extra
    features (special reports, detailed studies,
    etc.) and value-added services (such as the
    archive search) only come with a subscription.

  • Books have been written off every few years as
    relics and certain casualties of the information
    revolution. Who would buy a dusty old heavy book
    when a digital version could be available, fully
    hyperlinked, without the fuss and bother of
    printing and storing books?

  • Each time the prediction has been made, dating
    from Vannevar Bushs Memex to the much-touted
    digital release of a Stephen King novel, the
    digital version has somehow not fully
    materialized, and books have persevered.

  • Perhaps the most appealing vision of the digital
    book of the future was designed by Alan Kay in
    1968 and later promoted by Apple Computer in the
    1980s, in a concept packaged as the DynaBook
    (presumably standing for Dynamic Book).

  • The DynaBook wasnt really a product, it was more
    of a vision, a vision which today seems quite
  • The Dynabook was originally conceived as sort of
    a calculator with a keyboard.

  • . It later morphed into a sleeker device that
    replaced the keyboard interface with a stylus and
    support for handwriting recognition. The newer
    version was illustrated as a device similar to a
    small leather-bound folding notebook, lightweight
    and durable, easy to carry, even to slip into a
    jacket pocket.

  • The device presumably carried enough local memory
    to hold the digital contents of at least one and
    perhaps many books, with an easy means to
    transfer old books out and new material in.

  • The unit was portable, thus enabling the DynaBook
    to be used easily in cozy settings such as the
    park, the library, or a coffee shop, and served
    as well as a calendar and organizer.

  • It seems like an appealing idea, so why didnt it
    get anywhere? In large part, because the
    DynaBook did not exist. Many of the individual
    technologies required to create a DynaScript
    device were not far enough along to make and
    market functional models.

  • The concept has persevered, though, and will
    likely take form in various manifestations
    amongst the new generations of personal digital
    assistants and tablet computers.

  • The reality of purely digital books still seems
    just as much around the corner today as it did
    decades ago. The bigger hurdle today does not
    appear to be the physical device, which is now
    getting very close to reality, but the problems
    associated with protecting the work from
    widespread digital reproduction.

on demand printing
  • Rather than print thousands of copies of books
    that people may or may not buy, and that could
    sit on shelves and in warehouses for years,
    wouldnt it be nice if books could be printed as
    needed, perhaps in small batches, such that all
    the problems associated with printing and
    managing large quantities of books were avoided

  • This is the premise behind on-demand printing.
    If a customer places an order today, the book can
    be printed tonight and delivered tomorrow. In
    this model, every participant is happy, and the
    inventory problems avoided.

  • An additional advantage of this approach is that
    it would make small batch production more
    economically viable, reducing the quantity
    required for a publisher to break even on the
    print and production costs. Thus, books that
    were probably never going to make it onto a
    best-seller list could still be printed and made
    available for their select audience.

  • One problem is that most of the books produced
    this way look more or less the same, not far
    removed from a job at the university copy center,
    and it leaves book lovers unhappy with the
    on-demand version.

  • It is likely that the uniformity problem can be
    improved, such that the coming generations of
    equipment can produce a product closer, perhaps
    identical, to the original product from the
    publisher, but for the moment on-demand
    printing remains something of a specialty itself,
    consigned primarily to corporate and university
    print shops.
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