Futures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSF defines agreed forward credit spread at time contract written ... Payoff increases as (default) yield spread on a specified benchmark bond on the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Futures

Chapter 24
  • Futures Forwards

  • Derivative securities have become increasingly
    important as FIs seek methods to hedge risk
    exposures. The growth of derivative usage is not
    without controversy since misuse can increase
    risk. This chapter explores the role of futures
    and forwards in risk management.

Futures and Forwards
  • Second largest group of interest rate derivatives
    in terms of notional value and largest group of
    FX derivatives.
  • Swaps are the largest.

  • Rapid growth of derivatives use has been
  • Orange County, California
  • Bankers Trust
  • Allfirst Bank (Allied Irish)
  • As of 2000, FASB requires that derivatives be
    marked to market
  • Transparency of losses and gains on financial

Web Resources
  • For further information on the web, visit
  • FASB www.fasb.org

Spot and Forward Contracts
  • Spot Contract
  • Agreement at t0 for immediate delivery and
    immediate payment.
  • Forward Contract
  • Agreement to exchange an asset at a specified
    future date for a price which is set at t0.
  • Counterparty risk

Futures Contracts
  • Futures Contract similar to a forward contract
  • Marked to market
  • Exchange traded
  • Standardized contracts
  • Smaller denomination than forward
  • Lower default risk than forward contracts.

Hedging Interest Rate Risk
  • Example 20-year 1 million face value bond.
    Current price 970,000. Interest rates expected
    to increase from 8 to 10 over next 3 months.
  • From duration model, change in bond value
  • ?P/P -D ? ?R/(1R)
  • ?P/ 970,000 -9 ? .02/1.08
  • ?P -161,666.67

Example continued Naive hedge
  • Hedged by selling 3 months forward at forward
    price of 970,000.
  • Suppose interest rate rises from 8to 10.
  • 970,000 - 808,333 161,667
  • (forward (spot price
  • price) at t3 months)
  • Exactly offsets the on-balance-sheet loss.
  • Immunized.

Hedging with futures
  • Futures more commonly used than forwards.
  • Microhedging
  • Individual assets.
  • Macrohedging
  • Hedging entire duration gap
  • Found more effective and generally lower cost.
  • Basis risk
  • Exact matching is uncommon
  • Standardized delivery dates of futures reduces
    likelihood of exact matching.

Routine versus Selective Hedging
  • Routine hedging reduces interest rate risk to
    lowest possible level.
  • Low risk - low return.
  • Selective hedging manager may selectively hedge
    based on expectations of future interest rates
    and risk preferences.
  • Partially hedge duration gap or individual assets
    or liabilities

Macrohedging with Futures
  • Number of futures contracts depends on interest
    rate exposure and risk-return tradeoff.
  • DE -DA - kDL A DR/(1R)
  • Suppose DA 5 years, DL 3 years and interest
    rate expected to rise from 10 to 11. A 100
  • DE -(5 - (.9)(3)) 100 (.01/1.1) -2.091

Risk-Minimizing Futures Position
  • Sensitivity of the futures contract
  • DF/F -DF DR/(1R)
  • Or,
  • DF -DF DR/(1R) F and
  • F NF PF

Risk-Minimizing Futures Position
  • Fully hedged requires
  • DF DE
  • DF(NF PF) (DA - kDL) A
  • Number of futures to sell
  • NF (DA- kDL)A/(DF PF)
  • Perfect hedge may be impossible since number of
    contracts must be rounded down.

Payoff profiles
Long Position
Short Position
Futures Price
Futures Price
Futures Price Quotes
  • T-bond futures contract 100,000 face value
  • T-bill futures contract 1,000,000 face value
  • quote is price per 100 of face value
  • Example 103 14/32 for T-bond indicates purchase
    price of 103,437.50 per contract
  • Delivery options
  • Conversion factors used to compute invoice price
    if bond other than the benchmark bond delivered

Basis Risk
  • Spot and futures prices are not perfectly
  • We assumed in our example that
  • DR/(1R) DRF/(1RF)
  • Basis risk remains when this condition does not
    hold. Adjusting for basis risk,
  • NF (DA- kDL)A/(DF PF br) where
  • br DRF/(1RF)/ DR/(1R)

Hedging FX Risk
  • Hedging of FX exposure parallels hedging of
    interest rate risk.
  • If spot and futures prices are not perfectly
    correlated, then basis risk remains.
  • Tailing the hedge
  • Interest income effects of marking to market
    allows hedger to reduce number of futures
    contracts that must be sold to hedge

Basis Risk
  • In order to adjust for basis risk, we require the
    hedge ratio,
  • h DSt/Dft
  • Nf (Long asset position h)/(size of one

Estimating the Hedge Ratio
  • The hedge ratio may be estimated using ordinary
    least squares regression
  • DSt a bDft ut
  • The hedge ratio, h will be equal to the
    coefficient b. The R2 from the regression reveals
    the effectiveness of the hedge.

Hedging Credit Risk
  • More FIs fail due to credit-risk exposures than
    to either interest-rate or FX exposures.
  • In recent years, development of derivatives for
    hedging credit risk has accelerated.
  • Credit forwards, credit options and credit swaps.

Credit Forwards
  • Credit forwards hedge against decline in credit
    quality of borrower.
  • Common buyers are insurance companies.
  • Common sellers are banks.
  • Specifies a credit spread on a benchmark bond
    issued by a borrower.
  • Example BBB bond at time of origination may have
    2 spread over U.S. Treasury of same maturity.

Credit Forwards
  • CSF defines agreed forward credit spread at time
    contract written
  • CST actual credit spread at maturity of forward
  • Credit Spread Credit Spread Credit Spread
  • at End Seller Buyer
  • CST CSF Receives Pays
  • (CST - CSF)MD(A) (CST -C SF)MD(A)
  • CSFCST Pays Receives
  • (CSF - CST)MD(A) (CSF - CST)MD(A)

Futures and Catastrophe Risk
  • CBOT introduced futures and options for
    catastrophe insurance.
  • Contract volume is rising.
  • Catastrophe futures to allow PC insurers to hedge
    against extreme losses such as hurricanes.
  • Payoff linked to loss ratio (insured losses to
  • Example Payoff contract size realized loss
    ratio contract size contracted futures loss
    ratio. 25,000 1.5 - 25,000 0.8 17,500
    per contract.

Regulatory Policy
  • Three levels of regulation
  • Permissible activities
  • Supervisory oversight of permissible activities
  • Overall integrity and compliance
  • Functional regulators
  • SEC and CFTC
  • As of 2000, derivative positions must be
  • Exchange traded futures not subject to capital
    requirements OTC forwards potentially subject to
    capital requirements

Regulatory Policy for Banks
  • Federal Reserve, FDIC and OCC require banks
  • Establish internal guidelines regarding hedging.
  • Establish trading limits.
  • Disclose large contract positions that materially
    affect bank risk to shareholders and outside
  • Discourage speculation and encourage hedging
  • Allfirst/Allied Irish Existing (and apparently
    inadequate) policies were circumvented via fraud
    and deceit.

Pertinent websites
  • Federal Reserve www.federalreserve.gov
  • Chicago Board of Trade www.cbot.org
  • CFTC www.cftc.gov
  • FDIC www.fdic.gov
  • FASB www.fasb.org
  • OCC www.ustreas.gov
  • SEC www.sec.gov

Chapter 25
  • Options, Caps, Floors Collars

  • Derivative securities as a whole have become
    increasingly important in the management of risk
    and this chapter details the use of options in
    that vein. A review of basic options puts and
    calls is followed by a discussion of
    fixed-income, or interest rate options. The
    chapter also explains options that address
    foreign exchange risk, credit risks, and
    catastrophe risk. Caps, floors, and collars are
    also discussed.

Option Terms
  • Long position in an option is synonymous with
    Holder, buyer, purchaser, the long
  • Holder of an option has the right, but not the
    obligation to exercise the option
  • Short position in an option is synonymous with
    Writer, seller, the short
  • Obliged to fulfill terms of the option if the
    option holder chooses to exercise.

Call option
  • A call provides the holder (or long position)
    with the right, but not the obligation, to
    purchase an underlying security at a prespecified
    exercise or strike price.
  • Expiration date American and European options
  • The purchaser of a call pays the writer of the
    call (or the short position) a fee, or call
    premium in exchange.

Payoff to Buyer of a Call Option
  • If the price of the bond underlying the call
    option rises above the exercise price, by more
    than the amount of the premium, then exercising
    the call generates a profit for the holder of the
  • Since bond prices and interest rates move in
    opposite directions, the purchaser of a call
    profits if interest rates fall.

The Short Call Position
  • Zero-sum game
  • The writer of a call (short call position)
    profits when the call is not exercised (or if the
    bond price is not far enough above the exercise
    price to erode the entire call premium).
  • Gains for the short call position are losses for
    the long call position.
  • Gains for the long call position are losses for
    the short call position.

Writing a Call
  • Since there is no theoretical limit to upward
    movements in the bond price, the writer of a call
    is exposed to the risk of very large losses.
  • Recall that losses to the writer are gains to the
    purchaser of the call. Therefore, potential
    profit to call purchaser is theoretically
  • Maximum gain for the writer occurs if bond price
    falls below exercise price.

Call Options on Bonds
  • Buy a call Write a call

Put Option
  • A put provides the holder (or long position) with
    the right, but not the obligation, to sell an
    underlying security at a prespecified exercise or
    strike price.
  • Expiration date American and European options
  • The purchaser of a put pays the writer of the put
    (or the short position) a fee, or put premium in

Payoff to Buyer of a Put Option
  • If the price of the bond underlying the put
    option falls below the exercise price, by more
    than the amount of the premium, then exercising
    the put generates a profit for the holder of the
  • Since bond prices and interest rates move in
    opposite directions, the purchaser of a put
    profits if interest rates rise.

The Short Put Position
  • Zero-sum game
  • The writer of a put (short put position) profits
    when the put is not exercised (or if the bond
    price is not far enough below the exercise price
    to erode the entire put premium).
  • Gains for the short position are losses for the
    long position. Gains for the long position are
    losses for the short position.

Writing a Put
  • Since the bond price cannot be negative, the
    maximum loss for the writer of a put occurs when
    the bond price falls to zero.
  • Maximum loss exercise price minus the premium

Put Options on Bonds
  • Buy a Put Write a Put
  • (Long Put) (Short Put)

Writing versus Buying Options
  • Many smaller FIs constrained to buying rather
    than writing options.
  • Economic reasons
  • Potentially unlimited downside losses for calls.
  • Potentially large losses for puts
  • Gains can be no greater than the premiums so less
    satisfactory as a hedge against losses in bond
  • Regulatory reasons
  • Risk associated with writing naked options.

Combining Long and Short Option Positions
  • The overall cost of hedging can be custom
    tailored by combining long and short option
    positions in combination with (or alternative to)
    adjusting the exercise price.
  • Example Suppose the necessary hedge requires a
    long call option but the hedger wishes to lower
    the cost. A higher exercise price would lower the
    premium but provides less protection.
    Alternatively, the hedger could buy the desired
    call and simultaneously sell a put. The put
    premium offsets the call premium. Presumably any
    losses on the short put would be offset by gains
    in the bond portfolio being hedged.

Hedging Downside with Long Put
  • Payoffs to Bond Put

Tips for plotting payoffs
  • Students often find it helpful to tabulate the
    payoffs at critical values of the underlying
  • Value of the position when bond price equals zero
  • Value of the position when bond price equals X
  • Value of position when bond price exceeds X
  • Value of net position equals sum of individual

Tips for plotting payoffs
Futures versus Options Hedging
  • Hedging with futures eliminates both upside and
  • Hedging with options eliminates risk in one
    direction only

Hedging with Futures
Hedging Bonds
  • Weaknesses of Black-Scholes model.
  • Assumes short-term interest rate constant
  • Assumes constant variance of returns on
    underlying asset.
  • Behavior of bond prices between issuance and
  • Pull-to-par.

Hedging With Bond Options Using Binomial Model
  • Example FI purchases zero-coupon bond with 2
    years to maturity, at BP0 80.45. This means
    YTM 11.5.
  • Assume FI may have to sell at t1. Current yield
    on 1-year bonds is 10 and forecast for next
    years 1-year rate is that rates will rise to
    either 13.82 or 12.18.
  • If r113.82, BP1 100/1.1382 87.86
  • If r112.18, BP1 100/1.1218 89.14

Example (continued)
  • If the 1-year rates of 13.82 and 12.18 are
    equally likely, expected 1-year rate 13 and
    E(BP1) 100/1.13 88.50.
  • To ensure that the FI receives at least 88.50 at
    end of 1 year, buy put with X 88.50.

Value of the Put
  • At t 1, equally likely outcomes that bond with
    1 year to maturity trading at 87.86 or 89.14.
  • Value of put at t1
  • Max88.5-87.86, 0 .64
  • Or, Max88.5-89.14, 0 0.
  • Value at t0
  • P .5(.64) .5(0)/1.10 0.29.

Actual Bond Options
  • Most pure bond options trade over-the-counter.
  • Open interest on CBOE relatively small
  • Preferred method of hedging is an option on an
    interest rate futures contract.
  • Combines best features of futures contracts with
    asymmetric payoff features of options.

Web Resources
  • Visit
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange www.cboe.com

Hedging with Put Options
  • To hedge net worth exposure,
  • ? P - ?E
  • Np (DA-kDL)?A ? ? ? D ? B
  • Adjustment for basis risk
  • Np (DA-kDL)?A ? ? ? D ? B ?br

Using Options to Hedge FX Risk
  • Example FI is long in 1-month T-bill paying 100
    million. FIs liabilities are in dollars. Suppose
    they hedge with put options, with X1.60 /1.
    Contract size 31,250.
  • FI needs to buy 100,000,000/31,250 3,200
    contracts. If cost of put 0.20 cents per ,
    then each contract costs 62.50. Total cost
    200,000 (62.50 3,200).

Hedging Credit Risk With Options
  • Credit spread call option
  • Payoff increases as (default) yield spread on a
    specified benchmark bond on the borrower
    increases above some exercise spread S.
  • Digital default option
  • Pays a stated amount in the event of a loan

Hedging Catastrophe Risk
  • Catastrophe (CAT) call spread options to hedge
    unexpectedly high loss events such as hurricanes,
    faced by PC insurers.
  • Provides coverage within a bracket of
    loss-ratios. Example Increasing payoff if
    loss-ratio between 50 and 80. No payoff if
    below 50. Capped at 80.

Caps, Floors, Collars
  • Cap buy call (or succession of calls) on
    interest rates.
  • Floor buy a put on interest rates.
  • Collar Cap Floor.
  • Caps, Floors and Collars create exposure to
    counterparty credit risk since they involve
    multiple exercise over-the-counter contracts.

Fair Cap Premium
  • Two period cap
  • Fair premium P
  • PV of year 1 option PV of year 2 option
  • Cost of a cap (C)
  • Cost Notional Value of cap fair cap premium
    (as percent of notional face value)
  • C NVc ? pc

Buy a Cap and Sell a Floor
  • Net cost of long cap and short floor
  • Cost (NVc pc) - (NVf pf )
  • Cost of cap - Revenue from floor

Pertinent websites
  • Chicago Board of Trade www.cbot.com
  • CBOE www.cboe.com
  • Chicago Mercantile Exchange www.cme.com
  • Philadelphia Options Exchange www.phlx.com
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