Stained Glass and the Supernormal Aspects of Color - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stained Glass and the Supernormal Aspects of Color


... note of the Christ and the Illuminati, for it sings of infinity rather ... time immemorial by Wise men, the Illuminati, as a means of both physical and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stained Glass and the Supernormal Aspects of Color

Stained Glass and theSupernormal Aspects of Color
  • The College Of Metaphysical Studies Online
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  • Stained glass in England owes much of its
    brilliance to the recipes used by generations of
    craftsmen but it also owes a great deal to its
    climate with its greyer light, which shows
    stained glass to greater advantage than does
    brilliant sunshine. Colored glass was regarded as
    particularly precious from early monastic days.
  • Theophilus, a German monk writing in the first
    half of the 12th century, in his treatise "On
    Divers Arts" goes into considerable detail about
    the making of windows, but carefully leaves out
    chapters which give precise instructions for the
    coloring of glass with copper, lead and salt.
    This would be one of the secret recipes so
    jealously guarded. In religious terms, light was
    a symbol of vital importance, used to describe
    the quality of spirit itself. And stained glass,
    while much more expensive than plain could be
    used to fill the congregation with a
    awe-inspiring sense of mystery and vision and
    also had the function of glorifying God for his
    own sake. "Like an intelligent inquirer," wrote
    Theophilus. "I have labored to inform myself, by
    all methods, what inventions of art and vitality
    of color may beautify a structure and not repel
    the light of day and the rays of the sun."
  • Specimens of colored glass have been found in
    Saxon monastic buildings of the 7th or 8th
    centuries and there is a remarkable range of
    color, considering the limited range of materials
    available. Several shades of red, turquoise,
    viridian, four different shades of yellow, violet
    and a very pale violet, and white glass streaked
    with purple, are among the colors used.

  • Many of the great painters have also striven
    after this quality of luminosity, particularly
    for religious paintings, and again there have
    been many secret recipes, some of which have been
    lost and some rediscovered.
  • Glass luster artifacts also reflect this quality
    and it is obviously something integral in the
    human being that requires this reminder of other
    realities than the ordinary, everyday appearance
    of things. Socrates in the "Phaedo", describing
    the "real earth" says of it that "the colors
    which we know are only limited samples, like the
    paints which artists use but there the whole
    earth is made up of such colors, and others far
    brighter and purer still...even these very
    hollows in the earth, full of water and air,
    assume a kind of color as they gleam amid the
    different hues around them, so that there appears
    to be one continuous surface of varied colors."
  • Gems also have this peculiar quality of
    luminescence, a hidden hire in their depths,
    which again stirs a long-forgotten memory.
    Ancient literature is full of such remarks as
    "...has the appearance of a sapphire" or "...was
    the color of amber", or again "...a rainbow round
    the throne, in sight like unto an emerald."
  • The description of the New Jerusalem includes
    walls of jasper, garnished with all manner of
    precious stones, and of course we all know of the
    pearly gates!

  • Josephus, the Jewish historian in the 1st century
    CE associated white with earth, red with fire,
    purple with water, and yellow with air.
  • However 15-centuries later Leonardo da Vinci
    states his color preferences as "white for the
    representative of light, without which no color
    can be seen yellow for the earth green for
    water blue for air red for fire and black for
    total darkness." Some of these colors are still
    included in astrological tradition, as with
    yellow for Mercury and air, and things
    intellectual red for Mars, fire and energy (see
  • So fashions and preferences do tend to change and
    evolve -- in one era nobles, warriors,
    middleclass and peasants tend to wear
    distinguishing colors, as in early Aryan
    cultures, or at other times certain colors are
    reserved for specific trades and professions, as
    today in law, religion and the armed forces
    faculties at universities and colleges have their
    special colors children at school have their
    team colors and in many sports colors are
    important, not only in order that contestants may
    identify one another, but that the audience may
    also identify them.
  • All over the world colors of symbolic
    significance have all been woven into beadwork
    and tapestries, painted on icons, walls, pottery
    and stonework, incorporated into inlay work and
    stained glass, glass vessels and jewelry, not
    only for ornamentation and visual enjoyment, but
    for the practice of sympathetic and protective
    magic in all its aspects, and ultimately and
    simply for the glory of God.

Supernormal Aspects of Color
  • The prismatic spectrum is a vast storehouse of
    supernatural forces. We know little of this power
    at present. To lift, to ennoble, to spiritualize
    all life is the message of the color scale, and
    the high significance of the spectrum

  • Red, the first color-note of the spectrum, is the
    note of activity, challenge, adventure. Here the
    mass consciousness of humanity is centered. Red
    is the dominant decorative motif of most
    primitive peoples. Its emanation is physically
    stimulating. Red is used for melancholia, anemia,
    all forms of sluggishness, retardation of blood
    circulation. Surrounding oneself with red is a
    splendid antidote for fear and timidity. Excess
    of activity is a sign of danger. Hence, red
    lights are used as traffic stop signals.
    Mephistopheles and Satan are always symbolized by
    the color red because excessive activity in any
    direction leads to negative reactions which we
    term sins the work of the evil one. The
    transmutation of deep, dark crimson tones within
    the human aura into the clear, bright red of
    bravery, courage and daring is one of the most
    important steps in human evolution.
  • Red, intoning base etheric notes, is the color of
    fire. It is through these notes that a human
    being has his first approach to Deity. In most of
    the world religions God is represented as
    appearing in flames of fire. From this came
    worship of the fire that is never extinguished
    with its votive offerings and its vestal
    priestesses. Red fire is only one phase of God in
    manifestation. His power is infinite its
    expression an ever ascending spiral of color and
    tone. This is evidenced in hymnal worship
    ascribed to the 7-vowels as power ciphers of the
    7-Angels of the Planets. This power is
    disseminated by means of the sevenfold scale in
    both color and tone. In its ascending rhythms,
    the red of terrestrial fire is transmuted into
    the golden yellow of pure spirit essence. By
    using its magical golden color, miracles of
    healing and transformation can be performed. A
    part of this magic has been condensed into the
    most perfect of metals, the sun's high gift to
    this planet, gold.

  • Orange, the next higher ray of the spectrum, is
    produced by blending two primary colors, red and
    yellow. Red, as noted, is the activity ray.
    Yellow is the mental or wisdom ray. Therefore
    orange is a color of tremendously dynamic power
    for healing. Visualizing the orange ray as
    encircling and permeating afflicted parts often
    brings instant relief. This is the color of
    discrimination, the capacity for making wise

  • Yellow, a primary, has been termed the mind
    color, and it proves itself to be a vibrant and
    refreshing mental stimulant. Its vibratory rate
    is high, its influence elevating and inspiring.
    The halo around the heads of saints is always
    depicted in golden yellow. It is generally
    recognized as the color-note of the Christ and
    the Illuminati, for it sings of infinity rather
    than concreteness. It lifts above the mundane. It
    soars up and away, reaching ever toward the
    supreme goal which is Light. To become one with
    yellow is to comprehend the unreality of matter
    and the eternity of Spirit. This is the true
    meaning of Wisdom.

  • Gold was held sacred by primitive peoples, who
    were wiser in esoteric truths than we moderns.
    Its use was never permitted to become common, but
    was reserved for temple worship. The misuse of
    gold has brought destruction instead of strength
    and elevation. Humanity has forfeited the rights
    of its blessings and is fast losing the use of
    the metal as well, for its prostitution has
    brought upon us a heavy karmic debt involving our
    entire planet.

  • Green is the color of earth. Each resurrection
    season nature adorns herself in robes of shining
    green. Forests radiate such powerful and magnetic
    life emanations that highly sensitized persons
    are not only renewed but can actually see them.
    We all know the sense of rest, well being and
    refreshment gained from a prolonged stay amidst
    the greens of nature. This color is most
    efficient for soothing tired or frayed nerves,
    for headache and other upsets caused by nerve
    tension. Green as stated, is the nature color. It
    belongs to summer and the Moon, and is known as
    the Mother of Nature. In the radiations of this
    magic light fairies per-form their enchantments
    over field and forest. In countries where many
    people possess "second sight" and hold communion
    with the "little people of nature," green is held
    in high esteem.

  • Blue, is the Spirit color. Deep, dark blue
    indicates power of immense intensity. Light or
    azure tones imply high and ethereal aspirations.
    This is the color in which creative artists
    should immerse themselves before starting work.
    Dr. Babbitt, father of color healing, states that
    he used blue in all forms of inflammation and
    various diseases of the skin. When one visualizes
    blue, the head instinctively lifts, the eyes
    raise, as blue is the color of the sky, of
    mountain crests at dawn and sunset, of smoke as
    it spirals upward from chimney tops. Blue lifts,
    exalts and inspires one toward ever greater
    heights of endeavor and attainment. Blue
    describes the sea and sky, symbols of infinity
    for humanity. Blue reaches into infinity, so that
    the soul may know that Love and Immortality and
    God are one.

  • Indigo receives and unifies the forces of all the
    prismatic colors into the one great force, just
    as night brings a recapitulation of the day, and
    as death serves to assemble all the events of the
    past life into conscious totality. Its key-note
    is Universality God in humanity and humanity in
    God. The human consciousness must be raised to
    this realization before higher, freer color rays
    can be released upon the planet or in other
    words, before a new spectrum can be brought into
    visibility. This is the color of introspection.
    It is, the most difficult of colors to visualize
    accurately but if, through persistent effort one
    becomes adept at this visualization, doors of the
    subconscious will be unbarred and long buried
    soul memories will be restored for indigo is
    the color-bridge between the finite and infinite.

  • Purple is the royal color and is associated with
    earthly power and splendor. In it is sounded the
    exalted soul song of God. It is the color most
    prominent in the coronation of kings and High
    Priests. Purple or violet is a secondary color,
    formed by a red fire of sense life (matter) that
    has been lifted into the pure blue (Spirit) of
    spiritual life. The process of transforming lower
    man into higher is always accompanied by much
    travail so the darker tone (purple) has become
    associated with pain and sorrow.
  • Wagner immersed himself in purple when he was
    ready to transcribe the music of angels for his
    transcendent operas. Jupiter, to whom the purple
    ray is ascribed, is associated with the sacred
    rites of fire. Its key-note is transmutation. As
    transmutation is concerned with the most advanced
    phases of spiritual development, so purple or
    violet is the highest color vibration of the
    spectrum. It is the seventh color ray, and seven
    is the number denoting transmutation 4 (matter)
    plus 3 (Spirit). Their blending attains the
    supreme goal of human evolution hence, seven is
    the principal number of the earth planet.

Black and White
  • Black is the feminine complement of white. White
    is active, containing the active manifestation of
    all life, black is passive. White is positive,
    black is negative. White is all revealing, the
    opposite pole of black, black is concealment.
    Black is a Saturnian color, and Saturn is the
    home of all beginnings. To symbolize the hidden,
    secretive phase of their work, many Temples of
    Initiation are draped in black. The highest
    truths are discoverable only by those who have
    the courage to pass beyond all sight and sound
    into the Great Darkness preceding the Light of
    Eternal Day. White is dynamic and stimulating
    black is mysterious and inspiring. White is
    revelation, the light and action, embracing all
    colors of the Cosmic Day. Black, enfolding all
    colors, is the Cosmic Night.
  • When their forces blend, the perfect Cycle is
    complete. Black is another designation for Chaos,
    the seed-ground of Infinity the seed-ground of
    the unmanifest, the uncharted. Visualizing
    intense blackness stimulates latent and
    undeveloped soul faculties. When from the
    celestial core of this blackness a point of white
    light emerges, without solicitation or
    premeditation, finer and higher forces are
    awakening within. Into the utter blackness of
    Chaos, God sent His supreme mandate. Light was
    born. As the divinity in man comes into fuller
    expression, the white light flames forth. Man
    becomes divine when black and white merge. The
    human evolution is at an end.

  • In his "Theory of Color", Goethe, one of the
    world's most profound mystics, gave to humanity a
    textbook on this subject which will be a classic
    in the incoming New Age. To him color was the
    Voice of God speaking through nature. Blackness
    was not merely an absence of light it was the
    background of the cosmos, a field of intense
    activity for Beings of a vastly higher order than
    our humanity. Azure-white light is the highest
    concept of humanity and entirely transcends
    physical vision, so "seeing" it must be always a
    spiritual experience. The light has been used
    since time immemorial by Wise men, the
    Illuminati, as a means of both physical and
    mental protection for their disciples. There are
    thousands of recorded instances when miraculous
    protection was given by surrounding an individual
    with an aura of white light in times of great
    emergency. One occasion of special interest has
    to do with a hospital located several miles from
    Hiroshima. When the atomic bomb struck, no one
    was seriously injured, though many people were
    knocked down and suffered minor bruises and cuts.
    The amazing factor was that no one dressed all in
    white received any kind of injury despite the
    fact that many so clothed were working in close
    proximity to the injured.
  • White light is weighted with the power to bless.
    It is God speaking through the manifold
    activities of creation. When humanity learns to
    tune in and freely utilize this transcendent
    force, many limitations and disabilities of this
    three-dimensional world will be conquered or
    eliminated. Then will humanity assume our
    rightful place as an "heir to God," a true son or
    daughter of God in full possession of God's
    divine heritage.

The Stained Glass windowA Visualization
  • The rest of this presentation is a visualization,
    we ask that you visualize not only the picture we
    will paint, but that you attempt to hear the
    sounds, see the colors, smell the fragrances.

  • To begin I ask that you get into a comfortable
    position, Sit with your back straight, your feet
    on the floor and your hands in a relaxed position
    on your lap. When you are comfortable become
    aware of your body notice how your body is
    feeling right now... if you notice any tense
    places in your body, gently breathe into those
    places. Imagine them relaxing and all unnecessary
    tension releasing and dissolving.
  • Let your awareness scan through your entire body,
    from head to toe, from toe to head, and feel your
    entire body deeply relaxed ... Imagine that you
    can feel life energy flowing smoothly and freely
    through your entire body. If an area feels tight
    or tense, gently release it and feel that energy
    flowing through it. Take a deep breath and as you
    exhale, release any tension that might remain in
    your body. Feel your body totally relax.
  • Take another deep breath and as you exhale, relax
    your mind. Imagine that your mind is just another
    muscle in your body that you can now relax. Do
    not hold on to any thoughts. You can let
    everything go for right now and let your mind
    become quiet and slow...Take another deep breath,
    and as you exhale, move your awareness into a
    very deep place inside of you...
  • You find yourself comfortably seated in a
    beautiful chapel. The light is subdued, flowing
    only from a brilliantly colored stain glass
    window in front of you. Each of the colors
    sparkle like gems... Rest for a moment in the
    shower of iridescent light, and listen to each
    color as they speak to you...

  • I am red the color of blood, of birth and death.
    Throughout the ages I have been "sacred" to the
    deities. I am related to the planet Mars and the
    element of Fire, both being aggressive energies.
    I am protective and I work to strengthen the body
    and will power. I promote courage, to lend energy
    to the body, and to provide additional power to
    rituals by my presence. In ancient times, I was
    worn as an antidote to poison, to keep one's
    thoughts "pure", to banish anger and all violent
    emotions. For healing I am intimately linked with
    blood. I am used to relieve anemia, to halt
    bleeding and to heal wounds. I work on rashes and
    inflammation, and have been used to prevent

  • I am yellow. Ruled by Mercury, I am used in
    rituals involving communication. If you are
    having trouble expressing your self in an
    intelligible way, try wearing one of my stones.
    Writers receive help with their work by utilizing
    me, while public speakers use me for eloquence. I
    am also ruled by the Sun and am protective
    energy, and can also be used to strengthen the
    conscious mind and to enhance visualization
    abilities. I promote digestion, regulate the
    nervous system and cure skin problems. I am a
    color of movement, of exchange, of energy and
    mental awareness.

  • I am green, the color of nature, of fertility, of
    life. I am often linked with red in religion and
    magic. I am receptive and am used in healing. I
    can be carried or worn to guard the health.
    Specifically, I strengthen the eyes, control the
    kidneys, relieve stomach problems and prevent
    migraines. I am ruled by Venus and am used during
    gardening to promote luxuriant growth, or am
    placed in the earth for this purpose. If you have
    house plants, put some of my stones in the earth.
    I am also used to increase fertility and
    therefore I promote conception. My association
    with the element of Earth also leads to money,
    riches, prosperity and luck. I am grounding and
    balancing and can be used to attune with the

  • I am blue, the color of the ocean, of sleep, and
    of twilight. Ruled by the element of Water and
    the planet Neptune, I am receptive and promote
    peace. Gazing at me or holding something of mine
    calms the emotions. If you have difficulty
    sleeping, trying using me. I am excellent for
    halting nightmares. I am used to promote healing,
    in general, and specifically to reduce fevers,
    remove ulcers and their causes, and for
    eliminating inflammations. I am often held to
    reduce or remove pain from the body. If you need
    purification, wear me, to purify your inner being
    as well as your outer flesh.

  • I am purple and am receptive and spiritual. I am
    ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, and have long been
    associated with mysticism and purification. I am
    excellent for meditation, psychic work or during
    rituals designed to contact the subconscious
    mind. As with green and blue, I am the color of
    healing and peace. I am used to maintain health
    and am sometimes given to unruly children to
    promote obedience. Physically, I am utilized to
    relieve complaints in the head such as headaches,
    mental illness, concussion and hair problems. I
    soothe depression and project restful sleep when
    worn at night. I am associated with organized
    religion as well as the more spontaneous,
    Earth-oriented systems, and I am used to contact
    higher forces.

  • I am black and I am receptive. I represent the
    Earth and stability and am ruled by Saturn, the
    planet of restriction. I am symbolic of
    self-control, of resilience and quiet power. I am
    sometimes viewed as protective, but I am more
    often used to ground a person. If you are
    light-headed, dizzy, or so focused on the
    spiritual that your physical life suffers, wear
    me. Mystically I am the color of the outer
    spaces, of the absence of light.

  • I am white, receptive and ruled by the Moon. As
    such I am intimately linked with sleep and
    psychism. In the past, I was worn to promote
    lactation by mothers having trouble feeding their
    babies. In contemporary American, I am considered
    to be lucky, often carried or worn to promote
    good fortune. Because the Moon glows at night, I
    am used for protection after dark, often when
    walking alone in hazardous places. I am worn with
    red for protection at all hours. To be rid of a
    headache, carry me. Because I contain all colors,
    I can be charged to act as a substitute for any

  • It is now time to return, but before you do,
    allow the colors to totally engulf you. Rest for
    a while in the vibration of these colors that
    connects you with the totality of Life. After
    returning from this journey the wholeness, the
    strength, the light and love which you have
    experienced will remain with you and continue to
    live within you, enriching you and your world.
    Allow it to happen of its own accord.
  • Now direct your attention completely to your
    body. Take deep breaths and exhale deeply.
    Stretch your limbs and your torso a few times
    until you feel that you are back in the present

  • We hope you have enjoyed this presentation.
    Should you desire additional information on this
    subject we suggest you consider ordering our
  • EP-101 The Esoteric Use of Color, Sound and
  • You can find a complete listing of our courses on
    our website at http//
  • The College of Metaphysical Studies (CMS),
    located in Clearwater, Florida, has been a leader
    in metaphysical and spiritual education since
    1986. CMS was formed after extensive evaluation
    of the educational needs of the Metaphysical, New
    Age, New Thought, Neo-Pagan and modern spiritual
  • We are authorized by the Commission for
    Independent Education, Independent Colleges and
    Universities, Florida Department of Education to
    operate as a private, non-secular college and to
    issue Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate
    Degrees in metaphysics, religion, spiritual
    awareness, spiritual and holistic healing,
    esoteric studies, parapsychology, and the entire
    allied metaphysical field. CMS trains and
    certifies ministers, spiritual and holistic
    healers, teachers, pastoral counselors, mediums,
    intuitive practitioners, past-life regression
    facilitators and administrators. Certification is
    by the New Awareness Ministries, International
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