Social Media Optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Media Optimization


Social Media optimization is process of increasing the visibility of the website – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 27
Provided by: ryamunacbs
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Media Optimization

  • The art and science of raising a web pages
    natural search engine rankings. SEO is broken
    into two distinct buckets on page factors and
    off page factors. On page factors including such
    items as a websites crawl-ability, internal
    linking set up, keyword selection and placement,
    meta tags, etc. Off page factors being building
    link popularity (inbound links) into your website.

  • Start with a great domain name
  • Having your own domain name gives you the
    ability to brand your business website and will
    help create a long-lasting asset for your
    business and is also the first step in announcing
    your business to the whole world.

Keyword Research
  • Search engine optimization professionals
    research keywords in order to achieve better
    rankings in their desired keywords.
  • Keywords should also be used in several other
  • Keywords in lttitlegt tag
  • Keywords in URL
  • Keyword density in document text
  • Keywords in anchor text
  • Keywords in headings (ltH1gt, ltH2gt, etc. tags)

  • Keywords in the beginning of a document
  • Keywords in ltaltgt tags
  • Keywords in meta tags
  • Keyword proximity
  • Keyword phrases
  • Secondary keywords
  • Keyword stemming
  • Keyword Mistypes

  • Keywords in lttitlegt tag This is one of the
    most important places to have a keyword because
    what is written inside the lttitlegt tag shows in
    search results as your page title and title tag
    must be short (6 or 7 words at most)
  • Keywords in URLs help a lot - e.g. -
    http//, where
    SEO services is the keyword phrase you attempt
    to rank well for. But if you don't have the
    keywords in other parts of the document, don't
    rely on having them in the URL.

  • Keyword density in document text Another
    very important factor you need to check. 3-7
    for major keywords is best, 1-2 for minor.
    Keyword density of over 10 is suspicious and
    looks more like keyword stuffing.
  • Keywords in anchor text Also very
    important, especially for the anchor text of
    inbound links, because if you have the keyword in
    the anchor text in a link from another site, this
    is regarded as getting a vote from this site not
    only about your site in general, but about the
    keyword in particular.

  • Keywords in headings (ltH1gt, ltH2gt, etc.
    tags)One more place where keywords count a lot.
    But beware that your page has actual text about
    the particular keyword.
  • Keywords in the beginning of a document The
    beginning of the document can be really important
    when it comes to what is indexed by the search
  • Keywords in ltaltgt tags Spiders don't read
    images but they do read their textual
    descriptions in the ltaltgt tag, so if you have
    images on your page, fill in the ltaltgt tag with
    some keywords about them.

  • Keywords in meta tags Though meta keywords
    tags are not a major factor search engines
    consider when ranking sites, they should not be
    left off the page. Both the meta keywords tag and
    the meta description tag contribute to your
    search engine ranking.
  • Keyword proximity Keyword proximity is the
    location or of a keyword in a sentence (such as
    at the how close to the beginning of the
    sentence) or the distance of the keyword to other
    relevant words.

  • Keyword phrases you can optimize for
    keyword phrases that consist of several words
    e.g. web Development Company. It is best when
    the keyword phrases you optimize for are popular
    ones, so you can get a lot of exact matches of
    the search string but sometimes it makes sense to
    optimize for 2 or 3 separate keywords (Web
    ,Development and Company) than for one
    phrase that might occasionally get an exact

  • Secondary Keywords Optimizing for secondary
    keywords can be a golden mine because when
    everybody else is optimizing for the most popular
    keywords, there will be less competition (and
    probably more hits) for pages that are optimized
    for the minor words.
  • Real Estate- primary keywords
  • real estate new jersey-secondary keywords

  • Keyword Stemming It is stem of a word and
    build additional words by adding a prefix or
    suffix, or using pluralization. The word can
    expand in either direction and even add words,
    increasing the number of variable options.
    Keyword stemming is now considered to be a
    popular and a logical strategy for gaining ranks
    in all major search engines.
  • Eg Google could be Googles, Googled,
    Googler, or Googling.

Meta Title
  • The title tags should be between 10-60
    characters but should try not to go beyond 120
    characters . . Note that spaces, dashes, pipes,
    and ampersands count as characters. This is not a
    law, but a relative guideline - a few more
    symbols is not a problem. You won't get penalized
    for having longer title tags, but the search
    engine will simply ignore the longer part. Your
    title tag should be readable, but also contain
    your targeted key terms.

Meta Description
  • The description tag should be written in
    such way that it will show what information your
    website contains or what your website is about.
    Write short and clear sentences that will not
    confuse your visitors. The description tag should
    be less than 200 characters. The meta description
    tag also has a great importance for the SEO
    optimization of your page and It is essential for
    the prospect visitor when looking at the search
    engine result page.

Meta Keywords
  • The keyword tags should contain between 4 and
    10 keywords. They should be listed with commas
    and should correspond to the major search phrases
    you are targeting. Every word in this tag should
    appear somewhere in the body, or you might get
    penalized for irrelevance. No single word should
    appear more than twice, or it may be considered
    spam. Lately, the meta keyword tag has become the
    least important tag for the search engines and
    especially Google.

Content and Document
  • Unique content
  • Frequency of content change
  • Keywords font size
  • Keywords formatting
  • JavaScript
  • Age of document
  • File size
  • Illegal Content

  • Unique Content Search engines and your
    online visitors as well love new fresh content,
    and with a frequent update, applicable content is
    a surefire for success and Google ignore
    duplicate content.
  • Frequency of content change Frequent changes
    to a Web page help to raise its rank, because
    search engines like "fresh content.". It is great
    when you constantly add new content but it is not
    so great when you only make small updates to
    existing content.

  • Keywords font size When a keyword in the
    document text is in a larger font size in
    comparison to other on-page text, this makes it
    more noticeable, so therefore it is more
    important than the rest of the text. The same
    applies to headings (lth1gt, lth2gt, etc.), which
    generally are in larger font size than the rest
    of the text.
  • Keywords formatting Bold and italic are
    another way to emphasize important words and
    phrases. However, use bold, italic and larger
    font sizes within reason because otherwise you
    might achieve just the opposite effect.

  • JavaScript If used wisely, it will not
    hurt. But if your main content is displayed
    through JavaScript, this makes it more difficult
    for spiders to follow and if JavaScript code is a
    mess and spiders can't follow it, this will
    definitely hurt your ratings.
  • Age of document Many search engines,
    especially Google, consider older documents more
    valuable than new documents, particularly if they
    have continued to build links over a long period
    of time.

  • File size Generally long pages are not
    favored, or at least you can achieve better
    rankings if you have 3 short rather than 1 long
    page on a given topic, so split long pages into
    multiple smaller ones.
  • Illegal Content Using other people's
    copyrighted content without their permission or
    using content that promotes legal violations can
    get you kicked out of search engines.
  • Keyword-rich URLs and filenames A very
    important factor, especially for Yahoo! and Bing.

  • Site Accessibility If the site (or separate
    pages) is inaccessible because of broken links,
    404 errors, password-protected areas and other
    similar reasons, then the site simply can't be
  • Sitemap It is great to have a complete and
    up-to-date sitemap, spiders love it, no matter if
    it is a plain old HTML sitemap or the special
    Google sitemap format.
  • Site Age Similarly to wine, older sites are
    respected more. Google do take into consideration
    the domain age, when deciding the page rank of
    your site

  • Site theme The site theme is even more
    important for good ranking because when the site
    fits into one theme, this boosts the rankings of
    all its pages that are related to this theme.
  • File Location on Site File location is
    important and files that are located in the root
    directory or near it tend to rank better than
    files that are buried 5 or more levels below.

  • Domains versus sub domains, separate
  • Having a separate domain is better .Sub
    Domains not effective in seo. Yahoo has multiple
    sub domains to keep their very different services
    (and websites) straight.
  • Domain

Sub Domains
  • Top-level domains (TLDs)There are TLDs that
    are better than others. For instance, the most
    popular TLD .com is much better than .ws,
    .biz, .net, .org, .gov, .edu, int, pro.
  • Hyphens in URLs Hyphens between the words
    in an URL increase readability and help with SEO
    rankings. This applies both to hyphens in domain
    names and in the rest of the URL.
  • URL length Generally doesn't matter but if
    it is a very long URL-s, this starts to look
    spammy, so avoid having more than 10 words in the

Link Building
  • Anchor text of inbound links
  • Origin of inbound links
  • Links from similar sites
  • Links from .edu and .gov sites
  • Number of backlinks
  • Anchor text of internal links
  • Around-the-anchor text
  • Age of inbound links
  • Links from directories
  • Number of outgoing links on the page that links
    to you

  • Named anchors
  • IP address of inbound link
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