Relativity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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General Relativity deals with accelerated motion and how it relates to observed gravity ... on a 6 month (.5 yr) space cruise at a speed of 99.99% the speed of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Relativity

Special vs. General Relativity
  • Special Relativity deals with non-accelerated
    motion. Objects moving at a constant speed
    relative to something else.
  • General Relativity deals with accelerated motion
    and how it relates to observed gravity

Relative Motion
  • Standard velocity addition
  • Ex A friend throws a ball at 5 m/s toward you
    from a vehicle moving 5 m/s toward you.
  • Ex If the vehicle were moving 5 m/s away from
  • Video.
  • Definition of a Frame of Reference Area in which
    objects are at rest relative to each other.

Michelson-Morely Experiment
  • Purpose Detect relative motion between the
    Earth and the ether by detecting changes in the
    speed of a light wave.
  • Demo Interferometer Experiment
  • Outcome
  • Possible conclusions?

Special Relativity
  • First Postulate The laws of physics are the same
    in all frames of reference.
  • Second Postulate Speed of Light is always
    measured to be the same (3x108 m/s). Its
    independent of the motion between observer and
    the source.

  • Events that occur simultaneously in one reference
    frame will not appear simultaneous in another
    reference frame
  • When moving toward an event at high speed,
    light from that event will reach you first.

Time Dilation
  • Time Dilation Equation
  • Derivation
  • T T / v(1-v2/c2)
  • Exs
  • A space explorer goes on a high speed trip for 1
    year at 99 the speed of light. How much time
    passes by here on earth?
  • Evidence?
  • Muon Decay, Atomic Clocks on airplanes, GPS

Examples of Time Dilation (?)
Practice Question
  • Your parents go on a 6 month (.5 yr) space cruise
    at a speed of 99.99 the speed of light.
  • How old will you be when they return?
  • How will they be when they return?

Twin Trip
  • If one twin travels at a high speed away from
    earth and then returns. The traveled twin will
    now be younger than a stay at home twin.
  • Twin Trip Simulation Web Site

Changes to Length and Mass
  • Length of object will contract as observed from a
    different reference frame.
  • L L x v(1-v2/c2)
  • Mass will increase as well as observed from a
    different reference frame.
  • M M / v(1-v2/c2)
  • Mechanical Universe Video 42 Lorentz

Energy Mass Equivalence
  • Since nothing can go faster than the speed of
    Light, then the energy transferred to a moving
    object must increase the objects mass.
  • KE 1/2 m v2 , if v cant exceed c, then
    energy must end up transferred to the mass
  • Evidence
  • electrons in a accelerators and cyclotrons become
    heavier as their speed increases.
  • Nuclear reactions
  • E m c2
  • Ex 1 kg is converted into how much energy?

Practice Questions
  • A passenger on a rocket traveling at 98 the
    speed of light says that his trip takes 5 days.
    How long does it take from an outside reference
  • A meter stick (1 m) is contracted to 20 cm as
    observed from an outside reference frame. How
    fast is the meter stick going?
  • An object is lifted up so that it has 1000 Joules
    of PE. How much mass is this PE equivalent to?
  • What evidence is there that supports Einsteins
    theory of Special Relativity?
  • According to Special Relativity, why cant any
    material object go faster than the speed of light?

General Relativity
  • Principal of Equivalence (Animation)
  • Observations made in an accelerating reference
    frame are indistinguishable from those made in a
    gravitational field.
  • Exs light falling in a rocket ship
  • How far would light fall in one second here on
  • Space-Time
  • We can replace our notion of Gravity with the
    idea that mass warps space and time and all
    objects follow the law of inertia
  • http//

3 Tests of General Relativity
  • Perihelion shift of Mercurys orbit.
  • Newtons Law of Gravitation and Keplers Laws
    failed to explain why Mercurys elliptical orbit
    rotated as observed.
  • Einsteins General Relativity accurately predicts
    this shift to within 0.1 error. Not Bad!!
  • Light from a distant star should be bent by the
    suns gravitational field
  • Tested and verified by Eddington in 1919
  • Heavily publicized and made Einstein famous
  • Gravitational Redshift
  • Clocks in a stronger gravitational field should
    run slower than in a weaker field.
  • Verified in 1960 with atomic clocks between the
    top and bottom floors at a building at Harvard.
  • Re-verified in 1976 and confirmed Relativity
    predictions to within 0.02! WOW!!

Gravitational Redshift
  • Spinning Turntable Example
  • Observers looking at clocks in a stronger
    gravitational field will notices those clocks
    running slower.
  • Ex If we could look at a clock near the sun
    we would see it run slow.
  • Observers looking at clocks in a weaker
    gravitational field will notice those clocks
    running faster.
  • Ex Look at a clock that is on the moon it
    will run faster.
  • Where do we age the fastest, on top of
    skyscrapers or at street level?
  • Black hole effects?

Other Consequences of Gen. Relativity
  • Black Holes
  • Extremely dense objects will bend space-time to a
    point of infinite curvature.
  • Radius of a Black Hole 2 GM/c2
  • For our sun radius 2,900 m
  • For earth (M 6 x 1024 kg) r ?
  • Gravitational Waves or 2
  • Accelerating masses should produce waves in
    space-time. Two stars (or pulsars) rotating
    around each other (or Binary pulsar) should emit
    waves large enough to detect.
  • LIGO or LIGO

  • Thinking in 4-D is TOUGH!!
  • Calculations using General Relativity require the
    use of 4-D descriptors and operators known as
    Tensors (kinda like matrices)
  • Gab (8pG)Tab !!
  • In other words The rate at which a small ball of
    freely falling test particles begins to shrink is
    proportional to its volume times the energy
    density at the center of the ball, plus the
    pressure in the x direction at that point, plus
    the pressure in the y direction, plus the
    pressure in the z direction.
  • Therefore most illustrations and examples are
    simplified to 2-D or 3-D
  • http//
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