War and Peacemaking: in the Orthodox Christian Tradition: Introduction Instructor: Marian Gh. Simion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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War and Peacemaking: in the Orthodox Christian Tradition: Introduction Instructor: Marian Gh. Simion


... is the result of the evil influence of the fallen angels, who are allowed by God ... Evil Angels. Creation of Hell. Angelic Orders. Nine Orders. Dichotomy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: War and Peacemaking: in the Orthodox Christian Tradition: Introduction Instructor: Marian Gh. Simion

War and Peacemakingin the Orthodox Christian
Tradition Introduction Instructor Marian Gh.
SimionBoston College, Theology Department
  • Boston College
  • January 17, 2007

Defining War
  • Classical Definition War is a clash between two
    armies representing two peoples, states, or
    groups of states, in order to force the enemy
    to accept demands which could not have been
    imposed by peaceful means.
  • Orthodoxys Understanding War is a spiritual
    attitude directed against a real or imagined
    enemy, expressing the desire to inflict pain and
    suffering. It is the result of the evil influence
    of the fallen angels, who are allowed by God to
    test the faith of the humans for the purpose of
    the spiritual growth of the humans.
  • War can be directed against
  • God (despair, loss of faith, hate against God,
  • Oneself (self-hatred, self-mutilation)
  • Other people (envy, hatred, vengeance, desire to

Defining Peace (making)
  • Classical Definition Peace means freedom from
    war, the cessation or absence of hostilities
    between peoples or groups freedom from
  • Orthodoxys Understanding Peace is an inner
    disposition of the human soul that generate
    positive attitudes towards God, oneself and other
    people. It is an ongoing spiritual exercise,
    always in the making process (peacemaking),
    meant to rebuff temptations coming ceaselessly
    from the Devil. In other words, peacemaking is a
    perpetual spiritual exercise (Gr. askisis gt
    spiritual exercise, asceticism), meant to
    discipline the mind and the soul through prayer
    and meditation for the purpose of rejecting every
    destructive thoughts and feelings that could lead
    to a loss of control over passions.
  • Peace can be expressed as a positive attitude
  • God (loving, honoring and worshiping God)
  • Oneself (viewing oneself as created in Gods
  • Other people (philanthropy)

New Testament The Meaning of Sword
  • (spiritual transformation, denial of ones past,
    values, and tradition)
  • Do not think that I have come to bring peace on
    earth I have not come to bring peace, but a
    sword. For I have come to set a man against his
    father, and a daughter against her mother, and a
    daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a
    mans foes will be those of his own
    household.Mt. 1034-36
  • (Unconditional Pacifism)
  • Behold, one of those who were with Jesus
    stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and
    struck the servant of the high priest, and struck
    off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, "Put your
    sword back into its place, for all those who take
    the sword will die by the sword. Or do you think
    that I couldn't ask my Father, and he would even
    now send me more than twelve legions of angels?
    .Mt. 2651-53

New Testament Forgiveness
  • You have heard that it was said, An eye for an
    eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you,
    Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one
    strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the
    other also and if any one would sue you and take
    your coat, let him have your cloak as well and
    if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him
    two miles.Matt. 538-41

New TestamentEschatology and Temptation
  • You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but
    see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things
    must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation
    will rise against nation, and kingdom against
    kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in
    various places. All these are the beginning of
    birth pains. "Then you will be handed over to be
    persecuted and put to death, and you will be
    hated by all nations because of me. At that time
    many will turn away from the faith and will
    betray and hate each other, and many false
    prophets will appear and deceive many people.
    Because of the increase of wickedness, the love
    of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to
    the end will be saved. Mt. 246-13

Attitudes towards War and Peace in the History
of Christianity
  • Pacifism (universal)
  • Just War (West)
  • Crusade (West)
  • Limited Pacifism Adaptability (East)

1. Early Christian Pacifism (universal) Since
Jesus Christ until Constantine the Great
  • Imitatio Cristi Expecting Christs Second
    coming, the early Christians manifested an
    attitude of complete obedience towards civil
    authorities, except on religious matters where
    they refused the public pagan cults
  • Recurring Narratives as found in
  • The Martyrdom of Saint Stephen the Proto-Martyr
  • The Martyrdom of the Holy Polycarp

2. Origins of Just War Theory (West) Since St.
Constantines Reform in 313AD until today in the
  • Just War is a Christian moral philosophy that
    tries to reconcile three things
  • Killing is wrong
  • States (not individuals) should defend the
  • Protecting the innocent requires the use of force
  • Early Proponents
  • Ambrose of Milan
  • Augustine

Current Just War Theory Conditions
  • Jus ad bellum
  • Just cause
  • Lawfully declared by a lawful authority
  • Intention should be good
  • All alternatives for resolving conflict should
    have been tried first
  • Reasonable chance of success
  • Means must be in proportion to the end that the
    war seeks to achieve
  • Jus in bello
  • Innocent people and non-combatants should not be
  • Only appropriate force should be used
  • International Conventions concerning the conduct
    of war must be obeyed.

3. Crusades (West) (1095-1291)
  • Military Campaigns waged by Christians
  • Religious Character
  • Conducted in the name of Christendom
  • Recapturing the Holy Land

4. Theory of Adaptability (East)
  • Orthodox Attitudes Towards Political Power
  • In order for the Church to fulfill its mission,
    the Church has to adapt to the type of society
    that its members are a part of
  • This is usually expressed in a variety of
    patterns in Church-State relationships, pending
    on the political situation

Gods Creation All Good
  • God created the world to be good evil is an
    accident, the absence of good, and a possibility
    for disorder. God created
  • Heavens (hashamaim) means spiritual world
  • Earth (haaretz) material world
  • Scope of Creation
  • Gods Glory
  • Happiness of Creature

Fall of Angels
  • Rebellion led to
  • Evil Angels
  • Creation of Hell
  • Angelic Orders
  • Nine Orders

Dichotomy and Dualism
  • Dichotomy
  • Body and Soul
  • Dualism
  • Good and Evil

Good and Evil
  • Good
  • All creation was good (Spirit and Mater)
  • Evil
  • Result of Freedom
  • Absence of Good
  • Possibility for disorder

Inferno and Hell
  • .

The Bogomilist Heresy
  • Contrary to the Christian creationist theology
    that viewed evil as the absence of good, a
    medieval heretic, Bogomil, resurrected the
    ancient Manichaeism by contending that the world
    is sold to evil, and it is full of terror, while
    human beings are subject to an eternal battle
    between good and evil. The Bogomils taught that
    God had two sons Satanail and Michael. Satanail
    rebelled against God and became the evil spirit.
    After his fall, Satanail created the lowed
    heavens and the earth and tried in vain to create
    man in the end he appealed to God For the
    Spirit. After creation, Adam was allowed to plow
    the ground on condition that he sold hiself and
    his posterity to Satanail, the owner of the
    earth. (Despite of strong condemnation of
    Bogomilism, it appears that Orthodoxy has only
    been able to remove this pseudo-creationist
    narrative, while this Manichaean worldview
    survived within the Slavic mentality through the
    cycles of history. This is often reflected in the
    self-victimization of the Serbian Orthodox Church
    and History, through iconografic un-canonical
    representations, and through a popular culture
    focusing on the negative realities of life and

Effects of Bogomilism
  • Self-Victimization
  • Leads towards
  • Desire to restore dignity through revenge
  • Reduces self-respect
  • Views God as remote and insensitive to suffering.

Effects of Bogomilism
  • Viewing humans as Evil
  • St. Demetrios Killing the Emperor
  • (uncanonical icon)
  • Reduces empathy towards the victim
  • Since matter (and human body) is evil anyway,
    killing it is an act of fighting on the good

Effects of Bogomilism Identifying National
Suffering with Biblical Narratives Exodus
Virgin Marys travel to Egypt
Effects of Bogomilism Identifying National
Suffering with Biblical Narratives Jesus Death
with Prince Lazarus Death
Influence of Bogomilism in the Liturgical life of
the Serbian Orthodox Church Blessing Weapons
  • In July 1995, the Orthodox Peace Fellowship
    addressed a letter to his Holiness Pavle,
    Patriarch of Serbia requesting that the Synod
    require that no use be made of a service for
    blessing weapons included in an edition of the
    Book of Needs published in Kosovo in 1993. In the
    context of the events in former Yugoslavia, the
    blessing of weapons can only be regarded as
    sanctioning the use of weapons in a fratricidal
    war. The letter refers to a private 1993 edition
    of the Book of Needs (Euchologion, Trebnik) which
    contains a service for the blessing of arms. The
    service does not figure in the Books of Needs
    published by the Holy Synods of the local
    Orthodox Churches. Nevertheless its usage of the
    words swords and sabers seems to indicate its
    ancientness, reflecting the fact that in many
    countries, the blessing of armies and arms is an
    established ecclesiastical custom.

Blessing Weapons Liturgical Text
  • The Bishop or priest comes out of the altar to
    the table with the weapons in front of the ambon,
    incenses the weapons crosswise beginning as it is
  • Reader Heavenly King, Trisagion, Our Father,
    Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory both now and
    come let us worship. . . and psalm 35. Glory
    both now hallelujah (three times)
  • Deacon Let us pray to the Lord
  • The Bishop or priest reads this prayer over the
  • Lord our God, God of powers, powerful in
    strength, strong in battle, you once gave
    miraculous strength to your child David granting
    him victory over his opponent the blasphemer
    Goliath. Mercifully accept our humble prayer.
    Send your heavenly blessing over these weapons
    (naming each weapon). Give force and strength
    that they may protect your holy Church, the poor
    and the widows, and your holy inheritance on
    earth, and make it horrible and terrible to any
    enemy army, and grant victory to your people for
    your glory, for you are our strength and
    protection and we sing praise to your glory,
    Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to
    the ages of ages. Amen.
  • Then the priest sprinkles blessed water on the
    weapons saying
  • Let the blessing of Triune God, Father, Son and
    Holy Spirit, come down on and remain upon these
    weapons and those who carry them, for the
    protection of the truth of Christ. Amen.
  • After this the soldiers carrying the weapons are
    blessed, with the prayer
  • Be brave and let your heart be stronger and win
    victory over your enemies, trusting in God, in
    the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • After this each soldier kisses the cross.
  • This is the way to bless sword and saber. If
    there is only one sword to be blessed, or only
    one saber, he says only once this sword, or
    this weapon. If there are many, he says bless
    these swords, or bless these weapons.

Orthodox Canon Law
  • With few exceptions the Orthodox Canon Law
    prohibits killing
  • The 85 Canons of the Holy and Altogether August
  • CANON LXVI If any clergyman shall strike anyone
    in a contest, and kill him with one blow, let him
    be deposed for his violence. If a layman do so,
    let him be excommunicated.
  • CANON LXXXIII If a bishop, presbyter, or deacon,
    shall serve in the army, and wish to retain both
    the Roman magistracy and the priestly office, let
    him be deposed for the things of Caesar belong
    to Caesar, and those of God to God.

Pastoral Recommendations
  • Blessed are the peacemakers. For they shall be
    called sons of God
  • Peacemakers are those who make peace
  • Between God and man
  • Among people and
  • With God within their own hearts,
  • Peacemakers are also those who make peace
  • Between the spirit and the body in order that
    they may not struggle with each other.

Peace Among People
  • There are two ways to make peace among people
  • First, we must not cause quarrels among them. If
    there is any dispute we must not stir it up.
  • Secondly, we shall play the role of breaking up
    struggles and bringing love back.

Peace with Ourselves
  • As for peace inside ourselves, we must get rid of
    any internal division or struggle.
  • Therefore,
  • Our desires must not contradict our
  • Our thoughts must not be against us.
  • Our hearts must not be in trouble or lost between
    perplexity and hesitation.

Getting Involved
  • Ora et Labora! (Pray and Work)
  • Organize Prayers for Peace, whenever issues of
    war appear!
  • Be a political participant if you live in a
    country that permits political participation of
    its citizen!
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