Videos for website - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Videos for website


At Garage Video we specialize in creating Quality Animated Videos for your Business Website. We also make Whiteboard and Live action videos, specially designed to increase your conversion rate. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Videos for website

Ten Ways those Animated Videos will Help Your
  • After gaining an online presence you will need to
    continue to grow and reach out to new consumers
    while retaining the old ones. Here are ten ways
    using video will help your website thrive.
  • Reach further Animated Videos will get shared
    and tweeted far more than any text. Pictures
    speak faster than actual words. Video allow you
    to do both therefore people relate to them
    better. A specific video can trigger a certain
    memory or thought for someone that automatically
    links a specific person and viola your video is
    now sent to that person. Your video can reach
    customers that you may never have considered.
  • 24/7 One of the great things about videos is
    that it can be watched at any time. You can be
    sleeping or having a fiesta on the beach and your
    video is spreading like a wildfire. This allows
    sales to happen without additional work to be
    done, all because someone ran across your video.
  • Worldwide market A video can bring customers
    from the other side of the globe. Whether they
    understand your language or not, your video can
    catch their attention. If they want it bad enough
    they will reach out. This introduces you to
    global marketing.
  • Build trust videos make customers feel closer to
    you and your business, especially if they get to
    see your face and hear your voice. People buy
    from those they trust, build that trusting
  • Demos Demonstrations are for people who may be a
    little skeptical about your product. Skeptics are
    usually more negative word of mouth advertising
    until they know for sure the product does what it
    says. So let them see it work. Complete a
    demonstration video and turn those negative
    questions to a happy positive customer.
  • SEO When you create a video you can focus more
    on the back links and descriptions for SEO. Of
    course the search engine doesnt search your
    video for keywords but you can include them. You
    do not have to find a specific way to include the
    popular key words because chances are no one is
    going to see them, especially if you use them in
    the back links of your video.
  • Increase customer service Instead of putting
    that really long how-to manual into a PDF you can
    create a video that explains the details of their
    new product. Different videos for different
    situations, consumers will know where to turn
    when they have a problem, with no pesky wait
  • It is personal It lets your clients know that
    you are human. Sometimes when you get into the
    market world you forget that the behind
    everything there is a human calling the shots.
    This is just a reminder and usually gives
    consumers a different perspective on their
  • It saves you money creating your own videos is
    one of the cheapest forms of advertising. You
    create your own video and post it on your
    website, it only cost you a few hours and maybe
    some software.
  • Testimonials add character Having testimonials
    from your staff as well as satisfied customers
    shows that you are who you say you are. Once you
    have a few happy consumers you have some ground
    to stand on, so show it. Let people know your
    products do what you say they are supposed to do.

How to Increase Traffic and Sales with a Video
  • When you started your website you may not have
    realized how much work it would be to keep
    customers coming back to your site. You need
    visitors and sales in order to survive. There are
    many tactics to increasing your traffic and sales
    SEO, social media marketing, and even video
    marketing. SEO and social media are used quite
    often for most companies, what about video
  • What is video marketing?
  • Video marketing is simply when you choose video
    as your way of communicating with your clientele.
    You can create a video to post on your website,
    link to your social media marketing, and place
    everywhere you will possibly get seen. This is
    as simple as placing a regular text ad but with a
    little more class.
  • Video marketing tips
  • Any number of videos can be made to promote your
    business and increase your website traffic as
    well as your sales.. Since more than 70 of
    marketers are using video to promote their
    business it is a good time to join in.
  • One of the easiest options is a PowerPoint with a
    little voice over added to really drive your
    marketing home.
  • Get it on YouTube. YouTube carries one of the
    highest reputations with Google, which means if
    someone searches keywords and YouTube is one of
    the first to show video results. If you are going
    to put your video anywhere put it on YouTube.
  • Pair email marketing with video marketing. You
    should already have an email list for your
    monthly newsletter or your bi-weekly ad
    disbursement, include a video. Your emails will
    be much more effective with video, since they
    take less time and patience to view. Besides when
    someone sees a video, who doesnt want to click
    the play button?
  • Create your own YouTube channel or any other
    channel for that matter. YouTube is the biggest
    player in marketing channels but not the only
    one. If you create a channel your consumers will
    always know where to return to for updates. An
    added bonus is people can subscribe to your
    channel, consistent customers and residual
  • SEO your video, this may sound a little tricky
    but really its a cinch. Of course search engines
    are not going to scrub your video for key words
    but you can transcript your video (typically in
    the description area) and give it a great
    optimized title. Although writing out what was
    said in your video is tedious it is also
    necessary. No one has to read it cause that it
    was your video is for of course however your
    search ability becomes that much better when
    there are keywords to link to.
  • Video marketing does not have to be complicated
    and should not be. The growing use of videos is
    creating a whole new world for marketing. It is
    the new commercial and the old commercial in one.
    Simply a commercial your way with your marketing
    information, make it work for you. Videos work
    24/7 so you do not have to.
  • There are many ways both cheap expensive to
    create a video for your website business, but one
    thing is for sure... you need a video today!

How to Turn Readers into Paying Customers
  • When you become a serious blogger or have
    developed a great online presence for your
    business you need money to come from somewhere.
    If you do not have paying supporters along with
    nonpaying supporters your ambitions will fizzle
    and smoke. How do you gain the loyalty of your
    readers? How do you turn them into great paying
    customers? Here are a few tips.
  • Great content
  • Having great content at all time is priceless.
    Customers will return time and time again to see
    what amazing information you can provide to them.
    Not everyone can produce original educational
    information so find your groove and stick with
    it. Try to keep the content fresh and
    informative. Once they learn they can trust the
    information you are offering, they will learn to
    trust you in general.
  • Build a trusting relationship
  • It is a proven fact people buy from people they
    trust. So gain the trust of your consumers and
    your entire audience. Use videos (Explainer, Demo
    and Whiteboard videos) that show your face so
    they can be on a more personal level. Introduce
    yourself and let them hear your voice. Be
    reliable and honest. The best way to build trust
    is to be trustworthy. If you are not honest in
    your dealings you will lose customers faster than
    you can make them. You must only make promises
    you can keep not only keep but guarantee. Do not
    risk the satisfaction of one customer just to
    save a few pennies. That one customer could make
    your video go viral with a few edits of their
    own, voicing their opinions of your bad business
    deals. Do not risk it, be fair and honest in all
    of your transactions.
  • Create the need
  • Consumers do not buy something unless they feel
    like they need it or can justify the need for it.
    Whether the consumer really needs it or not is
    not a concern. You need to make them feel like
    going without will disrupt the flow of their
    daily lives or the value of their life could be
    significantly increased with your product.
    Depending on your industry this could be the
    easiest or hardest part of your business. Socks
    for example is something everyone needs therefore
    you just have to convince your consumers that
    yours are the best because they are water proof
    or something. However being in the business of
    tutus is a little more difficult since you only
    have a targeted audience so you will need to get
    creative. Either way it is possible, just be sure
    you are creating that need on a regular basis.
    Let them know what you are offering and why you
    are the best. If a consumer does not know the
    difference in brands they are going to make a
    decision based off of price point instead of
    quality or specific descriptions. Give them a
    reason to pick you.
  • Be honest when creating the need and be honest in
    every transaction. Offer a referral program
    bonus. The word of mouth is powerful and can be
    your best friend or greatest enemy. Use word of
    mouth advertising to your advantage. Get the hype
    you deserve. Keep your messages simple and to the

Should you use for your Website?
  • Once you have established your business with an
    online presence you start making adjustments. You
    make adjustments and changes to keep things
    moving and growing. One question you may have
    come across is in regards to using a videos for
    website. Videos seem to be everywhere, should
    you be using them too?
  • Do you like connecting with your clients?
  • If you want your business to have a family like
    feel to it then videos could be right for you.
    You can sit down and record your monthly message
    to your consumers just to let them know what is
    going on. Many people are too busy to read
    everything on a website to you video could still
    keep your clients involved and in the know
    without wasting their time.
  • Is your website busy?
  • If your website already has a lot going on, a
    video may help or harm that issue. It could just
    add more chaos to the mix, however if executed
    properly it could get rid of some of the clutter.
    You could remove a few different pieces of
    information and reassemble them within a video.
    If you just want to add a video to your page for
    the heck of it, it probably is not a good idea.
    Everything on your site needs to be serving a
  • Do you or dont you?
  • There are many types of videos you can place on
    your website, many ways of creating these videos.
    The question is, who will make and upload these
    videos? Are you going to stick with just doing a
    quick video from your desk ever month? Or is
    there the possibility of how-to videos, product
    reviews, and even satisfied customer interviews?
    You can always hire someone to create the types
    of videos you are looking for, if you have the
    cash flow. New businesses need an online presence
    to compete in todays market place that does not
    mean they have the capital to pay someone to make
    a few videos.
  • If you can create these videos yourself may be
    the deciding factor between jumping on the video
    band wagon and not.
  • Do you already have ideas for videos?
  • If just reading this article has sparked a fire,
    if you have ideas right now zooming around your
    head of great videos for your website, you
    probably should start using them. If nothing has
    popped into your head by this point, than you may
    not have a use for videos yet.
  • Talk to your team, if you are your team then make
    a pros and cons list. What are all the good
    reasons to use videos? Why do you not need videos
    for your website? Videos have really
    revolutionized the way websites are spreading
    information and making it go even faster. Videos
    on your website can boost your client base as
    well as get more personal with your clients
    gaining their trust.

Why use a sales Video for my business
  • Web competition is fierce, businesses are always
    looking for better ways of getting people to
    their sites and staying on their sites. An
    interesting turn has taken place, sales videos
    have taken over where normal long areas of text
    used to be. Why are businesses turning to sales
    videos to spread their message?
  • Videos VS text
  • It does not matter what font you use videos will
    always portray more than a bunch of words can.
    You have the benefit of words, sound, and actions
    when you use videos. No reason for people to get
    frustrated with words they do not understand, no
    chance of being long winded so they stop reading,
    and lets face it videos leave room to be funny
    and educational where text cannot.
  • Make a deeper connection
  • When your customers can see and hear you they
    tend to feel closer to you, they develop a trust
    more quickly. They can hear your message and feel
    the words you are using through the emotions you
    portray. Customers who feel they can trust you
    are more likely to keep returning and refer their
    friends as well. Many consumers prefer video over
    text, for a number of reasons. You can speak to a
    whole new group of people thanks to the
    non-necessity to read.
  • Sales Videos can do it all
  • Sometimes trying to explain something on paper
    can be so difficult, especially when referring to
    a particular product or service. When writing a
    description of your hottest sale it might come
    off as drab or confusing to the consumer. With a
    sales video this is much more unlikely to happen,
    you can show the product, demo the product,
    interview satisfied customers, show step by step
    exactly how to use it. Most people are visual
    learners having the option to watch someone
    demonstrate the product is obviously a visual
  • Questions are easier answered when shown
  • You can answer a question a hundred ways on paper
    and still not get the point across. Simply
    writing out the steps then trying to describe the
    end result to your consumers can be much more
    difficult than you can imagine. Trying to be very
    specific in details for the instructions can also
    turn your simple steps into hundreds of words
    and not so simple. Not that text is horrible,
    think about what is going to benefit your
    consumers the most. Think about your target
    audience Do they have time to read pages of
    text? Do you want to make sure they get key
    pieces of information? Can your text portray the
    information in the tone and expression you want
    to use? Is it just a quick text? These are all
    questions that can help you decide which way to
    communicate your messages.
  • Most business do use both text and sales videos,
    this allows them to connect with even bigger
    audiences and at a faster pace. You know your
    business better than anyone, you will have to
    decide what is best and how to use a sales videos
    to your advantage.
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