ILCGDE Plan for 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ILCGDE Plan for 2006


Daniel Schulte, CERN. Tetsuo Shidara, KEK. Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute ... Tompkins. BINP ?? Sugahara. Magnet systems. Noonan. Michelato. Suetsugu. Vacuum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ILCGDE Plan for 2006

  • ILC/GDE Plan for 2006
  • How it relates to Fermilab

Modified slides from A couple of slides on
FNAL organization
Barry Barish GDE Meeting Frascati 8-Dec-05
Robert Kephart ILC Program Director
ILC General meeting
Fermilab is now engaged in two types of ILC tasks
  • RD to develop ILC technology
  • The bulk of our effort
  • ILC/GDE tasks are described in an MOU
  • Focus Main Linac Components and Site
  • Also develop SCRF infrastructure ( for both ILC
    and PD)
  • Design and Cost the machine
  • Guided by the GDE
  • FNAL was asked to assume new tasks at the
    Frascati GDE meeting in Dec 2005
  • Goal Complete Design, and Engineering to prepare
    the ILC Reference Design Report for review by the
    end of 2006
  • Claim is that there will be additional
    engineering funding to support this work in FY06

Global Design Effort
  • The Mission of the GDE
  • Produce a design for the ILC that includes a
    detailed design concept, performance assessments,
    reliable international costing, an
    industrialization plan , siting analysis, and
    detector concepts and scope.
  • Coordinate worldwide R D efforts (to
    demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce
    the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)

Baseline Configuration Document
  • BCD is essentially the specification for the
    technical systems and performance of the ILC
  • Started in Snowmass in August 2005
  • Ratified at the Frascati GDE meeting in Dec
    2005 and now under change control
  • Changes to BCD must now go through an approval
    process by the Change Control Board
  • Provides the basis for the design to be developed
    in the Reference Design Report (RDR)
  • ACD Alternative Configurations options that
    are fully described and costed in the RDR

GDE RDR / RD Organization
FALC Resource Board
GDE Directorate
GDE Executive Committee
GDE R D Board
GDE Change Control Board
GDE Design Cost Board
Global RD Program
RDR Design Matrix
GDE RDR / RD Organization
FALC Resource Board
GDE Directorate
GDE Executive Committee
GDE R D Board
GDE Change Control Board
GDE Design Cost Board
Global RD Program
RDR Design Matrix
GDE RDR / RD Organization
FALC Resource Board
GDE Directorate
GDE Executive Committee
GDE R D Board
GDE Change Control Board
GDE Design Cost Board
Global RD Program
RDR Design Matrix
Original GDE Members
  • Chris Adolphsen, SLAC
  • Jean-Luc Baldy, CERN
  • Philip Bambade, LAL, Orsay
  • Barry Barish, Caltech
  • Wilhelm Bialowons, DESY
  • Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway
  • Jim Brau, University of Oregon
  • Karsten Buesser, DESY
  • Elizabeth Clements, Fermilab
  • Michael Danilov, ITEP
  • Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN,
  • Gerald Dugan, Cornell University
  • Atsushi Enomoto, KEK
  • Brian Foster, Oxford University
  • Warren Funk, JLAB
  • Jie Gao, IHEP
  • Terry Garvey, LAL-IN2P3
  • Hitoshi Hayano, KEK
  • Tom Himel, SLAC
  • Tom Markiewicz, SLAC
  • David Miller, Univ College of London
  • Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab
  • Youhei Morita, KEK
  • Olivier Napoly, CEA-Saclay
  • Hasan Padamsee, Cornell University
  • Carlo Pagani, DESY
  • Nan Phinney, SLAC
  • Dieter Proch, DESY
  • Pantaleo Raimondi, INFN
  • Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC
  • Francois Richard, LAL-IN2P3
  • Perrine Royole-Degieux, GDE/LAL
  • Kenji Saito, KEK
  • Daniel Schulte, CERN
  • Tetsuo Shidara, KEK
  • Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute
  • Fumihiko Takasaki, KEK
  • Laurent Jean Tavian, CERN

NEW GDE Members
9 GDE from SLAC vs 4 from Fermilab 55 accel
physicists vs 1 from Fermilab Fermilabs
presence on ILC GDE is still weak vs e.g.
SLAC Trying hard to change this!
Marc Ross (SLAC) Bill Willis (Columbia) Andre
Seryi (SLAC) John Sheppard (SLAC) Ewan Paterson
(SLAC) Maseo Kuriki (KEK) Kiyoshi Kubo
(KEK) Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK) Norihito Ohuchi
(KEK) Susanna Guiducci (INFN) Deepa Angal-Kalinin
(CCLRC) Totals Americas 22 Europe 23 Asia 16
New total 61 members
GDE Structure and Organization
  • Executive Committee for Baseline Configuration
  • GDE Director
  • Barish
  • Regional Directors
  • Dugan Americas
  • Foster Europe
  • Takasaki Asia
  • Accelerator Leaders
  • Yokoya - Asia
  • Raubenheimer - Americas
  • Walker - Europe
  • Executive committee is responsible for decisions.
    For Frascati this included final BCD choices

GDE Executive Committee
GDE Structure and Organization
  • GDE Groups
  • Design / Cost Engineers
  • Shidara Asia
  • Bialowons Europe
  • Garbincius Americas
  • Siting, Civil Construction and Infrastructure
  • Baldy - Europe
  • Enomoto Asia
  • Kuchler Americas
  • Physics / Detectors (WWS chairs)
  • Brau - Americas
  • Richard - Europe
  • Yamamoto - Asia
  • Accelerator Experts (55 GDE members)

GDE Organizational Evolution for RDR
  • Made additions to the GDE following the BCD
    completion. Added needed skills in design,
    engineering, costing, etc
  • Change Control Board
  • The baseline is now under configuration control.
    A Board was created with needed expertise.
  • Design Cost Board
  • A GDE Board was established to coordinate the
    reference design effort, including coordinating
    the overall model for implementing the baseline
    ILC, coordinating the design tasks, costing, etc.
  • RD Board
  • A GDE Board was created to evaluate, prioritize
    and coordinate the worldwide RD program in
    support of the baseline and alternatives ( How
    will this work ???)

Change Control Board (CCB) Nobu Toge (chair)
Design Cost Board (DCB) Peter Garbincius
Design Approach
  • Create a baseline configuration for the machine
  • Document a concept for ILC machine with a
    complete layout, parameters etc. defined by the
    end of 2005 (done)
  • Make forward looking choices, consistent with
    attaining performance goals, and understood well
    enough to do a conceptual design and reliable
    costing by end of 2006.
  • Technical and cost considerations will be an
    integral part in making these choices.
  • Baseline is now under configuration control,
    with a defined process for changes to the
  • A Reference Design will be created and documented
    in a report by the end of 2006. It will be
  • Technical performance and physics performance
    will be evaluated for the reference design

Global RD Board (RDB) Bill Willis (chair)
Approach to ILC RD Program
  • Proposal-driven RD in support of the baseline
  • Technical developments, demonstration
    experiments, industrialization, etc.
  • Proposal-driven RD in support of alternatives to
    the baseline
  • Proposals for potential improvements to the
    baseline, resources required, time scale, etc.
  • Develop a prioritized DETECTOR RD program aimed
    at technical developments needed to reach
    combined design performance goals

GDE RDR / RD Organization
FALC Resource Board
GDE Directorate
GDE Executive Committee
GDE R D Board
GDE Change Control Board
GDE Design Cost Board
Global RD Program
RDR Design Matrix
ILC Design Effort
ILC RD Program
GDE Organization for Snowmass
  • WG1 LET bdyn.
  • WG2 Main Linac
  • WG3a Sources
  • WG3b DR
  • WG4 BDS
  • WG5 Cavity

Technical sub-system Working Groups
Provide input
Global Group
  • GG1 Parameters
  • GG2 Instrumentation
  • GG3 Operations Reliability
  • GG4 Conventional Facilities
  • GG5 Cost Engineering
  • GG6 Physics Options

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • The GDE Plan and Schedule

2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Technical Design
globally coordinated
ILC RD Program
regional coord
expression of interest
sample sites
International Mgmt
FNAL ILC Organization
  • ILC Program Dir R Kephart
  • Deputy S Mishra
  • Deputy S Nagaitsev
  • Resource Manager R Stanek

Accel Div S Nagaitsev
Tech Div S Mishra
PP Div M DeMarteau
Comp Div P McBride
FESS V Kuchler
Division Leaders function like Project
Managers. They are responsible for Division ILC
tasks and work with Division management to secure
needed labor. They manage ILC resources assigned
to the Division
Directorate funding of ILC
  • This organization will manage all ILC and SCRF
    infrastructure resources at the lab
  • Funds for these tasks are held in the
    directorate. Treat it like a project. ( Project
  • Resources are to be used to accomplish an agreed
    upon list of Fermilab ILC and SCRF tasks (
    includes infrastructure for PD)
  • A subset of these tasks are listed the ILC GDE
    MOU and are explicitly funded. These must be
    tracked and reported separately (reports to GDE
  • Recommendation is that the 3.9 GHz cryomodule
    effort for DESY become a project that is tracked
  • Unspent Project 18 funds will be carried over.
  • No contingency this year so overruns must be

Directorate funding of ILC
  • Division Heads may choose to put additional
    effort beyond this on ILC using Division funds.
  • e.g. travel to educate people who are not working
    on ILC tasks
  • new initiatives
  • We want to track this in project 18, but the cash
    will remain in the Divisions
  • Rich Stanek (ILC Resource Manager) will manage
    project 18 out of the directorate which will
    include all resources ( SWF and MS) for ILC and
    SCRF infrastructure
  • We are working on the next levels of the project
    18 org chart
  • E.g. Identifying Level 3 task managers
  • Understanding the scope and resources required
    for each task
  • FY06 Funding Levels
  • We believe that we will know our FY06 funding
  • Plan is to present the available funds,
    organization, and our plan in January at these

The future
  • We are asked to provide budget estimates for
    FY07-08 effort in early January
  • Division Leaders are asked to work with Rich to
    create these estimates (Current GDE and SCRF
    activities and the SMTF plan starting point)
  • Need to include estimates for industrialization
  • Expanded site studies and other activities
    appropriate for a US bid to host the ILC
  • If there are other specific ILC items that need
    to be in these estimates please make sure your
    Division Leader knows about and includes them
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