Title: When Does Human Life Begin
1When Does Human Life Begin?
- Adventists Attitude Towards
- Human Life
- By
- Dr. Nic Samojluk
2Does it begin at birth?
3Human Life Begins at Birth
- John V. Stevens, Sr.
- Christ valued choice over life. . . . Every
human being, created in the image of God, is
endowed with a power akin to the
Creator--individuality, power to think and to do.
(Education, page 170) This takes place after
birth, when the developing baby becomes a
person. - John V. Stevens, Sr. Abortion Answers and
Attitudes, Pacific Union Recorder (20 Aug. 1990)
4Human Life Begins Before Birth!
- Dr, Sean Pitman
- For me, the human function requires a brain that
can process and appreciate and store the memory
of sensations and feelings. Without this ability,
the definition of "being human" has not been met
any more than it has been met by my appendix or
by the potential of an unfertilized egg and
spermatozoon that have not yet met.
5No brain No human No murder
- Dr, Sean Pitman
- The "potential" of being human is not the same
thing as actually being human. - I don't think there is any doubt. The embryo,
within the first few weeks of life, does not have
a brain - no doubt. No brain no human. No
human no murder. Simple.
6When Does Human Life Begin?
- Dr, Sean Pitman
- First, intermittent electroencephalographic
bursts in both cerebral hemispheres are first
seen at 20 weeks gestation they become sustained
at 22 weeks and bilaterally synchronous at 26 to
27 weeks.
7Questions for Dr. Sean Pitman
- Can you be a little bit more precise?
- Does human life begin at 20, 22, 26, or 27 weeks
of gestation? - At what precise stage of pregnancy does it become
murder to kill the baby? - Isnt seven weeks of a gray area a little bit too
8Questions for Dr. Sean Pitman
- Would it make sense for President bush to order
the U.S. patrol agents to secure the borders, and
then tell them that the U.S. border lies
somewhere between the 27 and 34 parallel? - How could border patrol agents protect our
borders on the basis of a fuzzy idea where those
borders lie?
9Questions for Dr. Sean Pitman
- What is the significance of the fact that current
technology can detect brain activity somewhere
between the 20th and the 27th week of pregnancy? - Can developing babies really think or make
moral decision at that stage? - Is a just born baby able to distinguish between
right and wrong?
10When Does Human Life Begin?
- Dr, Sean Pitman
- It seems then, to me at least, most reasonable
and consistent to define what it takes to be
human by what it is that makes human unique from
other living things. That, for me, is the
uniqueness of the human mind - the higher
cortical brain function of the human mind.
Therefore, until or unless such a brain has been
formed, the definition of "being human" has not
been met.
11Questions for Dr. Sean Pitman
- If higher brain cortical function is a
requirement for membership in the human family,
is it morally right to kill a baby who does not
meet this criteria? - What about the comatose patients? Some have
recovered their brain functions afternot nine
months or less, butmany years later!
12The Pitman/Samojluk Debate
- If you are interested in reading the long debate
between Dr. Sean Pitman and myself dealing with
this topic, write down the Internet link listed
at the bottom. - "Jumping Through the Loop in the Kingdom of the
Blind " http//sdaforum.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/vi
13When Does Human Life Begin?
- Dr. Gerald Winslow
- The church has chosen not to define the precise
moment human life begins--a moment science finds
difficult to pinpoint. - "Broader Religious Input Needed in Stem Cell
Debate, Says Adventist Ethicist"
14More from Dr. Gerald Winslow
- "But the prenatal life we're protecting exists
once an 'established pregnancy' can be
ascertained." - Question Does Dr. Winslow mean we should protect
the unborn from the moment of conception?
15The Viability Autonomy Argument
- We admit, argued Dr. Winslow, that the early
stages of human development we do not have a
person in the full sense of the word, and not
even immediately after birth nevertheless, the
destruction of a fetus after the point of
viability should raise serious concerns. To this,
we must add that the established human life
should take precedence over the prepersonal human
life and we should not forget the value of
personal autonomy. - Gerald Winslow, Abortion and Christian
Principles Ministry (May 1988) 12-16.
16What is so Magic About the Ability to Survive?
17What Does Autonomy Really Mean?
- Autonomy in fact means self rule.
- Isnt the pregnant woman subject to Gods Law
instead of self rule? - Does the pregnant woman really own her body and
the body of the baby she is carrying? - Did not Paul state that our body belongs to God?
18A Moral Question to Ponder
- Why is this baby whose tiny hand is grasping the
hand of the surgeon considered less than human?
19Why Does the SDA Church Justify Abortion?
- Neal Wilson, former General Conference President.
- Though we walk the fence, Adventists lean
towards abortion rather than against it. Because
we realize we are confronted by big problems of
hunger and overpopulation, we do not oppose
family planning and appropriate endeavors to
control population.
20When Did Wilson State This?
- Neal Wilson made this statement in 1970, two
years before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized
abortion. - This means that the Adventist church led the way
for the killing of the unborn. - Our hospital in Hawaii started performing
abortions on demand right away!
21Reference for Wilsons Statement
- George B. Gainer, Abortion History of Adventist
guidelines Ministry (Aug. 1991) 11-17. Accessed
from http//www.adventistarchives.org/docs/MIN/MIN
1991-08/index.djvu?djvuoptspage11 on 25 Oct.