Overview of Cellphone Repair Solutions

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Overview of Cellphone Repair Solutions


Cell phone repair solutions in Calgary are well known for mobile phone repair services. Having a great knowledge of the issues and working with a well trained team makes them the efficient mobile repairing solution in the area. See Services of cell phone repair. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Overview of Cellphone Repair Solutions

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The Premium Cell Phone Repair In Calgary, AB
  • Welcome to Cell Phone Repair Solutions! We are a
    state of the art repair service that caters to
    all of your broken or malfunctionings on the go
    devices. We repair iPhone, smartphones, iPad's,
    tablets and much more! Have you ever been in
    public and had a clumsy moment? Dropped your cell
    phone on concrete? Lost control of it and dropped
    it at work? Did it happen to get submerged in
    water or some form of liquid? Your reaction is
    that of shock of course! Have you bent down
    praying to God that you have been spared? Just to
    see that your screen has a crack or device
    doesn't function properly anymore? The list goes
    on, but the overall result is that you have a
    malfunctioning phone or device that you paid good
    money for! Well, that is no longer a problem
    because here at Cell Phone Repair Solutions, we
    specialize in unfortunate events that can happen
    to your beloved electronics. Lucky for you, we
    are the leading name in cell phone and tablet
    repairs in all of Calgary, AB. We have a well
    trained and skilled team in aiding you in your
    repairs. They have valuable information and tips
    that can save you a call down the road if you run
    into minors issues with your mobile devices. We
    also have technicians that can do a mobile
    dispatch repair, which saves you a trip to one of
    our locations. They can make sure to secure the
    data on your devices and get the job done smooth
    and swift. They will assure you on every step
    they are taking along the way.

Quality Cell Phone Repair In The Local Area
  • Cell phone repair shops near me Calgary We are
    astonished when we hear clients saying they will
    buy a new iPhone or Android due to one component
    of their device being broken. First of all, that
    is a waste of money. Second, you should always
    exhaust every viable option before calling it
    quits on your electronics. Before the days of the
    Cloud, it was a major headache to try to back up
    data on a phone that was no longer responsive or
    suffered copious amounts of water damage. Now, if
    we have to revive any of your products we pray to
    God you have used the life-saving service the
    Cloud offers. We often see customers explaining
    how they live with their damaged phone or tablet
    situations for months and months. We can't
    understand why you wouldn't want to fix it
    immediately! I mean we as people live with these
    devices attached to our hips. They have more or
    less became our third leg so to speak. With the
    importance we have placed on them, we should be
    taking great care of these items. So, don't
    procrastinate or try to get the most out of your
    broken screen... You will not be functioning at
    100 and losing some of the key features that
    make it easy to navigate your touch screen or
    enter button features.

The Complete List of our Cell Phone Repair
  • iPhone, Smartphone, iPad, And Tablet Repair
  • Screen Replacement 
  • Battery Replacement 
  • Unlocking Services
  • Water Damage Repair Kit
  • Button, Audio Jack, and Speaker Repair Kit
  • Camera Replacement
  • Charging Port Repair
  • Diagnostic Services
  • MORE!

iPhone, Smartphone, iPad, iPod, And Tablet Repair
  • Our modern day devices are quite remarkable and
    desired by the masses. As a repair company, we
    knew we had to take action and create a service
    that would cater to all the mishaps that can
    happen to your gear. So here it is, an all in one
    cell phone repair solution. Amazing as these
    devices are, we have to remember to handle them
    with great care! This means buying a screen
    protector, a case to give you extra confidence in
    your day to day interactions with the gadgets. It
    is almost a curse how much people drop these
    things, and it seems like these are the only
    items they are dropping. Electronics are not
    meant to impact with any hard surfaces. There is
    so much going on in the background that they just
    aren't built for that. A small crack in the
    corner of a phone, for example, can lead to a
    major interference down the road. iPhone and iPad
    LCD screens are the most susceptible to accidents
    occurring, so we make sure to hold an abundance
    of screens on site to speed up the repairing

Screen Replacement
  • Have you ever went to get out of your vehicle and
    your phone sitting on your lap? As you realize
    too late that it took a flight out of control
    once you stepped out? Yeah, it really does put a
    damper on someone's day, week or even month when
    these types of scenarios happen. More and more
    people are starting to work with their devices
    and some of us just can't get away from our
    social media outlets lol.
  • Whatever your reason for needing your screen
    intact we can solve your problem.We have seen
    cracks and shattered and odds turn of events when
    it comes to screen damage. We are no longer
    surprised to what we see when clients think they
    have to the worst possible occurrence, Trust us
    when our company says we will get this fixed for
    you and on to a wonder day! If you come
    immediately after the mishap, then you are more
    likely to keep the longevity of your mobile
    device because we will do a thorough walk through
    of all the components inside and out. Wait,
    however, and let things like moisture get in
    behind the screen due to open crack lines. It
    could be you let the crack get so bad you can
    only function pieces of the touch motion sensors.
    Don't be that client who comes in freaking out
    about how they didn't know when it got so bad if
    they didn't have a plan or action to resolve the
    issue. Get on top of it, make a responsible
    decision and prosper on people. Getting your
    screen replacement service done at Cell Phone
    Repair Solutions couldn't be easier.

Battery Replacement
  • Have you had your phone for a long time and start
    to notice it can't hold a charge for the whole
    day like it used too? Maybe you just purchased
    your phone and saw these problems occurring? The
    issue of battery power has been stumping the
    world time and time again. We get higher powered
    processors and gadgets that consume more energy
    for us to enjoy them, Yet we can not keep up with
    reliable alternatives to our traditional power
    systems. I feel we are on the verge of changing
    that, but we are not quite there yet. So Cell
    Phone Repair Solutions gives our clients the
    option of replacing these units so that you can
    have the most time with the device. It comes in
    handy because we see customers want to purchase
    extra batteries from us so they can just swap
    them out when they are on the go and don't need
    to worry about outlets or those crappy portable
    chargers. Batteries have life spans and depending
    on how you treat them you will get more or less
    than what you paid for.

Unlocking Service
  • Service Provider companies over the years have
    aimed at getting customers to stick with them by
    pressuring them to buy all their devices from
    them and all their service plans. This has caused
    a sticky mess for consumers trying to switch over
    to better products or services provided by
    someone else. In some instances, you would have
    to unlock your phone to use it outside of that
    country. Like what is up with that people? Well,
    it was a good trick while it lasted but, then
    came around great services like phone unlocking
    that left all restrictions off the table. With
    this impeccable service, you can use any service
    provider for your cellular and data plans. Shop
    around and find good deals because a lot of those
    big names are trying to scam you out of your
    hard-earned dollars.

Water Damage Repair Kit
  • Water damage on mobile devices is quite common.
    They are common but severely irritating to deal
    with. The first thing you should do is pull the
    battery to limit the damage. Do not put the
    battery in for at least an hour after drying the
    device. We would recommend you leave the battery
    out for a day, if possible, to ensure no
    electrical components kaput as soon as power is
    restored. More or less water conducts
    electricity, and this could result in a device
    overload if you will. A good old trick in the hat
    is taking your mobile device sticking it in a bag
    of rice, and this will extract all liquids that
    may be lingering about. That is an exquisite tip
    because it is cheap and easy to do! You can also
    use cat litter or any other similar product to
    get the same results. These are makeshift
    options, and may not be the best choice for
    someone who doesn't want their phone to smell
    like food. Also, we would imagine your not the
    biggest fan of cat litter in your phone. The
    hands down greatest removal technique are heat
    and suction for removal. We have heard all the
    incidents in the book of how a client's device
    suffered water damage. We hear things like this
    "my phone was sitting on a table, and someone
    spilled their cup onto my phone." "I was at an
    amusement park and hit the water rides, but was
    completely soaked with my device in my pocket."
    "I fumbled my phone into a puddle on the street."
    "I decided to bring my phone snowboarding and by
    the end of the day, it wasn't operating anymore."
    "I dropped it in the community pool, or I got
    pushed in with it in my hand." No matter how you
    occurred your water damage, you never fear we
    will get our expert specialists to diagnose and
    revive the components and parts that may be

Button, Audio Jack Port, and Speaker Repair Kit
  • From continuous finger pressing and dropping our
    mobile devices, some of us will see basic
    functionality of our gear stop working. So we
    have decided to provide an option to fix your
    outside responsive components so you could keep
    your gear in tip-top condition. Buttons on
    devices will tend to give out after extensive use
    of the product. Which is a good thing and means
    you are getting your bang for you buck. But what
    if you wanted to use the device for an extended
    amount of time? Shouldn't there be an option or
    service that can provide just that? Cell Phone
    Repair Solutions is your vessel to longevity in
    the possessions you love. Are you one of those
    people who eats and surfs the web or apps? Do you
    know someone who does? Well, we are sure that
    their devices start accumulating sticky surfaces
    and buttons from a result of these habits.
    Pressing down too hard on the springs for the
    buttons can cause them to give way as well. If
    you have any issues in this department, make sure
    to give us a call or stop by

  • Who doesn't use their audio jack port on their
    mobile devices? We know we do. The world of
    music, videos and media has grown so much on the
    mobile platforms that it is almost a religion to
    plug in those headphones in your leisure time. We
    can do everything from the touch of our mobile
    phones, and there is no need to carry multiple
    devices like we previously have in the past. We
    can plug in our headsets and drive, walk, use
    public transportation, to get away from the
    world, and much more! Audio jack port
    manufacturers all use a standard 3.5mm
    circumference to make it universal for headsets
    to function properly. The coils in the jack can
    be susceptible to damage if the device is dropped
    or audio jacks are input to aggressively. If you
    have sometimes noticed that ports start to lose
    the ability to hold your jack in place, then this
    is a sign of wear and tear on that component. It
    will get to the point where you have to wiggle
    the headset or hold it in place for it to
    function properly. We offered a cheap and
    guaranteed audio jack port repair that will make
    you happy to plug in those tunes again! We will
    use original manufactured parts if replacing the
    port is the best option in your particular
    dilemma. We always recommend that you diagnose
    the problem yourself first to save money. You
    have to determine if it's the jack of your
    headset or the port of the device. Plug in a few
    different headphones and if the same problem
    keeps coming up then you know it's the port. If
    you only hear out of one earbud, that is a sign
    your headset is the culprit. There are certain
    noises you may hear if the port is giving way.
    These noises will be something you are not
    usually a custom and will stick out from the
    media you are currently listening too. Call Cell
    Phone Repair Solutions, today to get your audio
    jack port improved! We have a quick turnaround
    time, and you will get brand new results.

  • ?Have you ever had that friend that has to call
    you with their headphones in or on speaker phone?
    This is the result of a microphone malfunction,
    or the speaker component has blown out. Does your
    speaker in your phone not ring loudly when
    someone calls or text messages you? These could
    be a sign that the speaker unit on your device is
    ready to be replaced. We use speaker phone on our
    mobile devices for many reasons. You may not have
    headphones at the moment and need to listen to
    some media. You need to use your hands for other
    tasks, but still need to hear what's going on
    with your gadget. You may want to avoid
    distracted driving on the road if you don't have
    Bluetooth installed in your vehicle. You might
    use your speakers for your alarm clock every
    morning, and the loudness might be vital for you
    getting your day started on time. There will be
    signs that your speakers are no longer working
    properly like horrible sound quality, popping
    noises, and static can also be an indicator. If
    your speakers are suffering from any of these
    symptoms, it is time to call us at Cell Phone
    Repair Solutions. If you have a sneak suspicion
    that something weird is going on with your
    speakers or mics, give us a call or come in to
    get a diagnosis completed so we can fully inform
    you on the matter.

Camera Replacement
  • This is the age of social media and picture
    taking In other words "selfies". It is
    astronomical the effect it has had on the masses.
    Before we would have to grab our camera, take
    photos and get them developed by companies like
    Kodak. Since those days, you could get a camera
    with USB capabilities and upload them to your
    computer. Now with our iPhone, smartphone
    devices, iPad, and tablets we take photos and
    store them on our memory sticks or to the Cloud.
    It doesn't end there because now it has become
    almost like a religion to post photos on the most
    popular photo sharing apps like Facebook,
    Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and many more!
    This has dramatically made the importance of how
    we engage with our mobile cameras a phenomenon.
    It has made a revolution in the way we can
    explain a scenario or what we are up too. You
    want to ensure that your mobile device has an
    excellent condition screen so you can view what
    you have taken and what people have sent you. If
    your pictures don't look up to code with your
    expectations, then your lens could be suffering
    from particles, dust, or dirt interference.
    Updating operating software, reinserting your
    memory chip, or restarting your device, in
    general, may help in improving your camera
    performance. We can't stress enough how much
    damage dropping your phone does too so many
    components in the device. It is the sole culprit
    for many malfunctions that can be avoided. Clean
    your phone lens with a lint free cloth and see if
    that remedies the clarity of the picture.

Charging Port Repair
  • We are in a present energy crisis when it comes
    to powering our mobile devices. There are all
    types of companies producing products to either
    give you a quick charge or double battery life
    for most products. Some products have been made
    to be able to charge your battery full within
    minutes with the help of new lithium ion cell
    technologies. Energy has become so important that
    you see people plugging in their devices in
    vehicles, cafeteria's, malls, airports. Anywhere
    they might be extending a stay. If you charge
    your phone and realize it's not charging, we
    usually tend to think that the charger is broken.
    This might be the case, but you can just plug
    someone else's phone to test the theory. If the
    other phone is responsive to the charge, then you
    know it has something to do with your device.
    Your charging port might be on the fritz. This
    can happen when you regularly connect and
    disconnect your device from a charger. Another
    cause of your charging port breaking is dropping
    your phone. It can shake parts lose and in turn
    not complete a full connection from the outlet to
    the phone. Liquids that enter your phone can
    cause significant problems when going to plug in
    a charger because the surge of electricity to the
    unit may cause some components to overload. So
    just some insight into why your charging port
    could no longer delivering power.

Diagnostic Services
  • Cell Phone Repair Solutions is the best in the
    west end for device diagnostics. We proudly boast
    about our all inclusive services which are free.
    That's right you come in, we assess your dilemma
    on a broad scale to make sure we don't miss
    anything. We make conclusions on parts or
    services you must use, but we never sell you
    useless add-ons. We are ethical and hold
    ourselves on moral high ground. You are only
    charged for services provided, so you never have
    to panic when interacting with us. You as a
    customer will learn to love this quality and feel
    comfortable to call

Top Reliable AffordableProfessional Cell
Phone Repairs
  • Contact Cell Phone Repair Solutions Today
  • Phone (587-600-0337)
  • http//www.cellphonerepairsolutions.com/
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