40 Most Common Cyber Security Terms That Everyone Should Know

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40 Most Common Cyber Security Terms That Everyone Should Know


Whether you’re a normal user or tech geek, being aware of most cybersecurity terms helps in fortifying the threats against them. This blog covers all the basic computer security terms that are essential to know and learn. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 40 Most Common Cyber Security Terms That Everyone Should Know

40 Most Common Cyber Security Terms That
Everyone Should Know
Keeping yourself ahead of vulnerable threats is
hard, but not understanding those technical
jargons makes it even harder.
  • October is marked as the National Cybersecurity
    Awareness Month (NCSAM). As cyber-attacks have
    been on the rise for the past decade and show no
    signs of letting up. NCSAM is commemorating its
    15 years this coming month since its raising
    awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.
    So, through our blog, we aspire to contribute for
    the same!
  • The guide is handy for the people who are not
    fluent in common cybersecurity terms and mostly
    find themselves lost in arduous discussions.
  • Before beginning with our most common
    cybersecurity glossary, we would like to define
    two terms under which all the further common
    security terms fall. First is Cyberattack and
    other is Cybersecurity.
  • Cyber Attack
  • Cyberattack is a deliberate action to exploit
    computer systems, tech-dependent enterprises, and
    networks. With the intention to harm, to damage,
    to breach information of an individual or
    organization- Cyber-attacks are attempted.
  • Remember- no company is too large, or home
    network is too small, to fall a victim.

  • Cyber Security
  • To simply put, cybersecurity is a protection
    against those cyber-attacks. Multiple security
    layers are spread across the systems, programs,
    and networks in order to keep individuals
    organizations protected from unauthorized
  • Though implementing effective cybersecurity
    shields is a challenging task today, and users
    should always be a step ahead to beat cyber
  • Most Common Cyber Security Terms
  • Learning these computer security terms will help
    you better understand the importance of digital
  • Adware
  • Adware can be defined as a bundle of programs
    that is designed to bombard users with
    advertisements. The main aim behind it is to
    redirect users search requests to advertising
    websites and collect marketing data.
  • Adware tracks users online activity, slow down
    devices performance, displays customized ads
  • and gets malware downloaded at the back end and
    also eats lots of data costs.
  • Botnet
  • A botnet is a bunch of several Internet-connected
    devices such as PCs, mobiles, servers and IoT
    devices that is infectious and controlled by a
    specific type of malware.
  • As the name suggests, its a blend of two terms,
    Robot Network. And thats exactly what they
  • are, a network of robots that are used to commit
    crimes in the cyber world.
  • Heres an anatomy of how Botnet works!
  • Clickfraud

Clickfraud happens when artificially created
bogus clicks are used to manipulate Pay-Per-Click
(PPC) advertising. The idea behind this practice
is to increase the number of payable clicks, in
order to generate revenue to advertisers. Cybercr
ooks use Botnet to create these types of scams.
Either this practice can be followed by
individuals to manually click the AD hyperlinks
or by using automated software or online bots to
click these AD links.
  • Cyber Espionage
  • When you hear about Cyber Espionage, characters
    like James Bond might come to your mind, that
    pretends to be someone who theyre not,
    infiltrating organizations also stealing
  • Similar to that fictional character, Cyber
    Espionage is the term that describes the practice
    of spying on someone to gain illicit access to
    confidential information. The prime target of
    this cybercrime is typically large institutions
    and government organizations. But it doesnt mean
    individuals are too small to fall a victim.
  • Dark Web
  • With so much happening through the Internet,
    there is so much more in World Wide Web than it
    appears. And Dark Web is that part of the
    Internet that is not visible to regular users. To
    understand what Dark Web is, first you need to
    understand what Deep Web is.
  • Its a vast network of websites portals that
    are not categorized by search engines. Likewise,
    Dark Web is just a small portion of Deep Web that
    has thousands of dark sites where all illegal
    activities are executed.
  • Defence-in-Depth
  • DiD is an approach used to create multiple layers
    of security to protect information
    resources/assets and valuable data in an
    enterprise from attacks. If somehow any mechanism
    gets fails, another security layer steps up
    immediately to thwart an attack.
  • No organization can remain secured with a single
    layer of security. Therefore, this multiple
    layered approach to security is applied at each
    level of IT Systems.
  • Demilitarized Zone

  • The Demilitarized Zone is known as a firewall
    setting that separates LAN of an organization
    from the external network. DMZ makes certain
    servers available to everyone while keeping the
    internal LAN access private and accessible to
    only authorized people.
  • Detection Deficit
  • Detection Deficit is the gap between the times it
    takes to Discover a breach from the time of
  • Easter Egg
  • Its a non-malicious surprise embedded in a
    program or media which is entertaining and
    accessible to anyone. It can be found in every
    software these days, especially in video games.
    Its an intentional joke, hidden message or image
    usually found on the menu screen.
  • End-to-End Encryption
  • End-to-end encryption is a method of protecting
    and securing communication that hinders third
    parties from accessing data when it is
    transferred from one device to another.
  • For example, whenever you do online shopping
    using your credit card. Your mobile phone needs
    to send the credit card to the merchant. Its
    End-to-end encryption method that just makes sure
    that only you and the merchants device can
    access the confidential credentials.
  • Also Read Cyber Security Insurance A New Age
  • Evil Twin
  • An evil twin is a fake Wi-Fi hotspot or access
    point that poses to be original and safe, but
  • actually set up to snoop on another wireless
  • Exploit Kits
  • Exploit Kits are basically the package of
    automated threats that are used by attackers to
    launch exploits against vulnerable programs.
    Exploits are designed to cause unexpected
    behaviors that an attacker can take advantage of
    to perform harmful actions.
  • Firewall

  • Firewall is a defensive technology that is
    focused on to keep bad guys out from ones
    network. It acts as a virtual barrier that
    protects both internal and external cyber-attacks
    that might attack your personal computer.
  • It keeps a check on all the unauthorized access
    to or from a private network and also determines
    which entry should be allowed or not to interact
    with your computer.
  • FTP
  • If you hang out with tech geeks or especially web
    developers, you might have heard FTP a lot. If
    youre nodding, probably you know what it means.
    FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol that is
    meant for uploading and downloading files.
  • For instance, any two systems that use the same
    network can transmit files using FTP Protocol.
  • Gateway
  • Gateway acts as a bridge between two networks
    that connects using different protocols.
  • Guessing Entropy
  • Its a measure of difficulty that an attacker has
    to guess in order to crack the average password
  • used in a system. Generally, entropy is stated in
  • When a password has n-bits of Guessing Entropy,
    more the difficulty arises for an attacker in
    guessing the average password.
  • Hashing
  • Hashing is an encryption algorithm that converts
    the plaintext password into hashes. Its a form
    of cryptographic security method that is used to
    transform strings of characters in shorter fixed-
    length value that poses as the original string.
  • Handshaking Procedures
  • The process by which two information systems
    establish a communication channel. Handshaking
    begins when one device sends content to another
    device for identifying, syncing, and
    authenticating themselves to one another.
  • Identity Theft

  • Sometimes also referred to as Identity Fraud, it
    involves the unauthorized taking of someones
  • personal possessions and then using it in an
    illicit way for their own benefits.
  • IDS
  • Intrusion Detection System is software or device
    that functions to monitor network traffic for
    malicious activity. These detection systems help
    in identifying suspicious activity, log
    information related and attempts to block and
    report it.
  • IP Spoofing
  • IP Spoofing or IP Address Forgery is a hijacking
    technique in which a cracker pretends as a
  • trusted host to disguise someones identity,
    hijack browsers, or gain access to a network.
    Though its not illegal to spoof an IP Address,
    as youre just faking your address to hide your
    online activities and be anonymous.
  • However, if someone uses the technique to
    masquerades as someone else and indulges in
  • criminal activities such as identity theft, then
    its illegal.
  • Keylogger
  • Often referred to as Keystroke logging, Keylogger
    is a computer program that keeps a log of your
    keystrokes on your keyboard. The entire log is
    saved in a log file which is encrypted and can
    be shared with different receivers for different
    purposes. It can be used for both legal and
    illegal means. It can track all the sensitive
    information like passwords and PIN (Personal
    Identification Number) in real time and can be
    used for hijacking your personal accounts.
  • Macro Virus
  • A macro virus is a small piece of code which is
    lodged into the macros of different
    documentation and software programs such as
    spreadsheets and word documents. Whenever a user
    opens up the document affected with macro virus,
    a series of actions begins automatically. The
    macro virus replicates rapidly upon sharing the
    document with multiple nodes.

24. Malware Malware is a troupe of all the
malicious programs like viruses, Trojan horses
and spyware. It is a malicious program that
reaches a target computer and runs the scripts
which take the entire
  • control over all the computing functions of the
    target computer. It can steal and hijack all the
    sensitive stored in encrypted files by decrypting
  • Mobile Banking Trojans
  • Users who are very frequent in using electronic
    gadgets for banking purposes are most liable to
    get affected by Mobile Banking Trojans. The
    influence begins with overlaying of Trojans
  • interface over Banking apps interface. When the
    user input their credentials to login into their
  • account, Trojan loots them and impersonates
    users account.
  • Acecard family and Faketone Trojans were very
    effective in a cyber plague in 2016 which took
    over dozens of banking applications in Russia.
  • Must Read Cyber-Kinetic Attack A Reality Or
  • One-Way Encryption
  • Hashing and Encryption serve the same purpose,
    that is a secure transmission of data between
    the sender and receiver. The primary difference
    between both is that, in Hashing, you cant
    reverse the process for retrieval of the
    un-hashed original string but in encryption, you
  • Hashing is a kind of One-Way Encryption which is
    an irreversible process thats why it is termed
  • to be one-way.
  • Open Wi-Fi
  • An Open Wi-Fi network is an unprotected
    connection that doesnt require any
    authentication to connect to it. Though for a
    layman it is a treat rather it is a threat to
    your personal information since you are exposing
    yourself to all the nodes connected within that
    network. Hackers can monitor all the entire
    traffic which is unencrypted.
  • Password Sniffing
  • Password Sniffing is the process of intruding
    between a transfer of data packets which
    encompasses password. The process is performed by
    a software application called Password Sniffer
    which captures the data packets which contains
    password and stores it for illegal and malicious

  • Pharming
  • Pharming is another malicious mechanism which
    redirects a user to a fake site falsely which
    appears to be a genuine one. A user enters all
    the credentials into the duplicate site
    considering it to be the legitimate one.
    Pharming is a sort of Phishing which has become a
    major threat to all the e-commerce and e-tailor
  • Phishing
  • By Phishing, a hacker strives to steal your
    personal information such as passwords and
    e-mails. Phishing is done primarily through
    false e-mails that appear to be sent through a
    legitimate site such as Amazon or e-bay. E-mail
    asks you to update or validate yourself by
    providing the username and password in order to
    read the information. Scammers then take the
    total control of your account and thieve your
    information such as bank accounts information
  • QAZ
  • QAZ is a famous backdoor trojan that launches the
    untampered version of notepad.exe into systems,
    that allows hackers to link and gain access to
    the affected computer.
  • Ransomware
  • Ransomware can be any malicious software that
    encrypts data found on an individuals or
    enterprise system. Once the data gets encrypted
    in wrong hands, the victim is demanded a huge
    amount of money i.e. ransom.
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Reverse Engineering is a mechanism for
    maintenance and improvisation of the software
    over time. It is used to find bugs and
    vulnerabilities in software by analyzing the
    underlying blocks of code. This mechanism also
    helps in reducing the replication of unintended
    code reducing the overall costing for testing
    and maintenance. Hackers and Crackers use Reverse
    Engineering to find the vulnerabilities in any
    Operating System.
  • Rootkit

The word Rootkit has been derived by two words,
root which means total control over the system
or getting administrator rights by bypassing the
authentication process and kit means the set
of tools like software applications and packages
to undergo this intrusion for privileged access.
Once the intruder gets total control over the
system like that of an administrator, it can
modify and delete the elements of software
applications which is not otherwise accessible.
  • Script Kiddie
  • Script kiddie is a term used for the newbies in
    hacking and cracking. They dont carry their own
    skill to write a script on their own, they use
    scripts developed by other hackers. It doesnt
    require a skill or experience to be a script
  • Social Engineering
  • Social Engineering happens when a scammer
    manipulates a user into giving up their personal
    data. A social engineer is a man who interacts
    with individuals in order to gather their
    sensitive information and eventually rip them
  • The most common example of social engineering is
    when some attacker tricks users into giving
    their banking credentials and other transaction
  • Trojan Horse
  • Trojan horse is a malicious program that was
    first reported in 19744 in US Air Force report.
    The payload of this may be anything but, in many
    instances, it acts as a backdoor for the
    attacker. Once the attacker has control of the
    hosts system, they can lay their hands on the
    personal info like banking credentials or infect
    the network as well.
  • Vishing
  • This is yet another attempt of the attackers to
    get access to financial details of a victim.
    Vishing or voice phishing is special because
    attackers try to do so via phone call.
  • Zero Day

Zero Day is a computer software vulnerability
which is unknown to security professionals but
known to hackers. Before the concerned parties
can detect and mitigate this, the hackers
exploit that loophole. Read Also What Is Cyber
Insurance And Why Do You Need One? 40. Zombie
Computer Zombie Computer happens when the
remote-access Trojan horse leaves hidden codes
into a system that allows a criminal to control
the computer remotely. Attackers rely on various
robot networks that help is creating zombie
computers so that they can carry out crimes in
the cyber world. Regardless of what you
understand and learn from this cybersecurity
glossary, your mind has at least been opened to
some new thinking today!
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