Surrogacy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Surrogacy in India – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Surrogacy

Embryology 101
  • Dr. Samit Sekhar
  • Executive Director and Embryologist
  • Kiran Infertility Centre Pvt. Ltd
  • Basics of embryo development in an IVF laboratory.

Embryology in Greek means "the unborn, embryo)
is the science of the development of an embryo
from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetus
In a routine ART (Assisted reproductive
Technology) setting we create embryos by fusing
sperm from the male partner with the egg of the
female partner.
Treatment Option 1
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) commonly known as
test tube baby as we all know is one of the most
significant advances in the field of modern
medicine. The first IVF baby Louis Brown, born in
England in 1978 was the result of more than a
decade of research by Dr. Patrick Steptoe and
Robert Edwards. They essentially changed the
rules for how people can come into the world.
Conception was now possible outside the body in
a petri dish. The technique has resulted in the
births of millions of babies worldwide, many in
multiple births.
  • Initially ivf was developed for women with tubal
    disease but now it is the treatment of choice for
    several other causes of infertility,since its
    introduction all the steps of ivf have been
    improved upon which has resulted in continuously
    rising success rates.
  • IVF has also provided a platform for the
    development of other treatments including egg
    donation, Gestational surrogacy and
    preimplantation diagnosis

Steps of IVF
  • 1. Ovulation Induction is as per the protocols
    based on several factors of the female partner
    and might be a Down regulated or Antagonist
  • 2. Oocyte retrieval is performed under vaginal
    ultrasound guidance. After the vaginal ultrasound
    is placed in the vagina and the ovarian follicles
    are located a needle is directd through the back
    wall of the vagina and directed into the ovarian
  • The fluid is aspirated and then examined by the
    embryologist to identify the microscopic egg -
    oocyte surrounded by granulosa cells (cumulus).
    During normal fertilisation the acrosome of the
    sperm releases enzymes which disperse the cumulus
    cells thereby allowing the sperm to penetrate and
    fertilise the oocyte.
  • Once the eggs are retrieved they are placed in
    culture media with added nutrients and then
    placed in the incubator. The procedure is
    performed under a general Anesthesia and
    generally takes less than 10 to 15 minutes to
    complete. There are minimal complications(lt1)

Steps of IVF
  • 3. Oocyte Insemination After the male partner
    produces the sperm sample by masturbation, the
    sperm concentration and motility are assessed. If
    found adequate the sperm preparation is done to
    collect the most motile sperm. A total of nearly
    50,000 motile sperm is placed around the eggs in
    a culture dish which is then placed in the
  • Denudation is the process by which following
    oocyte insemination the surrounding cumulus is
    removed to check for signs of fertilisation using
    denuding pipettes. After a while the nuclei unite
    and the embryo will start to divide
  • 4. Embryo Culture The embryos are cultures in a
    petri dish inside specially designed incubators
    using nutritive media.

Oocyte Insemination
A fertilised Egg
Petri Dish
  • 5. Embryo Transfer usually performed 72 hours
    after the egg retrieval, generally 2 to 4 embryos
    are transferred into the uterine cavity under
    abdominal ultrasound guidance.

ET Catheter
The recommended number of embryos to transfer is
determined by the womens age, cause of
infertility, previous pregnancy history and other
factors including the acceptance of a twin
pregnancy. During transfer a full bladder
creates an opportunity so that uterus can be
clearly visualised and an echogenic catheter is
easily seen as it is passed through the cervical
canal and into the uterine cavity. The catheter
is placed about 2cms away from the top of the
cavity where the embryos are released.
Ultra Sound ET
ICSI - Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • ICSI - Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection is used
    in cases of male factor infertility or in cases
    where standard ivf results in lt40 fertilised
    embryos from previous ivf cycles or there is no
    fertilisation at all in a previous ivf cycle.
  • ICSI involves the injection of a single sperm
    directly into the oocyte.
  • Fertilisation rates using icsi are between 70 to
  • Males with severe oligospermia(lt5 million/cc)
    should have a chromosomal karyotype performed
    since they are at a greater risk of chromosomal

Related procedure to IVF
  • 1. FET (frozen embryo transfer) - extra embryos
    can be cryopreserved by standard freezing or by
    vitrification and can be transferred in the next
    cycle after spontaneous ovulation or creation of
    an artificial endometrium with estrogen and
  • The success rates using frozen embryos is
    slightly lower than fresh embryos. The main
    advantage of freezing embryos is that ovulation
    induction need not be given to the donor again.
  • Studies have shown that there are no increased
    risk of congenital anomalies in infants born
    following the use of frozen / thawed embryos.
  • 2. Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
  • In some cases of Azoospermia, sperm is produced
    but are not present in the ejaculate as a result
    of Obstruction because of infection, congenital
    conditions or a previous sterilisation.
  • In these cases aspiration of epididymal sperm or
    testicular sperm by a specialist is carried out
    and the resultant sperm is used for ICSI(image)
  • The sperm aspiration maybe carried out on the day
    of oocyte recovery or prior to ivf cycle and the
    samples maybe frozen.

Related procedure to IVF
  • 3. Assisted Hatching- is a procedure in which the
    zona pellucida, the outer membrane surrounding
    the embryo is thinned by the addition of a dilute
    acidic solution and mechanically broken down
    based on the theory that implantation failure
    maybe the reslt of failure of the embryo to hatch
    out from within the zona pellucida,commonlyused
    for women over 35 years of age or after several
    unsuccessful transfers. Hatching may be done
    using chemicals or by laser.
  • 4. Blastocyst Culture- The blastocyst stage of
    embryonic development occurs just prior to
    implantation. The blastocyst is an embryo made up
    of 80 to 100 cells and reaches this stage 5 to 6
    days after egg retrieval. Usually after day 3 the
    embryos need to be transferred into a special
    Blastocyst medium for them to grow to Blastocyst
    stage.generally 40 to 50 of embryos develop
    till Blastocyst stage, the Advantages of
    Blastocyst Allows for selection of best embryos.
    Reduces the chances of twins or triplets.
     Disadvantage - Monozygotic twinning(3)

Blastocyst Embryo
Related procedure to IVF
  • 5. PIGD has turned out to be a big boon for
    couples who were at a risk of having a child born
    with a genetic or a chromosomal disorder,the only
    options earlier were chorionic villous sampling
    or amniocentesis. These are invasive and not the
    first choice anymore.
  • In PIGD a single blastomere is removed from the
    embryo and tested prior to transfer. It was
    carried out first in 1990 for a couple who were
    at risk of having a child born with cystic
  • Commonly trisomy 13/18 and 21 and common genetic
    disorders are tested however with the
    availability of more and more genetic probes the
    increase in demand will only grow further.
  • 6. Oocyte freezing is another emerging
    technology.the oocyte is more sensitive to the
    cryopreservation process than the embryo because
    of the high water content in the egg which
    predisposes it to ice crystal damage
  • Indications-women undergoing cancer treatment to
    preserve their fertility,for younger women who
    are career minded and want to preserve their
    fertility for future.
  • Couples undergoing ivf also sometimes prefer to
    freeze eggs instead of embryos because once their
    family is complete is would be emotionally easier
    to discard frozen eggs instead of embryos.

Oocyte scoring and embryo grading
  • Oocyte scoring
  • The factors that are included in the evaluation
    of oocyte quality were
  • oocyte cytoplasmic dysmorphisms, extracytoplasmic
  • and the oocytecoronacumulus complex.
  • Assessing fertilization and zygotes (Day 1)
  • Assessment of fertilization is straightforward,
    as a fertilized
  • oocyte should have two pronuclei and two polar
  • Cleavage-stage embryo scoring (Day 2 and 3)
  • A. Top quality
  • B. Good quality (not for elective single embryo
  • C. Impaired embryo quality
  • D. Do not recommend to transfer

Fertilized Oocyte
Oocyte Scoring
  • Embryo quality evaluation is of prime importance
    in order to sustain a successful IVF / Surrogacy
  • Standard assessment by an embryologist relies on
  • Cell numbers
  • Fragmentation
  • Blastomere size
  • Cytoplasmic anomalies
  • Compaction
  • Cleavage stage embryos range from the 2-cell
    stage on day 1 to the compacted morula composed
    of 816 cells day 3 and 4. The number of
    blastomeres on day 2 or 3 is used as the primary
    criteria for embryo assessment.
  • Good quality embryos (A grade) must exhibit
    appropriate division and synchrony of division.
    In normal embryos, cell division occurs every
    1820 hours. Embryos dividing either too slow or
    too fast may have metabolic and/or chromosomal
    defects. It is also pertinent to note that the
    environment in the specific laboratory, such as
    culture media and temperature,PH etc influences
    the quality and grading of embryos.

Stages of Embryo Development
2 Cells
5 Cells
4 Cells
3 Cells
6 Cells
8 Cells
7 Cells
9 Cells
  • Each blastomere should have a single nucleus.
    Multinucleation has been described to be
    associated with genetic disorders of the embryo
    and has been associated with an increased
    abortion rate Multinucleation can be evaluated on
    Days 1, 2 and 3 of development.
  • Grade-A embryo characteristics blastomeres of
    equal size, little or no fragmentation, and a
    zona pellucida that is not extremely thick or
    dark in appearance.
  • Grade-B embryo characteristics blastomeres of
    equal size, minor cyotplasmic fragmentation
    covering lt 10 of the embryo surface.
  • Grade-C embryo characteristics blastomeres of
    distinctly unequal size and moderate to
    significant cytoplasmic fragmentation covering
    gt10 of the embryo surface.

  • A clear homogeneous cytoplasm is a sign of
    normal cleavage stage embryo. The presence of
    multiple vacuoles is a sign of a poor quality
  • Compaction- After the embryo reaches the 8-cell
    stage, the blastomeres begin to show an increase
    in cell to cell adherence and this is known as
    compaction and the process continues until the
    boundaries between the cells are barely
    detectable . If some of the blastomeres are
    excluded from this compaction process, the embryo
    may have a reduced potential for becoming a
    normal blastocyst

  • Blastocyst transfer
  • Day 5 or day 6 embryos are called blastocyst
    stage embryos. The blastocyst stage is the stage
    of development that an embryo must reach before
    it can hatch and implant in the uterus
  • Blastocyst embryos consists of a blastocoel which
    causes the embryo to start to expand and increase
    in overall size. Blastocyst embryos have two
    distinct parts, the inner cell mass (these cells
    develop and become the fetus), and the
    trophectoderm cells (these cells will develop
    into the placenta).  
  • The blastocyst is given a grade based upon the
    three main components of the blastocyst embryo.

  • Expansion Grade
  • Early Blastocyst the blastocoel filling more
    than ½ the volume of the embryo, but not
    expansion in overall size compared to earlier
  • Blastocyst the blastocoel filling more than ½
    the volume of the embryo, with slight expansion
    in overall size and notable thinning of the zona.
  • Full Blastocyst a blastocoel filling more than
    50 of the embryo volume and overall size fully
    enlarged with a very thin zona.
  • Hatching Blastocyst The trophectoderm has
    started to herniate through the zona.
  • Fully Hatched Blastocyst Free blastocyst fully
    removed from the zona.

  • Inner Cell Mass
  • A     Tightly packed compacted cells.
  • B     Large, loose cells
  • C     No ICM distinguishable
  • D     Cells of the inner cell mass appear
  • Trophectoderm Grade
  • A     Many healthy cells forming a cohesive
  • B     Few but healthy cells, large in size
  • C     Poor, unevenly distributed cells. Many
    appear as few cells squeezed to the side
  • D     Cells of the trophectoderm appear
    degenerative embryo surface.

Hatching Blastocyst
  • Embryo freezing
  • Step 1. consent
  • Step 2.  Screening for both people who provided
    the eggs and sperm used to create the embryos for
    infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B C.
  • Step 3. During treatment, the unused embryos are
    frozen and then stored in tanks of liquid
    nitrogen. A liquid called a cryoprotectant is
    added to protect the embryos during freezing.
  • In the standard freezing method, embryos are
    slowly frozen down to -196 degrees celcius.
  • vitrification. is a fast freeze process the
    embryo undergoes instantaneous glass-like
    solidification without the damaging formation of
    ice crystals (which can occur with the standard
    method of freeze)

How long can the embryos be stored?
  • The normal maximum period that frozen embryos can
    be stored is ten years. This may be extended
    depending on the medical circumstances of the
    woman undergoing treatment, her partner and/or a

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