The Next Marketplace - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Next Marketplace


The Next Marketplace is not in downtown, the shopping mall or anywhere online, it is you. The Next Marketplace has nothing to do with location and everything to do your skills and how strong they are. Your character and how defined it is. And your influence and the degree you connect with potential clients. These defining attributes will determine your value in the Next Marketplace. You will be judge fairly and unfairly by who you are, how you act, and how you contribute to the successes of the teams you are on. From today on you will determine your level of income success, how far you will rise in influence and decide on your durability in the marketplace by how many Success Assets you have. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Next Marketplace

  • The Next Marketplace
  • and The 14 Success Assets

  • The Next Marketplace is not in downtown, the
    shopping mall or anywhere online, it is you. The
    Next Marketplace has nothing to do with location
    and everything to do your skills and how strong
    they are. Your character and how defined it is.
    And your influence and the degree you connect
    with potential clients.
  • These defining attributes will determine your
    value in the Next Marketplace. You will be judge
    fairly and unfairly by who you are, how you act,
    and how you contribute to the successes of the
    teams you are on.

  • From today on you will determine your level of
    income success, how far you will rise in
    influence and decide on your durability in the
    marketplace by how many Success Assets you have.

  • Asset 1 Your Working Identity
  • What Is Your Working Your identity?

  • Byron Dorgan said, Working hard and working
    smart sometimes can be two different things.
  • You are not your job title. Your job does not
    define you. You are more than an 8-to-5. If you
    want to be at the top of the Next Marketplace
    adopt for yourself a working smart mindset. Learn
    what that means for yourself, because Your
    employer has no control over your value, but you
    do." Jim Rohn
  • When you work for money you are less likely to
    develop new skill sets which are a requirement in
    the Next Marketplace. When you work for
    expressing your skills to their fullest you are
    more likely to earn more income.

  • Everything you want is outside of what you
    currently know or outside of your Success Asset
    price range. The point is, the same tests will
    stay in front of you until you finish your life
    lessons. And by the way there is no emergency
    exit door.
  • When you are ready to get serious about becoming
    the better you, facing your giants, taking down
    the Goliaths in your life, then your personal
    value in the Next Marketplace will grow without
  • Get your working identity in order and hit the
    Next Marketplace running.

  • Asset 2 Career Skills

  • People want more than they qualify for.
  • The price of Personal Equity in the Next
    Marketplace will only continue to go up in cost.
    You either have the Success Assets to compete or
    you dont.
  • asset - a useful or valuable thing, person, or
  • Heres the deal. Treat your skills like an asset.
    Evaluate their worth in the marketplace. Set a
    price. Set out to sell the Skill. If no one buys,
    your skill is overpriced.

  • Even experience gets brought in on the deal.
    People will say I have so many years of
    experience. The question is, is that skill up to
    date. Mayne the Next Marketplace is requiring new
    fresh exciting skills that will add value, not
    diminish value.
  • Its like this. Some old cars are great and they
    are wanted by someone, even though they have no
    warranty. But in the Next Marketplace your got
    to have a warranty no matter how great you look.
  • Skills or Assets with warranties are worth more
    in the Next Marketplace.

  • Asset 3 Perseverance

  • If you want to be strong in the Next Marketplace
    youve got to press through the difficult, the
    uncomfortable, the overwhelming, the hardships,
    the all-consuming because there are no other
    roads to the top of.
  • Your personal strength of character will
    determine how strong a success you are or how
    weak you are. And remember this, you are not the
    only one in the race to the top, but the world is
    filled with people who love to stay at the
    bottom. They will not be in the highly
    competitive Next Marketplace.
  • Joel Runyon said, Perseverance next to
    adaptability is the most important skill you can

  • Asset 4 Adaptability 

  • If you do not change to fit the Next Marketplace,
    like this tree as a seedling adapted to fit its
    difficult location, you wont survive it.
  • Adaptable Defined Able to adjust
    oneself readily to different conditions.

  • Being Flexible or having the willingness to
    change is a key ingredient in Adaptability.
    Without it you can become stationary in
    relationships, career and financially, and
    opportunities will definitely pass you by.
  • We need dynamic and thriving businesses and a
    skilled and adaptable labor force to produce
    competitiveness and prosperity. David Blunkett

  • Asset 5 Decision Making

  • If you are not making a decision about something,
    when you have already made a decision.
  • Bob Proctor said, People who make decisions go
    to the top. Those who fail to make decisions go
    nowhere. A mistake repeated more than once is a
    decision. The first step to taking responsibility
    for yourself is to not repeat mistakes.

  • T Harv Eker said, The no. 1 reason most people
    don't get what they want is that they don't know
    what they want. 
  • What, you dont want to be held responsible for
    the results if the decision you make goes south.
    Not taking responsibility makes your Success
    Assets value go down.
  • Look at it this way. If decision making was
    always easy and predictable everyone would be
    taking responsibility for their decisions. This
    is why we have jails and lawyers. We all get to
    pay for the results one way or the other.

  • Asset 6 Character References

  • If you want more in life, work or income,
    increase your capacity
    for being responsible.
  • Ken Blanchard said, The key to your success
    stops where your character stops. You can never
    rise above the limitations of your character. 
    Successful leadership today is influence, not

  • If you are serious about reaching the top of your
    game then writing failing in big letters on your
    day planner, because there is no two ways about
    it. Like Walter Brunell said, Failure is the
    tuition you pay for success.
  • Nobody cares how much you know, until they know
    how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt
  • A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure
    until he begins to blame someone else. Unknown

  • Asset 7 Responsibility

  • Andrew Carnegie said, As I grow older, I pay
    less attention to what men say. I just watch what
    they do.
  • You are responsible for being a person of your
  • Seth Godin said, "Our job is to connect to
    people, to interact with them in a way that
    leaves them better than we found them more able
    to get where theyd like to go." You are
    responsible for connecting with others in the
    Next Marketplace.

  • Those who take good care of their
    Responsibilities have the highest Success Assets
    in the Next Marketplace. On the other hand, those
    who dont take care of their Responsibilities
    will fall out of the Next Marketplace do to its
    high standards and demands.
  • And lastly - Do what you said you would do.

  • Asset 8 Influence
  • Think twice before you speak, because your words
    and influence will plant the seed of either
    success or failure in the mind of
    another. Napoleon Hill

  • Dan Buettner said, The people you surround
    yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose
    friends who have healthy habits. Who you
    associate with can influence how far up or how
    far down your Success Assets will climb or fall.
  • What if your successes dont show up for a while,
    like for days, months or even years? Then what?
    Robert Louis Stevenson says this, Do not measure
    success by today's harvest. Measure success by
    the seeds you plant today.
  • Your strength of influence will determine how
    soon your potential clients come back. Its not
    what you said, its how you said it that will
    bring them back.

  • Influence The capacity to have an effect on the
    character, development, or behavior of someone or
    something, or the effect itself.
  • Who you allow to influence you will greatly
    affect how fast you rise to the top of the Next
    Marketplace. People want to do business with
    people they can trust. If you are not up to
    winning the game on.

  • Asset 9 The Target Market

  • Too many companies look at Demographics,
    Statistics, ROI and other crazy analysis because
    they dont know who their target market is.
    Instead they should be utilizing these tools to
    connect to their target market.
  • Marti Barletta said, The shortest distance
    between you and business success is marketing to
  • The aim of marketing is to know and understand
    the customer so well the product or service fits
    him and sells itself. Peter Drucker
  • Put Ms. Barlettas concept and Mr. Druckers
    concept together and what do you get? A very
    satisfied female shopper who will tell her
    friends. Thats is target marketing perfection
    and it will be at the top in the Next

  • Asset 10 Money Talk

  • Jim Rohn said, Your paycheck is not your
    employer's responsibility Its your
    responsibility. Your employer has no control over
    your value, but you do.
  • George Odiorne said, If you cant measure it,
    you cant manage it.

  • 'If I had a fortune, I'd take good care of it.
    But I only have a paycheck and I don't know where
    it all goes.' Wouldn't you love to have him
    running your company?" Jim Rohn
  • Point being. This Success Asset alone in the
    business world can raise you to unparalleled
    levels in the Next Marketplace. The only person
    who is responsible with how well you manage your
    money is you on the personal level and business
  • Live on less than you earn so you can have a
    surplus to get you out of debt and invest in
    assets that appreciate. Blaine Harris

  • Asset 11 Work Ethic
  • Successful people are willing to do the
    things that
    unsuccessful people wont.

  • If your work ethic is not strong in the Next
    Marketplace, you be looking in from the outside.
    Here is a great example of a strong work ethic.
    I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
    I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been
    trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
    I've failed over and over and over again in my
    life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan
  • When a person puts out above and beyond efforts
    they get the results to match. When a person is
    willing to accept responsibility and carry the
    team on his or her shoulders everyone wins.
  • Does everyone win from your work ethic?

  • Andrew Carnegie said, As I grow older, I pay
    less attention to what men say. I just watch what
    they do.
  • The doers get it done. The talkers watch from the
    sidelines. If you are not a doer, you wont make
    the cut in the Next Marketplace.

  • Asset 12 Branding

  • In the Next Marketplace, knowing who you are is
    the singular most important Success Asset to
    have. Everything else rest in the balance of your
    personal value to yourself and the client.
  • Lexicon says, A brand name is more than a word.
    It is the beginning of a conversation.

  • Dan Schawbel said, Treat everyone like a
    potential customer. You really don't know who is
    connected to who sometimes so you need to treat
    everyone with respect. Someone that can't afford
    your services, or hire you, can refer you to
    someone who can.
  • If. If, you dont know who you are, the customer
    or client will figure this out in a heartbeat.
    And you cannot hide this discrepancy, over it
    over or make it just go away. This flaw has to be
    dealt with quickly and completely.
  • So, what kind of Brand do you want to be?

  • Asset 13 Planning

  • A Plan is only as good as its fulfillment. If you
    cannot do the fulfilling of the plan its not any
    good and the Next Marketplace will smell this
    incompetency a mile off.
  • Some people are excellent planners, some people
    are not. There are people who are chronically
    late, while others are early or on time. What do
    you think the Next Marketplace will tolerate?

  • Jim Rohn said, "If you don't design your own life
    plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's
    plan and guess what they have planned for you?
    Not much.
  • Jims point is, even on a personal level, your
    planning is important, heres why. When you are
    late, that effects someone else. When you said a
    project would be completed by a certain time,
    someone else was depending on that time frame
    being on schedule.
  • Otherwise you will end up like the USPS instead
    of FedEx. Referenced from Tom Hanks in Cast

  • Asset 14 Results

  • The only thing in life that you will be measured
    by in the next marketplace are your results. The
    total accumulation of you Success Assets is you
    new wealth.
  • How much of the iceberg do we actually see, verse
    how much of it is under water? What you see is
    disproportionate to the whole mass. But the whole
    mass makes what you see possible.

  • People may never see your efforts, but they will
    see your results. The disappointments,
    persistence, hard work, huge risks, late nights,
    struggles, competition, discipline, courage,
    doubts, criticism, personal failures, adversity
    and so on are the requirements of the Next
    Marketplace. Those who try to cheapen the efforts
    will also cheapen the results.
  • High results will lead to top gun Success Assets
    and low results will leave you out of the Next
    Marketplace. Your Choice, so choose wisely. 
  • See you in the Next Marketplace Bryan Long
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