Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR | Khandelwal Clinic | ElaWoman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR | Khandelwal Clinic | ElaWoman


It is an enrolled nursing home with Directorate of Health, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Khandelwal Clinic is one of the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR has been established with a center benefit of giving best quality care to patients. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR | Khandelwal Clinic | ElaWoman

Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR Khandelwal Clinic
Khandelwal Clinic
Khandelwal Clinic is an ISO 90012000 ensured
focus and is a standout amongst other eye care
and maternity focus in South Delhi. It is an
enrolled nursing home with Directorate of Health,
Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Khandelwal Clinic is one
of the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR has been
established with a center benefit of giving best
quality care to patients.
Set up Khandelwal Clinic has been established in
the year 1995, from that point forward giving
best eye care and maternity administrations to
patients. In the course of the last one and a
half decade, Khandelwal Clinic has demonstrated a
resulting development. The clinic has developed
from a little startup to a standout amongst
other Eye and Gynae focus in South Delhi. Dr.
Reena Khandelwal
  • Dr. Reena Khandelwal is in medicinal practice
    since 1995. A post graduate( M.D.) in Obstetrics
    and Gynecology from Government Medical College,
    Nagpur. She is a prestigious Infertility master
    and has gotten particular preparing in
    fruitfulness improving medical procedures. She
    additionally has gotten specific preparing in
    Laparoscopic Gynecological medical procedures.
    She has unique enthusiasm for easy conveyances.
  • She is a senior advisor with presumed doctor's
    facilities of Delhi and connected to -
  • Fortis LaFemme Hospital, Greater Kailash-II
  • Saket City Hospital, Saket
  • Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket

HIgh-Risk Pregnancy Care
More often than not having a child is a
characteristic procedure. After a full-term
pregnancy, a lady starts giving birth on or close
to her due date and brings forth a sound child.
Multi day or two later she leaves the clinic to
start everyday existence with her developing
family. Be that as it may, not all pregnancies go
easily. A few women encounter what specialists
allude to as a high-risk pregnancy. A pregnancy
is viewed as high-risk when there are potential
difficulties that could influence the mother,
the child, or both. High-risk pregnancies need
management by a pro to support guarantee the
best result for the mother and child. Risk
Factors for High-Risk Pregnancy Reasons that a
pregnancy might be viewed as high risk
include Maternal Age. A standout amongst the
most widely recognized risk factors for a
high-risk pregnancy is the age of the
mother-to-be. Women will's identity under age 17
or over age 35 when their child is expected are
at more serious risk of entanglements than those
between their late youngsters and mid 30s. The
risk of
unsuccessful labor and hereditary imperfections
additionally increments after age 40. Medicinal
conditions that exist before pregnancy.
Conditions, for example, hypertension lung,
kidney, or heart problems diabetes immune
system illness sexually transmitted maladies
(STDs) or ceaseless contaminations, for example,
human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) can
exhibit risks for the mother or potentially her
unborn infant. A background marked by
unsuccessful labor, problems with a past
pregnancy or pregnancies, or a family history of
hereditary issue are likewise risk factors for a
high-risk pregnancy. Medicinal conditions that
happen amid pregnancy. Regardless of whether you
are sound when you wind up pregnant, it is
conceivable to create or be determined to have
problems amid pregnancy that can influence you
and your infant. Two of the more typical
pregnancy-related problems are Preeclampsia is
a disorder that incorporates hypertension,
urinary protein, and swelling it can be
perilous or even deadly for the mother or child
if not treated. With legitimate management, be
that as it may, most women who create
preeclampsia have sound children. Gestational
diabetes is a sort of diabetes that creates amid
pregnancy. Women with gestational diabetes may
have sound pregnancies and children on the off
chance that they take after the treatment design
from their medicinal services supplier. Normally
the diabetes settle after conveyance. Anyway
women with gestational diabetes are at expanded
risk of creating write 2 diabetes. Preventing
and Treating Pregnancy Complications Regardless
of whether you don't have a current medical
issue, numerous specialists recommend a
predisposition appointment with your human
services supplier to guarantee you are as sound
as you can be before you wind up
  • pregnant. At this appointment your specialist may
    recommend steps you can take to decrease the
  • risk of specific problems. These include
  • Getting no less than 400 micrograms of folic
    corrosive day by day starting previously and
    proceeding through pregnancy
  • Getting appropriate inoculations
  • Eating a sound eating routine and keeping up
    legitimate weight
  • Getting customary physical movement, except if
    exhorted generally by your specialist
  • Avoiding cigarettes, liquor, and medications
    (aside from solutions affirmed by your
  • See your specialist frequently
  • On the off chance that your pregnancy is viewed
    as high risk, your specialist may allude you to
    a perinatologist. Likewise called a
    maternal-fetal pharmaceutical expert, a
    perinatologist is an obstetrician with uncommon
    preparing in high-risk pregnancy mind. This
    authority will work with your different
    specialists, medical attendants, and other
    social insurance experts to guarantee the most
    ideal result for both you and your infant.
  • Aksh Clinic
  • Aksh Clinic in Paschim Vihar has built up the
    clinic and has picked up a devoted customer base
    in the course of recent years and is additionally
    much of the time gone to by a few big names,
    yearning models and other decent customers and
    worldwide patients also. They likewise anticipate
    growing their business further and giving
    administrations to a few more patients inferable
    from its prosperity in the course of recent
    years. The effectiveness, devotion, exactness and
    empathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the
    patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept
    of best need.

Aksh Clinic in Delhi treats the different
ailments of the patients by helping them
experience excellent treatments and techniques.
Among the various administrations offered here,
the clinic gives treatments to Uterine Fibroids
or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic
Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal
Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological
Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive
Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva
Conditions. Dr. Akta Bajaj
Dr. Akta Bajaj broad involvement in the diagnosis
and treatment of an extensive variety of women's
sicknesses, particularly those managing the
female regenerative framework. Immense preparing
in playing out an obstetrical
methodology including treatment of crisis cases
like a reversal of an uterus, baby blues drain,
ectopic pregnancy vaginal and cervical tears,
break uterus. Immense preparing in performing
gynecologic medical procedures, including
symptomatic and crisis techniques. A wide system
of expert contacts in the therapeutic and
gynecologic fields. Remarkable capacity to
furnish mind with the accentuation on an all
encompassing methodology, regarding the female
patient as a physical, passionate, and social
being. Infertility Diagnosis
Before infertility testing, your specialist or
clinic attempts to comprehend your sexual
propensities and may make recommendations in view
of these. In some barren couples, no particular
reason is discovered (unexplained
infertility). Infertility assessment can be
costly, and now and again includes awkward
methods. Numerous restorative designs may not
repay the cost of richness treatment. At long
last, there's no assurance even after all the
testing and guiding that you'll get pregnant.
Tests for men
Male ripeness necessitates that the balls deliver
enough sound sperm, and that the sperm is
discharged successfully into the lady's vagina
and goes to the egg. Tests for male infertility
endeavor to decide if any of these procedures are
debilitated. You may have a general physical
exam, including examination of your private
parts. Particular fruitfulness tests may
include Semen investigation. Your specialist
may request at least one semen specimens. Semen
is generally acquired by stroking off or by
interfering with intercourse and discharging
your semen into a perfect compartment. A lab
breaks down your semen specimen. Now and again,
sperm might be tried for in the pee. Hormone
testing. You may have a blood test to decide the
level of testosterone and other male hormones.
Hereditary testing. Hereditary testing might be
done to decide if there's a hereditary deformity
causing infertility. Tests for women Ripeness
for women depends on the ovaries discharging
sound eggs. Her conceptive tract must enable an
egg to go into her fallopian tubes and join with
  • sperm for preparation. The prepared egg must go
    to the uterus and embed in the coating. Tests
    for female infertility endeavor to decide if any
    of these procedures are weakened.
  • You may have a general physical exam, including a
    consistent gynecological exam. Particular
    fruitfulness tests may include
  • Ovulation testing. A blood test measures hormone
    levels to decide if you're ovulating.
  • Hysterosalpingography. Hysterosalpingography
    (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-expense) assesses the
    state of your uterus and fallopian tubes and
    searches for blockages or different problems.
    X-beam differentiate is infused into your
    uterus, and a X-beam is taken to decide whether
    the cavity is typical and guarantee the liquid
    spills out of your fallopian tubes.

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