Sonia Randhawa speaks on How Technology and Operational Innovation Can Change Our Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sonia Randhawa speaks on How Technology and Operational Innovation Can Change Our Life


Sonia Randhawa says Businesses need to take a new approach to operational innovation. Even business areas that have already been reinvented can benefit from subsequent reinvention as new technologies and new customer needs crowd out old innovations. Another important consideration is the varying degree of consumer acceptance of new technology innovations. Regardless of the position on this issue, it is clear that new technologies are becoming increasingly important in the innovation process itself. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sonia Randhawa speaks on How Technology and Operational Innovation Can Change Our Life

How Technology and Operational Innovation Can
Change Our Life Sonia Randhawa says Businesses
need to take a new approach to operational
innovation. Even business areas that have
already been reinvented can benefit from
subsequent reinvention as new technologies and
new customer needs crowd out old
innovations. Another important consideration is
the varying degree of consumer acceptance of new
technology innovations. Regardless of the
position on this issue, it is clear that new
technologies are becoming increasingly important
in the innovation process itself. Technology will
only continue to evolve, and given the
effectiveness of new technologies, it just means
that it will continue to evolve at a faster
rate. Digital technologies and the new
technologies they enable (such as AR, VR and AI)
are shrinking the traditional innovation process
of the Industrial Age. Technology can indeed be a
useful and powerful tool for us to test and
iterate faster and more efficiently, but it is
not the end result of innovation. Technology can
be used to drive innovation, but technology
itself does not produce innovation. Innovative
solutions can lead to new technologies, but
innovation is not the same as technology. People
will always strive to invent new technologies and
improve existing technologies. It's part of our
nature to improve our lives in any way we can,
and technology helps us do just that. Where the
human mind fails to exhibit useful
characteristics that drive change and creative
thinking, technology can provide us with an
additional boost to improve our ability to
innovate. Information technology and changing
business processes and management styles can
create a work environment conducive to
innovation. Innovations in mobile technology,
such as voice control and augmented reality, are
empowering workers in a whole new way.
Technological advances and increased productivity
mean big changes in today's career as well. The
technological advances under review promise
significant social and economic benefits, higher
efficiency and higher productivity in a variety
of sectors. These innovations focus on
collecting, processing, and analyzing vast
amounts of data from information science, with
implications for countless areas of research and
development. Significant progress has also been
made in the field of biotechnology, which the
United Nations defines as any application of
technology that uses biological systems, living
organisms, or derivatives thereof to produce or
modify products or processes for specific
purposes. Relevant technological advances and
the way they are used will pose significant
challenges, including labor mobility and other
market disruptions, heightened inequality, and
new public and national security risks.
Fortunately, many of the individual technologies
mentioned above are themselves building blocks of
broader categories of change that have the
advantage of being less volatile, easier to
understand, and more clearly applicable to their
business or mission. Of the various features of
innovation I have described, none require
technology. Depending on the problem, innovation
doesn't have to be complex or require
state-of-the-art technology that may not even be
usable by our audience. This may simply lead to
simple solutions that have not been thought of
before and that can be easily applied to the
benefit of the intended users.
Many new capabilities and opportunities will
change the current logic of many companies,
creating new markets for those who see
opportunity. Technology is also a catalyst for
experimenting with new ideas and testing new
concepts, and organizations that understand how
to use new technologies in this innovation phase
will gain leverage that other organizations dont
have. Technological innovations can also help
rural areas thrive and become more sustainable.
Tech hubs like California's Silicon Valley offer
powerful resources that entrepreneurs and
companies can leverage to innovate. The new
technology both satisfies a social need and leads
to increased opportunities and more efficient
use of resources and resources. Innovation can
include the use of new business models, the
development of new processes and services, and
even the improvement of existing
products. Innovation increases your chances of
responding to change and unlocking new
opportunities. Core technology tends to
transform business models as entirely new
business models emerge over the years, and the
gradual and relentless introduction of
innovations causes waves of technological and
institutional change to gain momentum more
slowly. Business strategies have changed and
improved significantly thanks to technology. With
innovative technology software, businesses
become more financially sustainable as these
innovations become more accessible. Economic
growth is driven by innovation and technological
improvements that reduce production costs and
allow for increased production. The product life
cycle shows how the economic returns go through
a phase of sharp exponential growth and
eventually lull, which encourages companies to
use technology to create new innovations.
Advances in technology can enable manufacturers
to create higher quality products faster than
before, at lower cost, and help them run more
efficient operations to become more
competitive. In that spirit, here are five
technologies that are driving manufacturing
innovation. Not all new technologies will change
the business or social landscape, but some can
indeed disrupt the status quo, change the way
people live and work, and reorganize the pools of
value. Therefore, it is critical that business
and political leaders understand what
technologies will be important to them and
prepare for them accordingly. Technology can be
a scary thing, especially for companies that have
been successful doing things a certain way and
afraid to change their methods. Technology is
also advancing at a rapid pace and sudden
changes are something that many people in general
don't like. Another way in which new
technologies, in particular AI, can accelerate
innovation is by removing obstacles associated
with uncertainty or lack of information. Manager
s looking to innovate should consider changing
one or more of these aspects to create a new
operating plan that delivers better performance.
Learning Objectives Classify four distinct
technology life cycle stages and apply five
consumer demographics in the context of these
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