Why Do I Cough When I Vape? Does Vaping Cause Coughing Fits? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Do I Cough When I Vape? Does Vaping Cause Coughing Fits?


If you've ever vaped and coughed, don't feel bad. It's a common reaction to vaping for beginners. Find out why you cough while vaping and how to stop it. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Why Do I Cough When I Vape? Does Vaping Cause Coughing Fits?

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Why Do I Cough When I Vape? Does Vaping Cause
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Coughing, regardless of the cause, is indeed an
unpleasant experience. Coughing is described as
a re ex action in a bid to clear your airways.
At the time of writing this post, if someone
complains of coughing, what quickly comes into
your mind is that they could have contracted
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But this is wrong. Coughing can even occur
naturally and last for a few seconds. Natural
cough can be treated with homemade remedies like
drinking clear uid such as water or even taking
some rest.
Coughing While Smoking Smokers cough usually
occurs in long-term cigarette users and its
persistent, implying it is more likely to stay
for a while. It is usually found to deteriorate
in the dawn hours and lessen slightly during day
time. The condition is largely associated with
smoking which weakens airway cells allowing
toxins to infect the lungs.
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Therefore, coughing is a consequential action of
the body attempting to remove these toxins from
the lungs. It is hard to distinguish a normal
smokers cough from a condition thats
persistent and more serious. For instance, cancer
of the lung or
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COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
that basically involves tapering of the lungs.
However, over time, you may notice some symptoms
like bloodstains in the mucus, shortness of
breath, or some hoarse voice. This is a warning
to seek medical attention.
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Coughing While Vaping Its a common phenomenon
though not as severe as smoking. According to a
study of 600 e-cigarette users, about 57 of
them confessed to coughing in their rst time
vaping. After ten weeks of adapting to vaping,
around 92 of them no longer had an issue with
coughing. In the following week, only 7 of
vapers reported being coughing. This shows
vapers cough is a bit more reassuring compared
with a smokers cough that seems to deteriorate
over time.
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The majority of vapers admit to coughing during
their rst attempt at e-cigarette. Over time, the
condition lessens as they adapt to vaping. To
others, the coughing reemerges a couple of weeks
later. Naturally, a smoker's cough can worsen
over time meaning the subtle dwindling in
coughing associated with vaping is a very
positive indication.
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The presence of propylene glycol (PG) which is a
primary component in vape juices is one major
cause of coughing associated with vaping. PG is
used as a avor carrier and offers the vapour the
most wanted throat hit. If you take too much PG
content all at once, the body will react and
reject it. High PG levels can be too strong and
harsh causing sore throat and this could lead to
coughing. Nonetheless, theres nothing to worry
about as PG has been approved as safe for medical
and food products. Also, concentrations of
nicotine are another contributing factor.
Its been found that a higher concentration of
nicotine is more likely to trigger coughing.
Other than the ingredients used to prepare vape
juice, another possible cause of coughing is the
vaping technique employed. For instance, smokers
adopt a technique where they draw smoke straight
to their lungs.
This is recommended because regular cigarettes
feature anesthetics meant to diminish throat
irritation. Vaping is slightly different from
smoking. Vapers are advised to adopt
the mouth-to-lung (MTL) technique. Using a
direct-to-lung (DTL) method is likely to trigger
coughing. Lastly, Vegetable glycerin (VG), the
component in e-liquid that generates vapour, is
another potential cause of coughing.
What is Vaping and How to Vape Properly?
What Causes Vapers Cough? Some vapers will
probably argue that they cough because of the PG
content in vape juice, which might be true. But
based on a rough estimate, not everyone is
sensitive to it, only a smaller population is
allergic to PG. In addition, there are other
components, contaminants, and by-products in a
vape juice that can cause coughing. This raises
the question, what makes people cough when they
vape? And here are some of the reasons Using the
wrong vaping technique/method, especially in
newbies and ex-smokers. Irritant products and
chemicals in the vapour such as PG. Carbonized
and old wick High levels of nicotine may cause
harsh throat hits. Regrowth of cilia especially
in ex-smokers. Unfamiliarity with various
devices. Changing devices can be a potential
cause of coughing especially when used
wrongly. Unforeseen taste of vape juice can
trigger coughing. Dehydration of the body is
caused by too much vaping. This may leave your
throat itchy. Dry wick causes burnt hits and dry
hits resulting in a mouthful of burnt
cotton. Though in rare cases, sometimes hot vape
juice may spit into your mouth.
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Whats The Solution? As coughing diminishes from
57 percent to 7 percent in ten weeks, the main
and most recommended solution is to hold on to
your vape until your body adapts to it. Also, you
can experiment with different amounts of PG and
nicotine to determine your most appropriate spot
for these ingredients. If that doesnt help, you
can try some of these methods Use A Different
Vaping Technique
The major issue between transitioning from
regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes is
techniques of consumption. While some people
draw smoke straight to the lungs, others hold it
in their mouths before pushing it to the lungs.
This is a major challenge for someone whos
switching to vapes after having been hegemonized
by regular cigarettes. One method can work
perfectly for smoking but will absolutely fail
with vaping. Also, your vaping technique can
change depending on the level of nicotine in
your vape juice. Compared to regular cigarettes,
with vapes, you have absolute control over the
amount of nicotine inside your e-cig. You can
begin with as low as 0.6 nicotine concentration.
You should tread carefully to avoid putting
yourself in an awkward situation. When vaping,
youre recommended to draw vapour into your
mouth then inhale it to the lungs. Over time,
after youve become a vaping master, you can try
the direct-to-lung inhalation method. This time
you would have adapted to the vapour and
changing your inhalation technique wont trigger
coughing. In any case, you are advised to
experiment as people have different experiences
when transitioning from ordinary cigarettes to
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Experiment With Your E-juice Ratio Vegetable
glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG) are the
main base components of e-juice. Its the
combination of these compounds that generates
bigger vapour clouds and strong throat hits that
vapes are known for. The rest, including avoring
and nicotine, form the additive part that
determines the taste and texture of the
e-juice. PG and nicotine determine the degree of
harshness, also called throat hits. So to smooth
out your vape juice, you should get a
combination with less PG to VG ratio. To vapers
whore allergic to PG, the uid can trigger
irritations and cause sore throats. One way of
experimenting is to reduce nicotine concentration
until coughing starts to diminish. Once your
vapers throat adapts to the vape vapour, you
can gradually raise the nicotine concentration
until you hit your desired level. For vapers who
are allergic to some speci c avors such as
menthol, they should consider switching them out.
Pros and Cons of Vaping You Need to Know
Wait It Out For cigarette users transitioning to
vapes, theres usually a period of adaptation
when cilia in the throat start re-growing. When
they vape, vapour triggers a tickling feeling in
their throat resulting in coughing. Those who
switch over immediately usually nd themselves
hacking up phlegm because their immune system
begins clearing out the tar that dislodged their
lungs. In this case, there is very little that
can be done. If you nd yourself in such a
situation, just take baby hits for the rst
couple of hours until you grow comfortable enough
to take longer draws. Youll realize that the
big hits will make you cough, then start the
whole process all over again. It may take
you a week or forty nights for your throat and
lungs to adapt to the sensation of swirling
vapor. Hydrate Recall the main reason for
transitioning from smoking to vaping is more
than probably a health choice, way less harmful
than ordinary cigarettes. But they share a few
similarities. For instance, much like ordinary
cigarettes, the consumption of vapes dehydrates
your body. The PG content in vape juice causes
dehydration as manifested by dry lips and results
in coughing as the compound bonds with water in
your saliva. This is particularly true for
rst-timers who start chain vaping. More
ridiculously, its easy to begin vaping and
forget or fail to notice youre getting
dehydrated until someone sounds a warning to
you. All that you need is to keep a bottle of
water and some chapstick available.
Change PG/VG Ratio If youre vaping with a
sub-ohm tank or large vape mod, the higher
Propylene Glycol content in your vape juice may
be the reason youre experiencing the coughing
and irritation. Adjusting to a higher Vegetable
Glycerin and lower Propylene Glycol ratio may be
a little smoother on your throat.
Adjust Your Air ow And Wattage Coughing
persistently that you expected? Experiment with
your vape settings to get an appropriate spot.
Other than a higher level of nicotine or PG
content, there could be major problems spawning
from an unduly powerful vape. In general, the
mightier the vape, the higher the wattage, the
bigger the clouds, and the hotter the vapour.
Perhaps the latter two points are the cause of
your cough. With no other place to go, a huge
vapour will start condensing inside your mouth,
throat, and lungs. It will irritate, particularly
for vapers who take longer draws, or like
holding vapour in the lungs for a while. By
reducing your wattage and air ow, youll be able
to take longer draws without breathing in too
much vapour that your body cannot handle.
How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your System from
Slow Down And Avoid Chain Vaping Not necessarily
for cloud chasing or something, its incredibly
tempting to throw huge vapour clouds all over the
place. Yes, quite tempting but horrible for your
vape. When you begin heating your vape, simply
by pressing the re button and drawing longer
hits to expel big clouds, youre increasing the
chances of over owing your vape chamber with hot
e-juice. The hot juice will end up spitting into
your mouth, so instead of inhaling the expected
vapour cloud, you will draw e-juice into your
mouth, and then into your throat. Alternatively,
the dangerous draws may inhibit your wick from
soaking properly between the hits causing dry
hits. A dry hit is something you should avoid,
by all means, its unpleasant and occurs
unexpectedly. This blend of burnt cotton combined
with heated air can also cause horrible
coughing, and leave your mouth with a terrible
taste. All these irritating events can be averted
by going slow and shunning chain vaping.
Change Your Coil All the vapes, apart from
disposable vape pens, need to have their coils
swapped after repeated consumption. For instance,
after two or three weeks depending on how often
you use the device, the old coil should be
replaced with a new one. Inside the coil lies a
cotton wick that connects the coil to the e-juice
reservoir. After repeated use, the cotton will
be charred and clogged with old e-juice avors.
While its hard to tell when your coil needs to
be changed, two rules can apply. The rst
indication that you should swap your coil is
when your vape juices begin to taste subtly off,
and the second one is when you realize that your
device is generating a smaller amount of vapour.
Summary Now, with vaping, coughing can be
triggered when trying to expel vapour from your
airways. Coughing is considered normal
especially for newbies vapers as the sensation of
vaping is different from smoking for
ex-smokers. According to Dr. Jacques Le Houzec, a
nicotine specialist, the majority of smokers are
very hesitant when using vapes for the rst
time. For that reason, they inhale air with
vapour and take short vapour draws from the
e-cigarettes. As a result, they inhale vapour in
a much similar version as smoke. Since the vapour
generated from e-cigarettes is way thicker
compared to cigarette smoke, it may be too much
for rst timers to handle.
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