Top SEO Copywriting Strategies to Ensure Content Marketing Success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Top SEO Copywriting Strategies to Ensure Content Marketing Success


SEO Copywriting helps you to get higher rankings and improve visibility on search engines. Read top SEO Copywriting Strategies to ensure content marketing success. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Top SEO Copywriting Strategies to Ensure Content Marketing Success

Top SEO Copywriting Strategies to Ensure Content
Marketing Success
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Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process
of improving the visibility and ranking of a
website or web page on search engines such as
Google, Bing, and Yahoo. A website optimised
correctly will not only receive an increase in
traffic, but it will also improve the quality of
that traffic. When planning a content marketing
strategy, SEO is critical. In fact, SEO content
development is the key to ensuring that your
content gets noticed in the first place.
According to a Forbes study, 72 of customers use
a non-brand keyword when searching before moving
to a brand keyword creating precious
opportunities for organisations to get discovered
through the power of SEO.
  • There are many ways in which you can create the
    best SEO content marketing strategy for your
    brand. But first, lets answer a few questions,
    like why SEO is important for content marketing?
    What are the benefits of using an SEO copywriting
    strategy for organisations?

Importance of SEO Copywriting Strategies
1. Increased Visibility One of the primary
benefits of SEO is increased visibility for your
website and content. Optimising your website
content for search engines can improve your
search engine rankings, which, in turn, can lead
to more traffic to your website. According to a
study, organic search is the largest driver of
website traffic, accounting for 53 of all
website traffic. As a result, a lot of
copywriting services focus on SEO to drive
traffic and visibility.
2. Cost-Effective SEO is a cost-effective way
to drive traffic to your website. Unlike paid
advertising, you dont need to pay for each click
or impression. The cost of SEO is also
significantly less than the cost of paid
advertising. By investing in SEO, you can improve
your search engine rankings and drive organic
traffic to your website without the need to pay
for each click.
3. Builds Trust and Credibility SEO can help to
build trust and credibility for your brand. While
not a direct factor when it comes to Google
ranking, a website that displays expertise and
authoritativeness indirectly influences how high
the website will rank. So when your website
appears at the top of search engine results, it
shows your brand is authoritative and
trustworthy. This is especially important for new
and growing businesses. SEO content development
can help establish organisations as credible
sources in their industry.
  • 4. Long-Term Results
  • SEO can provide long-term results. Paid
    advertising stops as soon as you stop paying.
    But, SEO can continue to drive traffic to your
    website long after the initial investment.
    According to a study, the average lifespan of a
    page one Google result is around two to three
    years. This means that if you can get your
    content to rank on page one, it can continue to
    drive traffic to your website for years.

  • 5. Enhanced Customer Experience
  • SEO can also help to improve your websites user
    experience. Optimising your website for search
    engines makes it easier for users to navigate and
    find the information they are looking for. This
    can lead to higher engagement and conversion
    rates, which can ultimately help improve the
    bottom line for your business.
  • Now that we have established that SEO content
    development is a vital aspect of any marketing
    strategy, its important to understand how to put
    it into practice to ensure your business reaps
    the benefits. One way to do this is by utilising
    the SEO copywriting strategies employed by
    professional copywriting services.

Top SEO Copywriting Strategies to Implement
  • Here are a few tips and tricks about how you can
    use SEO content development for your benefit

In-Depth Research for Keywords
  • Researching keywords is an important aspect of
    SEO. It helps identify the specific terms and
    phrases your target audience is searching for.
    Optimising your website and content for these
    keywords can improve your search engine rankings
    and drive more organic traffic to your website.
    There are several tools that can be used for
    keyword research, such as Google Keyword Planner,
    SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Mozs Keyword Explorer.
    These tools allow you to identify high-volume and
    high-value keywords relevant to your business and
  • These tools also provide insights into the
    competitiveness of a keyword, helping you decide
    which ones to use. They can help you identify
    long-tail keywords, which are more specific and
    less competitive (more on that later.) By doing
    proper keyword research, you can make sure that
    you are relevant to your target audience and
    improve your search engine ranking and website
    traffic. Therefore, this is one of the most
    important SEO copywriting strategies.

Use of Long-Tail Keywords
  • As mentioned above, long-tail keywords are more
    specific and less competitive phrases that are
    often easier to rank for. They also tend to have
    a lower search volume but higher conversion rates
    as they are more specific to what the user is
    searching for. For example, instead of using the
    keyword shoes, a long-tail keyword would be
    mens running shoes or womens flip-flops.

  • One way to use long-tail keywords is by including
    them in your websites content. You can improve
    your search engine rankings by creating
    informative and useful content optimised for
    long-tail keywords. You can also attract more
    targeted traffic to your website. Moreover, you
    can use long-tail keywords in your websites meta
    tags, such as the title tag and meta description,
    as well as in your URLs and header tags.
  • Blogs can also be a great way to attract targeted
    traffic to your website. It happens by providing
    informative and useful content that is optimised
    for long-tail keywords. Copywriting services
    often use long-tail keywords extensively in blogs
    to further drive an organisations content
    marketing strategy.

Use Headings and Subheadings
  • Using subheadings for SEO helps break up the web
    pages content into smaller, more easily
    digestible pieces. This not only makes the
    content more readable for users but also helps
    search engines understand the structure of the
    content on the page. Subheadings can also help to
    emphasise key points and make the content more
    scannable. This can improve the user experience
    and increase the likelihood that users will
    engage with the content.
  • While breaking down the content into pieces, its
    also important to consider the structure and flow
    of the content. Make sure that the subheadings
    and sections are logically organised and flow
    smoothly from one to the next. This ensures that
    users can easily follow the content and
    understand the main points.
  • You can also use keyword research to identify the
    most important keywords for your content. Then,
    you can incorporate them into the subheadings and
    throughout the content in a natural and relevant
    way. This will help to improve the visibility of
    the content on search engine results pages.

Leverage Internal and External Links
  • Internal and external links help search engines
    understand the relationships between different
    pages on a website. Internal links link to other
    pages within the same website and can help the
    readers engage with a brand through multiple
    articles. External links link to other websites
    and can help to establish the authority and
    credibility of the content published.
  • To integrate internal and external links into
    content, its important to use clear and
    descriptive anchor text. It should accurately
    reflect the content of the linked page.
    Additionally, its important to ensure that the
    links are properly formatted and use the
    appropriate HTML tags to state their destination.

  • When adding internal links, make sure to link to
    relevant and high-quality pages on your website
    that provide more information and context to the
    content. When adding external links, its
    important to link to credible and authoritative
    sources that can provide valuable information and
    resources to the users. By leveraging links,
    copywriting services often aim to lead readers to
    the right web pages to nudge them forward on
    their information search journey.

Write Compelling Meta-Descriptions
  • Search engines often use meta descriptions as the
    text snippets that appear below the page title in
    search engine results pages (SERPs). They can be
    a powerful tool for attracting users to click
    through to a webpage. They can also help to
    communicate a webpages main content and value to
    both users and search engines.
  • When writing a meta description, its important
    to include relevant keywords that are targeted by
    the page, but also make sure that the description
    is written for humans and not just for search
    engines. Keep it concise and clear, and make sure
    it accurately describes the content of the page.

  • Its also important to use meta descriptions in a
    strategic and balanced way. Avoid repeating the
    same description across multiple pages, as it can
    make the website look like it has spam and may be
    penalised by search engines. Instead, make sure
    each page has a unique and compelling meta
    description that accurately reflects the content
    of the page and entices users to click through.
    When used correctly and within its character
    limit, meta-description is a simple but powerful
    way to enhance SEO copywriting strategies.

Give All Images Alt Tags
  • Alt text (also known as alt tags) is the
    alternative text that shows if an image cannot be
    displayed for whatever reason. Alt tags help to
    make the content more accessible for users who
    are visually impaired or using screen readers.
    Also, since search engines cannot read images,
    they help search engines understand the context
    and content of an image.
  • When adding alt tags, make sure to include
    keywords relevant to the image and the content
    surrounding it. This will help search engines
    understand the context of the image and how it
    relates to the surrounding content. Also, make
    sure only to include alt tags for images that are
    relevant to the content and add value to the
    page. Avoid adding alt tags for images that are
    only used for decorative purposes, as it adds to
    the noise on the page. As decorative images
    provide no information or content, linking them
    to an alt tag creates little-to-no value.

  • Its also important to note that alt tags should
    be brief. Too much information can dilute the
    value of the tag and make it less effective in
    helping search engines understand the images
    context. Therefore, copywriting services often
    keep the limit for alt tags under 125 characters.

Optimise Website Load Time
  • Search engines like Google use page load time as
    a ranking factor in their algorithms. Therefore,
    a faster-loading website is more likely to rank
    higher in search results. Naturally, users are
    less likely to engage with or return to a website
    that takes a long time to load.

  • To optimise website load time, its important to
    identify and address any issues that may be
    causing the website to load slowly. This can
    include issues such as large image files, too
    many redirects, or slow server response times.
    Copywriting services use tools such as Google
    PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or WebPageTest to
    identify these issues.
  • There are several ways to optimise a websites
    load time. These include compressing images and
    using a content delivery network (CDN) to
    distribute large files. You can consider using
    browser caching so that users dont have to
    download the same files repeatedly. Also, ensure
    that the website is hosted on a reliable and fast
    server for an optimum SEO copywriting strategy.

  • Keeping these tips and tricks in mind while
    developing your SEO copywriting strategies can go
    a long way in ensuring that your content
    marketing strategy reaches its full potential.
    However, developing in-house expertise to execute
    these strategies to perfection can be a huge
    challenge for organisations. But that does not
    mean you should put a break on SEO content

How Can Goodman Lantern Help?
  • You can outsource your SEO content development
    needs to a content marketing agency that offers
    copywriting services like Goodman Lantern. Our
    experts are well-equipped to create the perfect
    SEO copywriting strategy suited to your business
    and target audience. With our copywriting
    services, you can rest assured that your SEO
    copywriting strategy will bring unmatched
  • Book a call or send us an email to learn more.

  • Tracking your results can also help you
    understand your audience better. You can use the
    data to get insights into your audiences needs
    and interests and to create information that
    resonates with them.

Lets Connect for Content Marketing Strategy
  • Content is an essential part of any brand
    strategy. At Goodman Lantern, we help companies
    create deliverables that resonate with their
    audience and build brand authority. We offer
    various services, including brand strategy
    development, copywriting, and content promotion.
    We also provide SEO services to help brands
    optimise their copy for search engines.
  • Book a discovery call today if youre looking for
    a tailored content marketing strategy for your

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