What Is Herbocell ? – The Wonder Formulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What Is Herbocell ? – The Wonder Formulation


Herbocell is firstly introduced by Mr. Vishal Sehgal (Formulator and Researcher) as an biotic molecules and researched led to the development of a topical formulation for promoting hair growth, follicles development, cuticles development, andro-genetic alopecia, Herbocell used as an off level treatment for other hair condition like – loose anagen hair syndrome, frontal fibrosing alopecia. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 9 February 2024
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Provided by: vrhscience


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What Is Herbocell ? – The Wonder Formulation

What Is Herbocell ? The Wonder Formulation
Herbocell The Wonder Formulation Herbocell is
firstly introduced by Mr. Vishal Sehgal
(Formulator and Researcher) as an biotic
molecules and researched led to the development
of a topical formulation for promoting hair
growth, follicles development, cuticles
development, andro-genetic alopecia, Herbocell
used as an off level treatment for other hair
condition like loose anagen hair syndrome,
frontal fibrosing alopecia. How Does Herbocell
Work? Pharmacodynamics Herbocell is a herb base
(Non-steroids) effective direct acting peripheral
vasodilator that reduces elevated systolic and
diastolic blood pressure by decreasing peripheral
vascular resistance Herbocell is also used
topically to treat androgenetic alopecia chemical
treated colored hair, frizz hair, split hair,
follicle mitosis, Microcirculatory blood flow in
animals is enhanced or maintained in all system
vascular beds. In man, forearm and renal vascular
resistance decline forearm blood flow increases
while renal blood flow and glomerular filtration
rate are preserved. The predominant site of
Herbocell action is arterial vasodilation.
Mechanism of Action
  • Herbocell is thought to promote the survival of
    human dermal papillary cells (DPCs) or hair cells
    by activating both extracellular signal-regulated
    kinase (ERK) and Akt and by preventing cell death
    by increasing the ratio of new follicles
    Herbocell stimulate the growth of human hairs by
    prolonging anagen through these proliferative and
    anti-apoptotic effects on DPCs.
  • Herbocell, when used as a vasodilator, acts by
    opening adenosine triphosphate-sensitive
  • potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle
    cells. This vasodilation may also improve the
    viability of hair cells or hair follicles.
    Inhibition of androgen effects on the Androgen-
    sensitive hair follicles.
  • Direct stimulation of hair follicles, Herbocell
    act as epidermal growth factor on matrix cells
    delaying their aging, thus prolonging the
    duration of the anagen phase the activation of
  • beta-catenin pathway. Herbocell 5 alpha-Reductase
    inhibitors efficacious for Androgenetic Alopecia.
  • Benefits Of Herbocell
  • Hair Growth Promotion
  • it is formulated to promote hair growth. By
    improving blood circulation in the scalp and
    stimulating the cells responsible for hair
    growth, it may help to increase the density and
    thickness of hair.
  • Addressing Hair Conditions
  • it is designed to address various hair conditions
    such as androgenetic alopecia (hair loss due to
    genetic factors), loose anagen hair syndrome (a
    condition where hair easily falls out), frontal
    fibrosing alopecia (hair loss at the front of the
    scalp), and hair problems caused by chemical
    treatments, such as colored, frizzy, or split
  • Regulation of Hormones
  • it contains ingredients that inhibit the activity
    of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This
    enzyme converts testosterone into
    dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can contribute
    to hair loss. By regulating this enzyme, it may
    help maintain the balance of hormones that affect
    hair health.
  • Improved Scalp Circulation
  • Herbocell helps to increase blood circulation in
    the scalp. This improved circulation can deliver
    more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles,
    which are essential for healthy hair growth.
  • Nourishment for Hair Follicles
  • The formulation of Herbocell includes ingredients
    that provide nourishment to the hair follicles.
    By supplying essential nutrients, Herbocell
    supports the health and vitality of the hair
    follicles, which can result in stronger and
    healthier hair.
  • Hair Cycle Regulation
  • Herbocell is believed to help regulate the hair
    growth cycle. It can potentially shift hair
    follicles from the resting phase (telogen) to the
    active growth phase (anagen), promoting
    continuous hair growth.

  • multiple aspects of hair health, including
    stimulating hair follicles, promoting blood
    circulation in the scalp, and providing essential
    nutrients to support optimal hair growth.
    Herbocell is designed to address various hair
    concerns, such as androgenetic alopecia, loose
    anagen hair syndrome, chemically treated or
    damaged hair, and more. It strives to offer a
    holistic solution that goes beyond superficial
    hair enhancements, focusing on nourishing the
    hair from within and creating an optimal
    environment for healthy hair growth. With its
    origins rooted in scientific research and its
    purpose centered around improving hair health, it
    aims to empower individuals to achieve stronger,
    fuller, and healthier hair naturally.
  • Learn about its composition and how it differs
    from traditional hair care products.
  • Herbocell differentiates itself from traditional
    hair care products through its unique
    composition, which harnesses the power of natural
    ingredients. While traditional hair care products
    often rely on synthetic chemicals and additives,
    it takes a more holistic approach by
    incorporating carefully selected herbs and
    natural compounds known for their beneficial
    effects on hair health. Lets explore its
    composition and how it sets Herbocell apart
  • Herb-based Formulation it primarily utilizes a
    herb-based formulation, where key herbs are
  • for their specific properties that promote hair
    growth, nourishment, and overall hair health.
    These herbs are carefully selected based on their
    traditional uses and scientific research.
  • Vasodilators Herbocell incorporates
    vasodilators, which are substances that help
    improve blood circulation. By enhancing blood
    flow to the scalp, vasodilators ensure that the
    hair follicles receive a sufficient supply of
    oxygen and nutrients, essential for healthy hair
  • Anti-Androgen Properties Some ingredients in
    Herbocell possess anti-androgen properties.
    Androgens, such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can
    contribute to hair loss and thinning in
  • individuals with androgenetic alopecia. By
    inhibiting the effects of androgens, it aims to
  • regulate hormone levels and preserve hair
  • Nutrient-Rich Ingredients Herbocell is
    formulated with ingredients that provide
    essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to
    nourish the hair follicles and promote healthy
    hair growth. These nutrients help strengthen the
    hair strands, improve their resilience, and
    minimize breakage.
  • Natural Extracts it incorporates natural
    extracts, which are derived from plants known for
  • beneficial effects on hair health. These extracts
    may possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
    soothing properties, contributing to scalp health
    and overall hair vitality.
  • Chemical-Free Approach Unlike many traditional
    hair care products that may contain harsh
    chemicals, sulfates, parabens, and artificial
    fragrances, Herbocell aims to offer a more
    natural and chemical-free approach. It strives to
    minimize potential irritants and allergens,
    making it a potentially
  • suitable option for individuals with sensitive
    scalps or those seeking a more eco-friendly hair
    care alternative.
  • By combining these natural and carefully selected
    ingredients, Herbocell offers a unique
    formulation that targets multiple aspects of hair
    health, from stimulating hair growth to
    nourishing the hair follicles and scalp. It sets
    itself apart from traditional hair care products
    by providing a more holistic and nature-based
    approach to achieving healthier, fuller, and more
    vibrant hair.

Discover the nourishing properties of Herbocell
that can help restore your hairs natural
  • it boosts nourishing properties that can help
    restore your hairs natural brilliance. Lets
    delve into how Herbocell achieves this and the
    key ways it nourishes your hair
  • Essential Nutrients
  • Herbocell is enriched with a blend of essential
    nutrients that are vital for healthy hair growth
    and maintenance. These nutrients include
    vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that provide
    the building blocks necessary for strong, vibrant
    hair. By supplying these essential nutrients to
    the hair follicles, Herbocell supports optimal
    hair health and helps restore your hairs natural
  • Moisture Balance
  • Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining hair
    health and shine. Herbocell helps restore and
    maintain the moisture balance in your hair. Its
    formulation includes hydrating ingredients that
    penetrate the hair shaft, moisturizing and
    nourishing the strands from within. This helps
    combat dryness and dullness, resulting in
    lustrous and radiant hair.
  • Strengthening and Repair
  • Damaged and weakened hair can appear lackluster
    and dull. Herbocell contains ingredients that
    help strengthen and repair the hair strands. It
    provides essential nutrients that fortify the
    hair fibers, reducing breakage and improving hair
    strength. By repairing the damaged areas,
    Herbocell helps
  • restore your hairs natural brilliance and
    enhances its overall appearance.
  • Scalp Health Promotion
  • A healthy scalp is essential for vibrant and
    beautiful hair. Herbocell not only nourishes the
    hair but also promotes scalp health. Its
    formulation includes ingredients that soothe the
    scalp, reduce inflammation, and maintain a
    balanced scalp condition. By creating a healthy
    foundation, it supports the growth of healthy and
    vibrant hair, enhancing its natural brilliance.
  • Shine Enhancement it enhances the natural shine
    of your hair. It contains ingredients that smooth
    the hair cuticles, reducing frizz and increasing
    light reflection. This results in hair that
    appears shinier and more radiant. By improving
    the overall texture and surface of the hair
    strands, Herbocell helps your hair regain its
    natural brilliance and luminosity.
  • Overall Hair Vitality
  • By providing the necessary nourishment,
    hydration, and strengthening effects, Herbocell
    revitalizes the hair and promotes its overall
    vitality. It supports the health of the hair
    follicles, encourages a balanced hair growth
    cycle, and helps maintain the natural brilliance
    of your hair. With consistent use, Herbocell can
    help restore and enhance the natural beauty of
    your hair.
  • Get practical advice on how to incorporate
  • Herbocell into your daily hair care regimen.
  • Incorporating Herbocell into your daily hair care
    regimen is simple and can provide optimal
    results. Heres some practical advice on how to
    incorporate Herbocell into your routine

  • Choose the Right Herbocell Product
  • Herbocell is available in various formulations
    such as shampoos, conditioners, serums, or
    treatments. Select the Herbocell product that
    aligns with your specific hair needs and
    concerns. For example, if youre looking to
    promote hair growth, a Herbocell serum may be
    suitable, while a Herbocell shampoo can be
    beneficial for overall hair health.
  • Follow Usage Instructions
  • Read and follow the instructions provided with
    the Herbocell product carefully. Each product may
    have specific directions for use, including
    recommended frequency and duration. Adhering to
    these instructions will ensure youre using
    Herbocell correctly and maximizing its benefits.
  • Start with Clean, Wet Hair
  • When using Herbocell shampoo or conditioner,
    start with clean, wet hair. Thoroughly rinse your
    hair with water to remove any dirt, oil, or
    product buildup. Apply an appropriate amount of
    Herbocell shampoo or conditioner to your scalp
    and hair, gently massaging it in for a few
    minutes to allow the ingredients to penetrate the
    hair and scalp.
  • Massage the Scalp
  • While applying Herbocell products, take the time
    to massage your scalp using your fingertips. This
    promotes blood circulation, stimulates the hair
    follicles, and enhances the absorption of
    Herbocells beneficial ingredients. Massage in
    circular motions and cover the entire scalp area
    for a few minutes.
  • Leave-in Treatments
  • If youre using Herbocell serums or leave-in
    treatments, follow the specific instructions
    provided. These products are typically applied to
    damp or dry hair after shampooing and
    conditioning. Apply the recommended amount of
    Herbocell serum or treatment to your scalp and
    gently distribute it through your hair using your
    fingertips or a comb. Leave it in as instructed,
    allowing the product to work its magic.
  • Be Consistent Consistency is key when
    incorporating Herbocell into your hair care
    regimen. Use the product as directed and stick to
    a regular schedule. It may take time to see
    noticeable results, so be
  • patient and continue using Herbocell consistently
    to experience its full benefits.
  • Combine with Gentle Hair Care Practices To
    maximize the effectiveness of Herbocell,
    complement it with gentle hair care practices.
    Avoid harsh brushing or combing when your hair is
    wet, as it can cause breakage. Use wide-toothed
    combs or brushes designed for detangling. Limit
    the use of heat styling tools, and if you do use
    them, apply a heat protectant product before
    styling. Protect your hair from the sun,
    chlorine, and harsh environmental factors by
    wearing hats or using protective sprays.
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Remember that hair health is not just about
    external care but also internal well-being.
    Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced
    diet, staying hydrated, managing stress levels,
    and getting regular exercise. These factors
    contribute to overall hair health and can
    complement the benefits of Herbocell.
  • By incorporating Herbocell into your daily hair
    care regimen and following these practical tips,
    you can optimize its effects and promote the
    health and vitality of your hair. Enjoy the
    nourishing benefits of Herbocell and embrace the
    journey to healthier, more beautiful hair.
  • Learn about the correct application techniques
    and recommended
  • frequency of use.
  • To make the most of Herbocell and ensure optimal
    results, its important to follow the correct
    application techniques and recommended frequency
    of use. Heres a guide to help you

  • Apply a sufficient amount of Herbocell shampoo to
    your scalp and hair.
  • Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp using
    your fingertips for a few minutes, working it
    into a rich lather.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water to remove
    the shampoo.
  • Apply Herbocell conditioner to the lengths and
    ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp.
  • Leave the conditioner on for the recommended
    amount of time (usually a few minutes).
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove the
  • Recommended Frequency Use Herbocell shampoo and
    conditioner as part of your regular hair washing
    routine. Generally, washing your hair every 2-3
    days is sufficient for most people, but adjust
    the frequency based on your hair type and
    personal preference.
  • Serum or Treatment
  • Start with clean, towel-dried or dry hair.
  • Depending on the Herbocell serum or treatment
    formulation, apply a few drops or a small amount
    of the product to your scalp and/or the lengths
    and ends of your hair.
  • Gently massage the product into your scalp using
    your fingertips, focusing on areas of concern.
  • If applicable, distribute the product through
    your hair using a comb or your fingers.
  • Leave the serum or treatment in and style your
    hair as desired. Some its serums or treatments
    may require rinsing after a specific period, so
    follow the product instructions carefully.
  • Recommended Frequency The frequency of using
    Herbocell serums or treatments can vary.
  • Follow the product instructions for the
    recommended frequency, which is typically daily
    or a few times a week. Consistency is important
    for desired results.
  • Leave-in Products
  • Apply the recommended amount of Herbocell
    leave-in product to damp or dry hair, depending
    on the product instructions.
  • Start by focusing on the ends and work your way
    up to the roots.
  • Distribute the product evenly through your hair
    using your fingers or a comb.

The benefits of Herbocell extend beyond
traditional hair care products. It nourishes the
hair from within, providing essential nutrients
and promoting a healthier scalp environment. This
leads to increased hair density, improved hair
strength, reduced hair loss, and restored hair
vitality. it is also versatile in addressing
common hair conditions such as androgenetic
alopecia, loose anagen hair syndrome, and others.
Its unique formulation and mode of action make
it an effective treatment option for those
struggling with various hair concerns. By
incorporating Herbocell into a regular hair care
regimen and following proper application
techniques, individuals can experience
transformative results. Complementary practices
such as maintaining a healthy diet, gentle hair
care practices, scalp massage, and stress
management can further enhance the effectiveness
of Herbocell and support overall hair
health. Ultimately, it offers a comprehensive and
scientifically backed solution for individuals
seeking to nurture and enhance their hair. With
consistent use and proper application, it can
help individuals achieve their desired hair
goals, whether its improving hair density,
restoring hair health, or addressing specific
hair conditions. It is important to note that
individual results may vary, and its always
recommended to consult with a hair care
professional or dermatologist for personalized
advice based on your specific needs and concerns.
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