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Chair of the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust PPI Forum. Sit on Trust Board with observer status, ... Staff often devastated as often knew patient well ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


My Background
  • Previously a lecturer in Social Work
  • Chair of the Royal Brompton Harefield NHS Trust
    PPI Forum
  • Sit on Trust Board with observer status, Audit
    and Risk Committee, Complaints Committee
    Equality and Diversity Committee
  • Member of DOHs Information Clinical Governance
    Subgroups - Professional Regulation Patient
    Safety Programme
  • Manager of the PfPS Project
  • Just completing PhD on Medical Harm Patient
    Empowerment within the NHS
  • WHO Patient Safety Champion
  • Just appointed to a research post at Kings
    College in their Patient Safety Service Quality
    Research Centre

Key Policy Drivers for PPI in Patient Safety
  • Around the world, healthcare organisations that
    are most successful in patient safety are those
    that encourage close cooperation with patients
    and their families (Safety First, DOH2006).
  • The report also recommends
  • Each board should make it clear how they intend
    to ensure that patients carers play an integral
    part in all initiatives to introduce a patient
    safety culture change within the NHS (Rec 8)
  • The active involvement of patients their
    families should be promoted by establishing a
    national network of patient champions who will
    work in partnership with NHS organisations
    other key players to improve patient safety (Rec

Key Policy Drivers for PPI in Patient Safety
  • There is a need to involve patients and the
    public in all aspects of planning, organisation
    and delivery of healthcare
  • To be involved the public had to be empowered.
  • E.g. given proper info to formulate views, be
    listened to and have views acted upon (Bristol
    Report 2001).

Key Policy Drivers for PPI in Patient Safety
  • There is an increasing recognition that patients
    should be seen not as passive recipients of
    healthcare interventions chosen delivered by
    health professionals, but as active participants
    with their own values beliefs. Patients
    carers therefore have a vital role to play both
    in helping to define what counts as quality in
    healthcare and in drawing attention to
    unacceptable standards of care (Safeguarding
    patients, HM Govt 2007- response to Shipman
    other inquiry reports).
  • A specific duty on all organisations to involve
    patients/public in the planning development of
  • (Section 11 of the Health Social Care Act 2001).

Evidence of a Lack of PPI in Patient Safety
  • Only 24 of Trusts routinely informed patients
    involved in a reported incident and 6 did not
    involve patients at all
  • (House of Commons (2006) Select Committee on
    Public Accounts)

Evidence of a Lack of PPI in Patient Safety
  • The following reports found that PPI in clinical
    governance processes in hospital Trusts and
    Primary Care was limited.
  • Achieving Improvements through Clinical
    Governance (NAO 2003).
  • Improving Quality and Safety progress in
    implementing clinical governance in primary care.
    Lessons for the new Primary Care Trusts (NAO

Evidence of a Lack of PPI in Patient Safety
  • In a review of strategies to involve patients in
    improving the quality of healthcare, the Picker
    Institute noted about patient safety that
  • The UK has had a major programme to improve
    patient safety since 2001, but with little
    recognition of patients' potential to take an
    active role
  • (Picker Institute 2007)

Background to The Patients for Patient Safety
(PfPS) Pilot Project
  • Joint initiative between the National Patient
    Safety Agency the charity, Action against
    Medical Accidents
  • Aims to develop the role of patients and the
    public in patient safety work in the NHS
  • Funded for two years by the NPSA from April 2006
    to March 2008
  • Project Managers Josephine Ocloo and Louise

Key Project Objectives
  • To build a network of patients the public
    (including those affected by medical harm)
    wanting to be involved in patient safety work
    to develop good practice.
  • Develop a core training module for network
    members on key aspects of patient safety
  • Develop local strategies for PPI in patient
    safety by working with 2 NHS sites

The Projects Methods
  • To identify good practice egs of PPI in patient
    safety through letter to NHS Trusts
  • Holding meetings with 4 NHS Trusts working
    closely with 2 in more depth
  • Developing a Patient Safety Network for Patients
    the Public
  • Running a Training Module for Patients the
  • Holding 2 workshops with staff to explore their
    support needs

Some Key Findings Trust A
  • Some very serious PSIs had occurred over recent
    years, providing the momentum for looking at the
    way the Trust responded to such incidents
  • The Trust eventually agreed to focus primarily on
    the area of suicide and to identify key issues
    and factors
  • From the perspectives of relatives/carers
    bereaved through suicide
  • From the perspectives of staff involved with the
    aftermath of a suicide and dealing directly with
    bereaved relatives, And
  • To look at the implementation of the Being Open
    guidance when an incident occurred.

Workshop with Patient Relatives and Carers
  • 22 relatives identified by Trust for contact
  • 2 relatives expressed interest in being involved
    (later contacted by a 3rd person)
  • 2 relatives provided written accounts of their
    experience but did not wish to participate
  • 3 said did not wish to be involved
  • 15 did not respond unable to contact by

Possible reasons for non-response
  • Families/carers unable to obtain resolution and
  • Unresolved issues with the Trust
  • No ongoing relationship with the Trust
  • Patients/relatives feeling there is not going to
    be any personal benefit to them as a result of
    their input or that time/expenses will not be
    properly compensated
  • Going back 3 years may have been a factor in
    being able to contact families
  • How families are identified and the dangers of
    screening out those seen as too difficult to work
    with, whose experiences might well provide
    invaluable learning for the Trust.

Strategies for the Future
  • Might include
  • Seeking the views of patients/relatives/carer's
    through individual interviews
  • relatives invited more informally to share their
    experiences with staff or to attend a meeting
    with staff members
  • Written stories.
  • Involving people at risk of suicide carers.
    This might act as an incentive to get involved if
    it will help patients manage their own situation
    more effectively as well as helping others.

Workshop With Staff After a Suicide
  • Staff often devastated as often knew patient well
  • Staff blamed themselves as felt might have
    prevented the suicide
  • Staff feared being blamed by others, or through a
    formal inquiry
  • Staff found involvement with families after a
    suicide exceptionally difficult because of high
    level of emotions/concerns involved concern
    about saying the wrong thing a fear of
  • Staff felt they or their colleagues often not
    offered enough support. But acknowledged they
    found it difficult to take up support if they
    thought it would put pressure on other staff

Follow-up Workshop with Staff
  • Key Aims
  • To develop ways of supporting staff following a
    serious PSI
  • Implementing Being Open guidance

Follow-up Workshop with Staff Key findings
  • Staff need space to debrief and reflect upon
    their feelings after an incident which can be
    facilitated in different ways deemed most
    appropriate by staff (through counselling, group
    support or one to one sessions with a supervisor.
  • Staff felt not always properly informed on what
    was happening after an incident or interviewed
    and therefore could not properly and
    appropriately support relatives
  • Staff/teams affected by an incident were not
    always part of a wider investigation or RCA
    analysis after an incident so did not know what
    was happening, about key outcomes and learning
    from PSI.

Follow-up Workshop with Staff Implementing the
Being Open guidance.
  • Staff wanted to know who was responsible for
    implementing Being Open and exactly how open they
    should be. For example who should give
    information to families/carers, how much and what
  • It was felt that this process needed to be
    clearer at team level, so that everyone knew 'who
    knew what' and 'who was doing/saying what.
  • It was seen as important to involve families in
    any RCAs or investigations, for clarity on how
    this was done, who was doing it and feedback
    given to the staff team.

Some Key Findings Trust B
  • To explore a model for PPI in patient safety work
    based upon empowerment.
  • To introduce another strand into the Trusts
    patient safety programme.
  • To identify patients the public to become
    involved in the Trusts patient safety work.

Empowering PPI in Patient Safety Key
Questions/Points from Launch Event
  • Is an empowered patient a safer one?
  • Partnership - The importance of seeing
    patient/carers as part of the team and their
    needs at its centre
  • Addressing imbalances of power in patient/staff
  • How individuals can be made passive as patients
  • Supporting staff as part of empowering patients

Attempts at Empowerment
  • The Hand Hygiene Project
  • Working with those with a poor healthcare
    Experience (eg affected by a PSIs or who have
    made a Complaint)
  • Workshop with Patient Governors

(No Transcript)
Working with those with a Poor Healthcare
Experience Some Questions to Consider
  • How do we feel about working with those with poor
    experiences of healthcare ?
  • What are our fears about this involvement ?
  • How can we address these fears ?
  • What are the barriers in our Trust to this
    involvement ?
  • How can we address these barriers in the future ?

NPSA Model for Working with those Affected by Harm
  • To not put patients and staff together too soon
    in the process
  • Bring together a mixture of patients from
    different Trusts have a workshop off site
  • Identify Trust area's most likely to cause harm
    to patients and then to select/profile patients
    according to these areas
  • Draw upon voluntary/community sector to identify
    diverse patient groups
  • Staff attending workshops there to listen only
    and not to defend the Trust
  • Focus of the workshop is on learning rather than
    on accountability. This should not preclude
    patients from expressing what they think went
  • Independent facilitators are used
  • Permission letters from patients to indicate if
    want further involvement
  • Learning from workshops to be shared more broadly
    with Trust staff to see if stories resonate to
    allow for reframing clarification of the

Workshop with Governors on Developing PPI in
Patient Safety
  • Some Points made
  • Staff dont always hear
  • Patients unable to make their points
  • Need to understand role, function of committee
    and what is required of patients the public
  • Jargon, language can be a problem
  • Problems of tokenism not feeling valued
  • Communication needs to be more two way and in
  • PPI reps need to be informed about follow-up
    action when involved
  • PPI reps need to feel it is okay to challenge

Tackling barriers to involvement on committees
Some guidelines
  • Need for proper Induction
  • Terms of reference of committee other relevant
    information should be given well in advance of
  • At least 2 patient reps should be invited to
    avoid tokenism
  • Patient reps should be properly introduced to
    committee members
  • Training should be offered if appropriate
  • The meeting should be conducted without the use
    of unnecessary jargon or terms should be
    explained or the patient given info after the
  • Patient reps should be encouraged to participate
    in the discussion not be penalised if they
    challenge issues
  • There should be proper reinbursement of expenses
    which might include travel, childcare for time
  • Reimbursement
  • Action Proposal for patient representation on
    Risk Management Committee

The Patient Safety Network
  • Over the life of the project various meetings
    were held with PPI representatives on a range of
    issues to do with patient safety
  • This included holding a 1day training event on
    patient safety, follow-up event on PPI in
    clinical governance 1 day conference on
    complaints/regulation the AHC
  • Meetings were well attended by PPI
    representatives from patient forums, voluntary
    groups by individuals directly affected by
    medical harm.

The Patient Safety Network Some Key Findings
  • PPI representatives were well informed on health
    issues, but not on Trust Patient safety work
  • Expressed a strong interest in safety, but viewed
    the safety agenda as about regulation
    accountability as well as learning improvement
  • Were keen to get involved but needed proper help
    to do so, eg clarity on opps for involvement,
    info, training, expenses
  • Wanted to see a partnership approach with h/care
    professionals where their views would be listened
    to, taken into account acted upon

The Way Forward
  • More needs to be done to develop a range of
    strategies for involving, supporting empowering
    patients/public in the patient safety agenda
  • Involving learning from those with poor
    experiences of healthcare/ affected by PSIs is
    particularly important
  • Staff need to be supported to work in partnership
    with patients/public

Developing a Model for PPI in Patient Safety
  • A starting point to think about PPI on different
    levels, with different strands
  • Organisations should provide info on risks
    safety to the public, work with individual
    patients develop involvement at a strategic

Developing a Model for PPI in Patient Safety
Some Questions To Explore
  • What are patient safety concerns within the
    organisation from patients perspectives?
  • What are patient safety concerns within the
    organisation from staff perspectives?
  • What are the key components of a patient safety
    culture in the organisation
  • How can patients and the public engage with and
    be involved with this agenda and what are the
    barriers to this involvement?
  • How might different groups be affected? Are
    people discriminated against and disempowered?
    What about those who have had adverse experiences
    of healthcare?

Messages from Bristol
  • The public are entitled to expect that means
    exist for them to become involved in the
    planning, organisation and delivery of
  • For a healthcare service to be truly
    patient-centred it must be infused with the views
    and values of the public (as patients past,
    present or future). The public must be involved.
    To be involved, the public must be empowered
  • (Bristol Report 2001 400)
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