1888 Minneapolis Revisited The Beginning of the Satanic Spirit in Adventism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1888 Minneapolis Revisited The Beginning of the Satanic Spirit in Adventism


1888 Minneapolis Revisited The Beginning of the Satanic Spirit in Adventism – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1888 Minneapolis Revisited The Beginning of the Satanic Spirit in Adventism

1888 Minneapolis Revisited--The Beginning of the
Satanic Spirit in Adventism
  • Pastor Idel Suarez, Jr., Ph.D.
  • Sacramento, CA
  • August 21, 2006

Hosea 46
  • My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
    because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also
    reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me
    seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I
    will also forget thy children.
  • God rejects those who reject new knowledge
  • He also forgets those who forget his law
  • Even ministers and an entire denomination can be
    rejected or forgotten because of those two
    apostasy positions

1888 Nevada Conference(held before Minneapolis
1888 Materials
  • She wrote so much on 1888
  • It was all compiled into 4 big type-written
  • Includes letters, diaries, and notes of her
    visions and experiences regarding the 1888
    Minneapolis Conference

General Conference Bulletinvolume 2
  • The General Conference Daily Bulletin summarizes
    the events of the Minneapolis conference on a
    daily basis
  • It is available free at www.adventistarchives.org
  • Members employed by the General Conference were
    automatic delegates
  • S.N. Haskell was elected as chairperson on the
    first days proceedings

R. DeWitt Hottels 1888 Diary--Delegate from
  • The Bible Institute and General Conference
    Sessions took place at the new SDA Minneapolis
  • Located at the corner of 4th Avenue and 13th
  • 91 delegates present
  • Jones and Smith spoke on the 10 toes
  • Waggoner and Morrison spoke on the law of

1888 General Conference Sessionat Minneapolis
Some Statistics 1888
  • World Membership was 25,841.
  • 27th Annual Session of the General Conference.
  • Started on October 17, 1888.
  • Ended on November 4th, 188814 days of

Relevant Facts on 1888
  • 100 ministers present
  • Latter Rain would have been poured out
  • Sunday Law Amendment was in Congress
  • Bible Institute held before the Conference
  • Three groups were formed
  • Neutral-undecided
  • Opposed the message
  • Accepted the message
  • Themes addressed were
  • Predestination
  • 10 Toes of Daniel 2 (Alemani vs. Huns)
  • Law in Galatians
  • Justification by faith
  • Divinity of Christ
  • Sunday Law
  • Church State
  • Temperance
  • Administrative Issues
  • Source of the Satanic Spirit in Adventism

Spirited Debate on Day 1
  • Uriah Smith spoke on the Huns as one of the
    tribes of Daniel 2
  • A spirited discussion was held at the conclusion
    of the remarks, in which a number of delegates

A Call to Abandon Prejudice on Day 2
  • E. J. Waggoner gave a study on Galatians showing
    the law and the gospel.
  • He said, that the key to the book is
    justification by faith in Christ.
  • Appeals were made by Brother Waggoner and Sister
    White to the brethren, old and young, to seek
    God, to put away all spirit of prejudice and
    opposition, and strive to come into unity of the

International Missionary Societypresent in 1888
  • At the General Conference of 1888, a special
    organization was reorganized
  • It was called by different names, one of which
    was International Missionary Society
  • They finally accepted the name as International
    Tract and Missionary Society

Satanic Work Started at Minneapolis
  • The perils of the last days are upon us. Read
    Matt. 2514.
  • Satan takes the control of every mind that is
    not decidedly under the control of the Spirit of
    God. Some have been cultivating hatred against
    the men whom God has commissioned to bear a
    special message to the world.
  • They began this Satanic work at Minneapolis.
    Afterward, when they saw and felt the
    demonstration of the Holy Spirit, testifying that
    the message was of God, they hated it the more,
    because it was a testimony against them. They
    would not humble their hearts to repent, to give
    God the glory, and vindicate the right. They went
    on in their own spirit, filled with envy,
    jealousy, and evil surmisings, as did the Jews.
    They opened their hearts to the enemy of God and
  • Yet these men have been holding positions of
    trust, and have been molding the work after their
    own similitude, as far as they possibly could. .
    . . PH154 22.2,23

Elder George I. Butler--1888 Outgoing G.C.
  • He was absent due to health reasons
  • Sent regular telegrams to the delegates to hold
    on to the old landmarks
  • Had written a book on Galatians maintaining the
    ceremonial law view point

Butler vs. Waggoner on the Book of Galatians
Unbelief was King at Minneapolis
  • There is not one bit of savor in such a faith,
    and the faith of Elder Butler is of the same
    order, valueless, having no savor, I count
    nothing upon you or him to harmonize with me in
    my work given me of God.Manuscript Releases,
    volume 17, page 183.
  • Elder Butler has sent me a long letter, a most
    curious production of accusations and charges
    against me, but these things do not move
    me.Letter 81, 1888, IN E. G. White, volume 3,
    page 38.
  • It was a 39 page dictated letter accusing Sister
    White of his illness.

Elder Uriah SmithThe Leader of the Opposition
  • 1888 Outgoing Secretary of the General Conference
  • Past Treasurer of the General Conference
  • Editor of the Review and Herald
  • Author of the Book Daniel and Revelation
  • Espoused arianism
  • Leader of the opposition

Accused Sister White of Being Influenced
  • Elder Smith Do you refuse to fall on the rock?
    If so, there is not the slightest assurance in
    your case that you will ever recover yourself out
    of the snare of the devil.
  • Your attitude has encouraged a state of things in
    our churches which you have not measured. The
    result of your course and your working on the
    same line since you left Minneapolis has made the
    carrying out of the work given me of God to do
    fifty fold harder than it need to have been.
  • You have barred my way, but O, how little did you
    know the real result of your work. This has been
    opened before me.
  • When you have stated that Sr. White was
    influenced by W. C. W., A. T. Jones, and E. J.
    Waggoner, you have planted in hearts infidelity
    that has been nourished and has borne fruit. You
    will not be pleased to reap the harvest. Satan
    takes everything of this character and makes it a
    living active agent in destroying faith in the
    very work the Lord would have them to do.
  • Every soul that fully takes your words and
    believes them are correctly represented by the
    words of Christ, "I would that thou were either
    cold or hot, so then because that thou art
    lukewarm, I will spew thee out of my mouth."
    Decided opposition would have done me less
    harm.Manuscript Releases, volume 17, p. 183.

Elder Smith had so much influence
  • What better course to please the enemy and grieve
    the spirit of God could be pursued then that
    which than that which has been pursued by you, my
    brother, a teacher in Israel.
  • You have had quite a number fully engaged with
    you in the work, men in responsible positions,
    presidents of conferences, ministers and workers,
    that have formed a confederacy to question, to
    criticize--Manuscript Release, volume 17, page.

Deceptions of the Last Days Would Overcome them!
  • The position these men have occupied and the
    influence this position had given them has caused
    many to doubt, who will never be settled again
    and the deceptions and delusions of these last
    days will overcome them, because heaven's divine
    illumination is powerless to set them in order
    for they have decided from the example given
  • They will say, "O, Sr. White is influenced. Some
    one has told her these things. If Elder Smith who
    knows all about the testimonies says this is only
    her own opinion and her own judgment, and he does
    not accept the teachings of the testimonies, and
    he is such a good man, I will follow his example
    and I will risk it.Manuscript Releases, volume
    17, page 183.

Dr. Kellogg lectured on Temperance
  • The best authorities in the world agree that the
    highest degree of health can be maintained
    without a flesh diet at all.
  • At least nine-tenths of the people in the world
    do not eat flesh.
  • Vinegar is worst than alcohol.
  • October 27, 1888, lecture given by Dr. J.H.
    Kellogg and published in GCB volume 2, no. 8, p.

Temperance Resolutions
  • We protest against the manufacturing and sale of
    all spiritous and malt liquors, and in discarding
    the use of tea, coffee, opium, and tobacco, and
    we urge upon all people the importance of these
  • But was lost by a thin vote.
  • GCB, volume 2, no. 5, p. 1 no. 6, p. 1.
  • Resolved That we request state conferences at
    each of their annual meetings to give time
    equivalent to one hour a day to the health and
    temperance work.GCB, vol. 2, no. 11, p. 3.
  • Dr. E. J. Waggoner from the committee on
    resolutions, we are Prohibitionists, but not
    partisan Prohibitionists.

Elder Robert Mead Kilgorea delegate and
Conference worker
  • Brother_____, who first spoke in decided,
    unqualified language, deplored the introduction
    of the subject of the law in Galatians.
  • There were many things said which astonished me,
    both by Elder Kilgore and Elder Smith. These men
    were speaking these things before a mixed
    congregation. The house was full. And these were
    the ones who felt that it was not the thing to do
    to bring this subject for investigation before
    any but the ministering brethren!Manuscript
    Releases, vol 9, page 221.

She wanted to leave Minneapolis
  • As I saw that the hearts with which I longed to
    be in harmony were padlocked by prejudice and
    unbelief, I thought best for me to leave them.
  • My purpose was to go from Minneapolis the first
    of the week.
  • Brother Kilgore came with a request that I should
    speak the next day, but I said, "No, my brother,
    I can say nothing that many of my ministering
    brethren consider to be of any value to them. I
    must not work and exhaust my strength needlessly.
  • I must go away and see what the Lord has for me
    to do elsewhere, for I know I have a message to
    bear to His people." 12MR 205.1

Elder O.A. Olsen--1888 Incoming G.C. President
  • Was not present at the 1888 Conference
  • Wanted to please all
  • Took a neutral-middle position to win over the
  • Ended up on the side of the opposition
  • Was GC President for nine years (1888-1897)

Elder Olsen Ensared
  • When Elder Olsen linked himself with these men,
    he perverted his spiritual eyesight, and saw
    things in a strange light. He knew that they were
    resisting the Spirit of God, but thought that by
    uniting with them he could convert them. The
    result has been contrary to this for to a large
    degree they have converted him. His clear
    discernment between right and wrong has become
    injured. 17MR 182.1
  • From the beginning of his work as president of
    the General Conference, Elder Olsen's policy has
    been a mistake. Instead of upholding that which
    he knew to be according to the law of God,
    instead of standing firmly as a faithful guardian
    for those holy trusts which would keep the great
    heart of the work pure at any apparent expense or
    financial loss, he has tried to occupy a position
    on both sides. He has not been altogether in
    harmony with the men I have referred to, but so
    much so that Satan has stolen a march upon him.
    Unconsciously he has been ensnared, and his
    principles of integrity and purity have been
    corrupted. God has been dishonored, and His
    Spirit has been grieved. 17MR 182.2

Elder Isaac Doren Van Horn--1888 Delegate
  • President of the Michigan Conference
  • Past treasurer of the General Conference
  • Converted A.T. Jones
  • Was prominent in making jest, sarcasm, and
    merriment of E. G. White, E. J. Waggoner, and
    A.T. Jones
  • Was led by a Satanic Spirit

(1834-1910 )
Letter to Elder I.D. Van HornSouls would be lost.
  • I was led from room to room occupied by our
    brethren at that meeting the 1888 G.C. Session
    at Minneapolis, and heard that of which every
    one will one day be terribly ashamed, if it is
    not until the judgment, when every work will
    appear in its true light. In the room occupied by
    you there was a Witness, and in the rooms of
    others there was a Witness to every remark made,
    --the ungodly jest, the satire, the sarcasm, the
    wit the Lord God of heaven was displeased with
    you, and with every one who shared in the
    merriment, and in the hard, unimpressible spirit.
  • An influence was exerted that was Satanic. Some
    souls will be lost in consequence.--Letter 61,
    1893, pp. 3, 4. (To Elder I. D. Van Horn, January
    20, 1893.) 8MR 23.1

Harmon Lindsay--1888 Delegate
  • Past and Incoming Treasurer of the General
    Conference (1874-1875 1888-1893)
  • Also served as treasurer of the Review and Herald
    Publishing Association
  • Left the SDA Church and joined the Christian

Source SDA Bible Commentary, vol 10
Satan Took Possession of the minds of the
Delegates of 1888
  • When men like A.R. Henry and Harmon Lindsay
    refuse to be worked by the Holy Spirit, and yet
    consent to accept important responsibilities,
    Satan takes possession of their minds, and plans
    and devises for them.
  • When these men entered upon this work, they did
    not foresee the results, but step by step has
    been taken under the generalship of Satanic
    agencies, who knew from the beginning what the
    results would be.
  • Had they kept in touch with the divine character,
    they would not have done the work they have done,
    but while at Minneapolis they both closed their
    eyes to the light, and padlocked their hearts
    against evidence, in order that the Holy Spirit
    might not find entrance and their course has
    testified to the result. 1888 1577.2, 1578

The 1888 Pharisees
  • W.C. White wrote to O.A. Olsen on November 29,
  • In many respects this conference was a peculiar
  • Certain influences had been working for some time
    which culminated at this meeting in manifestation
    of a spirit of Pharisaism. So mother named it.

Professor Alonso T. Jones
  • A professor of history
  • Tall, naturally abrupt, and had a singularity of
    speech and manner
  • Had uncouth posturing and gesters
  • Largely self-taughtE.G. White Biography, volume
    3, page 394.
  • Debated fiercely with Smith on the toes of Daniel

Dr. Elliot J. Waggoner
  • He was both a minister and a doctor
  • He was short and stocky but full of learning
  • He gave numerous lectures on the law in
  • He presented the theme on justification by faith
  • He spoke in favor of the divinity of Christ.

Dr. Elliot J. Waggoner
  • Elder Waggoner had taken a straightforward
    course, not involving personalities, to thrust
    anyone or to ridicule anyone.
  • He conducted the subject as a Christian gentleman
    should in a kind and courteous manner.
  • This was acknowledged to be the case by those
    who were holding opposite views.Manuscript
    Releases, vol. 9, p. 221.

E.G. White on Waggoners interpretation of
  • My guide stretched out his arms toward Dr.
    Waggoner and Butler Neither have all the light
    upon the law neither position is perfect.Letter
    21, 1888.
  • Some interpretations of Scripture given by Dr.
    Waggoner, I do not regard as correct
  • Yet it would be dangerous to denounce Dr.
    Waggoners position as wholly erroneous. MS 15,

False Accusations Hurled
  • The delegates accused Sister White of being
    influenced and conspiring with W.C. White, Dr.
    E.J. Waggoner, and A.T. Jones.

Gods Servants Ridiculed
  • The servants, whom the Lord sent, were
    caricatured, ridiculed, and placed in a
    ridiculous light. The comment of words passed
    upon me and the work that God had given me to do
    was anything but flattering. Willie White's name
    was handled freely and he was ridiculed and
    denounced, also the names of Elders Jones and
    Waggoner. 12MR 15.2
  • I was represented as telling things untrue, when
    I made the statement that not a word of
    conversation had passed between me and Brethren
    Jones and Waggoner nor my son Willie upon the law
    in Galatians.... They thought we all came to the
    conference with a perfect understanding and an
    agreement to make a stand on the law in
    Galatians. 12MR 15.3

Sister E. G. White--She saw the Future Crisis
  • Wanted to leave the meetings
  • Recognized 1888 as a rebellion
  • Declared that the Spirit of Satan entered in
    Minneapolis Conference
  • It was like denying and crucifying Christ
  • She thought of the future crisis!

1888 Nazareth Assassination Attempt
  • On many occasions the Holy Spirit did work but
    those who resisted the Spirit of God at
    Minneapolis were waiting for a chance to travel
    over the same ground again, because their spirit
    was the same.
  • But all the universe of heaven witnessed the
    disgraceful treatment of Jesus Christ,
    represented by the Holy Spirit. Had Christ been
    before them, they would have treated him in a
    manner similar to that in which the Jews treated
    Christ. SpTA06 19.2,20

Destroy the Son of God
  • Many were drawn into this snare by the
    misrepresentation of others, knowing not what
    they were doing, not understanding what they were
    stirred up about.
  • A bewitching power attends all rebellion of
    whatever order.
  • After they had taken the position with the more
    responsible ones in attempting to destroy the Son
    of God after His discourse at Nazareth, they
    would not repent and retract.12MR 20.1

The Call to Reform
  • Since the time of the Minneapolis meeting, I have
    seen the state of the Laodicean Church as never
    before. RH, August 26, 1890 par. 4
  • Yet Elder Smith said, this was not reform, but
    tearing up of the old truth.Elder Hottels
    Diary, Monday, October 15, 1888.

She thought of the Reformers
  • I could but have a vivid picture in my mind from
    day to day of the way reformers were treated, how
    slight difference of opinion seemed to create a
    frenzy of feeling.
  • Thus it was in the betrayal, trial, and
    crucifixion of Jesus--all this had passed before
    me point by point.
  • The Satanic spirit took control and moved with
    power upon the human hearts that had been opened
    to doubts and to bitterness, wrath and hatred.
    All this was prevailing in that meeting.
  • I decided to leave the meeting, leave
    Minneapolis. I refused to speak again to our
    people, but consented to speak to the

1888 was a Rebellion
  • Voices that I was surprised to hear were joining
    this rebellion and those with whom I had labored
    in past years, without any evidence or any sure
    knowledge of any change in Sister White, were
    hard, bold, and decided in denouncing her.
  • And of all those so free and forward with their
    cruel words, not one had come to me and inquired
    if these reports and their suppositions were
    true. I was represented as telling things
    untrue--Manuscript Releases, volume 12, page 15.3

Nearly All Rejected the Message
  • That which was presented to me at Minneapolis
    opened to me the true state of many conference
  • I told them plainly that the position and work
    God gave me at that conference was disregarded by
    nearly all. Rebellion was popular. Their course
    was an insult to the Spirit of God. 12MR 19.2,

Not One Made Full Repentance
  • Who of those that acted a part in the meeting at
    Minneapolis have come to the light and received
    the rich treasurers of truth which the Lord sent
    them from heaven?
  • Who have made full confession of their mistaken
    zeal, their blindness, their jealousies and evil
    surmisings, their defiance of truth?
  • Not one and because of their long neglect to
    acknowledge the light, it has left them E.G.
    White, 1888 Materials, pages 1067, 1068.

The Future (1914) Crisis Predicted
  • After hearing what I did my heart sank within me.
    I had never pictured before my mind what
    dependence we might place in those who claim to
    be friends, when the spirit of Satan finds
    entrance to their hearts.
  • I thought of the future crisis, and feelings that
    I can never put into words for a little time
    overcame me. Mark 139, 12 quoted. 12MR
    16.1Reflections on the Minneapolis Conference.

Elder Arthur G. Daniells--G. C. President
  • Led out as President in the meetings at
    Minneapolis in 1917
  • Was responsible for the new position on
    noncombatancy and engaging in war

29 Years Later at Minneapolis
  • The General Conference met with the North
    American Division in exactly the same place as in
  • They granted liberty of conscience to go to war
  • They claimed they had unity in their meetings and
    spoke much of religious libertyRH November 15,

Elder Irwin H. Evans--President of the North
American Division
  • Fulfilled the prediction of Testimonies for the
    Church volume 5, page 712.
  • He cited Romans 131-4 as an excuse to go to war.

Prophecy Fulfilled
  • Paul wrote in his epistle to the Romans, Let
    every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For
    there is no power but of God the powers that be
    are ordained of God . . . . Render therefore to
    all their dues
  • It is quite probable that some of our young men
    will be called to serve their country.
  • While we earnestly hope that they will be
    exempted from bearing of arms, they will be
    required to serve in other capacities.RH June 7,

Constantine the Great
  • I.H. Evans admitted later in 1935 that early
    Christians did not enter the military
  • He claimed that it wasnt until Constantine that
    Christians joined the military went to war
  • Ironically, Constantine was responsible for the
    first Civil Sunday Law

SDAs went as Medics and Combatants to World War I
World War I Soldiers reading their Bibles.
Seventh Day Adventists Go to War
  • They broke the Sabbath
  • They transgressed the 6th commandment
  • They took on the military uniform and banner
  • They were co decorated by worldly powers
  • They fought in France

What did Jesus say?
  • Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world
    if my kingdom were of this world, then would my
    servants fight, that I should not be delivered to
    the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence.
    John 1836.

Pauls Letter to Corinth on War
  • For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
    after the flesh (For the weapons of our warfare
    are not carnal, but mighty through God to the
    pulling down of strong holds) Casting down
    imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth
    itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing
    into captivity every thought to the obedience of
    Christ.II Corinthians 103-5.

Present Site of Minneapolis 1888 General
Conference Session
  • In the same street corner where the message of
    justification by faith was presented in 1888,
  • Was converted by 1988 to an adult book store
    where pornographic items are sold.
  • Is this not an allegory of the fornication of
    Revelation 18?

The End
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