Management, Inappropriate Management or Psychological Harassment: Where do we draw the line - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Management, Inappropriate Management or Psychological Harassment: Where do we draw the line


Decent work is work where there is an effort to prevent situations where workers ... Corrupt leadership: Leader lies, cheats or steals. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Management, Inappropriate Management or Psychological Harassment: Where do we draw the line

Management, Inappropriate Management or
Psychological Harassment Where do we draw the
  • Professor Angelo Soares
  • Department of Organization and Human Resources
  • UQÀM

Decent Society
  • "A decent society is one whose institutions do
    not humiliate people"
  • Avishai Margalit

Decent Work
  • Decent work is work where there is an effort to
    prevent situations where workers feel
  • Work is decent when management and organizations
    ensure that their workers have no reason to feel

  • Avishai Margalit

  • Humiliation is often a factor in psychological
    harassment in the workplace.

Psychological Harassment
  • Definitions

Carroll Brodsky (1976)
  • "Harassment is behavior that involves repeated
    and persistent attempts by one person to torment,
    wear down, frustrate, or get a reaction from
    another. It is behavior that persistently
    provokes, pressures, frightens, intimidates, or
    otherwise discomforts another person."

Heinz Leymann (1984)

Marie-France Hirigoyen (1998)

Bill 143 Quebec
  • For the purposes of this Act, "psychological
    harassment" means any vexatious behaviour in the
    form of repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct,
    verbal comments, actions or gestures, that
    affects an employees dignity or psychological or
    physical integrity and that results in a harmful
    work environment for the employee.

Bill 143 Quebec (contd)
  • A single serious incidence of such behaviour that
    has a lasting harmful effect on an employee may
    also constitute psychological harassment.

Bill 143 Quebec (contd)
  • All employees have the right to a work
    environment free from psychological harassment.
  • Employers must take all reasonable action to
    prevent psychological harassment and, whenever
    they become aware of such behaviour, to put a
    stop to it.

Recourse Against Psychological Harassment
  • An employee who believes he has been the victim
    of psychological harassment may file a complaint
    in writing with the Commission des normes du
  • If the Commission des relations du travail
    considers that the employee has been the victim
    of psychological harassment and that the employer
    has failed to fulfil its obligations, it may
    render any decision it believes fair and
    reasonable, taking into account all the
    circumstances of the matter, including

Recourse Against Psychological Harassment
  • (1) ordering the employer to reinstate the
  • (2) ordering the employer to pay the employee an
    indemnity up to a maximum equivalent to wages
  • (3) ordering the employer to take reasonable
    action to put a stop to the harassment
  • (4) ordering the employer to pay punitive and
    moral damages to the employee

Recourse Against Psychological Harassment
  • (5) ordering the employer to pay the employee an
    indemnity for loss of employment
  • (6) ordering the employer to pay for the
    psychological support needed by the employee for
    a reasonable period of time determined by the
  • (7) ordering the modification of the disciplinary
    record of the employee.

February 2005 Commission des normes du travail
  • 1,580 complaints
  • - 1,030 files being processed (65)
  • - 550 files closed (35)
  • 12 unfounded complaints (2)
  • 110 agreements (20)
  • 2 investigation reports sent to the Commission
    des relations du travail

Four Dimensions Always Present
  • The persistent nature of the action 
  • The repetitive nature of the action 
  • The effects are always negative, devastating and
    destructive for the targeted persons 
  • The definition emphasizes the impact on the
    target person and not the intentions of the
    person who harasses.

The Myths of Harassment
Myth 1
  • The definition of psychological harassment is not

Bullying Mobbing
  • (Stale Einarsen, Helge Hoel, Dieter Zapf and Cary
    L. Cooper, 2003)
  • Moral harassment psychological harassment

Myth 2(Link to Management)
  • It's not psychological harassment, it's managers
    exercising their rights.
  • It's not psychological harassment, it's leaders
    being tough.

Managing Rights
  • The manager has the prerogative to decide how to
  • The manager's rights can be explicitly set out in
    the collective agreement.

Managing Rights
  • Economic aspects financing, investment, prices,
    nature of products, etc.
  • Production organizing production, determining
    manufacturing processes, making decisions
    pertaining to organizational change,
    sub-contracting, etc. 
  • Human resources management staffing, staff
    assignments, discipline, promotions, demotions,
    dismissals, etc.
  • Source Dion, Gérard

Human Resources Management
  • Knowledge of the business finance, marketing,
    strategy, technology, production, etc.
  • Knowledge of human resources practices staffing,
    communication, performance appraisal, rewards,
    organizational development, etc. 
  • Knowledge of change management identifying
    change-related problems, crafting a leadership
    style, building trust among the various
    organizational stakeholders, etc.
  • Source Dave Ulrich

Human Resources Management (HRM) and Harassment
  • In situations of psychological harassment, the
    problem most often relates to
  • - HRM practices
  • - change management 
  • Thus, the psychological harassment is caused by
    improper human resources management. 
  • It must be noted that in such cases, no judgment
    is made as to whether there was an intention to
    harass someone.

HRM Practices
  • Communication (feedback)
  • Performance appraisal (feedback)
  • Discipline
  • Leadership
  • Conflict management

HRM Practices (Communication feedback)
  • My representative told him "We are ready to go
    to your office." His office is just on the other
    side. Then, he turned around and said "No." He
    said "I'm going to do this in front of
    everyone," and then he began yelling all sorts of
    things in a nasty tone. Three times the union
    representative told him "Let's go into your
    office, it's not appropriate to do this in front
    of everyone." I just stood there. Another woman,
    who has worked in the office for years, got up
    and said "Mr. X, this is not the place for such
    behaviour, have some dignity." He paid her no
    attention. Then, the representative told me
    "Let's go back upstairs." We went upstairs but I
    was shocked, and humiliated too. (Ms. A).

HRM Practices (Communication feedback)
  • Establish a climate of trust
  • Give feedback when it is most appropriate for the
    recipient, and do so one on one
  • Offer praise along with criticism
  • Show consideration and respect 
  • Refrain from passing judgment
  • - do not judge
  • - do not ascribe intention
  • - be specific and descriptive
  • Be clear and specifi 
  • Be empathetic

HRM Practices(Communication feedback)
  • "When I Why 
  • Whe
  • n the specific behaviour
  • I the feelings experienced, by the person
    providing the feedback, at the time of the
  • Why the consequences of the behaviour
  • "When you arrived late this morning, I was upset
    because I was counting on your expertise to
    clarify the budget issue, which was the most
    important item on the agenda."

HRM Practices(Communication feedback)
  • "At the end of a week, he came directly to the
    department. It took a week and he came to tell me
    I was incompetent. I said, listen, could we meet
    to discuss what's wrong? And he said 'no, I don't
    need you to come to my office, I can say in front
    of everyone that you aren't doing a good job.' He
    was cursing too. He yelled at me in front of all
    my co-workers." (Ms. B)

HRM Practices(Discipline)
  • Verbal reprimand
  • Written disciplinary notice
  • Short-term suspension without pay
  • Long-term suspension without pay
  • Dismissal

HRM Practices(Discipline)
  • Disciplinary action is taken when an employee
    knowingly violates the rules.
  • Prepare a file.

  • Louis, 44 years of age, has worked for the
    company for 23 years and is responsible for
    maintaining the production equipment. He has been
    the victim of psychological harassment. He has
    been falsely accused of making mistakes. He has
    been denied promotions for no justifiable reason.
    His salary has been decreased. His employer is
    putting together a file to dismiss him. It is
    really about his seniority, because he is
    starting to cost the company a lot of money
    (18.31 an hour).

  • Laura, 45 years of age, has been a waitress in a
    restaurant for six years. "It has been going on
    for six months and I've already lost 5 kg." She
    is the target of verbal harassment and veiled
    threats. She can't quit and the employer can't
    dismiss her because he has no grounds, so he is
    doing all he can to make her leave.

  • The psychological harassment endured by an
    employee and the employer's expectations
    concerning that employee's performance are two
    separate elements and they should not be
    confused, especially when dismissal is involved.

  • The complainant challenged his dismissal, which
    occurred one year after he was hired as a tax
    recovery officer with the Department of Revenue.
    He alleged that he had been dismissed solely
    because his immediate supervisor, the section
    chief, did not like him. He also alleged that he
    had been the target of psychological harassment
    since the first day of his employment.
  • The arbitrator found that his poor performance
    had led to his dismissal, although he
    acknowledged that the employee's supervisor did
    carry out psychological harassment. Therefore,
    the arbitrator allowed the employee's grievance
    in part
  • - he ordered the employer to pay the employee an
    indemnity for the harassment he endured
  • - he rejected the employee's request for

HRM Practices(Leadership)
  • Leadership a type of interpersonal influence
    through which one individual leads another
    individual or group to properly carry out a task.
  • A number of theories
  • - Leadership based on consideration for others
  • - Leadership based on task structuring
  • - Situational leadership

HRM Practices(Leadership)
  • However, leadership can be poor or non-existent
  • - Laissez-faire Leader shirks responsibilities
    and avoids making decisions. Group members are
    left to their own devices. Results are all
  • - Results Poor performance, wasted time,
    inefficiency, dissatisfaction, group
    ineffectiveness, aggressive behaviour, divisions
    within the group.

HRM Practices(Leadership)
  • Incompetent leadership Leader lacks the will
    and/or ability to maintain effective action. With
    respect to at least one important leadership
    challenge, does not manage to produce positive
  • Rigid leadership Leader is rigid and inflexible.
    Although may be competent, is incapable of or
    unwilling to adapt to new ideas, new information
    or changing times.

HRM Practices(Leadership)
  • Overbearing leadership Leader lacks self control
    and is encouraged and backed up by supporters who
    refuse or are unable to intervene effectively.
  • Insensitive leadership Leader is insensitive and
    disagreeable. Needs, complaints and wishes of
    most members of the group or organization,
    particularly subordinates, are ignored or

HRM Practices(Leadership)
  • Corrupt leadership Leader lies, cheats or
    steals. To an abnormal extent, puts own interests
    ahead of the public interest.
  • Narrow-minded leadership Leader minimizes or
    does not take into account health and well-being
    of others, i.e. those outside the group or
    organization for which the leader is directly
  • Malicious leadership Leader commits atrocities.
    Uses suffering as an instrument of power. Harm
    done to men, women and children is quite serious.
    Harm may be physical, psychological or both.

  • Helen has been working as a server for a year and
    a half. She is being harassed by a co-worker
    because she was given the shift where servers
    make the best money. This co-worker has struck
    her, issued death threats and subjected her to
    verbal abuse. The labour standards board told her
    to call the police but she is reluctant to react,
    since she doesnt want to lose her job. She has
    talked to the owner about it, but the owner
    doesnt want to get involved in conflicts between
    her employees.

HRM Practices(Conflict Management)
  • Conflict A process that begins when one
    individual sees that another individual has had
    an adverse effect on or is about to have an
    adverse effect on something the first individual
    considers important.

HRM Practices(Conflict Management)
  • The goal is conflict resolutioneliminating the
    underlying causes of the conflict
  • Unresolved conflicts pave the way for other

Types of Conflicts
  • Substantive conflict Related to differences in
    views and opinions
  • - task-based
  • - concerns goals to be pursued or means of
    achieving them
  • - usually functional conflict
  • Emotional conflict Related more to a person than
    to a problem. Manifests through feelings of
    anger, mistrust, animosity, fear and bitterness
  • - dysfunctional conflict

Conflict Management
  • Indirect management Does not attack problems
    face on or try to resolve them by bringing
    together the people involved
  • Direct management Tries to resolve the conflict.
    It takes time and energy to find a solution

Indirect Conflict Management
  • Decrease in interdependence
  • - involves eliminating or restricting contact
    between the parties in conflict
  • Appeal to shared objectives
  • - refocuses the parties attention on the
    objectives to be achieved

Indirect Conflict Management
  • Recourse to higher authorities
  • Problems are sent up the line for superiors to
  • ATTENTION! Managers may be inclined to reduce
    conflicts to personalities.
  • - Too much stress
  • - Incompetence in managing conflicts
  • - Fundamental bias in assigning responsibility

Escalation of Conflict
  • Level 3
  • 9 - Total destruction and suicide
  • 8 - Fragmentation of the enemy
  • 7 - Campaigns of destruction
  • Level 2
  • 6 Threat strategies
  • 5 - Loss of face, moral excesses
  • 4 - Reputations, images and coalitions

Escalation of Conflict
  • Level 2
  • 3 Documents, not discussions
  • 2 - Polarization debates and polemics
  • 1 - Attempts at cooperation, tensions and

Myth 3
  • (Defence Mechanism)
  • Its not harassment, its a personality conflict.

Myth 4(Stigmatization)
  • People who are harassed have done something to
    deserve it.
  • It takes two to play that game.

Blaming the Victim
  • People who have not experienced harassment think
    the victim must have done something to cause the
    psychological harassment the victim must have
    behaved in such a way as to make the perpetrator
    act in this awful manner.

Blaming the Victim
  • People who have not experienced psychological
    harassment can continue to consider themselves
    safe or invulnerable if they can convince
    themselves that they are protected by being the
    kind of people they are.
  • By blaming the victims, people not only maintain
    their own illusion of invulnerability and safety
    but also minimize their feeling of responsibility
    for supporting the victims.

Blaming the Victim
  • Victims are stigmatized because they are going to
    break through the defence mechanisms that people
    have been erected to protect themselves from
  • People who have experienced harassment are
    powerful reminders of what can happen to anyone.

Myth 5(Personalization)
  • Harassment only happens to people who are weak.
  • Harassment happens to people who are atypical.
  • People who complain of harassment are too

Psychological Harassment versus Personality
  • Thus far, no specific personality traits have
    ever been associated with people who have
    experienced psychological harassment.
  • The causes lie in the social context and the
    power structures of organizations (Leymann, 1993
    Vartia, 1996 Salin, 2003 Soares, 2002 and 2004)

Myth 6(Linked to Gender)
  • Women are usually the victims of psychological
  • Women are more often the perpetrators of
    harassment, because they are more psychologically
    twisted, more spiteful

Gender in Harassment
  • Men are more hesitant to file a complaint, since
    it doesnt fit with the macho image.
  • Women seek psychological help more often than men

Gender in Harassment
  • In a traditionally female environment, attacks
    focused on peoples private lives are more often
    directed against men.
  • In a traditionally male environment, attacks
    focused on peoples private lives are more often
    directed against women

Gender in Harassment
  • The hostile strategies used against women are
    associated with verbal violence. The aim is to
    prevent the victim from expressing herself.
  • The hostile strategies used against men are
    designed more to discredit them in their work.

Gender in Harassment
  • Men are more often told that they are mentally
    ill. Here, the intention is to discredit the
    victim in the workplace.

Sex of Person Perpetrating Harassment ()
  • Study 1 Traditionally Female Environment
  • Male
  • Female
  • Male and Female

Sex of Person Perpetrating Harassment ()
  • Study 2 Traditionally Male Environment
  • Male
  • Female
  • Male and Female

Myth 7
  • People who say they are being harassed dont want
    to work.

Myth 8
  • You cant develop post-traumatic stress as a
    result of harassment.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder is a state of
    intense fear, terror and powerlessness caused by
    an unusual event that poses a real threat to a
    persons life or physical integrity. Its main
    symptoms are

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Memory problems, nightmares, difficulty
    concentrating, apathy, irritability, feelings of
    insecurity, difficulty falling asleep, early
    awakening, etc.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • A change in personality can occur when
    post-traumatic stress reaches a chronic phase.
  • -         Depression
  • -         Obsession

Myth 9
  • If you are being harassed, it is because you are
    not capable of confronting your harasser.

Strategies used to deal with psychological
  • Study 1 
  • I confronted the person(s) harassing me (51.5)
  • I ignored the person(s) harassing me (33.1)
  • I reported the harassment to a union
    representative (27.8)
  • I ignored the harassment (24.3)
  • I asked for the harassment to stop (17.2)
  • I reported the harassment to Human Resources
  • I asked for a job transfer (7.1)
  • I couldnt do anything (6.5)
  • I filed a grievance (5.9)
  • I threatened to tell everyone about the
    harassment (1.8)

Strategies used to deal with psychological
  • Study 2
  • I ignored the person(s) harassing me (34.1)
  • I confronted the person(s) harassing me (32.9)
  • I ignored the harassment (26.3)
  • I reported the harassment to a union
    representative (21.0)
  • I couldnt do anything (12.6)
  • I asked for a job transfer (12.0)
  • I asked for the harassment to stop (11.4)
  • I filed a grievance (5.4)
  • I reported the harassment to Human Resources

Myth 10
  • If I tell someone, no one will believe me.
  • We will never be able to prove that its
    psychological harassment.
  • You should not pursue it further because it will
    just prolong your suffering. It is better to
    leave and let it go.

Countering Psychological Harassment What can we
To Counter Psychological Harassment at Work
  • Information
  • Training
  • Change in work organization
  • Change in management model
  • Organizational policy
  • Collective agreement
  • Legislation

Psychological Harassment at Work ()
What can we do as individuals?
  • Take note of all actions
  • - Dates, schedules, nature of remarks,
    criticisms, accusations, emotions and feelings
  • - Answers given.

Strategies to be Adopted
  • Confrontation is not a good solution.
  • Try to stay calm and always be polite.
  • Keep copies of your annual appraisals, letters
    and memos about your ability to perform the work.

What can we do as a group?
  • Be aware of the problem
  • -         Many people think that psychological
    harassment is inevitable, that it is just part of
    the workplace, that it happens only to weak
  • Training materials, posters, brochures, etc. If
    your organization has a newsletter or news
    bulletin, you can include an article about
    psychological harassment.

  • In addition to providing psychological support,
    it is crucial to show solidarity with the victim
    of PH and the witnesses.
  • This show of solidarity will bring the group
    together and provide the support required to deal
    with the consequences of PH.
  • This solidarity will also show that it is not
    just one person but the whole organization that
    has been affected and that must react.
  • The importance of the return-to-work program.

Organizational Policy(Balashev syndrome)
  • The Balashev syndrome describes resistance by an
    organizational structure and/or organizational
    culture to the implementation of certain
    organizational policies.
  • Because of this syndrome, the existence of an
    organizational policy against psychological
    harassment is not in itself sufficient to prevent
    psychological harassment.
  • Many organizational policies exist in theory
    only, in a binder on a shelf. People are not very
    familiar with them or applying them is very
    complex, costly and disheartening. Therefore, in
    reality, there is no organizational policy
    capable of protecting the organization.

Need for the Policy to be a Living Document
  • Make sure people are familiar with your policy on
    psychological harassment in the workplace.
  • Make sure it is a dynamic policy.
  • Stress the positive and preventive aspects of
    your policy.

  • Thank you very much!
  • Angelo Soares
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