Jefferson to Jackson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jefferson to Jackson


Jefferson to Jackson 1796-1834 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jefferson to Jackson

Jefferson to Jackson
  • 1796-1834

The Frontier
  • Spain fighting in the war against France.
  • Spanish met with Thomas Pinckney - worried about
    newly reconciled Britain and US.
  • Pinckneys Treaty (The Treaty of San Lorenzo),
  • Agreed to boundary between the US and Louisiana.
  • Opened up the Mississippi to American ships.
  • Granted the right to store US exports in New
  • Allowed to carry out commercial transactions in
    the city.
  • Benefited 100,000 in Kentucky (admitted 1792) and
    Tennessee (1796), and several thousand in Ohio.

(No Transcript)
  • Life on frontier insecure.
  • Washington eager to clear Ohio Valley of Indians.
  • Many wealthy planters including Washington -
    owned thousands of acres.
  • In 1790, Washington sent a force to defeat the
    Miami and the Shawnee it failed (twice).
  • In August 1794, General Mad Anthony Wayne
    finally defeated them near present-day Toledo.
  • The victory over the Shawnee and Miami would have
    benefited Washington on the frontier but he also
    dispatched a force against farmers in Western
    Pennsylvania to collect a tax on whiskey.

  • People on the frontier drank a lot.
  • Rye whiskey - considered medicinal cheap.
  • Whiskey also a cash crop.
  • Westerners could not ship their grain until the
    Mississippi River was opened up for American
    trade in 1795 (via the Ohio that runs into the
  • The cost of transporting grain across the
    Appalachians was prohibitive.
  • Shipping liquor was far more profitable and a
    small profit could be made.

  • Hamilton instituted an excise tax 7 cents on
    the gallon in 1791.
  • profit wiped out by the tax the Pennsylvania
    farmers rioted The Whiskey Rebellion.
  • Washington and Hamilton asserted the new
    authority of the government.
  • Washington headed 15,000 troops to suppress the
  • Hamilton arrested a number of men who were
    sentenced to death for treason.
  • An army larger than the one that had defeated the
    British was sent out to crush a few farmers.
  • The event allowed the Federalists to assert state
    authority but it also assured that when
    political parties became full-blown entities the
    people of the western frontier would not be

  • Summer of 1796 - when Washington announced he
    would step down - two parties existed in all but
  • The Federalists supported Hamiltons financial
    policies, feared the French revolution, were
    friendly to England and accepted John Jays
  • Federalists were Hamilton, Jay, Adams and
    Washington and the urban rich.
  • Jefferson Republicans opposed Hamiltons fiscal
    policies, they liked the ideals of the French
    Revolution, they were suspicious of England, they
    despised Jays treaty, they tended to be rural
    and they disliked the idea of a too powerful a
    central government.

Election of 1796
  • Thomas Jefferson was the Republican candidate for
    president in 1796.
  • Officially, Vice President John Adams of
    Massachusetts was the Federalists candidate.
  • Diplomat Thomas Pinckney of South Carolina was
    the Federalists vice-presidential candidate.
  • Hamilton supported Pinckney for president.

  • In 1796 electors did not vote separately for
    president and vice-president.
  • Each elector wrote two names on his ballot.
  • The Candidate with the largest number of votes
    won, the candidate with the second largest vote
    became vice-president.
  • Nine states empowered their legislatures to
    select members of the electoral college - popular
    elections were held in only six states.
  • Hamilton persuaded Federalist politicians in the
    south to cast one of their votes for Pinckney.

  • The other vote was to go to some other candidate
    not Adams.
  • Adams supporters in New England withheld votes
    from Pinckney.
  • Adams won the election and Jefferson came in
  • If Adams had died in office, his chief political
    rival would take over.

John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
  • Adams was a moderate at heart, but could also be
    intolerant and angry.
  • Franklin described Adams as always honest and
    often great.
  • Adams sought advice from his wife Abigail on
  • Did not have the support of Hamilton, and so had
    only half a party behind him.

  • He did not inherit Washingtons cabinet.
  • Adams occupied with the threat of war with
  • Angered by Americas treaty with Britain Jays
    Treaty the French started seizing American
  • Hamiltons supporters the high Federalists
    demanded war with France.
  • Adams sent John Marshall and Elbridge Gerry to
    Paris to negotiate.

  • The diplomats were shunned by French foreign
    minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.
  • Talleyrand sent three henchmen - X,Y,Z, - that
    the minister would talk to the Americans if they
    agreed to
  • loan France 12 million.
  • with a gift of 250,000 to Talleyrand.

  • America declined.
  • Federalists urged Adams to put an army together
    led by Washington and Hamilton.
  • Adams feared a military coup from such an
    arrangement so he decided to build a navy.
  • Adams ordered the construction of 40 frigates and
    smaller warships a major jump from the three
    naval vessels inherited from Washington.

Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Jeffersons Republicans remained pro-French-
    Supporters were Irish immigrants.
  • Adams administration passed the Alien and
    Sedition Acts of 1798.
  • The Alien Act
  • Extended the period of residence required for
    American citizenship from 5 to 14 years.
  • Allowed the president to deport any foreigner
    whom he deemed dangerous to the peace and safety
    of the United States.
  • Gave the government authority to move against
    enemy aliens at home.
  • The Acts were due to expire in 1801, at the end
    of Adams term.

  • Sedition Act
  • Stiff fines and prison sentences for persons who
    published statements that held the United States
    government in contempt or disrepute.
  • Twenty-five cases were brought to trail ten
    were convicted.
  • Federalists convicted four important Republican
    newspaper editors.

  • Jefferson and James Madison believed that
    Congress had violated the Bill of Rights.
  • But who was to declare when Congress had acted
  • The answer Jefferson and Madison gave would
    contribute to the Civil War of 1861-1865.
  • The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  • Adopted in the legislatures of those states in
    1798 and 1799
  • The federal government was a voluntary compact of
    sovereign states.

  • Congress, therefore, was the creation of the
  • When Congress enacted a law that a state deemed
    unconstitutional, that state had the right to
    nullify the law within its boundaries.
  • Acting on this principle, the Virginia and
    Kentucky resolutions declared that the Alien and
    Sedition Acts did not apply in those states.
  • The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions challenged
    the supremacy of the federal government which the
    Constitution was written to establish.

  • No other state enacted the resolutions.
  • The death of Washington in December 1799 briefly
    calmed political tempers.
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts actually harmed the
    Federalists and improved the chances of a
    Republican victory.

The Election of 1800
  • Election marked by electoral college confusion.
  • Jeffersons 73 to Adams 65.
  • Political alignment in New York to the Jefferson
    Republican column.
  • New York the third biggest prize in presidential
    elections with 19 electoral votes.
  • The win for the Republicans was orchestrated by
    Hamiltons rival and political equal Aaron

  • Burr was the Republican vice-presidential
  • Plan for Burr to receive one less vote than
    Jefferson botched - 73 Republican electors
    voted for Jefferson and Burr so they tied.
  • The Constitution provided (and still does) that
    when no candidate wins a majority of votes in the
    electoral college, the House of Representatives,
    voting by state, not by individuals, chooses the

  • In 1800, this gave the Federalists the balance of
  • The votes of nine states were required for
  • The Republicans who voted for Jefferson
    controlled only eight state delegations in the
  • When the first ballot was taken, Jefferson
    received eight votes to Burrs six.
  • Two states were evenly divided.

  • In 1800, this gave the Federalists the balance of
  • The votes of nine states were required for
  • The Republicans, who dutifully voted for
    Jefferson controlled only eight state delegations
    in the House.
  • When the first ballot was taken, Jefferson
    received eight votes to Burrs six.
  • Two states were evenly divided.

  • The Federalists voted mainly for Burr, some
    because they believed Jefferson was a dangerous
  • After 35 deadlocked votes, a Delaware Federalist,
    James A. Bayard said he would change his vote to
    Jefferson - he didnt need to.
  • Hamilton extracted vague promises from Jefferson
    to continue Hamiltons fiscal policy and
    Federalist foreign policy.
  • Hamilton pressured a few Federalist Congressmen
    to abstain from voting.
  • Jefferson was elected on the 36th ballot on
    February 17, 1801.

  • The election of 1796 showed that party
    politicians were willing to manipulate the
    electoral process to serve factional ends.
  • The election of 1800 demonstrated that parties
    were permanent fixtures of the American political
  • This meant that the original procedure for
    electing the president was no longer workable.
  • In 1804, the 12th Amendment provided that
  • henceforth, electors would vote separately for
    president and vice-president the system we have

Thomas Jefferson
  • Jefferson
  • Wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  • Governor of Virginia during the Revolution.
  • Minister to France under the Articles of
  • First secretary of State.
  • 3rd President of the US.
  • Founded the University of Virginia.

  • A natural philosopher.
  • Invented the dumbwaiter, the swivel chair, and
    way to make multiple copies.
  • Possibly the first American to employ a French
  • No orator perhaps because of his lisp.
  • Not universally admired.
  • Critics saw him as a dangerous radical
    described as frivolous and immoral.

  • He knew he owed his election to Federalists and
    attempted to win over federalists in his
    inaugural address.
  • As president he abandoned some of his
    pre-presidential positions and adopted Federalist
    policies that he had previously condemned.
  • Said nothing more about the Kentucky and Virginia
  • Jefferson shunned the pomp and ceremony of
    Washington and Adams presidency.

  • The summer before his inauguration, the capital
    was moved to Federal City (Washington D.C).
  • Adams was the first president to live at the
    White House.
  • A hodgepodge of half-completed public buildings,
    ramshackle boarding houses, stables, vast tracts
    of wooded wilderness, swamps, and few private
  • No place for Congressmans families.
  • Social life was masculine and on the raw side
    Smokey card games, heavy drinking, even brawls
    and gun fights.
  • Jefferson pardoned the people imprisoned under
    the Sedition Act.

  • Restored the 5 year residency requirement for
    citizenship, and replaced Federalist
    officeholders with Republicans.
  • Jeffersons presidency not characterized by any
    great innovations in government.
  • The only innovation in governance that happened
    during Jeffersons presidency was effected by one
    of his bitterest enemies (and a distant cousin)
    the Federalist chief Justice of the Supreme
    Court, John Marshall.

Marbury v. Madison
  • Adams appointed 42 Federalists to the bench
    Midnight Judges.
  • Federal judges served for life
  • Wanted to ensure that the judiciary would remain
    a bastion of Federalist principles.

  • The appointment of midnight judges would become
    standard procedure.
  • William Marbury
  • Document that entitled Marbury to his job was not
    delivered before March 4th, when Jefferson took
    the oath of office.
  • According to the Judiciary Act of 1789, the
    secretary of State, James Madison as of March
    4th, was obligated to deliver the commission.

  • When Madison refused to do so, Marbury sued for a
    writ of mandamus a court order that means we
    compel a government official to perform the
    duties of his office.
  • By 1803 the case was before the Supreme Court.
  • Court was dominated by Marshall (30years).
  • In his ruling in the case of Marbury v.
    Madison, he scolded Madison for unseemly

  • However, Marshall ruled that a section of the law
    under which Marbury had sued was
  • Said Congress had no Constitutional right to give
    the federal courts the powers the Judiciary Act
    of 1789 accorded it.
  • Asserted the Supreme Courts right to decide
    which acts of Congress were constitutional, and
    which unconstitutional the right of Judicial

The Louisiana Purchase
  • Jefferson also reinterpreted the Constitution in
    the most important action of his first term - The
    Louisiana Purchase.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to reassert French
    power in North America.
  • Napoleons plan wanted to force Spain a client
    state to return Louisiana to France.
  • With Louisiana, Napoleon could feed the people
    from within a French empire.
  • In 1801, by secret treaty, Napoleon regained

  • Almost immediately the right to use New Orleans
    and the Mississippi guaranteed by Pinckneys
    Treaty was revoked.
  • The free navigation of the Mississippi was vital
    to 400,000 Americans.
  • War with France seemed likely, but would require
    a naval siege of New Orleans.
  • An alliance with the British was repugnant to

  • Offered France 2 million for a tract of land on
    the Mississippi.
  • In January 1803 sent James Monroe to Paris to
    offer 10 million for New Orleans and West
  • But the French had offered the American minister
    to France all of Louisiana for 15 million.
  • France did this because a slave uprising in Haiti
    had defeated 30,000 French troops.

  • The Louisiana deal was sealed despite the fact
    that it was without constitutional sanction.

  • Jefferson sent out Meriwether Lewis, and William
    Clark to explore the new territory. They reached
    the pacific in November, 1805.
  • The tribes of the Northwest, had been dealing
    with Americans and Europeans for years.
  • The West served Jeffersons rural republican
    party well.
  • Jefferson easily elected to a second term in

Jeffersons Second Term
  • First Barbary War (1801-1805).
  • To end tribute.
  • Tribute v. ransom
  • War between Britain and France.
  • This war came to a head in 1805, when Lord Nelson
    defeated Napoleons navy at the Battle of
  • The British and French then settled down to
    economic warfare, each aiming to ruin the other
    by crippling their trade.
  • The British issued the Orders of Council
    forbidding neutrals (the U.S.) from trading in
    Europe unless first stopping in a British port
    for a license.

  • New England merchants could have lived with this
    situation many tended to be pro-British,
    however, Napoleon retaliated by enacting the
    Berlin and Milan decrees of 1806 and 1807.
  • Known as the Continental System, any neutral
    vessels that observed the Orders in Council
    would be seized by the French.
  • American merchants were caught in the middle.
  • Within a year the British had seized 1,000
    American ships and the French 500.

  • But the Americans were still making massive
    amounts of money.
  • British began impressments of American sailors.
  • Jefferson decided to respond by passing the
    Embargo Act of 1807, American ships in port were
    forbidden to leave.
  • All imports and exports were prohibited.

  • The embargo was total economic war.
  • Britain hurt by the embargo, but so were
    Americans who did business with foreign markets.
  • The embargo ended up costing Americans 3 times
    what a war would have.
  • Congress repealed the embargo in 1808.

James Madison
  • In 1808 James Madison won the election.
  • Madisons first attempt to resolve the dispute
    over trade the Non-Intercourse Act opened
    trade with all nations except France and Britain.
  • The act provided that whichever of the two
    belligerents agreed to respect the rights of
    American shipping would get the right to trade
    with America back.
  • In London the American minister negotiated a
    favorable treaty with Britain and Madison renewed
    trade with England.

  • Then the British repudiated the agreement
    -Madison humiliated.
  • In May 1810, the Republicans created Macons Bill
  • reopened trade with Britain and France,
  • with the condition that as soon as either agreed
    to American terms the U.S. would cut off trade to
    the other.
  • With no intention of stopping French captains
    from seizing American vessels, Napoleon revoked
    the Continental System, and as Macons Bill No.2
    required, Madison cut off trade with Britain.

The War of 1812
  • On June 16th 1812, with Napoleon invading Russia,
    Britain canceled their Orders in Council.
  • But the news of this diplomatic victory for
    Madison did not reach him in time.
  • He asked Congress for a declaration of war
    against Britain.
  • On the face of it, the War of 1812, was fought to
    defend the rights of American shipping on the
    high seas.

  • Mercantile New England - largely Federalist
    were against the war.
  • The demands for war had come from Jefferson
    Republicans in the agricultural regions of the
  • These farmers who lived by exporting their crops
    suffered from British depredations at sea because
    the farmers unsold crops were useless.
  • Britains interference in Americas overseas
    trade was a real problem for American farmers.

  • Supporters of the war also resented Britains
    continued support of the Indians in the Northwest
  • Westerners were in continual conflict with the
    native-American groups there and the supporters
    of the war saw it as an opportunity to break the
    back of Indian military power.
  • Many of the War Hawks even spoke of invading
    Canada to get rid of British influence in North
    America for good.

  • With the war against Napoleon in Europe nearing
    its climax, Britain had left 2,200 professional
    soldiers in North America.
  • To defend Canada, they relied on a confederacy of
    Indian tribes led by a Shawnee chief named
  • In August 1812, the Americans began a
    three-pronged attack on Canada.

  • The Canadians counterattacked and captured
    Detroit, while there Indian allies destroyed the
    stockade at Chicago, then called Fort Dearborn.
  • Americans were able to secure Lake Erie and
    burned the capital of upper Canada, York
  • The British attempted to invade New York, but
    were stopped at Lake Champlain.
  • But in August 1814, the British launched an
    amphibious raid on Washington DC.
  • In revenge for the burning of York, the British
    burned the Capitol and the White House.
  • James and Dolly Madison narrowly escaped capture.

  • The British hadnt wanted the American war, but
    when Napoleon abdicated in 1814, it freed a large
    number of British soldiers to fight in America.
  • The British began peace talks at Ghent in
    Belgium, and also came up with a plan to seize
    lower Louisiana.
  • Britain sent 8,000 troops to attack New Orleans.
  • What looked like a disaster would become one of
    the great military victories for America and the
    making of a national hero Andrew Jackson.

Battle of New Orleans
  • Andrew Jackson
  • a slave-holding planter
  • self-educated lawyer
  • land speculator
  • Indian-fighter
  • Killed 2,000 redcoats and lost only 7 Americans.
  • The Treaty of Ghent which restored Anglo-American
    relations to what they had been before the war
    was actually signed before the Battle of New

  • Such a victory seemed a reaffirmation of the
    nations splendid destiny.
  • Within three years of the battle, America had
    crushed the Creek tribe in the Southeast, and
    stung the Barbary pirates of Algeria.
  • Americans began to take a prominent role in the
    world where armed might was a sign of
  • Moreover, another of these measures, a nations
    sway over vast territory, also captured the
    attention of the Europeans.
  • Americans were moving west into areas they
    regarded as empty.

James Monroe
  • After 1815 America began to coalesce into a more
    unified entity.
  • It is at this time that July 4th begins to be
  • James Monroe, of Virginia would preside over
    relative stability and prosperity at time
    characterized by relative political unity.
  • A key event in his presidency was the Monroe
  • In 1823, the president wrote to Congress and
    Europe that the United States would no longer be
    considered an appendage of the Old World. The
    United states pledged not to interfere or dabble
    in European affairs. In return Europe was to
    consider the western Hemisphere closed to further
    colonization and would be considered by the US as
    an act of war.

  • One of Hamiltons dreams, and Jeffersons
    nightmare, was the gradual movement toward
    industrialization in America.
  • It began with the cloth industry.
  • Mills were built alongside fast moving rivers
    using technology smuggled out of England who
    closely guarded their technology secrets.
  • With plenty of resources and capital flowing from
    the merchants and shippers of the northeast, it
    seemed to Americans that the US had been built
    for industrialization.
  • Banks were a new phenomenon in 19th century
    America, but they made it easier to channel
    capital where it was needed.

Lowell Mills
  • Industrialization, undercut traditional
    handicrafts and American labor shifted from
    cottage-industry to factories.
  • First successful factory systems was instituted
    by Francis Cabot Lowell who persuaded farmers to
    send their young daughters to his factories in
    Waltham, Massachusetts.
  • For 70 hours a week, the girls sat at the
    machines where they earned 3 per week.
  • Half of their pay went to room and board at
    company owned lodging houses.
  • Their lives were highly regulated both physically
    and morally.

Plan of Lowell, Massachusetts
  • Southerners reaffirmed their agrarian heritage.
  • In 1782, African American slavery appeared to
    be dying out.
  • The northern states took steps to abolish slavery
    in late 18th century.
  • Slavery was never vital to the northern economy
    so the north could afford to practice the
    revolutions principle of liberty.

  • Slavery was also in decline in the South during
    the Revolutionary era.
  • The world price of tobacco one of the few crops
    using slave labor collapsed.
  • Many of the old tobacco fields exhausted.
  • Many Southerners saw slavery as a necessary evil,
    and in 1808, when congress outlawed further
    importation of slaves from Africa, few objected.

  • At the peace talks in Ghent in 1815, American and
    British ministers talked about collaborating to
    suppress illegal traders.
  • Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin
  • A way to separate the fiber from the plants
    sticky seeds.

(No Transcript)
  • Technology had come to the South, but not
  • The effects of Eli Whitneys machine were
  • the revival of the Souths traditional one-crop
  • the domination of southern society by large
  • and the re-invigoration of slavery.
  • The fertile upland belt that extends from South
    Carolina and Georgia through East Texas was
    perfect cotton country.

  • Southerners poured into Alabama, Mississippi, and
    northern Louisiana and eventually Arkansas.
  • Most were wealthy planters who brought with them
    women, and slaves.
  • By 1820 half the population of Mississippi were
    black and in bondage.
  • The price of slaves soared.
  • Slaves who were becoming a financial burden in
    Virginia and Maryland were valuable commodities
    in the new cotton south.
  • Slave holders from as far north as New Jersey
    sold their slaves to cotton planters.

  • There were still a few slaves in the North to be
    sold in 1819.
  • Most states had adopted a gradualist approach to
  • no person born or brought into the state after a
    certain date could be enslaved.
  • By 1819, a clear-cut line between slave states
    and free states.
  • North of the Pennsylvania/Maryland border and the
    Ohio River slavery was forbidden.

The Missouri Compromise, 1820
  • South slavery remained a vital part of society
    and the economy.
  • Application of the Missouri Territory to be
    admitted to the Union as a state ignited
    sectional tension.
  • Most of Missouri lay north of the Ohio River.
  • Northern representatives called for Missouri
    forbid importation of slaves and to free all
    slaves in the state when they reached 25 years

  • Monroe encouraged compromise in the Congress.
  • Henry Clay known as the Great Compromiser who
    devised a plan.
  • Clay proposed that Missouri be admitted to the
    Union as those who wrote its Constitution wished
    as a slave state.
  • Clay proposed that the southern boundary of
    Missouri, 36 30 north latitude, be extended
    through the remainder of American territory.
  • North of that line slavery was forever

(No Transcript)
  • South of that line - Arkansas Territory and
    Florida citizens of the state could decide to
    be a slave state or a free state.
  • The Missouri compromise an informal
    institutionalization of a balance between free
    states and slave states.
  • There were 22 states in the Union in 1819, 11
    free, 11 slave.
  • When Missouri was admitted the Maine district of
    Massachusetts admitted as a free state.

  • For 30 years, Congress admitted states in pairs,
    preserving the balance.
  • Problems
  • Most of the new territories above the 36 North
  • Inevitable a territory would eventually seek
    admission to the Union as a free state with no
    slave state to balance it.
  • Population of the free north increasing faster
    than south.

Andrew Jackson
  • Seventh president.
  • Self-educated man.
  • 13 years old in Revolutionary War.
  • General Jackson a national hero after the Battle
    of New Orleans.
  • First president from the west.

  • 1824 presidential election
  • Jacksonians called the 1824 election the "Stolen
  • Jackson won the popular vote - not have enough
    electoral votes to win.
  • Election had to be decided by the House of
  • Jackson's opponents Henry Clay of Kentucky -
    Speaker of the House, John Quincy Adams of Mass.
    - Secretary of State and William H. Crawford of
    Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury.

  • Anti-Jacksonites coalesced around a hatred of the
    savage Jackson and called themselves National
  • Let the people rule! - Jacksons supporters
    called themselves Democratic Republicans soon
    abbreviated to democrats.
  • Leading up to the 1828 election Jackson and his
    followers continually criticized the Adams

  • Jackson said he was the people's candidate argued
    the elite had disregarded the peoples choice in
  • Jackson defeated Adams in the 1828 election and
    four years later defeated Clay in the election of
  • During the 1828 campaign the Adams camp accused
    Jackson and his wife of adultery.

  • Andrew Jackson first to do a number of things
  • First to marry a divorcee.
  • First populist president who did not come from
    the aristocracy although many of his democratic
    supporters did.
  • Jackson was the result of 50 years of democratic

  • Though Jeffersonians saw themselves as natural
    aristocrats, they believed that the people should
  • The 1820s and 30s would be an extraordinary time
    of democratic upheaval.
  • Americans were becoming increasingly prosperous
    and had more time to think about public affairs.
  • Andrew Jackson would ride this democratization
    wave which was particularly influenced by the

  • In an attempt to attract population, the young
    western states extended the right to vote to all
    free, adult white males and passed various laws
    that benefited the poor.
  • Eastern states fearful of losing population,
    responded by enacting their own legislation
    designed to appeal to the common man.
  • Some of the new voters built parties around
    social issues workingmens parties sprung up in
    eastern cities the Workies would eventually
    integrate into the democratic party.

  • He was the first to be nominated at a national
    convention (his second term).
  • The first democratic Convention met in 1832.
  • The anti-Jackson National-Republicans followed
    suit a few years later.
  • He was the first president to unapologetically
    represent a political party.
  • He made it quite clear that his supporters would
    take key jobs in the government.

  • The first president to use the "pocket veto" to
    kill a congressional bill.
  • Jackson believed in a strong presidency and he
    vetoed a dozen pieces of legislation, more than
    the first six presidents put together.
  • Jackson also believed in a strong Union
  • open opposition with Southern legislators,
    especially those from South Carolina, including
    his Vice-President John Calhoun who was
    replaced by Martin van Buren for the second term.

  • But Jackson would have trouble with the states.
  • In 1828 Congress passed a high protective tariff
    on all manufactured goods signed into law by
    Quincy Adams.
  • South Carolinian cotton planters believed that
    their crop was paying the whole countys bills
    and underwriting industrial development.

  • Cotton accounted for half the wealth that poured
    into the U.S.
  • Much of the tariff on manufactured goods was
    diverted to the North.
  • President had decided that the national wealth
    should be used to industrialize those who were
    not interested in industrialization, like the
    South Carolinians were in a minority.
  • The tariff looked unfair, but constitutional.

  • South Carolina legislature passed an Ordinance of
    Nullification, which rejected the tariff and
    declared the tariff invalid in South Carolina.
  • This nullification could only be overruled if
    3/4ths of the other states overruled the
  • In such an event, the nullifying state could
    chose between capitulation, or succession from
    the union.
  • In 1832 Jackson signed into law an even higher
  • The South Carolinians declared the law null and

  • Jackson responded with threats.
  • Henry Clay worked out compromise tariff just low
    enough for South Carolina to agree to pay - 1833.
  • Incident a precursor of the positions that would
    lead almost thirty years later to the Civil War.

Bank of the United States
  • Refused to sanction the re-charter of the Bank of
    the United States.
  • Argued Congress had not had the authority to
    create the Bank in the first place.
  • Viewed the Bank as operating for the primary
    benefit of the upper classes at the expense of
    working people.
  • Jackson vetoed re-charter.
  • The Bank ceased to exist when its charter expired
    in 1836.

Indian Removal Act
  • Jackson led troops against the Creek War and the
    First Seminole War.
  • During first administration the Indian Removal
    Act was passed in 1830.
  • The act offered the Indians land west of the
    Mississippi in return for evacuation of their
    tribal homes in the east.
  • About 100 million acres of traditional Indian
    lands were cleared under this law.
  • Refused to enforce Supreme Court's ruling in
    Worcester vs. Georgia in which the Court found
    that the State of Georgia did not have the right
    to move the Cherokees.

  • In 1838-1839 Georgia evicted the Cherokees and
    forced them to march west.
  • 25 of the Indians were dead before they reached
  • The "Trail of Tears.
  • Took place after Jackson's presidency, the roots
    of the march can be found in Jackson's failure to
    uphold the legal rights of Native Americans
    during his administration.

  • Two new states under Jackson - Arkansas in 1836
    and Michigan in 1837.
  • Appointed Roger Taney who had an impact on
    American life long after Jackson's retirement.
  • In 1836 Taney succeeded John Marshall as Chief
  • Gave permission for states to restrict
  • Destroyed a transportation monopoly in
    Massachusetts, establishing the principle in U.S.
    law that the public good is superior to private

  • By 1834, the realignment of politics that was
    forced by Jacksons triumphs was complete.
  • In the Congressional elections that year, the old
    National-Republicans joined with former Jackson
    supporters who objected to his vetoes etc., - the
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