What Happens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What Happens


What Happens When I Die? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What Happens

What Happens When I Die?
What is Mankinds Greatest fear ?

Every time I heard a gunshot I realized Im a
coward Im afraid of dying. Gen. George Patten
Men fear the unknown and that which they dont
Job 14 14 If a man dies, will he live again?
All the days of my struggle I will wait until my
change comes.
Science can give no comfort to those who fear
Those who trust Gods inspired word have no
uncertainty and should have not fear.
I. Death is a certainty for all
people. Its when ... Not if I die.
Our society is obsessed with statistics ... We
keep stats about most everything.
Gods word clearly teaches that all people will
die. Science can extend life, but no one on
earth will ever live forever.
The prophet David declared.
II Samuel 14 14 For we will surely die and are
like water spilled on the ground ...
The death of all mankind is a result of sin.
Roman 5 12 Therefore, just as through one man
sin entered into the world, and death through
sin, and so death spread to all men, because all
Though all will die because of Adam all will live
again because of Christ.
I Corinthians 15 22 For as in Adam all die, so
also in Christ all will be made alive.
cf - John 5 25-29
II. What Is death ? Many fear death
because its an unknown.
In order to understand death one must first
understand the nature of man. Man is created in
the image of God.
Man is body, soul, and spirit.
I Thessalonians 5 23 Now may the God of peace
Himself sanctify you entirely and may your
spirit and soul and body be preserved complete,
without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus
God Gave man life from Himself.
Genesis 2 7 Then the Lord God formed man of
dust from the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life and man became a
living soul. ( being )
Death is a reversal of that process.
Ecclesiastes 12 67 Remember Him before the
silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is
crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and
the wheel at the cistern is crushed 7 then the
dust will return to the earth as it was, and the
spirit will return to God who gave it.
When God reclaims the spirit which He gave, man
is no longer alive.
James 2 26 For just as the body without the
spirit is dead, so also faith without works is
III. What happens when a lost
person dies ?
There are a multitude of false doctrines taught
about what happens after death.
When anyone dies, ( lost or saved ) his body
returns to dust.
God separates the souls of the lost from the
souls of the saved and puts them in different
Psalms 16 10 For You will not abandon my soul
to Sheol Nor will You allow Your Holy One to
undergo decay.
Acts 2 27 Because You will not abandon my soul
to Hades, Nor allow Your Holy One to undergo
The place of the wicked Is called Hell
which translates the word Geenna. Gehinna is
a figure based on a specific geographic location.
From our text weve seen that the unsaved are in
a place of torment. ( Luke 16 )
II Thessalonians 1 9 These will pay the penalty
of eternal destruction, away from the presence of
the Lord and from the glory of His power,
IV. What happens when a saved
person dies ?
Like the lost, a saved person also knows his fate
immediately at the moment of death.
Luke 16 22 Now the poor man died and was
carried away by the angels to Abrahams bosom
Luke 23 43 And He said to him, Truly I say to
you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.
When a saved soul leaves the body it goes to be
with the Lord.
II Corinthians 5 6-8 Therefore, being always
of good courage, and knowing that ?? while we are
at home in the body we are absent from the
Lord7 for ??we walk by faith, not by
??sight8 we are of good courage, I say, and
??prefer rather to be absent from the body and
??to be at home with the Lord.
II Thessalonians 1 13-18  But ??we do not want
you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who
??are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do
??the rest who have ??no hope. 14 For if we
believe that Jesus died and rose again, ??even so
God will bring with Him ??those who have fallen
asleep ??in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you ??by
II Thessalonians 1 13-18 ... continued the
word of the Lord, that ??we who are alive ??and
remain until ??the coming of the Lord, will not
precede ??those who have fallen asleep. 16 For
the Lord ??Himself ??will descend from heaven
with a ????shout, with the voice of ??the
archangel and with the ??trumpet of God, and
??the dead in Christ will rise first.
II Thessalonians 1 13-18 ...
Continued 17 Then ??we who are alive ??and remain
will be ??caught up together with them ??in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we
shall always ??be with the Lord. 18 Therefore
comfort one another with these words.
V. A Christian should never fear
death ... we await it with great
Your life on this earth may be great, but if you
are saved, it is the worst thing you will every
have to endure
II Peter 3 10 But the day of the Lord will come
like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away
with a roar and the elements will be destroyed
with intense heat, and the earth and its works
will be burned up.
II Corinthians 5 1-2 For we know that if the
tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we
have a building from God, a house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For indeed in
this house we groan, longing to be clothed with
our dwelling from heaven,
I Corinthians 15 53 For this perishable must
put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put
on immortality.
It is irrational for a Christians to fear
death. BUT very reasonable for the lost to do
Hebrews 2 14-15 Therefore, since the
children share in flesh and blood, He Himself
likewise also partook of the same, that through
death He might render powerless him who had the
power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and might
free those who through fear of death were subject
to slavery all their lives.
Phillippians 1 21-24 For to me, ??to live is
Christ and to die is gain. 22  ??But if I am to
live on in the flesh, this will mean ??fruitful
labor for me and I do not know ??which to
choose. 23 But I am hard-pressed from both
directions, having the ??desire to depart and
??be with Christ, for that is very much better
24 yet to remain on in the flesh is more
necessary for your sake.
II Corinthians 4 16-18 Therefore we ??do
not lose heart, but though our outer man is
decaying, yet our ??inner man is ??being renewed
day by day. 17 For momentary, ??light affliction
is producing for us an eternal weight of glory
far beyond all
II Corinthians 4 16-18 ... continued
comparison, 18 while we ??look not at the things
which are seen, but at the things which are not
seen for the things which are seen are temporal,
but the things which are not seen are eternal.
What happens when we die ? It depends on what
happened while we were alive !!
We do not cease to exist. We do not just sleep.
Our soul remains aware and maintains its
senses as if it were still in the body.
Jesus wants to be with us. We should want to be
with Him.
John 14 1-4 Do not let your heart be
troubled ??believe in God, believe also in Me.
2 In My Fathers house are many dwelling places
if it were not so, I would have told you for ??I
go to prepare a place for you. 3 If I go and
prepare a place for you, ??I will come again and
receive you to Myself, that ??where I am, there
you may be also.
The Christians attitude toward death should be
one of Joyful expectation of good to come.
Trust in the Lords promise.
John 11 25-26 Jesus said to her, I am the
resurrection and the life he who believes in Me
will live even if he dies, 26 and everyone who
lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you
believe this?
If one has faith to believe he cannot help but be
eager to receive.
Romans 2 25 But if we hope for what we do not
see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.
( Cf. Heb. 111 .. Faith is )
There is not reason to fear death is but a door
through which one passes from one realm to the
What one does in this realm determines which
realm he enters next.
If one places his faith in Jesus, obeys His
gospel message and follows Him on this earth,
hell dwell in His house in the next.
The choice is yours. Make it today.
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