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Bell ringer class discussion What type of parents do we have? * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Bell ringer

Bell ringer class discussion
  • What type of parents do we have?

Child-Rearing Practices
Practice Description
Authoritarian Parents impose rules and expect obedience.
Permissive Parents submit to childrens demands.
Authoritative Parents are demanding but responsive to their children.
Writing Assignment 15 minutes free write must
be in complete sentences and paragraph form
  • Referencing the three parenting styles which
    type of parenting style have your parents used?
    Has it been good/bad? What if you could get them
    to change their style, would you and to what? If
    not, why? If/when you have a child, which type of
    parenting style do you hope to employ?

Many psychologists once believed that our traits
were set during childhood. Today psychologists
believe that development is a lifelong process.
Adolescence is defined as a life between
childhood and adulthood.
AP Photo/ Jeff Chiu
Puberty - K-W-L
  • Create a three column chart labled K-W-L
  • K What do you Know about puberty?
  • W- What do you Want to know about puberty?
  • L- What did you Learn about puberty?

Bell Ringer What did you learn from Puberty
Before Age 10 A New Normal? NY Times
  • What is the main idea of the article?
  • Precocious puberty isnt necessarily abnormal
    but girls are beginning to show signs of puberty
    earlier and earlier.
  • What findings were published in the
    Herman-Giddenss study?
  • Out of 17,000 girls average precocious
    puberty in white girls began at age 10
  • Average precocious puberty in black girls is 9

  • What criticism was there of the Herman-Giddenss
  • The girls studied were primarily from medical
    facilities (not random) at or around the same
  • In August 2010, another study was conducted in
    CA, OH, and NY. Why would this study be
    considered more accurate?
  • The girls studied were from different regions of
    the country (East, Midwest, West)
  • What were the findings of this new study?
  • By age 7 10 white, 23 black, 15 Hispanic,
    and 2 Asian started showing signs of
    precocious puberty

  • According to experts, what are contributing
    factors to precocious puberty?
  • Overweight more weight means higher levels of
    the hormone leptin higher estrogen levels
    resist insulin which burns fat vicious cycle
    that leads to precocious puberty
  • Exposure to environmental chemicals unethical
    to test on humans can identify accidental
    exposure eating meat/drinking milk from
    inadvertently exposed cows Introduction of BPA
    from common household items (hard plastic,
    paper, etc)
  • Family stress girls in father-less house have a
    greater chance of starting puberty earlier -
    also presence of step-father can have a similar
    effect divorce parental deviant behavior
    if life is hard best to mature young

What effect does precocious puberty have on
  • Social Problems developing before peers can
    lead to low self-esteem, depression, more eating
  • More likely to display high-risk behaviors -
    Begin drinking earlier and become more sexually
    active lose virginity earlier

How have some mothers tried to delay puberty in
their daughters?
  • Exercise with their daughters, cut out
    food/beverages with hormones
  • Treat their daughters normally, addressing their
    mental, emotional, and physical health

Physical Development
Adolescence begins with puberty (sexual
maturation). Puberty occurs earlier in females
(11 years) than males (13 years). Thus height
in females increases before males.
Primary Sexual Characteristics
During puberty primary sexual characteristics
the reproductive organs and external genitalia
develop rapidly.
Ellen Senisi/ The Image Works
Secondary Sexual Characteristics
Also secondary sexual characteristicsthe
nonreproductive traits such as breasts and hips
in girls and facial hair and deepening of voice
in boys develop. Pubic hair and armpit hair grow
in both sexes.
Brain Development
Until puberty, neurons increase their
connections. However, at adolescence, selective
pruning of the neurons begins. Unused neuronal
connections are lost to make other pathways more
Frontal Cortex
During adolescence, neurons in the frontal cortex
grow myelin, which speeds up nerve conduction.
The frontal cortex lags behind the limbic
systems development. Hormonal surges and the
limbic system may explain occasional teen
Cognitive Development
Adolescents ability to reason gives them a new
level of social awareness. In particular, they
may think about the following
  1. Their own thinking.
  2. What others are thinking.
  3. What others are thinking about them.
  4. How ideals can be reached. They criticize
    society, parents, and even themselves.

Developing Reasoning Power
According to Piaget, adolescents can handle
abstract problems, i.e., they can perform formal
operations. Adolescents can judge good from evil,
truth and justice, and think about God in deeper
William Thomas Cain/ Getty Images
AP/Wide World Photos
Morality Scenerio
  • Heinz is married to Gretchen. Gretchen is very
    sick. There is only one medication that the
    doctors think will help save Gretchens life.
    Because it is experimental and very expensive,
    the insurance company wont pay for it. Heinz
    can only come up with half of the cost and ask
    the druggist to sell it for a lower price and
    allow Heinz to pay the rest later. The druggist
    who discovered the drug wont lower the price for
    Heinz, saying I discovered the drug, I am going
    to make money from it. Heinz loves Gretchen
    very much so he broke into the drug store to
    steal the drug for his wife.

Morality Scenerio
  1. What should Heinz have done?
  2. Why do you think he did what he did?
  3. What would be reasons not to break into the drug

Developing Morality
Kohlberg (1981, 1984) sought to describe the
development of moral reasoning by posing moral
dilemmas to children and adolescents, such as
Should a person steal medicine to save a loved
ones life? He found stages of moral development.
AP Photo/ Dave Martin
Moral Thinking
  1. Preconventional Morality Before age 9, children
    show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward.
  2. Conventional Morality By early adolescence,
    social rules and laws are upheld for their own
  3. Postconventional Morality Affirms peoples
    agreed-upon rights or follows personally
    perceived ethical principles.

Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Reasoning, analyze
  • Preconventional Morality
  • Conventional Morality

Postconvential Morality
  • Gains approval / avoids disapproval
  • He saved Gretchens life
  • What would people think of him if he let her die
  • Does duty to support society / avoids dishonor
    or guilt
  • He made marriage vows to protect his wife
  • Affirms agreed-upon rights
  • Everyone agrees that people have the right to
  • Abstract, autonomous moral principal
  • Saving a life is more important then following
    the law
  • Avoids Punishment
  • Gretchens family will be mad at him
  • Gains Rewards
  • Gretchen lives
  • Heinz has company
  • She makes him delicious meals

Other moral dilemmas
  • Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development
  • Copying a homework assignment
  • Cheating on a test
  • Driving over the speed limit
  • Student supplied dilemma
  • Preconventional Morality
  • Avoids punishment
  • Gains Rewards
  • Conventional Morality
  • Gains approval/Avoids disapproval
  • Duty to society/Avoids dishonor or guilt
  • Postconventional Morality
  • Affirms agreed-upon rights
  • Abstract, autonomous moral principle

Moral Feeling
Moral feeling is more than moral thinking. When
posed with simulated moral dilemmas, the brains
emotional areas only light up when the nature of
the dilemmas is emotion-driven.
Moral Action
Moral action involves doing the right thing.
People who engage in doing the right thing
develop empathy for others and the
self-discipline to resist their own impulses.
Bell Ringer Due in 5 minutes
  • What are the three stages in Kohlbergs Theory of
    Moral Reasoning?
  • Identify one example for each stage using the
    following scenario.
  • Stealing food to feed your hungry child.

Homework Pg. 170 in text
  • Explain each stage in Eriksons Stages of
    Psychosocial development
  • What are the two outcomes in each stage?

Erik Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development
Forming an Identity
In Western cultures, many adolescents try out
different selves before settling into a
consistent and comfortable identity. Having such
an identity leads to forming close relationships.
Matthias Clamer/ Getty Images
Leland Bobble/ Getty Images
Parent and Peer Influence
Although teens become independent of their
parents as they grow older, they nevertheless
relate to their parents on a number of things,
including religiosity and career choices. Peer
approval and relationships are also very
  • Lynds Alwin Bernt Bernt
  • (1929) (1978) (1989) (1997)
  • Frankness/honesty 27
    26 56 38
  • Desire to make a name for ones self
    5 1 3
  • Concentration 9
    7 0 0
  • Social mindedness 13
    26 48 30
  • Strict obedience 45
    17 8 0
  • Appreciation of art, music
    9 5 12
  • Economy in money matters 25
    17 11 30
  • Loyalty to the church 50
    22 12 11
  • Knowledge of sexual hygiene 15
    8 3 4
  • Tolerance of others 6 47
    15 11
  • Curiosity 1 10 17
  • Patriotism 21 4 5
  • Good manners 30 23
    8 30
  • Independence 25 76 40
  • Academic Achievement 19 6
    17 30
  • Willingness to work hard --
    -- 45 64

Emerging Adulthood
Emerging adulthood spans ages 18-25. During this
time, young adults may live with their parents
and attend college or work. On average, emerging
adults marry in their mid-twenties.
Ariel Skelley/ Corbis
Although adulthood begins sometime after a
persons mid-twenties, defining adulthood into
stages is more difficult than defining stages
during childhood or adolescence.
Rick Doyle/ Corbis
Physical Development
The peak of physical performance occurs around 20
years of age, after which it declines
imperceptibly for most of us. Unless you are Mr.
Guarnieri he is in peak physical performance now
Middle Adulthood
Muscular strength, reaction time, sensory
abilities and cardiac output begin to decline
after the mid-twenties. Around age 50, women go
through menopause, and men experience decreased
levels of hormones and fertility.
Bettman/ Corbis
Willie Mays batting performance.
Old Age Life Expectancy
Life expectancy at birth increased from 49 in
1950 to 67 in 2004 and to 80 in developed
countries. Women outlive men and outnumber them
at most ages. Around 80 of people 100 or older
are women
Gorges Gobet/ AP Photo
Old Age Sensory Abilities
After age 70, hearing, distance perception, and
the sense of smell diminish, as do muscle
strength, reaction time, and stamina. After 80,
neural processes slow down, especially for
complex tasks.
Michael Newman/ PhotoEdit
Old Age Motor Abilities
At age 70, our motor abilities also decline. A
70-year-old is no match for a 20-year-old
individual. Fatal accidents also increase around
this age.
Dementia Mental Deterioration
With increasing age, the risk of dementia also
increases. Dementia is not a normal part of
growing old.
Alan Oddie/ PhotoEdit
Old Age Alzheimers Disease
The risk for developing Alzheimers disease also
increases with age. Individuals who are in the
early stages of this disease show more MRI
activity in the brain than do normal individuals
of the same age.
Susan Bookheimer
At risk Alzheimer
Aging and Memory
As we age, we remember some things well. These
include recent past events and events that
happened a decade or two back. However, recalling
names becomes increasingly difficult.
Aging and Memory
Recognition memory does not decline with age, and
material that is meaningful is recalled better
than meaningless material. The same is true for
prospective memory (remember to ).
David Myers
Aging and Intelligence
Longitudinal studies suggest that intelligence
remains relative as we age. It is believed today
that fluid intelligence (ability to reason
speedily) declines with age, but crystalline
intelligence (accumulated knowledge and skills)
does not.
Adulthoods Commitments
Love and work are defining themes in adult life.
Evolutionary psychologists believe that
commitment has survival value. Parents that stay
together are likely to leave a viable future
JLP/ Jose Pelaez/ zefa/ Corbis
Adulthoods Commitments
Happiness stems from working in a job that fits
your interests and provides you with a sense of
competence and accomplishment.
Charles Harbutt/ Actuality
Successful Aging
Death and Dying
There is no normal reaction or series of grief
stages after the death of a loved one. Grief is
more sudden if death occurs unexpectedly. People
who reach a sense of integrity in life (in
Eriksons terms) see life as meaningful and
Chris Steele-Perkins/ Magnum Photos
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