United States History Semester Review The New Republic to WWII - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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United States History Semester Review The New Republic to WWII


United States History Semester Review The New Republic to WWII – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: United States History Semester Review The New Republic to WWII

United States History Semester ReviewThe New
Republic to WWII
How did the Protestant Revolution and the
religious wars that followed affect European
migration to America?
  1. Many migrated to America to flee religious
    persecution and practice religious freedom
  2. Most migrated to America to convert Native
    American populations
  3. Many migrated to America to engage in the slave
  4. Many migrated to America to pursue an all water
    route to the Pacific Ocean

While most New England settlers came for
religious reasons, most settlers in the Southern
colonies came to pursue
  1. The slave trade
  2. Economic interests
  3. An Aristocratic, feudal society
  4. Freedom from debt prison

What economic philosphy fueled colonization
ventures while limiting individual financial risk?
  1. Royal charters
  2. Joint stock companies
  3. Privateers
  4. Personal patronage

Match the following colonial regions with their
respective religious characteristic.
  • New England
  • Middle Colonies
  • Southern Colonies
  • A1, B3, C2
  • 1. Puritans
  • 2. Anglican faith
  • 3. Religious tolerance and diversity

Match each region with their colonial description
  • a. Southern
  • b. Middle
  • c. New England
  • A3
  • B2
  • C1
  1. Short growing season, rocky soil, staple crops,
    shipbuilding, fishing, timber industries
  2. Breadbasket of the colonies
  3. Primogeniture, plantations, indigo, rice, slave

Whose vision of a City on a hill formed the
basis of the Puritan experiment in Massachusetts?
  1. William Penn
  2. Roger Williams
  3. John Winthrop
  4. Cecil Calvert

The development of what crop ensured the economic
survival of the Jamestown colony?
  1. Indigo
  2. Rice
  3. Tobacco
  4. Wheat

William Penns Quaker experiment established
religious tolerance in which middle colony?
  1. New York
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. Rhode Island
  4. New Jersey

Roger Williams banishment to the wilderness led
to the establishment of this colony as a haven of
religious tolerance in New England.
  1. Connecticut
  2. Rhode Island
  3. Massachusetts
  4. Maine

What document, written in 1620, created the first
democratic government in America?
  1. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  2. Mayflower Compact
  3. Articles of Confederation
  4. Constitution

The Triangular Trade strongly influenced
  1. The increase of slavery in America
  2. The production of rum in New England
  3. A flow of natural resources to England from the
    American colonies.
  4. All of the above

King Philips War (1675-1676) proved to be the
last major Native American resistance to colonial
expansion in
  1. Southern colonies
  2. Georgia
  3. New England
  4. Virginia

How did Jonathon Edwards famous sermon, Sinners
in the hands of an angry God, influence colonial
  1. It fueled the Great Awakening movement and
    effectively called the American colonist back to
  2. It led to a more secular period in America
  3. It discouraged attendance in churches across the
  4. It led to tighter religious control of the
    American colonies by England

The American Revolution began at the conclusion
of the French and Indian War. Support this
claim with any three specific historical examples.
  • Sugar Act
  • Quartering Act
  • Stamp Act
  • Townshend Act
  • Tea Act
  • Coercive Acts
  • Virtual Representation

Identify three major powers denied the Federal
government under the Articles of Confederation.
  • Raise taxes (could only request funds from
  • Regulate trade between states
  • Forbid states to coin money
  • No executive branch
  • No national court system

What rebellion proved to be the last straw in
calling for changes to the Articles of
  • Bacons Rebellion
  • b. Whiskey Rebellion
  • c. Shays Rebellion
  • d. Stonos Rebellion

Which of the following accurately describes the
significance of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and
the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
  1. It provided for the systematic, orderly
    settlement of frontier lands and their political
  2. It forced the migration of all Native American
    tribes west of the Mississippi
  3. It created the immediate annexation of Florida
  4. It fueled tensions between Great Britain and the
    United States

Match the following
  • France enters the war
  • Shot heard round the World and started the war
  • Decisive battle that forced British surrender
  • A2, B3, C1
  1. Yorktown
  2. Saratoga
  3. Lexington, Concord

Which of the following is true concerning the
Federalist papers?
  • a. They were written by James Madison, Alexander
    Hamilton and John Jay.
  • b. They were essays promoting the ratification of
    the constitution and a strong federal government.
  • Both A and B
  • Neither A nor B

Which list is in the correct presidential
sequence? (Top to bottom, left, right)
  • Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Monroe
  • b. Washington, Adams, Monroe, Jefferson, Madison
  • c. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe
  • d. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison

The presidencies of Washington and Adams (1790s)
was referred to as what period?
  • A. Republican Period
  • c. Whig Period
  • B. Federalist Period
  • d. Revolutionary period

What Secretary of Treasury under Washington
established our national economic system?
  • a. Benjamin Franklin
  • b. Thomas Jefferson
  • c. Alexander Hamilton
  • d. Aaron Burr

What constitutional issue was at the center of
the National Bank debate?
  • a. habeas corpus
  • b. 8th amendment
  • c. Elastic clause
  • d. States Rights

Which event demonstrated the New Republics power
to enforce the law?
  1. Shays Rebellion
  2. Whiskey Rebellion
  3. Hartford Convention
  4. d. Seneca Falls Convention

What development in the French Revolution
resulted in war in Europe and complications in
American foreign policy?
  • A. National Assembly
  • B. Tennis Court Oath
  • C. Jacobins Reign of Terror
  • D. National Assembly

Which party supported states rights, agriculture
and opposed the Bank of the United States?
  1. Democratic-Republicans
  2. Federalists

Which party supported a strong central
government, a national bank and industrial
  • A. Democratic-Republicans
  • B. Federalists

What specific violation of U.S. trading rights
took place by the British?
  • Piracy
  • impressment
  • c. nullification
  • d. American System

What legislation was designed to silence the
Democratic-Republicans and posed a direct threat
to the first amendment?
  1. Alien and Sedition Acts
  2. Jays Treaty
  3. Proclamation of Neutrality
  4. Marbury v. Madison

Which of the following were valid causes of the
War of 1812?
  1. British impressment of American sailors
  2. Anglo-American tensions over the continued
    presence of British troops in the Ohio River
  3. Rival Anglo-American claims over Oregon
  4. Excessive British tariffs imposed on American

What battle ended the War of 1812 on a high note
for the U.S.?
  • A. Battle of New Orleans
  • b. Fort McHenry
  • C. Lake Erie
  • d. defense of Washington
  • Who is pictured below?

Matching in HistoryMatch each issue with its
corresponding president
  • Midnight Judges
  • Proclamation of Neutrality
  • War of 1812
  • Embargo Act of 1807
  • A2, B1, C4, D3
  • George Washington
  • John Adams
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • 4. James Madison

Which of the following is not correctly matched?
  1. Marbury v. Madison- Judicial Review
  2. Gibbons v. Ogden- States cannot regulate
    interstate commerce
  3. McCulloch v. Maryland- The power to tax is the
    power to destroy
  4. Worcester v. Georgia- Forced the Cherokee from
    their native lands in Georgia

What is the legacy of Chief Justice John Marshall?
  1. The establishment of federal power
  2. The preservation of states rights
  3. The protection of individual liberties
  4. The separation of powers

What treaty ended the War of 1812?
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Treaty of Versailles
  • c. Treaty of Ghent
  • d. Paris Peace Accords

Though the war ended in a draw, what did this
stalemate symbolize for the U.S.?
  1. The U.S. had become a military empire
  2. The U.S had successfully defended its interests
    and broke all remaining colonial ties with
  3. The U.S. had gained extensive territory from
  4. The U.S. had gained extensive war debt

What system, proposed by Henry Clay, called for
a new 2nd National Bank, a high tariff and
internal improvements? (Era of Good Feelings!)
  • A. Federalist System
  • American System
  • Whig System
  • Hartford Convention

Which president was associated with the Era of
Good Feelings?
  1. James Monroe
  2. Andrew Jackson
  3. John Quincy Adams
  4. Thomas Jefferson

What U.S. doctrine told European nations that
they could no longer interfere in the Americas?
  1. Good Neighbor Policy
  2. Monroe Doctrine
  3. Treaty of Ghent
  4. Proclamation of Neutrality

The Adams-Onis treaty resulted in the U.S.
acquisition of what territory?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.

John Calhouns S.C. Exposition and Protest
opposed the Tariff of 1828 on what basis?
  1. Appeasement
  2. Nationalism
  3. Nullification
  4. Secession

What compromise in 1820 said that Maine would
enter free and Missouri would enter slave?
(And 36,30)
  1. Compromise of 1850
  2. Kansas Nebraska Act
  3. Missouri Compromise
  4. 3/5 Compromise

What two men were accused by Andrew Jackson of a
corrupt bargain in the election of 1824?
  1. John Calhoun and Henry Clay
  2. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
  3. John Tyler and Winfield Scott
  4. James Monroe and John Quincy Adams

What political party was formed in Andrew
Jacksons run for the presidency in 1828?
  • Republicans
  • Whigs
  • Democrats
  • Nativists

In the tariff crisis of 1832, what state refused
to pay the tariff?
  1. Virginia
  2. North Carolina
  3. South Carolina
  4. Alabama

Why were tariffs a source of sectionalism between
the north and south?
  1. The north felt unduly penalized by taxes on
  2. Tariffs protected northern industries from
    foreign competition while causing higher prices
    for the south
  3. The north opposed government regulation of
  4. Tariffs discouraged slavery in the south

Who was the voice of nullification from South
  1. Henry Clay
  2. Daniel Webster
  3. Andrew Jackson
  4. John Calhoun

Who helped solve the Missouri Crisis, the tariff
crisis of 1832 and the Compromise of 1850?
  1. John Calhoun
  2. Stephen Douglas
  3. Daniel Webster
  4. Henry Clay

Jackson set this precedent upon taking office by
forcing out those in office and hiring those
loyal to him and the Democratic party.
  1. Corrupt bargain
  2. spoils system
  3. Whig party
  4. Missouri Compromise

Jackson deposited the National Banks funds into
state banks, know as
  1. Specie Circular
  2. Hartford Convention
  3. Pet Banks
  4. Federal Banks

What party was born out of opposition to Andrew
  1. Nativist Party
  2. Whig Party
  3. Democratic Party
  4. Republican Party

Who were the leaders of the Whig Party?
  1. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
  2. John Calhoun and Preston Brooksc. Daniel
    Webster and Andrew Jacksond. John Calhoun and
    Charles Sumner

Who succeeded Andrew Jackson as our 8th
  • John Tyler
  • Martin Van Buren
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • d. James K. Polk

Who was our first Whig president in the
election of 1840?
  • John Tyler
  • b. James Garfield
  • c. William H. Harrison
  • d. Zachary Taylor

What effective campaign slogan did Harrison use
to win the election?
  • Give em Hell Harry!
  • Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
  • I like Ike!
  • Hero of New Orleans!

What great religious revival spawned a spirit of
reform in America in the mid-1800s?
  1. The Red Scare
  2. Hudson River School
  3. The 2nd Great Awakening
  4. Transcendentalism

Who established himself as a radical abolitionist
and published the Liberator?
  • a. Fredrick Douglas
  • b. William Lloyd Garrison
  • b. Harriet Tubman
  • d. Harriet Beecher Stowe

He was Americas premiere voice of
abolitionEscaped slavery and bought his freedom
  • Fredrick Douglas
  • Nat Turner
  • b. Abraham Lincoln
  • d. Sojourner Truth

This was Americas 1st national womens rights
convention held in N.Y.
  • a. Hartford Convention
  • b. Seneca Falls Convention
  • b. Hudson River School
  • d. American Red Cross

She was the conductor of the underground railroad
  • Sojourner Truth
  • Harriet Tubman
  • c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • d. Lucretia Mott

Which of the following is incorrectly paired in
the 1st Industrial Revolution?
  1. Samuel Morse- Morse Code
  2. Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin
  3. John Deere- Tractor
  4. Cyrus McCormick- mechanical reaper
  5. Robert Fulton- steel plow

Who were the leading voices of Transcendentalist
  • a. James Fennimore Cooper / Washington Irving
  • b. Ralph Waldo Emerson / Henry David Thoreau
  • c. Noah Webster / Walt Whitman
  • d. Alex de Tocqueville / Edgar Allen Poe

What did the Indian Removal Act of 1830
effectively do?
  • Forcibly removed eastern tribes to lands west of
    the Mississippi River
  • b. Granted citizenship to Native Americans
  • Forced Native Americans to move onto reservations
    in the southeastern United States
  • Forced Native Americans to move onto reservations
    in the Pacific Northwest

Who led a violent slave revolt that shocked the
south and resulted in more strict slave codes?
  • Nat Turner
  • Sojourner Truth
  • John Brown
  • Alex de Tocqueville

How did canals, railroads and steam boats
influence the country?
  1. They slowed transportation
  2. They increased tariffs
  3. They connected the country and helped create a
    national economy
  4. They sectionalized politics

James K. Polks cry for 54-40-or fight was a
demand for what territory from Britain?
  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Oregon
  4. Ohio

The Church of Latter Day Saints, founded by
Joseph Smith, signified the birth of what
religious group?
  1. Nation of Islam
  2. Mormons
  3. Quakers
  4. Shakers

Who led the Mormon migration and where did they
  1. Joseph Smith- Salt Lake City
  2. Joseph Smith- San Francisco
  3. Brigham Young- Salt Lake City
  4. Brigham Young- Oregon

The Mexican-American War1846-1848
  • What treaty ended the Mexican-American War?
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Treaty of Ghent
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
  • Treaty of Versailles

What territories were gained by the U.S. in the
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?
  1. Oregon, California and Kansas
  2. New Mexico, California and Texas
  3. New Mexico, Louisiana and Texas
  4. Florida, Louisiana and Texas

Which condition of the Compromise of 1850
arguably stirred the most heated sectionalism?
  • a. California admitted as a free state
  • b. New Mexico to be determined by popular
  • c. Banished slave trade in Washington D.C.
  • d. Fugitive slave law

According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, how would
the slavery issue be decided in the
Kansas-Nebraska territory?
  1. Congress would vote
  2. Popular sovereignty
  3. A vote of the state legislature
  4. By presidential decree

What does the Sumner-Brooks affair reveal about
the state of the country?
  1. The nation successfully sought compromise over
    the slavery issue
  2. Diplomacy and compromise were giving way to
    violence in the nations capital
  3. Personal morality was becoming increasingly
    important in politics
  4. The south was determined to extend slavery
    wherever it pleased

Who was referred to as the meteor of the war
because of his violent actions against slavery at
Pottawattamie Creek and Harpers Ferry?
  1. Stephen Douglas
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. John Brown
  4. Preston Brooks

Which supreme court case declared the Missouri
Compromise unconstitutional, and declared that
slaves, as personal property could be taken
anywhere in the United States?
  1. Gibbons v. Ogden
  2. Maryland v. McCulloch
  3. Dred Scott v. U.S.
  4. Plessey v. Ferguson

Which of the following is not directly associated
with Bleeding Kansas?
  1. Pottawattamie Massacre
  2. Missouri Ruffians
  3. Beechers Bibles
  4. Harpers Ferry Raid

What was the first state to secede from the Union
and where did the Civil War begin?
  1. North Carolina / Bull Run
  2. Florida / Antietam
  3. South Carolina / Fort Sumter
  4. Virginia / Harpers Ferry

In what year and on what date did the Civil War
specifically begin and end?
  1. April 12, 1861 to April 12, 1865
  2. April 12, 1862 to April 12, 1864
  3. April 12, 1860 to April 12, 1865
  4. April 12, 1860 to April 12, 1864

At the outset of the war, how many slaves resided
in the south?
  1. 1 million
  2. 9 million
  3. 4 million
  4. 2 million

As the war progressed, both sides resorted to
conscription. What does this term mean?
  • Both sides instituted a draft to increase troop
    numbers for their respective armies.
  • Confederacy in 1862
  • Union in 1863

How did the Confederacy primarily finance the
war? What major problem did this cause?
  1. They printed 1 billion dollars in currency
  2. It caused staggering inflation as the war

What specific measure did Lincoln take to prevent
the border states from seceding from the Union?
  1. He declared all slaves in the borer states free
    effective immediately.
  2. He announced the gradual emancipation of slaves
    in the border states.
  3. He declared martial law in the border states,
    effectively placing the federal military in
  4. He did nothing for fear of losing these states to
    the Confederacy.

The suspension of habeas corpus and declaration
of martial law both symbolize
  1. Lincolns increase of executive power during the
  2. Congressional abuse of power during the war
  3. The rise of the court system during a time of war
  4. The difficulty of unifying the south

Who was president of the Confederate States of
  1. Stonewall Jackson
  2. Robert E. Lee
  3. Jefferson Davis
  4. George Pickett

Identify three significant disadvantages the
South faced upon entering the Civil War.
  1. They were forming a new government, with a new
    constitution and a new military.
  2. They were outnumbered more than 2-1 in terms of
    population. (20 mill. To 9 million)
  3. Manufacturing deficiency at 10 to 1
  4. Troop deficiency at 2-1 (2 million to 800,000)
  5. Number of states deficiency at 23-11

Identify two specific advantages the South had at
the outset of the war.
  1. Superior military leadership
  2. Most fighting was done on their soil (knew the

Identify the three specific proposals of the
Unions Anaconda plan.
  1. Union naval blockade to block southern commerce
    and war shipments
  2. Capture the Mississippi River and thus divide the
  3. Capture Richmond

Which of the following accurately describes the
1st battle of Bull Run? (Manassas)
  1. First major battle of the war and a Confederate
  2. Last major battle of the war and Union loss
  3. Turning point of the war and Union victory
  4. First major battle and Union victory

What battle was the turning point of the war and
ultimately Lees greatest mistake ?
  1. Antietam
  2. Cold Harbor
  3. Gettysburg
  4. Vicksburg

Which battle brought the entire Mississippi River
under Union control?
  1. Wilderness
  2. Petersburg
  3. Vicksburg
  4. Shiloh

How did Shermans march to the sea influence
the Civil War?
  1. It destroyed civilian resources, disabled the
    Confederacys ability to support the war and
    broke the spirit of the south
  2. It split the Confederacy in two
  3. It freed all slaves in the south
  4. It conquered Richmond

Label each description as true or false regarding
Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Abolition became an official Union goal in the
  • True
  • It symbolized the end of slavery in America
  • True
  • It immediately freed all slaves in the U.S.
  • False
  • It declared only slaves in rebelling states to be
  • True

Where did the Civil War officially end?
  1. Vicksburg, Mississippi
  2. Appomattox Court House, Va.
  3. Richmond, Va.
  4. Gettysburg, Pa.

How did the war affect the northern economy?
  1. It created an economic depression
  2. It created huge economic growth due to an
    increased wartime demand for industrial
  3. It caused very little change in the northern
  4. It led to a huge increase in the purchase of
    southern cotton

How did the Civil War effect the southern economy?
  1. It crippled the economy and devastated its
  2. It caused a wartime boom in cotton exports
  3. It was relatively unaffected by the war
  4. Its economy experienced gradual growth
    throughout the war

Which of the following accurately describes the
Confederate economy by the year 1864?
  1. Inflation had hit a staggering rate of 9,000
  2. The Union naval blockade had effectively shut
    down cotton exports
  3. Cotton production had dropped from 4 million
    bales in 1860 to 300,000 in 1865.
  4. All of the above

Which of the following accurately describes the
wars effect on women?
  1. Women increasingly served as nurses during the
    war, opening this vocation for them in the
  2. Teaching would be largely practiced by women, as
    the men were off at war
  3. More women worked in factories in the north, to
    fill in for men displaced to the war
  4. All of the above

In the presidential election of 1864, the
northern democrats demanded an immediate
negotiated peace settlement with the south and an
end to the war. For this reason, Republicans
labeled them as
  1. Abolitionists
  2. Copperheads
  3. Southern sympathizers
  4. Johny Rebs

Which of the following accurately describes the
concept of total war?
  1. All resources are dedicated to the war effort
  2. War is waged against military and civilian
  3. Drafts, or conscriptions are used to support the
    war effort
  4. All of the above

Which of the following were legacies (lasting
effects) of the Civil War?
  1. Federal Supremacy
  2. A shattered South
  3. The abolition of slavery
  4. All of the above

Which of the following did not share the same
objectives with the others?
  1. Jim Crow laws
  2. Freemens Bureau
  3. Black Codes
  4. KKK

On what grounds did Congress impeach President
Andrew Johnson?
  1. Violation of the Tenure of Office Act
  2. Conspiracy to assassinate the President
  3. Supporting Black Codes in the South
  4. Veto of the Civil Rights Act of 1866

Which of the following accurately describes the
Republican Reconstruction Acts of 1878 and 68?
  1. The south was divided into 5 military districts
    and occupied by federal troops
  2. Moderate, or lenient reconstruction
  3. Lincolns plan of reconstruction
  4. The souths economic recovery

The civil Rights Act of 1866 directly led to
which constitutional amendment?
  1. 13th amendment
  2. 14th amendment
  3. 15th amendment
  4. 16th amendment

To the angry southerner, Republicans in the south
were associated with which of the following?
  1. Carpetbaggers, or those northerners who migrated
    to the south in search of economic opportunity
  2. Scalawags, or those southern whites who
    cooperated with Congressional Reconstruction.
  3. Freedmen, emancipated slaves.
  4. All of the above

How did sharecropping and tenant farming affect
the south after the Civil War?
  1. It rebuilt the south in an era of prosperity
  2. It created a vicious cycle of poverty and
  3. It helped establish equal opportunity in the
  4. It fueled industrialization in the south

Which of the following explains the significance
of the Compromise of 1877?
  1. It effectively ended the era of reconstruction
  2. It placed more federal troops in the south
  3. It made legal separate but equal
  4. It abolished Jim Crow laws in the south

Reconstruction AmendmentsMatch the amendments
with their appropriate descriptions?
  • 13th Amendment
  • 14th Amendment
  • 15th amendment
  • 1c, 2b, ca
  • A. Suffrage
  • B. Citizenship, equal protection under the law
  • Abolition of slavery
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