Post-World War II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Post-World War II


... Emmett Till Case (1955) a 14 year old African-American boy who was beaten to death in Money, Mississippi for saying Bye Baby to a white woman ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Post-World War II

Post-World War II
  • McFarland

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • Yalta Conference Feb. 1945 attended by the
    Big 3
  • 1) Franklin Roosevelt U.S.
  • 2) Winston Churchill G.B.
  • 3) Joseph Stalin U.S.S.R.

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -meeting of the 3 major Allied countries
  • -met to plan for the peace that would follow the
  • -decided to establish the United Nations (U.N.)
    purpose was to keep peace and prevent future wars
    throughout the world

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -also decided to divide Germany into 4
    occupational zones controlled by the Allies (West
    Germany would be controlled by the U.S., Great
    Britain, and France and East Germany would be
    controlled by the U.S.S.R.)

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • Cold War U.S. vs. U.S.S.R (1945-1989)
  • -cold war conflict between countries without
    actual warfare
  • -Allies agreed to allow democratic elections in
    every country freed from German control
    U.S.S.R. didnt keep this agreement and by 1948
    the govt of every eastern European country was
    under communist rule

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -7 Eastern European countries became Soviet
    satellites (satellite nation officially
    independent but controlled by a foreign power)

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Soviet satellite nations included
  • Poland 5) Hungary
  • Romania 6) Albania
  • Bulgaria 7) East Germany
  • Czechoslovakia
  • -Yugoslavia also became a communist country but
    was not controlled by the U.S.S.R

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were also annexed
    by the Soviet Union
  • -British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said in
    a speech in March 1946 that an iron curtain has
    descended across the continent (Europe)

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Truman Doctrine issued because communist were
    trying to take over the govt in Greece and
    Turkey the doctrine said the U.S. would help
    any country resist communist aggression led to
    the containment policy (policy of stopping
    communist expansion by diplomatic or military

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Marshall Plan presented by Sec. of State
    George Marshall in 1948 the U.S. sent 13
    billion in aid to western European countries
    wanted to protect those countries from communism
    (governments are usually overthrown when the
    economy is weak) lasted 5 years

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Berlin Airlift June 1948-May 1949 Berlin, a
    city in East Germany was divided into 4
    occupation zones at the end of the war the
    U.S.S.R. controlled East Berlin but Stalin wanted
    all of the city he began a blockade of West
    Berlin by blocking all roads, railroads, and
    rivers into the city the U.S. and G.B. used
    cargo planes to fly in supplies to West Berlin
    Stalin couldnt stop them without starting a war
    the blockade was lifted

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a
    military alliance formed in 1949 promised to
    defend each other during an attack original
    members included
  • Belgium 7) Luxembourg
  • G.B. 8) Netherlands
  • Denmark 9) Norway
  • France 10) U.S.
  • Portugal 11) Canada
  • 6) Italy

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -3 more countries joined in the early 1950s
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • West Germany

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Warsaw Pact a military alliance formed in 1955
    between the communist countries of Eastern Europe
    members included
  • U.S.S.R 5) Hungary
  • Poland 6) Romania
  • East Germany 7) Bulgaria
  • 4) Czechoslovakia 8) Albania

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -communists also took control of China in 1949
    this meant the worlds largest country in land
    area (USSR) and the worlds most populated
    country (China) were both communist nations

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Second Red Scare (1st was after WWI) caused by
    Sen. Joe McCarthys comments on how there were
    communists within the federal govt 3 million
    federal employees were investigated many were
    convicted and fired despite proof he also
    accused the U.S. Army of being controlled by
    communists (led to his downfall)

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • The Korean War (1950-1953)
  • -Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to 1945
  • -U.S. and U.S.S.R. troops moved in during WWII
    and neither wanted to remove their troops when
    the war ended (U.S. wanted it to be a democratic
    nation and the U.S.S.R. wanted it to be a
    communist nation)

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -the Allies agreed to divide Korea into 2 zones
    at the 38th parallel North Korea controlled by
    U.S.S.R. and South Korea controlled by U.S.
  • -North Korea, led by Kim Il-Sung, became a
    communist nation and a Soviet satellite
  • -South Korea, led by Syngman Rhee, was ruled by a
    dictator appointed by the U.S.

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -June 20, 1950 - North Korea attacked South Korea
  • -June 27, 1950 - Pres. Truman ordered air strikes
    against North Korea and sent arms to South Korea
  • -June 30, 1950 - Pres. Truman ordered UN troops
    (including U.S. troops) to South Korea Gen.
    Douglas MacArthur was appointed the commander of
    the UN forces

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -North Korean troops pushed the UN troops all the
    way back to Pusan (southern tip of South Korea)
  • -MacArthur gambled by attacking the North Korean
    troops from behind at Inchon - the North Korean
    troops were trapped - U.N. troops then marched
    to Seoul (capital of South Korea) and retook the

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Truman gave MacArthur the green light to invade
    North Korea
  • -Nov. 1950 U.N. planes bombed bridges on the
    Yalu River (border between North Korea and China)
    the Chinese threatened to enter the war if the
    bombing continued - MacArthur ignored them

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Thanksgiving Day 1950 300,000 Chinese troops
    hit the U.N. lines and pushed them all the way
    back to South Korea MacArthur wanted to bomb
    China but Truman refused MacArthur then
    criticized the President publicly
  • -April 11, 1951 Truman fired MacArthur he
    returned home a hero

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -Dwight D. Eisenhower (Rep.) defeated Adlai
    Stevenson (Dem.) in the 1952 election (Truman had
    chosen not to run for re-election) - Eisenhower
    threatened to use nuclear weapons on North Korea
    and China and a cease-fire was signed

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -the 38th parallel was established as the border
    between North and South Korea North Korea
    remains communist even to this day
  • -the U.S. lost 58,000 soldiers in the war

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • The Nuclear Age
  • -the USSR developed an atomic bomb in 1949 - they
    had spies (though not really) working on the
    Manhattan Project (remember they were our ally)
  • -an arms race began in the early 1950s between
    the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. they were competing
    to see who could accumulate the most nuclear
    weapons and the most powerful nuclear weapons

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -the U.S. tested the first H-bomb (hydrogen bomb)
    in 1952 - up to 700 times more destructive than
    the atomic bombs dropped on Japan the island
    where the H-bomb was tested totally disappeared
  • -the USSR developed the H-bomb less than a year

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • -How did the U.S. prepare for a nuclear
  • air raid drills schools practiced duck and
    cover drills
  • emergency bomb shelters filled with supplies
  • 3) metal name tags to identify bodies
  • hundreds of books were written about how to
    survive a nuclear attack

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I. Postwar America / Europe
  • - Massive Retaliation the U.S. would punish the
    Soviets with an all out nuclear attack if they
    threatened the U.S. or any other nation

I. Postwar America / Europe
  • Stalin died in 1953 and was replaced by Nikita
    Khrushchev (didnt like Stalin too mean!) a
    summit (conference) was set up between Eisenhower
    and Khrushchev- however, it was canceled after
    an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the
    USSR (1960) the cold war would last 29 more

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Suburban growth almost all new houses built
    from 1945 to 1960 were built outside the cities
  • 1) Demand for housing very few houses built
    during the Great Depression years and WWII
  • Growth of population during the baby boom
    families with 3 or 4 children became the norm
    pop. increased from 140 million in 1945 to 180
    million in 1960

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Highway Act of 1956 govt constructed 41,000
    miles of new highways allowed people to commute
    longer distances to their jobs also established
    the interstate highway system (for military and
    evacuation purposes)
  • 4) Cleaner, quieter neighborhoods

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Age of Television - the 1st TV sets made in the
    late 1940s - very expensive 500-600 (equals
    around 2500 today as technology improved the
    number of sets increased from 1 million in 1949
    to 44 million in 1959 popular TV shows in the
    50s included
  • -I Love Lucy -Father Knows Best
  • -Leave it to Beaver -The Honeymooners

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Revival of Religion aided by TV - Why was there
    a national revival?
  • 1) fear of the cold war and the nuclear age
  • charismatic (dynamic) preachers - used
  • the radio and TV ex Billy Graham and Oral
  • -in 1954, Under God was added to the Pledge of

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Rock n Roll evolved out of African-American
    blues and gospel, and white country music music
    was rhythmic and loud - the new dances were
    offensive to some adults (remember the 20s?)
    the most famous rock n roll star of the 50s was
    Elvis - other famous rock n roll stars of the
    50s included
  • -Chuck Berry -Little Richard
  • -Buddy Holly -Jerry Lee Lewis

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Early Civil Rights Movement
  • 1) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KA
    (1954) ended segregation (the separation of
    whites and African-Americans in society) in
    public schools

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • -many school systems refused to integrate
    (bringing together of the races) ex Gov.
    Faubus of Arkansas called in the National Guard
    to prevent African-American students (they were
    called the Little Rock Nine) from attending a
    white high school in Little Rock - Pres.
    Eisenhower eventually sent in federal marshals
    and the 101st Airborne Division to help and
    protect those students

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • 2) Emmett Till Case (1955) a 14 year old
    African-American boy who was beaten to death in
    Money, Mississippi for saying Bye Baby to a
    white woman he was from Chicago and was
    visiting his uncle gained national attention
    when his mother had an open casket during the

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • 3) Montgomery Buss Boycott (1955-1956) in
    Alabama Rosa Parks (a well-respected
    African-American lady) broke a city law by
    refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white
    man she was arrested - about 75 of the bus
    companys customers in Montgomery were
    African-American a boycott was organized and a
    young preacher named Martin Luther King, Jr. was
    chosen to lead it eventually the U.S. Supreme
    Court ruled that segregation in public
    transportation was unconstitutional

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II. Life in the 1950s
  • Other Events of the 50s
  • -Polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk in 1953
  • -Sputnik - the first space satellite launched
    by the Soviets (1957)
  • -Explorer I - the first U.S. satellite launched
    in 1958
  • -NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Adm.)
    organized in 1958

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • Election of 1960
  • -the candidates were John F. Kennedy (Dem.) and
    Richard Nixon (Rep.)
  • -both were WWII veterans
  • -both entered Congress in 1946
  • -Nixon was Eisenhowers Vice President
  • -Kennedy was the son of a wealthy family from

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -Nixon was not from a wealthy family in fact he
    was poor while growing up
  • -the campaign included the first televised
    debates Nixons physical appearance on the
    camera may have cost him the election (looked
    old, wore no makeup, etc.)

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -JFK won the election by only 120,000 votes and
    became the youngest President ever elected at the
    age of 43 (Teddy Roosevelt was 42 when he
    replaced McKinley but McKinley was assassinated)
  • -JFKs famous quote from his 1961 Inaugural
  • Ask not what your country can do for you, ask
    what you can do for your country.

III. Life in the 1960s
  • The Legacy of JFK
  • -established the Peace Corps (1961) sent young
    Americans to do volunteer work in developing
    (poor) countries

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) Fidel Castro
    became the dictator of Cuba in 1959 Americans
    supported him at first Eisenhower put the CIA
    to work on a secret plan to overthrow Castro
    the plan was to train and equip a group of
    Anti-Castro Cuban exiles living in the U.S.
    they would land in Cuba and inspire the Cuban
    people to rise up against Castro -

III. Life in the 1960s
  • when JFK took office he continued to support
    this plan on April 17, 1961 Cuban exiles landed
    at the Bay of Pigs the invasion was a complete
    disaster JFK considered an air strike to help
    the rebels, but decided against it within 2
    days most of the 1,400 invaders were killed or
    captured made JFK look weak and foolish

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • -Berlin Wall built during JFK administration by
    the communists of East Germany in Aug. 1961
    became a symbol of the cold wars division of

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct. 1962) photos taken
    by a U-2 plane showed 65 sites in Cuba containing
    ballistic missiles Cuba is only 90 miles from
    Florida missiles were supplied by the USSR
    JFKs advisors favored an air strike on the
    missile sites he refused and instead went on
    national TV to tell the public about the Soviet
    missiles in Cuba

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • -he also announced the U.S. was blockading Cuba
    he told the Soviets to dismantle the missile
    sites and turn back their incoming ships or face
    U.S. retaliation on Oct. 24, 1962, as the world
    held its breath, the Soviet ships turned back
    a deal was made

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • Soviets would withdraw its missiles from Cuba
  • U.S. would withdraw its missiles from Turkey
  • -this was the closest the U.S. and the Soviets
    ever got to nuclear war

III. Life in the 1960s
  • Space Race
  • -the USSR were the first to put a man in space
    (April 1961) his name was Yuri Gagarin in May
    1961, JFK asked for 9 billion for the space
    program his goal was to put a man on the moon
    by the end of the decade (1960s) the first
    American in space was Alan Sheppard (May 1961) -

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -the first American to orbit the earth was John
    Glenn (Feb. 1962) on July 20, 1969 Apollo 11
    landed on the surface of the moon and Neil
    Armstrong became the first to walk on the moon
    saying, Thats one small step for man, one giant
    leap for mankind more than 500 million people
    around the world watched the landing on the moon
    on TV

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • Early Involvement in Vietnam
  • -JFK did not want to get involved in a major war
    in Asia he also didnt want to be blamed for
    losing South Vietnam to the communists (being
    soft on communism was a bad thing during the
    50s and 60s) under JFK, American military
    personnel in South Vietnam rose from 1,500 to
    16,000 the Am. people were told these were
    only advisors and not involved in combat

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • The Assassination of JFK (Nov. 22, 1963)
  • -he was campaigning in Texas for the 1964
  • -he rode through the streets of Dallas in the
    back of an open limousine
  • -the suspected assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald
    Oswald was murdered 2 days after Kennedys death,
    while being transferred to another jail, by a
    Dallas nightclub owner named Jack Ruby (a known
    member of the mafia)

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III. Life in the 1960s
  • -With Oswald dead, many questioned were left
  • Was Oswald the assassin?
  • Had he acted alone?
  • 3) Had there been a conspiracy to kill the

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -on the plane carrying JFKs body back to
    Washington DC, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson
    was sworn in as President
  • -one of Johnsons first acts as President was to
    appoint a commission, led by Chief Justice Earl
    Warren, to investigate JFKs death

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had
    been the assassin and that he acted on his own
    (although, not everyone believed it)
  • -Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney,
    was the only person to bring to trial a possible
    conspiracy in the assassination of JFK he
    blamed the CIA, the mafia, Anti-Castro Cubans,
    and even President Johnson

III. Life in the 1960s
  • -In 1978, a Congressional Committee said, It was
    possible that two people killed John F. Kennedy,
    but there was no proof they also said that the
    Justice Dept. should investigate the possibility
    of a conspiracy they have not even to this day

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