Cosmic%20Quotations,%20Poetry,%20and%20Prose:%20A%20compilation%20of%20reflections%20on%20our%20Universe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cosmic Quotations, Poetry, and Prose: A compilation of reflections on our Universe. Edited by Julie Ware, Physics 133 Extra Credit Project – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cosmic%20Quotations,%20Poetry,%20and%20Prose:%20A%20compilation%20of%20reflections%20on%20our%20Universe.

Cosmic Quotations, Poetry, and ProseA
compilation of reflections on our Universe.
Edited by Julie Ware, Physics 133 Extra Credit
  • Einstein, the same man who discovered the Law of
    Relativity, also said that imagination is more
    important than knowledge. This is true because
    to desire an understanding of the heavens, your
    imagination must first be probed by curiosity.
    In order to even begin understanding the laws of
    the Universe, it requires imagination to
    understand just how grand of a scale we are
    talking about. I want to incorporate both science
    and reflections of the imagination by summarizing
    certain astronomical topics, while including
    quotes or prose from famous physicists and

Cosmos Dancing, by Jo Ann Durham
Astronomy Quotes
  • Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of
    logical ideas. (Albert Einstein)
  • The cosmos is all there is, all there ever was,
    and all there ever will be. (Carl Sagan)
  • We especially need imagination in science. It is
    not all mathematics, nor all logic, but is
    somewhat beauty and poetry. (Maria
    Mitchell,1818-1889, astronomer )

The History of Astronomy
  • The history of astronomy is immense because its
    in human nature to be curious. As far back as
    2,500 years ago, Muslim people predicted eclipses
    using saros cycles. Also, the heavens were used
    to keep track of seasons for agriculture, using
    sundials to observe the passing of time. Ancient
    structures were used in search of astronomical
    connections. For example, the Stonehenge was
    built as early as approx. 2,500 BC to mark the
  • Before the Copernican revolution, people believed
    that the world was the center of the universe.
    This one misconception led people to entertain
    complex and ultimately untrue laws of nature, for
    example, that the planets traveled around earth
    in complex retrograde cycles.
  • In 1542, Copernicus published Concerning the
    Revolutions of the Heavenly Spears, which
    replaced prior geometric layouts and put was
    Heliocentric. Though Copernicus ideas were not
    all right, he did however spark a necessary
    scientific revolution, leading to Kepler,
    Galileo, as well as many others to begin the
    development of modern day scientific principles.
  • Keplers laws of planetary motion states that
    every planet orbits around the sun at an ellipse,
    as well as another invisible point, a planet
    sweeps out equal areas in equal times in orbit,
    and more distant planets orbit the sun at slower
  • Galileo used the telescope to show that the
    heavens were not perfect, leading us to seek
    natural explanations for phenomena.

History of Astronomy Quotes
  • They came to a round hole in the sky, burning
    like fire. "This," said the Raven, "is a
    star."Inuit creation story
  • Even sticks and stones have a spiritual essence,
    a manifestation of the mysterious power that
    fills the Universe.Sioux Indian
  • It is indeed immensely picturesque. I can fancy
    sitting all a summer's day watching its shadows
    shorten and lengthen again, and drawing a
    delicious contrast between the world's duration
    and the feeble span of individual experience.
    There is something in Stonehenge almost
    reassuring and if you are disposed to feel that
    life is rather a superficial matter, and that we
    soon get to the bottom of things, the immemorial
    gray pillars may serve to remind you of the
    enormous background of time.Henry James 1875 CE

Pre-Copernican Revolution in Western
  • There are forces in nature called Love and Hate.
    The force of Love causes elements to be attracted
    to each other and to be built up into some
    particular form or person, and the force of Hate
    causes the decomposition of things.Empedocles
    430 BCE
  • The forces of rotation caused red hot masses of
    stones to be torn away from the Earth and to be
    thrown into the ether, and this is the origin of
    the stars.Anaxagoras 428 BCE
  • The Sun is a mass of fiery stone, a little larger
    than Greece.Anaxagoras 434 BCE

Post Copernican Revolution
  • The Universe is populated by innumerable suns,
    innumerable earths, and perhaps, innumerable
    forms of life. That thought expresses the essence
    of the Copernican revolution. No revelation more
    striking has ever come from the scientific
    mind.Robert Jastrow 1989 CE
  • You realize the sun don'-go downIt's just an
    illusion caused by the world spinning round
  • The Flaming Lips, Do You Realize?

Key Astronomical Principles
Making Sense of It All
  • The universal law of gravitation states that
    every mass attracts other mass by gravity and is
    directly proportional. The strength of gravity
    between objects decreases with the square of
    their distance between centers. (Inverse square
    law) Our gravity on earth is 9.8 m/s squared.
  • Motion Newtons version of Keplers 3rd law
    allows us to measure orbital periods by distance,
    mass, and orbital periods. Also, Velocity is
    equaled to distance divided by time.
  • Conservation of angular momentum explains that
    orbits and rotations cannot change course unless
    torque acts upon the paths. Conservation of
    momentum states that nothing can change unless
    acted upon by another force. Conservation of
    energy applies the same principle, that energy
    cannot just disappear or appear, but changes only
    by exchanges of energy.


Laws of Motion Watch the stars and from them
learn.To the Master's honor all must turn,Each
in its track, without a sound,Forever tracing
Newton's ground.Albert Einstein
Orbital Velocity
But on your tiny planet, my little prince, all
you need to do is move your chair a few steps.
You can see the day end and the twilight falling
whenever you likeOne day, you said to me, I
saw the sunset forty-four times!And a little
later you addedYou know--one loves the sunset,
when one is so sadWere you so sad, then? I
asked, on the day of the forty-four
sunsets?But the little prince made no reply.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery The Little Prince
  • Universal Concepts
  • Observations always involve theory.
    Edwin Hubble
  • Gravity
  • Gravity is only the bark of wisdom's tree, but it
    is what preserves it.Confucius 500 BCE
  • Time
  • For us physicists, the distinction between past,
    present, and future is only an illusion.Albert
  • A day is a miniature eternity.Ralph Waldo
  • To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven
    in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of
    your hand, and eternity in an hour.William Blake
    1800 CE
  • Time begins from some placeMeasured by the age
    of light.It began from the furthest thingWe see
    flicker in the night.Art Mason

Our Solar System
The Sun and Its Planets
  • The earth rotates, thus making it appear that
    stars rise and set, (including our sun.)
  • The tilt of the earth as it revolves around the
    sun causes seasons, or different hemispheres to
    feel light more or less directly.
  • Planets that are closer to the sun are
    Terrestial, or, earthlike and rocky.
  • Planets that are farther from the sun are Jovian,
    or jupiterlike and gaseous.
  • The origin of the solar system is thought to be
    by the Nebular Theory, a giant gaseous explosion.
    Condensation and Accretion help support the
    nebular theory.
  • We are able to know the composition of the sun by
    observing absorption lines, which serve as
    fingerprints formed in the photosphere.
  • The Sun is composed of many layers, including the
    core, radiation zone, convention zone,
    photosphere, chromosphone, and the corona. Its
    energy source can be found through EMC2

The Sun
  • The Sun, with all the planets revolving around
    it, and depending on it, can still ripen a bunch
    of grapes as though it had nothing else in the
    Universe to do.
  • Galileo Galilei
  • I say Live, Live because of the Sun, The Dream,
    the excitable gift.
  • Anne Sexton, 1928-1974, P 495

The Evolution of the world may be compared to a
display of fireworks that has just ended some
few red wisps, ashes, and smoke. Standing on a
cooled cinder, we see the slow fading of suns,
and we try to recall the vanished brilliance of
the origin of the worlds. (G. Lemaitre,
1864-1966). P 235 See the world as it truly
is, small and blue, beautiful in that eternal
silence where it floats.Archibald Macleish
The Moon
  • Is the moon tired? she looks so paleWithin her
    misty veilShe scales the sky from east to
    west,And takes no rest.
  • Before the coming of the nightThe moon shows
    papery whiteBefore the dawning of the dayShe
    fades away.
  • - Christina Rossetti
Stellar Lifestyles
  • Constellations are familiar patterns that help us
    to identify regions of the sky with well defined
    borders. The International Astronomical union has
    divided the sky in 88 constellations.
  • We use the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram to
    determine properties of stars, which shows that
    Luminosity is relative to the Temperature 4 by
    the Radius 2 (The Stefan Boltzmann Law)
  • The life of a star is based on its mass because
    its mass determines its how much energy it gives
  • Temperature is classified by OBAFGKM.
  • The 5 classes of Luminosity include
  • I Supergiants
  • II Bright Giants
  • III Giants
  • IVSubgiants
  • V Main sequence stars
  • - The life of a star is a constant battle between
    gravity and pressure.
  • Highmass stars die by becoming a supernova, then
    either a black whole or neutron star.
  • Low mass stars die by becoming a planetary
    nubula, then a white dward.

  • Composition
  • It is remarkable that the elements diffused
    through the host of stars are some of those most
    closely connected with the living organisms of
    our globe.W. Huggins, 1865 CE
  • God is mostly hydrogen.Bradley Snowder 1988 CE
  • we are, therefore, made out of star stuff we
    feed upon sunbeams, we are kept warm by the
    radiation of the Sun, and we are made out of the
    same materials that constitute the stars.
  • Harlow Shapley, The Universe of Stars

  • Star Clusters
  • There are too many stars in some places and not
    enough in others.Mark Twain
  • It is nothing else but a mass of innumerable
    stars planted together in clusters.Galileo
    Galilei 1611 CE (the Milky Way)
  • Many a night I saw the Pleiads,Rising thro' the
    mellow shade,Glitter like a swarm of
    fire-flies,Tangled in a silver braid.Tennyson
  • May it not be that the brighter stars are like
    our Sun, the upholding and energizing centers of
    systems of living beings?William Huggins 1865 CE

Constellations Why did not somebody teach me the
constellations, and make me at home in the starry
heavens, which are always overhead, and which I
don't half know to this day?Thomas Carlyle 1880
O had I power like inclination,I'd hoist thee up
a constellation!To canter with the Sagittare,Or
leap the Ecliptic like a bear,Or turn the Pole
like any arrowOr when old Phoebus bids
good-morrowDown the Zodiac urge the race,And
cast dirt on his godship's faceFor I could lay
my bread and kaleHe'd ne'er cast salt upon thy
tail!Robert Burns 1788 CE The wind-shak'd
surge, with high and monstrous main, Seems to
cast water on the burning Bear, And quench the
guards of the ever-fixed pole.Shakespeare,
The Stellar Graveyard
  • When I had satisfied myself that no star of that
    kind had ever shone before, I was led into such
    perplexity by the unbelievability of the thing
    that I began to doubt the faith of my own
    eyes.Tycho Brahe (supernova 1572)

Our Galaxy- The Milky Way
  • Galaxies
  • In the early 1600s Galileo used the telescope to
    show that the milky way is composed of individual
  • We are a spiral galaxy with many spiral arms that
    revolve around a bulge on a relatively flat disk,
    surrounded by a dimmer halo. The Halo contains
    about 200 globular clusters of stars.
  • Our galaxy is abour 100,000 light years in
  • We can use stellar orbits to measure galactic
    mass through Keplers third law.
  • Were recycled throughout our galaxy through the
    star-gas-star cycle.
  • The other types of galaxies are elliptical and
    irregular. Elliptical galaxies are most often
    found in clusters , containing 100s to thousands
    of other galaxies.
  • Andromeda is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way
    at about 2.5 million light years away.
  • Local groups consist of about 40 galaxies, with 3
    million light years across.

Galaxy Quotes
  • The infinitude of creation is great enough to
    make a world, or a Milky Way of worlds, look in
    comparison with it what a flower or an insect
    does in comparison with the Earth.Immanuel Kant
  • Torrent of light and river of air,Along whose
    bed the glimmering stars are seen,Like gold and
    silver sands in some ravine Where mountain
    streams have left their channels bare!H.W.
    Longfellow 1880 CE (the Milky Way)
  • Who are we? We find that we live on an
    insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a
    galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a
    universe in which there are far more galaxies
    than people.Carl Sagan
  • That is the spiral galaxy in Andromeda. It is as
    large as our Milky Way. It is one of a hundred
    million galaxies. It consists of one hundred
    billion suns. Now I think we are small enough.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Universe
  • - Our observable universe is about 14 Billion
    years old. We
  • know this because we are able to see 14 Billion
    light years in
  • all directions around us.
  • The Universe is expanding and can be measured by
    Hubbles Law, where H tells us the rate of
    expansion that galaxies are moving apart. 1/H
    tells us how long the universe has been expanding
  • -Our observable universe is growing 1 light year
    every year.
  • - An objects distance is easier to be expressed
    in look back time.
  • Lookback time is directly proportional to
    cosmological redshift, and thus we can record how
    the expansion of the universe expands photons,
    shifting them to redder wavelengths.

Universe Quotes
  • "What did you see?" I asked, "Before beginning's
    Big Bang lights?" (I reviews and interviews, I
    edits and I writes). "Before the start of time,
    before the Universe's birth?What did the Hubble
    show, ten billion years before the Earth?"He
    told me. Now I writes no more. I drinks a bit, I
    edits."Right before the beginning, " he said,
    "is when they roll the credits!"Jonathan Vos
  • Images of broken light which dance before me like
    a million eyes that call me on and on across the
    Universe. Limitless undying love which shines
    around me like a million suns, it calls me on and
    on across the Universe.The Beatles 1968 CE

The universal spectacle throughoutWas shaped for
admiration and delight,Grand in itself alone,
but in that breachThrough which the homeless
voice of waters rose,That dark deep
thoroughfare, had Nature lodgedThe Soul, the
Imagination of the whole. (Wordsworth)
  • Our eyes prefer to supposeThat a habitable
    placeHas a geocentric view,That architects
    encloseA quiet Euclidian spaceExploded myths -
    but whoCould feel at home astraddleAn ever
    expanding saddle? W.H.

Starry Night
Vincent Van Gogh
Works Cited
  • Artwork
  • Durham Collection." Welcome to Tarleton State
    University - Tarleton State University. 10 May
    2009 lthttp//
  • Van Gogh, Vincent. Starry Night, oil on canvas
    by Vincent van Gogh, 1888 in the Musée dOrsay,
  • Books
  • Bennett, Jeffrey. Cosmic Perspective. 5th
    Edition. San Francisco Pearson Educ. Inc., 2008.
  • Saint-Exupery, Antoine de. The Little Prince. San
    Diego New York London Harcourt, Inc., 2000.
  • Poetry
  • Auden, WH. Poetry, After Reading a Child's Guide
    to Modern Physics, The New Yorker, November 17,
    1962, p. 48
  • Rossetti, Christina, Poetry, Sing Song, Ed.
    Arthur Hughes. London MACMILLAN AND CO.,1893.
  • Wordsworth, William. Climbing Snowdon (Book
    XIII, ls 1-119.) The Prelude. Ed. Harold Bloom.
    New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.
  • Quotations
  • Western Washington University Planetarium
    Collection. Ed. Brad Snowder. 2006. Western
    Washington University. 10 May 2009
  • On Truth RealityThe Spherical Standing Wave
    Structure of Matter in Space. Ed.Geoff
    Haselhurst.1997-2009. WSM. 9 May 2009
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