We%20imagine%20ourselves%20in%20the%20presence%20of%20baby%20Jesus,%20and%20Mary%20and%20Joseph.%20We%20are%20surprised%20to%20see%20men%20of%20eastern%20appearance%20come.%20They%20see%20baby%20Jesus%20and%20fall%20on%20their%20knees.%20They%20offer%20him%20homage%20and%20give%20him%20presents%20of%20gold,%20frankincense%20and%20myrrh; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church:What does it mean. Catholics who gather at liturgy. liturgy the work of the people Local parish community. Ex: St. Michael s, Our Lady of Lourdes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: We%20imagine%20ourselves%20in%20the%20presence%20of%20baby%20Jesus,%20and%20Mary%20and%20Joseph.%20We%20are%20surprised%20to%20see%20men%20of%20eastern%20appearance%20come.%20They%20see%20baby%20Jesus%20and%20fall%20on%20their%20knees.%20They%20offer%20him%20homage%20and%20give%20him%20presents%20of%20gold,%20frankincense%20and%20myrrh;

  • We imagine ourselves in the presence of baby
    Jesus, and Mary and Joseph. We are surprised to
    see men of eastern appearance come. They see baby
    Jesus and fall on their knees. They offer him
    homage and give him presents of gold,
    frankincense and myrrh gold because Jesus is
    king, frankincense since Jesus is divine and
    myrrh prefiguring his Passion. They tell us about
    the star and about Herod who knew nothing about
    Jesus birth. After their stay they set out on
    their return journey eastwards but not via
    Jerusalem since they want to avoid Herod. After
    their departure we spend time with baby Jesus.
    Baby Jesus, we do not have gold, frankincense and
    myrrh to give you but we can give you our love.
    Let our love be your manger. For a moment now let
    us love baby Jesus.....
  • Baby Jesus, even while you were only a little
    baby you experienced both acceptance from the
    wise men and rejection from Herod. The wise men
    and Herod had two opposing attitudes, searching
    for God and being closed to God. Baby Jesus, we
    see that the wise men were blessed in their
    search for you by finding you. We are searching
    for you too, we want to come ever closer to you.
    Help us to draw ever closer to you and if we are
    closed to you like Herod, help us to open so that
    we can find you. Let us ask Jesus to help us in
    drawing closer to him.....
  • Baby Jesus, not only had the wise men and Herod
    different attitudes to you, they also had
    different attitudes to life. The wise men were
    generous, Herod was selfish wanting to hold on to
    his throne. The magi gave you gifts Herod killed
    all boys under two years of age. The wise men
    were willing to put energy and goodness into
    life, Herod wanted to get all he could from life.
    The magi who sacrificed to put into life were
    happy, Herod who took all he could from life was
    unhappy. Baby Jesus, help us to foster a healthy
    attitude towards life, giving and caring, instead
    of grasping, and being selfish and possessive.
    Let us pray now asking Jesus to help us develop
    ever more wholesome attitudes towards life.....
  • The magi were blessed. They were given the
    guidance of a star. In the darkness of this world
    we have all been given help on our journey to
    God the beauty of nature, the Word of God in
    Sacred Scripture, Spirit-filled witnessing and
    preaching, the faith of others and our own faith.
    For a moment let us thank God for giving us stars
    to lead us to him.....
  • When the wise men arrived in Jerusalem, it seems
    they no longer had the guidance of the star,
    otherwise they would not have had to ask Herod
    for advice. Sometimes we too feel as if were in
    the dark, like the magi. Sometimes what or whom
    we relied on is not there any more. Sometimes we
    see only darkness around us. But we know that you
    are there, Jesus, and that eternal life awaits us
    even if sometimes in this world there is no star
    for us. Lord, in our moments of darkness without
    a star, help us not to give up but to keep
    searching, hoping and praying because that would
    be the best way forward. Let us pray now for
    strength to remain steadfast when there is no
    guiding star.....

  • Ecclesiology the study of the Church.

Church a language lesson
  • Kyriake Church (Greek) belonging to the Lord
  • Ekklesia (Greek) those called out, a
    convocation or assembly
  • Secular legislative assembly
  • NT community called out of the world to live
  • We are summoned to
  • Be different (holy!)
  • Be in the world but not of the world
  • Gather to act on behalf of/in the name of God
  • Be united with Christ

ChurchWhat does it mean
  • Catholics who gather at liturgy
  • liturgy the work of the people
  • Local parish community
  • Ex St. Michaels, Our Lady of Lourdes
  • Universal community of believers
  • catholic Greek for universal
  • Catholic Proper noun referring to Roman
    Catholic Church

Round Robin
  • Come up with as many symbols or images of the
    Church that you can.

Symbols and Images of the Church
  • Sheepfold -The flock of which God himself
    foretold that he would be the shepherd (CCC

Cultivated field That land like a choice
vineyard has been planted by the heavenly
cultivator (CCC 755)
Symbols and Images Continued
  • Building of God The Lord compared himself to
    the stone which the builders rejected, but which
    was made into the cornerstone, on this foundation
    the Church is built by the apostles and from it
    the Church receives solidity and unity (CCC 756)

Images and Symbols
  • Body of Christ
  • Bride of Christ
  • Vine and Branches
  • Marian Images
  • People of God

Church as Mystery
  • Theologically inexhaustible not unknowable
  • Images (models) help us to describe what we
    already understand
  • Ex church as servant, bride of Christ
  • A reality imbued with the hidden presence of God
  • Emphasizes ongoing work of Jesus in human history

Qualities of the Church
  • Infallible The pope and bishops united with him
    cannot err when teaching the faith or morals to
    all Christians
  • Indefectible The Church is preserved by the Holy
    Spirit from destruction or decay until the

Churchs Mission/Purpose
  • The Churchs first purpose is to be the
    sacrament of the inner union of men with God
    (CCC 775).
  • To continues the work and presence of Jesus
    Christ in the world with the guidance of the Holy
  • Goal unite all things human and divine
    realities in Him.
  • The Church aims to create and nourish the
    relationship between each individual soul and its
  • The Church is the visible plan of Gods love for
    humanity because God desires that the whole
    human may become one People of God, form one Body
    of Christ, and be built up into one temple of the
    Holy Spirit. (Lumen Gentium)

Who makes up the Church?
  • Jesus Christ
  • Apostles
  • Holy Spirit
  • US! All human beings
  • Religious Bishops, priests, nuns, etc.
  • Lay people everyone else

  • Physical (visible) structures, governance, and
    people exist within the world as a part of the
  • Spiritual(invisible) Mystical Body of Christ
    Church in heaven.
  • We are a Pilgrim Church, We are made of the
    world but not of the world. (John 1519)
  • -Complex reality of the visible and invisible

  • From the beginning of time into eternity!
  • God created the world to enjoy communion with
  • Convocation of men with Christ ? convocation is
    the Church
  • The Church, at the end of time, will be perfected
    in Glory within heaven (eternal).
  • Visible Church 33 A.D. present
  • Invisible Church 8

Church History
  • Theological ideal vs. Reality within history
  • The how of the Church is recorded throughout
    history including all of its failures and
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