Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992)


Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992)

Neal Stephenson,Snow Crash (1992)
(No Transcript)
Neal Stephenson
  • American writer, b. 1959
  • Has a degree in geography both parents were
  • Is also a practicing computer programmer and was
    involved in a space-research company, Blue
    Origin, until 2006
  • Wrote the alternative history trilogy of eight
    The Baroque Cycle and its prequel, Cryptonomicon
  • Also wrote a book on computers, In the Beginning
    Was the Command Line, and other non-fiction
  • Like Adams and Gibson, he is a Mac user

Snow Crash and Cyberpunk
  • Often described as postcyberpunk
  • Originally planned as a CGI graphic novel
  • Has influenced actual-world developments, esp.
    online games
  • Popularized the term avatar for a users online
    representation (originally comes from Hindu

Stephenson on Cyberpunk
  • It's a great label. You get to wear black
    leather jackets and mirrored shades and be hip
    and cool as long as cyberpunk is hip and cool.
  • for a while, information technology was
    incredibly important, yet it had been ignored or
    gotten wrong by science fiction. There was this
    vast terrain of virgin territory, and there was a
    land rush. Now the revolutionary nature of that
    technology has become familiar. To make the
    obligatory social criticism kind of comment here,
    the bursting of the Internet bubble has proven
    that information technology is just another
  • Snow Crash turned out to be a failed prediction.
    People have shown limited interest in immersive
    3-D technology, so I think it worked better as a
    novel than as a prognostication. But it provided
    a reasonable, coherent picture of a particular
    kind of entertainment technology.
  • Science fictiondoesnt always mean its about
    the future its an awareness that this is

Stephenson on GibsonTaken from a 2004 interview
on Slashdot
  • A year or two after SNOW CRASH came out I was
    doing a reading/signing at White Dwarf Books in
    Vancouver. Gibson stopped by to say hello and
    extended his hand as if to shake. But I
    remembered something Bruce Sterling had told me.
    For, at the time, Sterling and I had formed a
    pact to fight Gibson. Gibson had been regrown in
    a vat from scraps of DNA after Sterling had
    crashed an LNG tanker into Gibson's Stealth
    pleasure barge in the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
    During the regeneration process, telescoping
    Carbonite stilettos had been incorporated into
    Gibson's arms. Remembering this in the nick of
    time, I grabbed the signing table and flipped it
    up between us. Of course the Carbonite stilettos
    pierced it as if it were cork board, but this
    spoiled his aim long enough for me to whip my
    wakizashi out from between my shoulder blades and
    swing at his head. He deflected the blow with a
    force blast that sprained my wrist. The falling
    table knocked over a space heater and set fire to
    the store. Everyone else fled. Gibson and I
    dueled among blazing stacks of books for a while.
    Slowly I gained the upper hand, for, on defense,
    his Praying Mantis style was no match for my
    Flying Cloud technique. But I lost him behind a
    cloud of smoke. Then I had to get out of the
    place. The streets were crowded with his
    black-suited minions and I had to turn into a
    swarm of locusts and fly back to Seattle.

Stephensons Use of Humour
  • Hybrid of Adams and Gibson?
  • Parody of cyberpunk, as Adams parodied
    traditional SF?
  • Expository narrative
  • Character names (real or adopted?)
  • Pop-culture references
  • Extrapolation via exaggeration

The Society of Snow Crash
  • anarcho-capitalism essentially the opposite
    of Banks Culture
  • Hyperinflation
  • Corporate culture gone wild countries give way
    to franchises
  • Everything is privatized and for-profit
  • Mafia as corporation - some might ask, whats the

  • A Burbclave, thats the place to live. A
    city-state with its own constitution, a border,
    laws, cops, everything
  • Short for suburban enclave - like gated
    communities in the actual world?
  • Designed to conform to each other everything
    looks the same in America there are no
    transitions now
  • Have to bulldoze lots of neighbourhoods to do
    it, but those 70s and 80s developments exist to
    be bulldozed, right?
  • Segregated societies, including racism
  • Racial mix of main characters (Hiro is
  • Theres only four things we do better than
    anyone else music, movies, microcode (software),
    high-speed pizza delivery

  • Office bureaucracy gone wild - a theme shared by
    Stephenson and Adams
  • Polygraph testing - reminiscent of Dick?
  • Punishment by social ostracism (branding) -
    suggestion of Banks?

Stephenson on Politics
  • Artists often make fools of themselves, and
    begin to produce bad art, when they decide to get
    political. A novelist needs to be able to see the
    world through the eyes of just about anyone,
    including people who have this or that set of
    views on religion, politics, etc. By espousing
    one strong political view a novelist loses the
    power to do this. Anyone who has convinced
    himself, based on reading my work, that I hold
    this or that political view, is probably wrong.
    What is much more likely is that, for a while, I
    managed to get inside the head of a fictional
    character who held that view.

The Metaverse
  • VR-based interface
  • Popular as an escape from reality
  • Designed on a computer screen, but with an eye
    toward the elegance of things past and forgotten
  • In the Metaverse, Hiro Protagonist is a warrior

  • Avatars can be anything you want, limited only by
    imagination and bandwidth
  • Generic avatars (Brandy and Clint)
  • Daemons - avatars with no human users
  • Hypercards used in the Metaverse to represent a
    chunk of data
  • Differences between the Metaverse and Reality -
    e.g. Hiros reaction to killing an actual person
    vs. an avatar

  • Hiro gets information...gossip, videotape,
    audiotape, a fragment of a computer disk, a xerox
    of a document - and all of it goes into CICs
  • The Librarian source of expository information,
    guide to Stephensons world
  • Stephensons fascination with powers of 2,
    especially 65,536 (another possible answer to

Other Technology
  • Smart boxes
  • Kouriers skateboards and magnetic harpoons
  • Kouriers as hybrid of Gibsons cowboys and
    Adams hitchhikers?
  • The Rat Things - cybernetically altered animals
    (cf. Dicks replicant animals)
  • Military technology Reason, atomic bombs
  • Hiros Japanese swords
  • the only American who actually knows how to set
    the alarm on her digital wristwatch

Stephenson on Religion
  • A lot of secular, modern people claim to be
    disillusioned whenever they learn that any smart
    person is religious....The fundamentalist
    churches nowadays do a much better job of
    promulgating their views and are much more vocal
    and outspoken, and if you're a secular person who
    doesn't have much interaction with organized
    religion, then the only time you ever see a
    Christian, it's someone saying that evolution is
    a lie and the world is only 6,000 years old. It's
    very easy to miss the fact that the Catholic
    Church and all the mainline Protestant
    denominations long ago accepted evolution and
    have no problem with it at all. I frequently run
    into militantly secular types who think that all
    Christians, for example, deny the theory of
    evolution. That accounts for a certain amount of
    the militancy of secular types in public
    discourse. They just can't believe people believe
    this stuff. It seems patently idiotic to them.

  • Reverend Waynes Pearly Gates - religion as
    corporation also plays on desire for conformity
  • L. Bob Rife - modelled on L. Ron Hubbard (who
    started out as a writer of SF)
  • Why atheism and intellectualism seem to be
    connected in the popular imagination 99 of
    what goes on in most Christian churches has
    nothing whatsoever to do with the actual
  • Juanitas conversion and her fascination with the
    Snow Crash project

  • Religion as escape from reality, or connection to
    hyperreality - analogues to the Metaverse?
  • Symbolism of the Tower of Babel story Snow Crash
    as Babel in reverse?
  • If its provably false, then the Bible is a lie
    and if its provably true, then the existence of
    God is proven and theres no room for faith
  • Glossolalia and xenoglossia speaking in
  • Pentecostals and Charismatics

More on Stephenson and Religion
  • Codification of religion (e.g. compilation of the
    Hebrew Bible) reflecting changes in belief and
  • Repression, or redirection, of the feminine in
  • Sacred texts / master narratives as
    sociopolitical allegories
  • Is Stephenson questioning religious history or
    making use of it for his own purposes?
  • the defeat of chaos, the separation of the
    static, unified world into a binary system, is
    identified with creation
  • Roles of unity, chaos, multiplicity?

Linguistic Theories
  • Universal / Transformational Grammar (Chomsky et
    al.) the ability to learn language is coded in
    the brain deep structures
  • Relativism language determines thought processes
    (cf. Derrida There is nothing outside the
  • Monogenesis all languages can be traced back to
    a proto-language
  • Polygenesis languages evolved separately

  • Jokes. Urban legends. Crackpot religions.
    Marxism. No matter how smart we get, theres
    always this deep irrational part that makes us
    potential hosts for self-replicating information.

Religion, Viruses, and Memetics
  • Memetic theory introduced by Richard Dawkins in
    The Selfish Gene (1976) and Douglas Hofstadter in
    Memetics (1980) from a Greek word meaning
  • Memes are units of information, named by analogy
    to genes (the term is now often used to refer to
    Internet jokes - thus the word itself becomes a
    self-referential example)
  • Spread of memes is often compared to spread of
    viruses (e.g. viral marketing) cf. Douglas
    Rushkoff, Media Virus (1994)
  • Dawkins essay Virus of the Mind (1991)
    specifically compares religion to viruses

Snow Crash and Sumerian Mythology
  • This Snow Crash thing - is it a virus, a drug,
    or a religion?... Whats the difference?
  • Asherah - the Sumerian mother goddess (also
    referred to in the Old Testament) known as
    Queen of Heaven (cf. Isis, Mary)
  • connection between biological viruses and memes
  • The Me - divine laws and agreements
  • Inanna in the Underworld - connection to Juanita
    going after Rife
  • 0 and 1 in the drawing
  • Religious reformers as proto-hackers (Enki,
    Jesus others too?)
  • Suggests the vicious cycle of religious history
    each reform leads to rigidity in its own right

  • A really advanced hacker comes to understand the
    true inner workings of the machine - he sees
    through the language hes working in and glimpses
    the secret functioning of the binary code

Viruses and Drugs
  • Drug use, esp. steroid use, in the society
  • Snow Crash as both virus and drug - similar
    effects in both computers and users?
  • Snow Crash penetrates the walls of brain cells
    and goes to the nucleus where the DNA is stored
  • They infect people by injecting them with the
    blood of sick hackers

  • Ive got so much antiviral medicine in my system
    that nothing could get through
  • Your brain has an immune system, just like your
    body. The more you use it - the more viruses you
    get exposed to - the better your immune system
  • Critical thinking as antiviral programming

Stephensons Female Characters
  • Y.T.
  • 15-year-old messenger
  • Streetwise and independent, but knows when to ask
    for help
  • Relationship with her mother
  • Significance of her name
  • Enhancements? (e.g. her anti-rape device)
  • Is she a typical cyberpunk heroine?
  • She is briefly mentioned in The Diamond Age
  • Cf. Gibson (Molly)
  • Juanita
  • Intellectual and religious - sees no discrepancy
  • Helped establish the Metaverse
  • Nature of her relationship with Hiro?
  • Attitudes of her co-workers the especially
    virulent type espoused by male techies who
    sincerely believe that they are too smart to be
  • Cf. Banks (Yay) Adams (Trillian)

Hiro vs. Raven
  • Hiro does not make a fuss about being mixed-race
  • Spends too much time in the Metaverse Time to
    get immersed in Reality
  • Becomes a security consultant in the Metaverse
  • Raven defines himself by his race and by
    historical prejudices
  • Pentecostal Russian Orthodox - his religion as
    escape from his reality?
  • The Western, American lifestyle had come this
    close to killing me - so he decides to kill it

  • Their skins were different colours but they all
    belonged to the same ethnic group Military
  • Connection of Hiros father to Ravens - origin
    of Hiros swords

Other Characters
  • Uncle Enzo - businessman / crimelord /
    ex-soldier sympathetic gangster use and
    subversion of stereotypes about his ethnicity and
  • Da5id - always...certain of everything, even
    when hes totally wrong
  • Lagos - the meta-librarian
  • Ng - Metaverse as nostalgic re-creation
  • Fido - chapters from his POV emphasizes his
    memories of Y.T.
  • Mr. Lee - stereotypical Hong Kong businessman,
    poor translations and all

Stephenson and Popular Culture
  • Globalized culture - everyone borrows from
    everyone else diversity among conformity?
  • Vitaly - Ukrainian nuclear fuzz-grunge
    collectives in LA
  • Uncle Enzo and Cosa Nostra Pizza Inc. - Italian
    influences on American culture
  • Pop-culture presence in the Metaverse
  • Sushi K - more style than substance, but lyrics
    allude to cultural fusion, outsourcing, etc. use
    of Japanese culture

Pre- or Post-Apocalyptic Society?
  • References to historical wars, but not to any
    recent ones
  • Sudden transition or gradual changes?
  • Disparities between rich and poor Metaverse vs.
    the Raft
  • Infocalypse
  • My system crashed....I had been washed in the
    blood....I belonged to the Word now
  • Warnings/implications for the actual world?

The Metaverse and/in Reality
  • Preference of one over the other, and why? (e.g.
    the Gargoyles)
  • Is one being developed at the expense of the
    other? (cf. Dick Gibson)
  • Metaverse as re-creation of important memories?
    (e.g. Ng, the Rat Things)

Stephenson and Other Writers
  • Stephenson vs. Lem use of academic discourse
    influence of real-world academic writing
  • Stephenson vs. Dick role of animals role of
  • Stephenson vs. Adams humour and social satire
    light-hearted treatment of SF conventions
    (Stephenson as Adams counterpart in cyberpunk?)
    playful approaches to serious questions AI as
  • Stephenson vs. Banks treatment of anarchy
    influence of games and gamers
  • Stephenson vs. Gibson treatment of virtual
    worlds, esp. in relation to reality role of
    hackers and messengers influence on actual-world
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