Title: L3: Blast: Keyword match basics Author: Vineet Bafna Last modified by: Vineet Bafna Created Date: 10/4/2005 8:32:21 AM Document presentation format
optical ray. x. q. These parameters define a ray vector, ... the ray propagates through optics. For many optical components, we can define 2 x 2 ray matrices. ...
(a) polymer with star topology (b) polymer with watermelon topology ... we can prove the following three facts. ... 4.2 Watermelon Configurations. Consider a ...
Sometimes, homology (evolutionary similarity) exists at very low levels of ... types, which is variously known as a pattern, motif, signature or fingerprint. ...
Suppose x satisfies x' = Ax, let y be the n x 1 vector such that x = Ty. ... Since x' = Ax and T is a constant matrix, we have Ty' = ATy, and hence y' = T-1ATy = Dy. ...