Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Pseudoscalar Meson Electroproduction with CLAS Valery Kubarovsky Jefferson Lab XII Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics
Includes groups from USA, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Korea Designed to study charm ... Antiparticle. Pp 18 GeV/c. Pp 18 GeV/c. PD 70 GeV/c. PD 70 GeV/c. D2 ...
Weird baryons: pentaquark problems 'Diquarks,Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks. and no quarks' ... to be measured' Why do we need to teach. science? Physics Problem: ...
1. Medium modifications on vector meson in 12GeV p A reactions. Introduction ... Slowly moving f mesons have a larger probability. to decay inside the target nucleus. ...