Dies ist der erste Schritt des Bachelor Abschlusses. Als das praktischste Kursniveau, führt dieser Studiengang die Studenten in das Konzept und die Praxis der Wirtschaft und Verwaltung ein.
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät bekleidet international eine Spitzenposition. Unsere Leistungen in Forschung und Lehre sind der Exzellenz und der Verantwortung verpflichtet.
ABMS steht auch für die Bildungseinrichtungen, die ein Fernstudium und Weiterbildungskurse als Fernlehrgänge anbietetDazu gehören auch Fachhochschulen, die sich auf das Fernstudium spezialisiert haben und keine anderen Studiengänge anbieten oder auf die Weiterbildung spezialisiert Fernakademie.
Build global success when you earn your business management diploma online from ABMS. Our accredited University give you the skills you need to operate within a multinational enterprise.
Kaufen Sie Schutzmasken in der Schweiz zu einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Besuchen Sie unsere Website schutzmasken-ffp2.ch.Sie finden alle Artenvon gängigen Schutzmasken.
Admission at ABMS is competitive and our admission office is controlling each application form for a holistically for strength of academic preparation.
Admission at ABMS is competitive and our admission office is controlling each application form for a holistically for strength of academic preparation.
This is the highest leve you can study at ABMS Open University. At this level students are given the full knowledge not just know-how, our students should be able to come withnew theory themselves and should be able to manage big team and teach young professionals how to do things better, they introduced to management as an academic discipline.
This is the highest leve you can study at ABMS Open University. At this level students are given the full knowledge not just know-how, our students should be able to come with new theory themselves and should be able to manage big team and teach young professionals how to do things better, they introduced to management as an academic discipline.
Admission at ABMS is competitive and our admission office is controlling each application form for a holistically for strength of academic preparation.
The School of Hospital and Health Care Management in Switzerland (SHHCM), part of ABMS University Centre, is designed and prepared by 3 Medical Doctors and 1 doctor of pharmacy from different countries and different specialization, all doctors are living in Switzerland
Die Academy of Business Management – ABMS – The Open University Of Switzerland ist eine dynamische, moderne Universität im Herzen der Schweiz, die einen Fokus auf alle Aspekte des Managements und der Business-Branche legt.
The School of Economy and Finance in Switzerland (SEFS), part of ABMS University Centre, is designed for students who want to focus on management based in the financial department. Students will be familiarised with Accounting & Finance for different companies forms all over the world.
The School of Law and Education in Switzerland (SLES), part of ABMS University Centre, prepare you to understand the swiss law for businesses and how do swiss schools directors manage a school or college.
Our Business Study Programs at ABMS school of business switzerland will prepare you for today’s challenges to be a manager and to be able to solve problems you will face in any business field
The School of Law and Education in Switzerland (SLES), part of ABMS University Centre, prepare you to understand the swiss law for businesses and how do swiss schools directors manage a school or college.
Am Ende des Bachelor-Studiengang wird von den Absolventen erwartet, die Theorie mit der Praxis zu verbinden und ein fundiertes Wissen über ihre Management-Branche aufzuweisen.
Connect with learners and leaders just like you in our online executive certificates programs. You will go as far as your mind will take you as an executive certificates student at ABMS.
Student cards will be given for FREE (only for students who paid at least 50% of their study fee) to all our students (ONLY ABMS STUDENTS) who will join from October 2014 intake
ABMS is proud to be accredited by the European Council for Distance Learning (EUCDL), EUCDL is a unique accreditation in Europe, and their aim is to work with distance and online universities to improve their quality.
Am Ende des Bachelor-Studiengang wird von den Absolventen erwartet, die Theorie mit der Praxis zu verbinden und ein fundiertes Wissen über ihre Management-Branche aufzuweisen.
Dieser Executive Bachelor-Studiengang Studie ist für Schüler, die direkt nach der High School für mindestens 3 Jahre in leitender Position arbeiten, die Absolventen sollen Theorie mit Praxis und fundierte Kenntnisse in ihrem Management-Branche verbinden.
Our Business Study Programs at ABMS school of business switzerland will prepare you for today’s challenges to be a manager and to be able to solve problems you will face in any business field, Our Graduates will improve their capacity understand and communicate effectively with their staff and work colleague, think Independently and work in a team to thrive in work situations.
ABMS proud to be ACCREDITED by the European Council for Business Education (ECBE) a leading Accreditation Association based in Switzerland and affiliated with the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) AND Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (IQG).
Es wird von den Studenten erwartet, lebenslange Praxiskompetenzen in den wichtigen Bereichen der Industrie zu erlangen, die als Leitfaden und Ressource für zukünftige Studien dienen.
Überall auf der Welt wird die Schweiz mit Bildung, Präzision, Sauberkeit und gutem Service verbunden. ABMS verkörpert Schweizer Qualität zu fairen Preisen. Wer bei uns studiert erhält nicht nur ein Zertifikat, dass von den wichtigsten Gütesiegeln in der Business-Branche gesichert wird, sondern verlässt uns auch mit den Fähigkeiten und Attribute, die in der ganzen Welt geschätzt werden und sehr gefragt sind.
Deutschsprachige Literatur in der Schweiz nach 1945 Vom Experiment zur Identit tssuche DADA Entstanden unter dem Eindruck des Ersten Weltkrieges; In Z rich (1916-18 ...
Die Schweiz findet in Luzern statt: Die Stadt - der See - die Berge. Was immer Sie von einer einzigartigen Stadt erwarten, Luzern bietet eine großartige Vielfalt.
ABMS proud to be Certified by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), their main Headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland, ISO is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. ABMS is now certified till July 2017. ISO is a Swiss-International Standard organization and is worldwide known.
Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Saud Abdul-Rahman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, ABMS is now a recognized member of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (which is part of The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization - ISESCO)
Die Zeiten sind vorbei, in denen man im Gast- und Hotelgewerbe ausschließlich Engagement und „learning by doing“ als Erfolgsfaktoren benötigte. Es gibt eine immer stärkere Professionalisierung und Akademisierung. Auch die Anforderungen im Hospitality-Bereich steigen ständig. Hospitality Manager sind gut ausgebildete Fachkräfte und bestens auf die neuen anspruchsvollen Anforderungen vorbereitet.
Der executive Masterstudiengang ist ideal für Studenten, die direkt nach dem Abitur mindestens 5 Jahre in leitender Position gearbeitet haben. Der executive MBA der ABMS ist speziell für Führungskräfte konzipiert. Es erhöht ihr Know-how und befähigt sie, im globalen Wirtschaftsumfeld zu agieren.
The economical conditions of world are tight and they are putting financial strain on every individual. The economical crisis which came some time back brought with it many grave circumstances as many people were forced to leave their jobs.
The study program in International Tourism and Hospitality Management is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry, and is comprised of four 3-month blocks;
This course covers the principles and functions of management. Students are taught the key elements in planning and decision-making and the significance of different controls required in an organisation.
This course introduces and builds on a range of mathematical concepts and techniques. Students will be able to develop their analytical skills in order to make informed business decisions based on a wide range of data sources. The course also develops a student’s ability to present data in a meaningful and systematic way.
The course starts with a basic but rigorous introduction to economic concepts and tools of analysis. It then moves on to discuss introductory microeconomic supply and demand analysis and different market structures.
Clinical and pharmaceutical managers ensuring that their facility is operating with its highest potential by supervision of day-to-day management activities. They have to develop and implement Aims, policies, and procedures for their departments and trained staff about changes.
Die ABMS ist stolz darauf von dem Europäischen Rat für Fernunterricht akkreditiert worden zu sein. EUCDL ist ein einzigartiges Akkreditierung in Europa, deren Ziele ist es mit Distanz und Online-Universitäten, qualitativ zu verbessern.