If you find that your child does have lice or suspect that they do after attending a sleepover. Here are a few ways to help prevent your child from getting lice at a sleepover:
What makes your head attractive to lice? Want to learn more about lice infestation? Click here to read more about Head Lice Infestation: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention.
Book bags. Each primary and lower elementary child should have a book bag. WHMS sells them with the logo, or you can purchase a similar canvas bag. ...
When children go to summer camp – they bring back trophies, happy memories, and Lice. You have already fought an infestation the last time and it took months to get rid of. Now they are getting ready for another trip, sending your blood pressure higher every day. Cool down! We have a solution. Buy a lice camp prevention pack and ask your kids to wash their hair with the shampoo and conditioner daily. Advise them to avoid head-to-head contact with other kids and sharing personal belongings. Ask them to use lice helmet spray while sharing helmets in the camp and lice spray while sleeping on the bunk beds.