Obol is a system for discovering and reasoning over hidden ... Robert Stevens. Phillip Lord. J Michael Cherry. Michael Ashburner. all the GO Consortium ...
Components of an Ontology. Constraints and other meta information about relations. Slot Product: ... 'Physical', 'Abstract', 'Structure', 'Substance' useful for ...
Model phenotype data in a structured manner to allow for ... Diseases (ICD), SNOMED, Medical Subheadings (MeSH), National Cancer Institute (NCI) Diseases ...
Ontology and RadLex Robert Arp, Ph.D. Ontology Research Group (ORG) www.org.buffalo.edu National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) www.bioontology.org
International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology ... bio-ontology can then be linked to the molecular databases' (Bard and Rhee 2004) ...
NCBO SPARQL Endpoint Trish Whetzel Outreach Coordinator Our backend relies on predicate indexing mostly. and most likely queries with unbound ?p will run slow.
BioPortal and NCBO Web services Trish Whetzel Outreach Coordinator National Center for Biomedical Ontology Mission To create software for the application of ...
John Fox (Director, OpenClinical) As a user and teacher of ontological methods in medicine and engineering I have for years warned my students that the design of ...
The Gene Regulation Ontology (GRO): - Design Principles and Use Cases - Elena BEISSWANGERa, Vivian LEEb, Jung-Jae KIMb, Dietrich REBHOLZ-SCHUHMANNb, Andrea ...
Face-to-Face Meeting Semantic Web for Healthcare and Life Sciences Interest Group http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/ W3C HCLS chairs, Eric Neumann - Clinical Semantics Group
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations. OBI is about capturing all aspects of an investigation (study, experiment, etc.) OBI is part of a group that follows the same ...
In Intl. Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented ... Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. Foundations of Databases. Addison Wesley, 1995. ...
Where do SO and RNAO meet. How SO and RNAO can work together. If ... E.g. Does the CDS include the stop codon? An annotation captures what we know about a gene ...
The patient was generally well until about one half hour prior to arrival in the ... Chest X-ray Left upper lobe infiltrate, left ventricular hypertrophy ...
Title: Incremental Maintenance of Materialized OQL Views Author: Norman Paton Last modified by: norm Created Date: 11/4/2000 11:38:08 AM Document presentation format
the encouragement of collaborations in the field of bioinformatics. ... Dr Christoph Sensen, Canadian Bioinformatics Resource, National Research Council ...
Ontology: Not Just for Philosophers Anymore Robert Arp, Ph.D. - The Ontology Research Group (ORG) www.org.buffalo.edu - The National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO)
The Future of Biomedical Informatics Barry Smith University at Buffalo http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith * * * * * * * A strategy for translational medicine Sj bl m ...
Towards An Integrated NCBC Computational Tools and Services Framework Ivo.Dinov@loni.ucla.edu http://www.ccb.ucla.edu Low Hanging Fruit? Who s picking the Fruits?
Huge growth in online biomedical data sets ... Zebrafish shh & oep genes. Query: Zebrafish oep gene annotations show nearly all defects seen in human h.p. ...
The Joy of Ontology Suzanna Lewis SMI Colloquium April 20th, 2006 Sections Why make an ontology What is an ontology How to create an ontology Logically Technically ...
Ontology Enables Large-Scale Biomedical Science Slide 8 GO Consortium Need for annotation of genome sequences GO Representation: Tree or Network? Slide 12 ...
Motivation for formalized phenotype description and ... Zebrafish. shh. Zebrafish. oep. Who should use PATO? Originally: model organism mutant phenotypes ...
Title: Ontologies for biological annotation Author: Chris Mungall Last modified by: Chris Mungall Created Date: 12/5/2005 6:34:38 AM Document presentation format
Ontologies and data integration in biomedicine. Olivier Bodenreider. Lister Hill ... Ontology-centric integration and navigation of the dengue literature ...
Things that occur during time ... that resemble flies from a distance' ... A tangible stuff composed of two or more different constituents which have been mixed. ...
Molecular entities which are. used to intervene in the. process of living ... cellular components, molecular. functions, biological processes in all organisms ...