Velella velella - by the wind sailor. Fire coral. hydrocoral. Physalia - Portugese man of war ... Aurelia - moon jelly. Pelagia ~Class cubozoa - box jellies ...
Filo Cnidaria ou Coelenterata I. CARACTERIZA O: . Ex.: guas-vivas, corais, an monas e hidras. . Cavidade gastrovascular (digestiva) sistema digest rio ...
A system of nerve cells called a Nerve net. Special nerve cells sting their prey to paralyze them ... Examples: coral anemone, hydra, jellyfish. This is an anemone ...
... Glass Sponge, Sea Sponge Phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata Live in water Most have tentacles catch food with stinging cells Examples - Jellyfish, ...
Simple Invertebrates Sponges, jellyfishes and coral, ... The mighty sponge! Phylum Cnidaria (aka Coelenterata): Jellyfishes and Corals More advanced than sponges.
TRANSFORTASI ZAT Transfortasi zat di dalam sel terjadi terutama dengan cara difusi, seperti pada protozoa, porifera dan coelenterata. Pada hewan lebih tinggi ...
... growing on rocks in Antarctica to giant river otters in the Amazon Basin. ... Coelenterata (Jellyfish, Corals, Comb Jellies)9,000. Reptilia (Reptiles)6,300 ...
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Title: PEMBELAHAN SEL : Author: Lab. KIMIA Created Date: 3/7/2006 8:35:55 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: UMM Other titles
Horn corals. Tabulate corals. Modern corals. EARLY PALEOZOIC LIFE. Metazoan Invertebrates ... Rugosa (Rugose or Horn Corals) Ranged from Ordovician to Permian ...
Taxonomy involves the science of classifying and describing organisms, including plants, animals, and other microorganisms. Various taxonomists have arranged the species into classifications using different observations such as behavioural and genetics. Listed below are the eight levels of taxa.
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...
The largest jellyfish is the Arctic Giant Jellyfish: it can have a diameter over ... The most venomous jellyfish is the Australian Sea Wasp; death can occur within 1 ...
Phylum: Cnidarians What is a Cnidarian? A cnidarian is an invertebrate It uses stinging cells to capture prey Examples: Jellyfish Corals Sea Anemones Body Structure ...
Kingdom Animalia Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic with no cell walls Heterotrophs (consumers) Have a nervous system to respond to their environment ...
... but the two species which infect man are T. saginata and T. solium External Features: Tatnia saginata has four large muscular suckers; no mouth or hooks exist.
SURABAYA METODE ILMIAH Tahapan Penelitian Ilmiah meliputi : STANDAR KOMPETENSI KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR Memahami haki kat Biologi seba gai ilmu 1.1 ...
This kingdom is made up of all the living organisms we refer to as animals. ... oviparous . This means they lay eggs. ... almost all are born alive and drink ...
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTES Platyhelmintes berasal dari kata platy= pipih, helmintes= cacing Merupakan kelompok hewan yang struktur tubuhnya lebih maju dibandingkan ...
Coral Reefs Location of Reefs Found between 30 north and 30 south Reason: coral reefs do not thrive in areas where the surface temperature is below 70 F Two areas ...
Pencernaan Tumbuhan hijau tergolong Autotrof, karena dapat membuat makanan sendiri dari senyawa anorganik sederhana karbondioksida dan air menjadi senyawa organik ...
BAB IX DUNIA HEWAN Struktur tubuh bintang laut Sistem ambulakral pada bintang laut Madreporit Saluran radial Saluran cincin Ampula Testa Pediselaria Kaki ambulakral ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: GES GES Last modified by: Coast Tsimshian Academy Created Date: 11/5/2002 12:14:22 AM Document presentation format
LANGKAH-LANGKAH KLASIFIKASI MAKHLUK HIDUP Retno Astri R IPA LANGKAH-LANGKAH Identifikasi Pengelompokkan Pemberian nama Pengelompokkan Dilakukan berdasarkan ...
ANIMALIA SMA N 1 GALUR Peranan Echinodermata bagi kehidupan Merupakan detritivor atau pemakan detritus, sehingga dapat berguna untuk membersihkan laut dari sampah ...
KEANEKARAGAMAN TINGKAT KEANEKARAGAMAN: Keanekaragaman Gen Gen adalah faktor pembawa sifat yang terletak dalam kromosom Komponen dasar kimia gen semua mahluk hidup sama
As an adult the sponge is sessile, or attached to the bottom. Entirely marine species ... Coiled shape. Anus is above head. Sea slugs lose shell as adults ...
KEANEKARAGAMAN TINGKAT KEANEKARAGAMAN: Keanekaragaman Gen Gen adalah faktor pembawa sifat yang terletak dalam kromosom Komponen dasar kimia gen semua mahluk hidup sama
d. Example: sharks, rays, skates. Phylum: Chordata cont. 3. ... produce milk - nurse young. e. Two pairs of limbs. f. High functioning brain and sense organs ...
To introduce you to several characteristics found in animals and the range of ... Pisces (fishes) Amphibia frogs newts etc (smooth skin) Reptiles lizards ...
Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Hasil Tangkapan/GDP Ketahanan Pangan Ikani Slide 12 Slide 13 Produksi beberapa komoditas pangan menurut propinsi (kg/kap/thn) ...
... of Mountains ' ... Mountain Zones. In general, temperature drops about 1.5oC for every 300m ... Consequently, mountain zones have some of the highest ...