NetZealous LLC trademarks are registered under respective trademark protection agencies with the appropriate descriptions. NetZealous LLC is a trademark Registered under class 41.
This webinar will describe the regulatory and business requirements for Excel spreadsheets, using examples from FDA recommendations. It will then cover the design and installation of those Excel Spreadsheets, to ensure the integrity of the data, and will discuss how to ensure 21 CFR 11 compliance during the development, installation and maintenance of a spreadsheet application.
A combination product is a product composed of any combination of a drug and a device; a biological product and a device; a drug and a biological product; or a drug, device, and a biological product.
NetZealous LLC is the proud owner of five illustrious brands that shape the destiny of professionals around the world with its highly valued professional trainings.
In any organization, continuing professional education is a very high need. In any industry, the adage, “change is the only constant” rings true. Each and every line of business or human activity is prone to change, something no organization can stay exempt or isolated from. The more an organization is open to accepting change; the more it is likely to stay ahead of the race. The opposite is equally true. The more the competition, the greater should be the urge to accept change for the simple reason that if you don’t accept change, your competition will do so more quickly than you!
Professional trainings are the lifeblood of those who want to progress in their careers. It is the surest and most important ladder to professional growth. North America, of which the US makes up a major part, is believed to be the world’s largest market for professional trainings. The North American market for professional trainings for 2015 was estimated at about $ 160 billion, which means it makes up close to half the world’s market, which is put at $ 355 billion. The global market for professional trainings grew by over ten percent over the previous year, the highest growth rate in five years.