Some people without inborn hearing loss, connexin26(CX26) and connexin30(CX30) work together to form the cochlea's hybrid junction gaps.In this gene, which is to produce it is the largest genetic bilateral deafness and hearing impairment is called to DFNB1.for more details visit this link
'Targeted Ablation of Connexin26 in the Inner Ear Epithelial Gap Junction Network ... 'Human Connexin26 (GJB2) Deafness Mutations Affect the Function of Gap Junction ...
Hearing loss problem can affect the development of kids.For the better development hearing loss fitting kits are very necessary.Hearing aid fitting kit for kids is a ppt to know about the Causes of hearing loss,Need for hearing test ,Kinds of hearing aids, Need for cochlear implant in kids and its cost , Difference between Hearing aid and Cochlear implant and the prevention you should keep in mind before using hearing aid kits for kids.
Hearing loss problem can affect the development of kids.For the better development hearing loss fitting kits are very necessary.Hearing aid fitting kit for kids is a ppt to know about the Causes of hearing loss,Need for hearing test ,Kinds of hearing aids, Need for cochlear implant in kids and its cost , Difference between Hearing aid and Cochlear implant and the prevention you should keep in mind before using hearing aid kits for kids.
Research on noise-induced hearing loss in Sweden Ann-Christin Johnson PhD Karolinska Institutet Dept. Clinical Science, Intervention and Technique, Unit of Audiology
Aspects of the disorder/disease that you should include in your ... Huntington's Disease. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Marfan's syndrome. Neurofibromatisis ...