Title: CPS 270 (Artificial Intelligence at Duke): Introduction Author: Vincent Conitzer Last modified by: Vincent Conitzer Document presentation format
Title: CPS 270 (Artificial Intelligence at Duke): Game Theory Author: Vincent Conitzer Last modified by: Vincent Conitzer Created Date: 8/15/2006 6:17:12 PM
Title: CPS 270 (Artificial Intelligence at Duke): Introduction to probability Author: Vincent Conitzer Last modified by: Vincent Conitzer Document presentation format
Game playing Rich tradition of creating game-playing programs in AI Many similarities to search Most of the games studied have ... tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, Go, ...
Title: CPS 270 (Artificial Intelligence at Duke): Wrapping up Author: Vincent Conitzer Last modified by: Vincent Conitzer Created Date: 8/15/2006 6:17:12 PM