Once the exclusive realm of a visionary verge movement, cryptocurrencies have lately become appealing to conservative retail investors. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the estimation of cryptocurrencies sky-rocketed, reaching a market capitalisation of $2 trillion+. Cybercriminals are always searching for the proverbial chink in crypto security’s armour to make money. Cryptocurrencies are now in their crosshairs. Android crypto mining scams are the new plague. Security researchers at a prominent lab have identified 170+ Android apps, including 25 on Google Play, scamming cryptocurrency zealots. Many of them are available globally. These apps trumpet their providing cloud cryptocurrency mining services for a fee. But, post analysis, you find that no cloud crypto mining takes place in reality.
When you hear of crypto mining, you perhaps let your mind wander off to the wild Western fantasy of cowboys and adventurers shovelling dirt inside a mountain’s base – and sudden riches. The analogy is not all that far-fetched. There’s a lot of the Wild West in the crypto mining realm. It is every bit crazy and, as of now, sans regulation. The Wild West is where you’d expect scammers armed with audacious schemes smacking of shenanigans and skulduggeries. Small wonder that crypto mining scams are becoming enough of a nuisance to justify a systematic response from honest consumers. Top 4 Crypto Mining Scams would be alarming, but simultaneously, educational since tackling these, we would know the efficacy of our vigilance.
We offer a collaborative crypto mining platform that brings cryptocurrency enthusiasts together to mine the most current and profitable coin available each week. Offering hash power contracts gives Mintage miners competitive access to new mining opportunities.
The illegal beach mining scam has gravely affected VV Minerals India, the largest sand beach mining company in India. While the investigating committee is yet to reach its verdict, there has been no evidence to suggest any illegal activities on behalf of the company. VV Mineral Vaikundarajan believes that the new policy and government’s initiatives will bring hope to the mining industry.
It seemed that every week I was doing an Oil and Gas Play. Alternative energy plays were very popular…biofuels and solar, too. BUT, the clear winner over the past year has been the Lithium mining sector. I saw a succession of mining plays like LIEG, AMEL, LTUM, BHWX and AMLM parade across the paid promotion universe. They did just want “pump and dumps” should do…they skyrocketed and then fell. They all has slick, professional websites that touted that Lithium was the “energy source of the future”. It may well be, but these companies are very far away from being viable companies.
Genesis Mining is one of the biggest cloud mining tasks in this world. This crypto currency world start from small beginnings and developed into a worldwide powerhouse in under five years.
Crypto mining is a procedure where transactions for various kinds of cryptocurrency are verified and also cover in the blockchain digital journal. One thing is very clear for everyone, what is the way toward 'mining' that makes Bitcoins and how does the blockchain innovation supporting the digital currency.
Future Market Insights has recently published a market research report on Global Crescent Crypto Asset Management market. The study presents a detailed analysis on the historical data, current and future market scenario for the Crescent Crypto Asset Management market.
Crypto asset management enables investors to eliminate the need for managing offline and online wallets, exchanges balance and accounts separately, and facilitate a single platform control to improve portfolio management.
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Be aware of these common 7 Bitcoin scams before making your investments on BTC/ any other cryptocurrencies. Read the full article at: https://www.epixelmlmsoftware.com/blogs/7-bitcoin-scams-to-be-aware-of
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The year 2013 was full of discoveries. A whole lot of illegal beach sand mining scams came to the surface and all involved by their own fault or others misunderstanding were brought under the governmental as well as the media radar. However, it is interesting to see that not Tamil Nadu but other states have also been suffering from alleged illegal beach sand mining.
The following presentation gives details about the truth behind illegal heavy mineral mining in Tamil Nadu which has been discussed highly in the last few years. VV Minerals, the leading heavy mineral mining company in Tamil Nadu has been wrongly accused in this scam. To find out more please watch the presentation below:
The recent allegations of illegal sand beach mining has caused quite a stir in the export industry. The state government has set up an investigation team to look into the matter. One company to find itself in the midst of the controversy is VV Minerals. Founded by S Vaikundarajan in the late 1980s, VV Mineral Mining is one of the largest mining companies in the country. It is also known to be the largest producer and exporter of Garnet and Ilmenite.
As we all know, Crypto market newest among all other trading markets. The first cryptocurrency was introduced in the year 2009, and since then, the crypto market has experienced various highs and lows. Despite all this, the crypto market is still trending. All those people, who were once sceptical about trading cryptocurrency have become full-fledged crypto traders. In this post, we will show you how the general trading market shifted to crypto trading. But before this, we must learn about the general trading market as well as crypto-trading in brief.
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The allegations were further aggravated when V Sundaram, the first district collector of Tirunelveli, sent a letter to the Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu. The letter targeted VV Mineral and accused it of amassing several crore rupees through illegal sand beach mining. The director of VV Mineral Mining, V Subramanian, dismissed all the allegations as a conspiracy theory against the company. “Sundaram is passing this as a cruel joke. He is on the payroll of our business rival... Our hands are clear. We will come out clear from these allegations. Our records are straight,” Ravindram Duraiswami, advocate for VV Mineral told NDTV.
World Nuclear Association (WNA), a global body of nuclear industry, reported that India hosts up to 3,00,000 tonnes of Thorium deposit. Unfortunately, the beach minerals in India have seen a significant decline in the last few years. Going by the reports, close to 2,00,000 tonnes of Thorium Oxide stands missing in India. Additionally, monazite quantity along the Indian coastline has seen a decrease by more than 2.1 million tonnes. It is a known fact that VV Minerals India is one of the largest producer of Garnet an Ilmenite. When the reports of missing Thorium Oxide were circulated, naturally, fingers were pointed at one of the biggest exporters in India. The company finds itself surrounded by allegations concerning illegal beach sand mining as stakeholders scrutinize a possible scam.
The following presentation contains information about the report presented by the Department of Geology and Mining and the Indian Bureau of Mines which states that VV Mineral is proven innocent in the illegal mining case. In a news article published on Business Standard on October 28, 2013, the claims on the VV Minerals, were dismissed. It also provided information about their mining activities in India. They are the largest Ilmenite manufacturers and exporters in India. They are the first private ilmenite exporters of India. VV Minerals India has a huge market share in Europe, Middle East, East Asia, Australia and USA. They are based in Tamil Nadu and the company is owned by Mr. S. Vaikundarajan.
http://www.nbc12.com/story/17388588/dscr-reacts-to-international-conspiracy http://promotion.blackhawk-mining.com/ CHESTERFIELD, VA (WWBT) - For the first time, the Commander at the Defense Supply Center of Richmond (DSCR) is speaking out about an international conspiracy that sent a serial fraudster to prison for life. Those involved say the scam could have put our troops in harms way had it not been caught by the Department of Defense at the Chesterfield County operation. It sounds so much like a movie script, and takes place at a closely guarded site, home to one of Central Virginia's largest employers.
The world’s largest reserve of Thorium can be found on the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. If the current reports are anything to go by, the Thorium deposits on Indian shores have seen a considerable decline. While the reason could be erosion, illegal export of minerals has been cited as the major problem behind this depletion. For a long time, VV Minerals has been the highest stakeholder of the mining business in these areas. While there is no evidence to justify illegal actions on behalf of the company, the scam has already done a considerable amount of damage to its reputation.
VV Minerals India’s involvement in the alleged illegal beach mining scam that has been revealed in south India is baseless. The mining company giant has been cleared by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). There is very little paperwork and actual proof to prove VV Mineral India’s involvement in the scam.
VV Minerals India was recently falsely blamed of being at the helm of an alleged illegal beach mining scam. S Vaikundarajan is confident that this is a rivals attack on his success and forerunner position. However, the rude shock came with the claims of Vaikundarajan and politicians being in cohorts.
“Cryptocurrency has been around for over a decade now, but it’s only in recent years that it’s gained significant attention, especially from young people.” said Clark Swanson, former CEO of Blockcap, Inc., one of the world’s largest bitcoin mining operations prior to its acquisition in 2022 for $1.46 billion.
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VV Minerals India which had deftly filed a complaint against erring authorities is finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As per a recent ruling by the High Court of Tamil Nadu, VV Minerals along with another mining company has been acquitted of charges and has additionally ruled a renewed probe in favour of the mining companies.
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As per some reports, the thorium deposit on the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala have seen depletion over the last few years. The two states are well-known for being world’s largest reserves of Thorium. The reason for this depletion has been cited as one of the biggest illegal beach mining scam by some companies. However, evidence confirming the same are missing from the scene.
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A thorium scam was brought to fore and forgotten. However, many aspects that have been defined and made public knowledge are questionable. Some of those aspects being the crores of rupees claimed to be missing, the missing monazite and other rare minerals. Over and above the volume of the alleged illegal export seems a little too colossal.
News about a thorium scam has been doing the rounds these days and VV minerals being accused of it. However, after an investigation into the matter it was proved that VV Minerals and company owner S. Vaikundarajan is not guilty and this case has been unnecessarily hyped.
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