Title: The Success of E-Commerce May Hinge on a Fundamental Human Right, Privacy: How to Deliver Author: IPC Last modified by: Christine Floros Created Date
Patientory.com. Learn how PTOYMatrix network solves limitations currently facing electronic health record systems, primarily privacy limitations. Your Health, at your fingertips. Visit Now Patientory.com.
The global blockchain in healthcare market was valued at $110.30 million in 2018 & is estimated to generate net revenue of approximately $3747.46 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 47.23%.
Authenticity, accountability, and excellent customer experience are the building blocks that sustain customer loyalty in the long run. Businesses need to be vocal about how responsible they are when it comes to consumer data privacy and security. Needless-to-say, brands that put consumers in charge of how their data is collected and used can reduce customer churn by a considerable margin. Read this PPT to know more about securing consumer data and privacy.