Base pairing allows each strand to serve as a pattern for a new strand (a template) ... Enzymes: Helicase ...
Do Now What is DNA? Why is it important? Who helped to discover DNA and it s structure? Draw a picture of what you think DNA looks like. * Protein synthesis DNA ...
Chromosomes Strands of DNA that contain all of the genes an organism needs to survive and reproduce Genes Segments of DNA that specify how to build a protein
Der Weg der Proteine Zellalltag einer menschlichen Zelle Zellalltag einer menschlichen Zelle DNA ... ...
DNA -double helix shape -like a winding staircase. Composed of 4 bases. Guanine ... double helix shape of DNA. -(although they actually used the work of other ...
DNA Replication The reason why most of us don t have three eyes. The Three Requirements of Genetic Material Must be able to replicate. Must control the expression ...
Part 2 of excerpts chosen by Winfried Just from: Molecular Biology Primer Angela Brooks, Raymond Brown, Calvin Chen, Mike Daly, Hoa Dinh, Erinn Hama, Robert Hinman ...
Conservative replication an entirely new double stranded DNA molecule is produced ... Proteins Involved in DNA Replication. Presynthesis. Topoisomerase ...
... half of the DNA ladder serves as a template for making the other. ... swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/0072437316/120076/micro04.swf::DNA Replicat ion Fork ...
... DNA's double helix. X-ray diffraction. Molecule is bombarded ... Rosalind Franklin & her X-ray diffraction image of DNA. Arrangement of DNA: Structure: ...
The Cell Cycle. Interphase and Mitosis. The Cell Cycle ... During the S phase of the cell cycle, DNA replicates. A short section of the DNA uncoils. ...
... material, the race was on to identify the shape of this material. In 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick proposed that DNA is in the shape of a double helix. ...
Introduction to Biology September 17th 2004 Nancy Van Driessche (email: Overview of What is a cell? : ...
1928 Griffith transformation a change in the genotype and ... tal/adn/adn_frag.gif ...
... arrangement of the nitrogen bases between the two strands. A = T. G C ... One old strand serves as a template (pattern), on which the other new strand is built. ...
Gene Annotation (cooperative ... Watson & Crick with DNA model Rosalind Franklin with X-ray image of DNA DNA: ... Major events in the history of Molecular Biology ...
A purine is bonded to a complementary pyrimidine Bases ... tRNA tRNAs attach to a specific amino acid and carry it to the ribosome There are 20 amino acids 61 ...
How Do Individuals of a Species Differ? Why Bioinformatics? ... Chromosomes = bookshelves. Genes = books ... Cell Information: Instruction book of Life ...
Starts by the DNA strand unzipping ... Each unzipped strand produces its complimentary strand ... Unzipping a portion of DNA. RNA polimerase makes complimentary ...