Dr. Brian Cable, MD specializes in orthopedic surgery with a subspecialty in sports medicine and upper extremities. He enjoys outdoors activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and tennis. He graduated from UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine and is a proud father of three.
Dr. Brian Cable’s medical career is centered around serving others. He is an orthopedic surgeon who enjoys the physical and cognitive challenges of his field. He was a Fellow at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and advocates for proper orthopedic practice to improve his patients’ quality of life.
Dr. Brian Cable, MD is a practicing orthopedic surgeon whose subspecialty is sports medicine. He has consulted for telemedicine and practiced privately, serving his patients in multiple ways. Dr. Cable received his medical degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and has practiced medicine in Pennsylvania and California.
Dr. Brian Cable is licensed to practice medicine in Pennsylvania and California. He is a medical consultant and Chief Medical Advisor for No World Borders—a medical group providing expert witness, EHR forensics, medical bill review and data analytics for medical providers. Dr. Cable graduated from UCLA with his undergraduate degree in molecular biology before obtaining his medical degree at David Geffen school of Medicine. He is a father of three who lends his expertise to clinics in underserved areas.
Dr Brian Cable MD is passionate about staying fit and feels that it's his responsibility as a medical professional to encourage other people to do the same. Dr Brian Cable MD was a member of three honor societies during his time in college: Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Omega Alpha.