George Enescu (1881–1955) is considered the most important Romanian musician. He was a composer, a violinist, a teacher, a pianist and a conductor, a complex and brilliant artistic personality. The town of Sinaia and Luminiş Villa held a special significance for George Enescu, who considered them his places of refuge. Enescu was both sentimentally and professionally connected to this town, mainly due to Queen Elisabeth's support of his musical career. Relatively isolated among the Bucegi Mountains, Luminiş Villa becomes his main retreat. The villa is furnished and decorated with elements from both Romanian and Asian cultures. The marble bust of Enescu, situated at the entrance into the villa, is the work of Ion Iriminescu.
BRD Societe Generale Music: Romanian Rhapsody by George Enescu * Romanian Academy National Bank Former Royal residence Memorial House Titulescu House Ghica The ...
Vila a fost construită între anii 1923-1926, de arhitectul Radu Dudescu, din banii aduși de activitatea concertistică a maestrului. Realizată într-un stil autentic românesc, și integrată armonios în ambianța inspiratoare a munților Bucegi, vila „Luminiș” avea să fie atât un loc de inspirație pentru o parte semnificativă a creației enesciene, cât și un loc de recreere, maestrul locuind aici timp de 20 de ani, între 1926 și 1946
Acad. Prof. Dr. Honoris Causa Ion Irimescu (1903 – 2005) was one of Romania's greatest sculptors and sketchers as well as a Member of the Romanian Academy. In 2001 he was awarded the Prize of Excellence for Romanian Culture. He is often referred to as the "patriarch of Romanian art and sculpture" The "Ion Irimescu" Art Museum Building, a historical monument, was built in the mid nineteenth century and had various destinations, until 1974 when it was assigned to the art museum.
Ion Irimescu (1903 – 2005) was one of Romania's greatest sculptors. He is the successor of a golden generation of Romanian sculpture from Dimitrie Paciurea, Oscar Han, Ion Jalea, Gheorghe Anghel to the unique Constantin Brâncusi. In addition to the work the artist donated to his home town, many of his works are present in the great museums of the country such as National Art Museum of Romania, Moldova Iaşi National Museum Complex, Art Museum in Constanța, Visual Art Museum in Galați, Art Museum in Cluj, but also in foreign museums (National Gallery of Art in London, the Outdoor Museum in Middelhein-Anvers-Belgium, Ambrosian Library in Milan, Art Museum in Tel-Aviv etc.), in private collections in the country and abroad.
SLIDESHOW - Acad. Prof. Dr. Honoris Causa Ion Irimescu (1903 – 2005) was one of Romania's greatest sculptors and sketchers as well as a Member of the Romanian Academy. In 2001 he was awarded the Prize of Excellence for Romanian Culture. His works have been exhibited around the world (Paris, Moscow, Belgrade, Budapest, Istanbul, Warsaw, Rome, Prague, Oslo, Tokyo, etc). He is often referred to as the "patriarch of Romanian art and sculpture"
Six Romanian traditions are currently on the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Căluş ritual (2008), the traditional song Doina (2009), the craftsmanship of Horezu ceramics (2012), the Christmas-time ritual of men’s group Colindat (caroling) (2013), the lad’s dances” (2015) and the wall-carpet craftsmanship in Romania and the Republic of Moldova (2016). Tehnicile tradiţionale de realizare a scoarţei în România şi Republica Moldova sunt înscrise pe Lista Reprezentativă a Patrimoniului Cultural Imaterial al Umanităţii UNESCO. Pe Lista Reprezentativă a Patrimoniului Cultural Imaterial al Umanităţii, România a fost înscrisă cu șase elemente culturale imateriale: „Ritualul Căluşului” (2008); „Doina” (2009); „Tehnici de prelucrare a ceramicii de Horezu” (2012); „Colindatul de ceată bărbătească în România şi Republica Moldova” (2013); „Jocul fecioresc” (2015) și „Tehnicile de realizare a scoarţei în România şi Republica Moldova” (2016)
Romanian gymnast, winner of three Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal The first female gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an ...
Romulus Guga (1939-1983), poet, prozator şi dramaturg român, redactor-şef al revistei Vatra, pe care a înfiinţat-o (serie nouă, mureşeană), în anul 1971. „…o, cine va ști c-am trecut ca o lacrimă pe obrazul acestei planete albastre?”
It springs from Black Forest in Germany (Brege)The Danube flows into the Black ... Periploca graeca the only one liana in Europe. Enot dog. Special reeds ...
Ciucea is famous for the Octavian Goga Memorial Museum, which is set in a beautiful castle. Octavian Goga (1881 –1938) was a Romanian poet, politician, playwright, journalist, and translator. (For a short period, Goga became Prime Minister of Romania). According to his wish, after his death was buried here in the garden.
Nadia Elena Comaneci (born November 12, 1961) is a Romanian gymnast, winner of ... for a woman of that epoch, so she was sent to the front rather reluctantly. ...
... for holiday apartments, at the seaside or in the mountains, in Romania or abroad, ... banking offers for the purchase of dwelling or holiday apartments. ...
A systematic review of literature and meta-synthesis of evidence for mandatory personal therapy in counselling and psychotherapy education: a report on progress
My Research Projects at the U. Boolean Reasoning Engines (concluded) ... Gulf War, Patriot Missile (28 dead, SCUD) German Parliament: 5.0% versus 4.97% (2-bits! ...
... of different regimes actuating at different times and ... appear to actuate within aftershock sequences and which do not seem to obey a general principle. ...
Artistul Br ncu i Constantin Brancusi Sensibilitatea artistica a secolului al XX-lea s-a intrupat in structuri atat de diverse, incat sistematizarea ...
PROGETTO COMENIUS MULTILATERALE EPEITE Ecole - Patrimoine - Esprit Initiative Touristique - Europe Il presente progetto finanziato con il sostegno della ...
RTL Synthesis of Arithmetic Datapaths. Vijay Durairaj PhD Chris Condrat BS/MS ... MODD: DAG representation of polynomials over GF(2m) [Pradhan, IWLS 05, DATE 04] ...
Aplica ii ale integralei definite Volumul corpului de rota ie Volumul corpurilor de rotatie O alta aplicatie a calculului integral (a integralei definite) o ...
LOCATION: Eastern Europe, bordered by Ukraine (N and E), Moldova (NE) ... NATIONAL HOLIDAY: Unification Day (of Romania and Transylvania), December 1st (1918) ...
Title: Pr sentation PowerPoint Last modified by: Dragoi Ioana Document presentation format: Affichage l' cran Other titles: Times New Roman Arial Arial Unicode ...
PROJET COMENIUS MULTILATERALE -E.P.E.I.T.E. Ecole - Patrimoine - Esprit Initiative Touristique - Europe Ce projet a t financ avec le soutien de la Commission ...
Roxana Elena Lazar ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, ROMANIA. March 16, 2005. Outline of presentation. Energy trends in Romania. Energy administration and institutions ...