How are fascicles arranged in the various types of muscles, and what are the ... separated by epicranial aponeurosis. Platysma: covers anterior surface of neck ...
Ex. 15 Types of Muscles Agonists (Prime Movers ) muscles that are primarily responsible for producing a particular movement Antagonist muscles that oppose or ...
Principle Skeletal Muscles 1 Muscles of Facial Expression, Muscles that Move the Mandible and Muscles that Move the Eyeballs Muscles of Facial Expression The muscles ...
Principle Skeletal Muscles 1 Muscles of Facial Expression, Muscles that Move the Mandible and Muscles that Move the Eyeballs Flexors Origins Humerus or Humerus ...
DEFINITION It is the soft tissue covering the Norma Verticalis ( vault of the skull) . EXTENSION It extends from the superciliary arches anteriorly to the external ...
Head, Neck, and Face Kinesiology Flash Cards Directions The first asks a question. The second answers the question. Use these s like flash cards to ...
Eyelids = palpebrae. External Ear = auricle, lobule = soft portion ... muscle causing drooping of the eyelid, a clinical symptom indicating more loss ...
FACE, EYELIDS, LACRIMAL APPARATUS & SCALP Steven J. Zehren, Ph.D. This is a GREAT PLATE because it highlights the fact that the TRIGEMINAL N. IS THE CHIEF SENSORY ...
Transverse part sometimes called compressor nasi and alar part dilatator nasi ... Sometimes considered part of alar portion of nasalis. 19. Procerus. O: Fascia ...
Zero Birth Injury Initiative Phillip N. Rauk, MD Associate Professor, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women s Health ...
2- there is small tiny internal cystic changes. Daignosis :DNET 3- MARKES ... They occur in young patients (age range one week to thirty years) who usually ...
C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: NEURAL TISSUE Two organ systems coordinate and direct activities of body Nervous system Swift, brief responses to ...
Direction of fibers: direction of fiber in relation to midline or long axis of bone. ... oblique - run diagonally. Muscle Function: Names. Number of origins: ...